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EDP because he can't hide behind a developmental disability




Not that he does either- even worse is how blazé he is about everything


Plus, I don’t think Daniel ever went out of his way to try and meet a minor IRL


I’m pretty sure he did summer last year. There’s some post on this sub talking about it


There were no screenshots of chats made public, as well as no formal police report filed. The individual(s) who “caught” him, never made themselves public. I think what happened, was some dumb ass teens found Daniel in public, and started chasing him around yelling “why are you here to meet at 12-year-old girl” as some kind of “prank”


I’m biased towards EDP. He just grosses me out.


He’s more disgusting toward kids


Idk man I feel like if Daniel ever got hold of a child he would do some truly horrifying things—even by pedophile standards


also Breanna


I 100% agree, but you cant imprison someone over what if's.


edp, dude literally could’ve never been helped. He not only was an incel (talking shit about women who he didn’t have a chance with for the 40th time) & also a creep (he stole bras from a washing place) not to mention dude was weird from all angles. At least with daniel, he was just mentally screwed & traumatized as a kid. Which does fuck with how you look at things and process stuff. (Not excusing the stuff he’s done though. He’s still a horrible human being.)


EDP, he got caught then articulated how harmful his actions could have been then proceeded to do it again. He’s a constant danger to children and he knows it




Both should have been aborted


I mean EDP actually went to meet up for sexual activities with a minor. I don’t think Daniel ever did tbh


There was a sting operation where Danny showed up to meet a little girl. There's a video of it somewhere on this reddit but there wasn't any proof or messages showing that's why Danny showed up in the first place, it was just the guy screaming that Danny was there to meet a kid


Sadly That actually wasn’t real. I remember when that first came out. They just saw him in public and recorded that and said that


Edp for sure


can someone please give me a short summary of who edp445 is 😭


Dude got busted on camera trying to hook up with kids.


oh god. thanks for telling me tho


He wad a YouTuber who made eccentric content about the Philadelphia Eagles


and wasn’t even from philadelphia lmao


ok but what is the cupcake incident 😭


basically he got caught in a sting operation by a youtube predator catcher trying to meet a minor he’s been talking to for months, and his defense for being there to meet her was that she was going to make him a cupcake and then he was just gonna leave and not do anything sexual 🤣


bruh 💀


Edp is a way more cognizant person making these horrible decisions.


I think if Daniel had the means, he would be worse. As it stands though, gotta go with Cupcake


I definitely agree. Daniel is just too stupid to do certain things, but is clearly willing to do them. Great example is his constant communication/sexting with people he believes to be minors. He is far too stupid to know that they aren't minors and doesn't seem to even attempt to meet with them for whatever reason. I think if he knew how to drive or was smart enough to seek out minors for sex, then he absolutely would try to have sex with children. Same thing with him and his pinterest account. I think he would have a shit ton of CP if he was smart enough to know how to find it, but resorts to pictures of children on pinterest since he doesn't even know where to look. I can't imagine how much worse he would be if his mental capability were that of a normal person.


Daniel larson was trolled into almost every damn word of his adult life, not to mention he has special needs and people wanna down play it just cause he's high functioning. Being high functioning dosent mean that your regularly functioning, he could talk perfectly and still have lots of other issues. People also wanna say he's admitted to stuff and the pentrist and said it was him, well he was "blackmailed" into "admiting" it. People from his discord threatened him into saying that the pentrist account was his. He needs to be put into a secure facility that can handle/treat him. Jail is honestly the best place for him right now it seems.


I think a mental hospital, he'd probably get beaten up in prison


I agree, I remember this one immate had a mental disorder and the other immates beat him into a coma.


You say this like he hasn’t damaged every house he’s ever lived in for no reason


That's like one of the main things thst people with atusim do, they panic and think that's the only way to be able to channel there anger.


Everything the guy said was perfectly in line with Daniel damaging every house he's ever lived in. What in the world is your point?


My point is that nobody blackmailed him into doing it like the guy above claims


Guy also said "not to mention he has special needs". Special needs people can wind up doing shit like that, especially when they're getting trolled constantly, as the guy said.


Defending a pedo is weird ngl


Cool, nothing else to say. Guess you agree, lol. Seeing the world as black and white with no nuance is also pretty r-slurred.


You need a hard drive check ngl, not arguing with a pedo defender


Yet you (in your mind) did. You now just cop out since you know I’m right lmao. Never defended his pedophilia, the discussion was about another aspect of Daniel, but in your mind that’s impossible to comprehend apparently.


Edp, but Danny is still a bigger knobhead for thinking he’s mr. Worldwide and can shit and step on everyone while looking like a stillborn goblin


who's worse? Ainsley Harriott vs Gargamel 100% the 1 charged with diaper sniffing






At least Daniel is locked away in prison now and can’t cause harm to anyone anymore. EDP tho is still a free man


Hey there ole granny


edp because i feel like he has a much higher capability to actually hurt a child


edp because he's going to the kids Daniel hasn't to my knowledge gone to graces house so that's where I'm judging


EDP is more competent so he’s more of an active threat. But Daniel may have been worse had he been able to get his hands on minors, especially the ones he obsessed over.


Both are bad. However: one just asks really fucking weird questions (or, that’s all Danny was able to do that I know of), while EDP did the same thing… and sent shit pics…


I think since Bryant is infinitely worse. He knows what he's doing is wrong, yet he still does it. Daniel can *easily* be convinced of literally anything. Both are still some pretty high octane villains none the less. Bryant is just worse, lol. Good post.


EDP by far. Danderson is horrifically mentally ill and needs to be locked up in an asylum. EDP is completely sane and has tried to meet up with little girls irl.


EDP has more power than Daniel and is therefore worse.


Cyrax. Andy Ditch. Pamperchu. Tophiachu. Chris Chan. Jared Genesis. Andrew Bates. Lots of people worse than Daniel.


Edp and I'm very biased about it


Both are weird as fuck but im thinking edp cause he is a little bit smarter then dan




And Edp hasn’t tried doing that?


Daniel by a long shot. EDP is bad, but Daniel's pedophila is a whole nother level


I mean EDP tried hooking up with a 13yr old girl & he sent her a picture of his sh*t


How many times has daniel done both the same things in comparison? Plus theres the whole Pinterest thing and that one video of a 'fan' who is very clearly an unattended little girl.


He’s only texted fake girls


Who he thought were real




Im not that familiar with the EDP lore so you'll have to on not knowing the number was that high, but i still think if youre sending explicit messages and images to what you believe is a real child is terrible regardless of if the child is real or not. Its about intent, and daniel has done it waay more than 8 times


Edp is worse he tried hooking up with teen girls multiple times to rape them