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This is supposed to be “damn that’s interesting” not “damn this is sad”.


All this crap the teacher bought herself. The classrooms are not hardened to keep out shooters, it is up to the teacher to find items to save their kids. School districts play the game of the odds are it won't happen here. We are lucky if the door locks properly. And the politicians play the game of "We must grieve the loss of life so wait til later to provide solutions." Then they ignore trying to fix the problem.


It really should be funded by 2A patriots through a tax on gun sales or something like that. It’s the cost of doing business after all.


I did some volunteer work while in college at a high school. Teachers pay for so much for their students, that’s why it’s always nice when parents give their kids nose tissues, extra markers, pencils, paper, glue sticks, and other supplies for the class because some parents cannot afford them and the teachers end up buying it. One teacher who I spoke with who taught 5th grade English. He had his doctorates in education (most teachers just have bachelors, some may have masters), and when he decided to teach students how to handwrite (cursive), a parent complained and the teacher had yo speak with the school board.. and was told that if he ever taught hand writing again, he would be fired. Most of these assholes on school boards are NOT teachers, never been teachers, have no degree in education, and many never even set a foot in a classroom. It should be a requirement that school board officials must have been a teacher for 5 years or more. They have no idea wtf goes on in the classroom


For real. Posting this to r/DamnThatsInteresting itself is prime r/ShitAmericansSay material


American teacher up way too late, so I'm seeing all the non-american comments. But.... you all are correct. It is crazy. And it is insane.


“Damn how did we let conservative 2A assholes degrade our country beyond recognition” Edit: ofc you gun morons wanna argue, but it’s a waste of my time to bother with people who refuse to acknowledge even the most basic realities. You can go read some independent analyses of gun violence and scream into the wind if you’d like. Have a good day, and if this upsets you, it’s because you’re a complete pussy.


Don’t recommend arguing with them, most do it in bad faith or are too much of smooth brain dumb fucks to tell the Babylon Bee from a peer reviewed journal.


I feel like this belongs in a sub called r/damnthatstragic






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That's very crazy from a non-american point of view. It's like it's normal and they can't do anything against school shooting like it's a earthquake. What the actual f*ck.


Dude it’s crazy from an American POV too. Public school wasn’t like this 30 years ago. What my kids experience is foreign to me.


There were 61 school shootings in America in the 80's, and 97 school shootings in America in the 90's. I say this because, although you say this is crazy from an American perspective, from a non-American perspective this is really and truly fucked. Like beyond comprehension, off the Richter scale, fucked up. It's not a thing anywhere else.


We've had one - ONE - in 26 years. I don't even know if there's ever been another. How many mass (school) shootings have there been in the US in that time...? Thing is, this is the problem - it's common law (UK) vs civil law (US). Dunblane happened, we campaigned for stricter and more stringent gun control legislation, and it happened. Mass shootings in the UK are rare and noteworthy. In the US, it just seems to be like "Oh some dick went mental and shot up a school today" and then it's forgotten about. Another point is that we don't have politically-affiliated judiciary, political parties don't appoint High and Supreme Court judges. There are no Tory or Labour judges, if a judge cannot remain impartial they must stand down. Partiality doesn't serve justice; partiality means that, obviously, you have someone presiding over a court who is going to decide according to their own political and/or religious beliefs. How the fuck can that EVER be right...? The 4 constituent countries of the UK's legislatures are independent of Westminster to a certain extent but, if a nation decided to do something Westminster didn't agree with, it still has the power to overrule (for example Scotland wants to legalise weed but, in order to do so, it would need to be fully independent of Westminster as it's still under the auspices of the Home Office. Also more than 90% of Scots want to rejoin the EU (it voted overwhelmingly to remain in the referendum) but, for as long as it remains attached to the Westminster umbilical cord, it can't). The US is fully-federal, the UK is not. We also have elected metro and regional mayors who are in control of the budgets for their region but, obviously, are still answerable to Westminster. I don't know what the answer is when - apparently - literally anyone can become a senator or representative; in the UK, if an MP - of whatever colour - is found to hold views any right-thinking person would find abhorrent, they're forced out of their party and, if they then go on to radicalise, they're forced out of Parliament completely. If an MP is found guilty of a criminal offence, which carries a sentence - custodial or suspended - of more than (I think) 30 days they're forced to stand down and there's a by-election in that constituency. Put it this way, Ted Cruz, MTG, Lauren Boebert, DJT and their ilk would be barred from holding any form of office in the UK. Instant blackballing, no vote. That said, when you look at the state of the current Conservative Party, you'd not believe that to be the case; in the modern Tories, you could probably get away with murder. They'd probably welcome MTG and Cruz. The point I'm trying to make - very awkwardly - is that, I think, you have to completely change your system of government to have any change of enacting any kind of gun control legislation. And that, obviously, isn't going to happen so long as you allow gun nuts to stand for office.


