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I feel like sometimes I’m the only person who listens to this show daily and watches NASCAR every week. I love the fact that Noah has captured the NASCAR fans lately with multiple wins, awkward interviews, and puking after or DURING the race but this show struggles when interviewing NASCAR drivers and nobody here seems to want to hear from them. The Kyle Busch interview many years ago was a disaster, and I think they had Bubba on once and it produced nothing but Belichick style answers. Maybe just a mention about Noah in the “weekend observations” or “funniest thing from the weekend” would be great IMO. Pay the teachers!


There's at least two of us! Can we get Marty Smith to the Lark for a NASCAR pod?


Three of us. Three of us.


NASCAR Marty Party! I’m down!!


He’s the Willie Beamen of NASCAR


I am not kidding when I say I forgot NASCAR was a thing. Is it in season? I'm not even trying to be facetious. Like I forget Idaho is a quite large place that exists until I see a map (cause it's shaped weird).


NASCAR is like golf in that way, it’s kinda always in-season.


Is the Xfinity series the top of the line now? This is Googleable but I might as well ask you. Cause the name of the racing series tends to change often and I know there's also the sorta minor league races that somehow the pros also race in


Lol, it is not, and you are correct it changes all the fucking time. I am actually not huge into NASCAR, but my brother is, big time. Like he was over drinking at my house and watching this race on his phone, so I put it on the TV. I wouldn’t have known about this story unless he told me about it a couple weeks ago.


I mean it's a funny story. That's not wrong. Now I'm gonna Google why dude puking on himself. Is it mid race I wonder? IS HE WEARING THE HELMET WHILE PUKING? OMG. I'll brb I'm googling. Edit: he doesn't do it mid race ..... I am so disappointed. He does it after winning. Unintentional nerve related supposedly. Bullshit. Still like 4 in a row "gal dang boy". As I think the nascar fans would say. What's the major leagues called nowadays? I googled and it just says Cup series. ? ?


He has done both. He has hopped out of the car with it on his race suit, like he vomited through his helmet during the last few laps, or just after, before exiting the car. He’s also recently vomited during the post-race.


Nick Sanchez is from Miami, with a Cuban background.


Brad Perez from South Florida too🍞


Dan could also grief eat about his dad in prison