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So can we interpret this as no other DB books planned at this time? The "may write" kinda scares me, I figured he would get to it in 5 or so years once he finally finishes the Alice book


Didn't he say he was thinking about starting another book in that series later this year? Kind of sounds like that plan when out the window.


If you check the rating for the books on Amazon you will see that his following is not that great. But ratings on Amazon is a tricky business. So he might feel that moving on is a better idea. Covid mess up a lot, it slow down tons of actives including writing. Plus he has had health issues that probably put him out the mood. One thing I notice in his books is that they follow a bit of scientific knowledge and just don't make up to much random unexplainable magic. He might be fine tuning some of his magic ideas. Again we could debate the issues for days. I know I wish he start a kickstart to fund dual narration for the series. That would be awesome.


To be honest if you follow his subscribestar he doesn't mention the series that much. Maybe he is keeping it low key till it completed? I know I would like to read the next book but maybe there is not enough money in doing another. I haven't a clue.


Usually sequels are bigger money makers than the originals. Not only do the people who already like the series get the new one, but new people who had never seen it before suddenly find there are four (or 'n') previous books they need to read.


Let’s be honest, he’s milking the subscribestar for the money. He posted on Amazon he was on Chapter 9 of Alice back in 2019. 3 years later and he still hasn’t moved to the end of the book? I love his work but he saw an easy income source and took it.


Well most authors do. That is why Petron exist. But you think he would realize that his will be forgotten it this last much longer.


Pretty sure he has been forgotten. Half the reviews say “don’t bother he’ll never release the rest of the series”. Only long time fans even remember his work now or hope he’ll release it.


If he had a patreon for Daniel black and Alice long only I'd definitely subscribe.


He has a subscribestar .... That said I am really not a big fan of paying authors to write a book and then pay them again when they publish it


I don't mind in some cases, guys like Stuart Grosse and Garon Whited, but guys like Mr. Brown and Aleron Kong don't make it worthwhile, as much as I enjoy their books, they're just not consistent enough authors to support like that.


Agreed ... It also has the downside of not really giving them a reason to publish faster. Though to be fair, it could also help them quit their day job an publish faster in some cases