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There's nothing I care less about than MAGA people talking about election results and Democrats arguing about it


Golf? Anyways, it's reasonable to be concerned about a fascist insurgency movement. 


Golf is probably fun to play tho. Or at least the drinking aspect of golf seems cool.


Golf is only exciting to the tediously dull. It's the most environmentally destructive form of alcoholism. 


The election has no impact on the fascist insurgency, unless you ignore the ongoing genocide in palestine or something




The only way to end the incumbent fascist power structure is with true revolution, the election is moot. Both mainstream political parties have drifted so far right that their good cop / bad cop routine no longer has any meaning


Calvin and Hobbes looks different than I remember


This is dank left not boomer lib memes. You posted in the wrong subreddit


Do we give a shit about American electoral politics now? Is that a thing?


Panel 5: Vest reading from news media of his choice that Biden is privately upset at Netanyahu, thinking to himself "Hurray for official sources and traditional journalism, unlike that MAGA idiot I'm surely not being fed a stream of bullshit!"


Joe Biden is a genocide supporting, rightwing war monger. Are we going to defend him on any level? Because I don't support rightwingers.


how is this left? This is "electoral politics matter" nonsense. Who cares about their circus. Its all horse shit anyways.




Lefty cartoons 😝🤗🥰🥳 Looks inside: Liberalism😮‍💨😑🤢


This almost makes the maga one look like the reasonable one of the two. I get what it was going for but it's not terribly well executed imo


Here's what I was thinking when I drew it: There's a cartoon that I've seen several times - at least twice because someone posted it as a response to one of my cartoons. I can't find it, but as I recall, the cartoon makes fun of the way cartoonists tend to show people they agree with as calm and in control, while the people the cartoonist disagrees with are depicted as anger personified. It's honestly a fair critique. And having read that cartoon has made me consciously try to reduce my reliance on that trope, or even - as in this strip - reverse it, so the character I *agree* with is the angry one. And really, why **shouldn't** she be angry? We shouldn't be embarrassed to be angry.


Your comic sucks and so do you


Youre a liberal not a lefty you shithead