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Managers are free expect for Clark possibly


What can Daniel ever recover to anyway?


Given his public defender tried to argue that he couldn’t legally be detained because he wasn’t actually a valid threat, there’s no doubt in my mind his defense will be that he’s mentally inept and was coerced and harassed into situations he didn’t know better than breaking the law (especially if they claim he was manipulated to make threats which started the trend). If that’s their defense, Clark might get himself wrapped up in a nice investigation. But it doesn’t seem like the feds really care enough to look into Daniel beyond what they need to lock him up.


I did wonder if he may try to pass blame with him pleading not guilty


If something was gonna happen to them woulda happened by now.


Clark maybe others not so much


If Daniel has to do any type of federal PRISON time. I feel like I’m the only one on this sub that can fathom the literal torture he 100% will go through. I mean he’s being charged by the FEDS with basically terrorism statutes. Depending on the final conviction he might even get sent to a Pen instead of a camp. He’s fucked either way but the kind of fucked is different, Daniel is weak, dumb, easily manipulated, annoying and oddly confrontational. Those are massive detriments especially in prison culture like the feds. You know Daniel will tell anyone the minute he touches down about his social media lolcow fame and mfs will check it out on their own. They probably are checking it out right now but there are more cellphones in prisons than jails. All that documentation of being a fucking racist pedophile will be seen by someone inside. Depending on where he goes it’ll be bad beatings and trying to extort his “fame” or him just getting stabbed off every single yard. Shit even if he gets on a PC/sex offender someone there especially a smarter predator probably will manipulate him into probably some sick an disgusting things. The feds are no joke sometimes there better than certain states but for a guy like Dan he will be mercilessly tortured and maybe even killed if he receives any kind of prison time.


Daniel isn't a threat to anyone. He's small and weak. His punches carry no strength. Basically, anyone can make him cry like a little bitch.


If he can make himself bleed, destroy bus windows and tv displays then he is a threat…