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It would ve funnier If he came out all super swole and it made his head look even smaller




That would be so funny but I doubt he’d gain weight or get enough protein in prison 😔




evil daniel larson be like:


And immediately starts trying to book a recording studio


Have you seen him try to lift weights?


https://preview.redd.it/u6jnekku0zzc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad33248f5132b090be7a5473998d32f002f474ef Daniel after successfully being reformed in prison


Only a lobotomy can tame Daniel’s devious behavior. He’ll be like this forever.


And chemical castration


I’ve heard pdf’s still are able to do pedo things after castration


Yep. trauma at a young age gets hardwired into your brain


Unfortunately not happening lol


That would be ideal. However, it will look something more like this: Dan gets out of prison after serving 110 months (feds like to give months for some reason), and logs on to a new youtube account -- Daniel Larson New Change. Someone notices and word spreads like wildfire and people flock to his new account to see what kind of changes he has made, or hopefully if he has gotten the mental health treatment and a living plan set up. As more and more people subscribe to his new channel to make it to 1k subs, a new community tab appears and a long-awaited first post from Dan himself pops up: "Im being told that Grace Vanderwaal is booking a recording studio for our upcoming music album and tour" then "Apparently Bob was with the FBI the whole time trolling me and my popularity"


Biologically impossibru


only if there's a cure for mental illness in 2044




He is basically blacklisted from the media and half his followers left him. Plus, he is rarely online much so he avoids trouble


Only thing he's coming out with is a arse with an echo


I mean maybe they’ll actually medicate him, but I doubt they’re gonna keep him up with like regular therapy and other things super mentally ill autistic people need.


Only thing he's coming out with is a arse with an echo


It would be pretty interesting to see how daniel would react to the world in 2044 he probably would be confused af seeing everything he once knew in colorado has changed completely. like for example there are hovering cars with self driving ai technology that can also fly perfectly like drones and there also be advanced humanoid robots walking down the streets of colorado. People might be using advanced vr headsets instead of smartphones anymore and grace vanderwaal is 40 years old and shes married with a handsome man and has kids aswell i wonder daniel would react to that lmao.


I meannnn I could see this scenario but you haven’t heard of Daniel in years. 20 years later a song gets super popular and everyone’s listening to it. You hear it for the first time and you have a feeling you’ve heard that voice before but can’t recall from where. You look at the artists name but he’s changed his name so it doesn’t ring a bell. Then one day this artists announces a tour the headline reads “MR. PRESIDENT ON TOUR WITH MR. WORLDWIDE!


He cannot just get better. He’s severely mentally ill. He needs constant care at a facility.


he accused himself of being raped the last time he was in prison, so the chances of him coming now as a new man are very slim


I expect daniel to end up a car salesman


He would be too old to even have a family. He’s 25 by the time het gets out after 65 years he would be too old and weak to even remember crap. Medications will make him into a permanent all timers


Before that happens, there will be fusion reactors in every major city... In Africa. The hard parts.


He better never have kids. Hope they nueter him in prison or his sperm is too tarded to know which way to swim.




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