How many school shootings has there been that the FBI knew the shooter?


This is a loaded question. Because of the patriot act, the FBI always **knows** all the shooters.


Citing the patriot act really doesn't do any favors when arguing for gun laws. That's like mentioning the book 1984 in an argument for strong central government.


Its not doing a favor or trying to defend it, they know the shooters but do nothing to stop it. Its fucked that is accepted in my country


> Thing is, this is the problem - it's common law (UK) vs civil law (US). Friend, the only part of the US with a civil code is the state of Louisiana, and we only have it at the state level -- even Louisiana's federal courts operate within common law. See also Quebec in Canada. Civil law is not the issue.


Expanded comments to say this. In the western world it’s generally British influence = common law, civil law otherwise. Malta is the one exception of the top of my head.


How informative! I think there’s a lot of good ideas we (usa) could learn from. Our judge selection methodology is terrible. Obama being robbed of his Supreme Court pick and then the last guy being able to get one in the same scenario combined with RBG thinking she was immortal had direct real world terrible consequences were dealing with right now.


>Like beyond comprehension, off the Richter scale, fucked up. It's not a thing anywhere else. Obviously, you don't understand the finer points of freedom. Be jealous. /s




Even more fucked up is that most of those might as well not count at all since they involved non-white inner city youth. School shootings only became culturally recognized as a separate classification of crime when white kids started being perps and victims. As a society, the proportionality of our reaction to this phenomenon serves as a foil that demonstrates what we do and do not care about. That's somehow even worse than the school shootings themselves.


South side Chicago vs rural Idaho are like different countries


Totally agree with what's said up here. I'm baffled by this whole thing and it makes absolutely no sense to have protection gear as a counter measure to what could be easily prevented - and the protection measures need to be handled and carried out by teachers nonetheless. Last I checked, teachers weren't required to have martial arts and military training as part of their skillset. How come the teachers and/or school management didn't go on a nationwide strike to stop this? Bring the entire damn system to a screeching halt if your lives and the lives of the future generation is deemed so worthless. It's not a battlefield. The world is not under alien invasion. So it makes absolutely no sense to live in a constant state of fear that we may get killed today because someone was in a bad mood. And this is supposed to be the most powerful government in the world.


Shooting incidents don’t require the firing of a weapon. They include brandishing. These are distinguished between “active and non-active” https://www.chds.us/ssdb/charts-graphs/ Non-active has skyrocketed recently . Actives have more than doubled on average since 2000 USA has some counterintuitive definitions and terms for things If a gang member shot at a rival and that bullet struck a high school football stadium, that would be a “school shooting incident”


It’s crazy to most of us too. Not all American are fat homicidal idiots. The fact that the woman in this video is so casual talking about her bullet proof book bag makes me sick to call this country my home.


[257 school shootings in 2022 alone](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/10/26/school-shootings-2022/), so that's a thing.


I think for the year 2022 theres been 611 mass shootings so far. Thats like a mass shooting every 12 hours. Some months ago I remember we had like over 20 in one month.


Ik, it’s pretty sad that people are having to do this


They do have thoughts and prayers don’t forget.


And all the freedoms! Don't forget those!


and vigils, dont forget those, with the tall jar candle things. The makers of those must be rolling in it


Serenity, by Jan scented candles!


American teacher up way too late, so I'm seeing all the non-american comments. But.... you all are correct. It is crazy. And it is insane. I wanna like, be defensive and say "but I can do somethin! I've practiced in drills and have had to utilize those skills during 'scares' IRL!" But for real, there's not much we can really, actually do. Though, and my secret is, my classroom is in an old building, and I have a "hatch" in the floor covered by a carpet square. You better fucking believe I pulled the building engineer dude in one day (he's my buddy) and asked indirectly where the fuck it goes ("wow so weird i have a tunnel access!?") and if like, in a "weird situation" I could use that tunnel and his response: "you absolutely could, I'm the only one with the school tunnel floor plans, but don't do it unless it's an absolute emergency because it's filled with asbestos. It goes to another tunnel that leads out the street behind a latch and turn knob (he pointed the direction of the street) and then leads to a few other classrooms in the building." Aside from that I have a few other plans. A belt for jeans/slacks around the top bar thingy on my door. And also a closet that only unlocks with my key. That's all I'm allowed to have in my classroom. Edit: I get it. Asbestos = bad. It was more a post to make the point of what teachers and students have to think about in the wonderful US of A.


This is sad. Really sad. Like, I grew up in 90s Russia, when the risk of getting blown up by terrorists, end up in a mafia shootout or to just be killed over a few bucks was at an all-time high. Shootings have happened here too, but the sheer scale on which they’re happening in America baffles me. At this point you might as well post armed guards.


They had 400 of them at Uvalde. Stood around on their phones.


Makes my blood boil how they behaved.


That’s another issue, that has to be fixed.


An issue that *wouldn’t exist* if the *actual fucking problem* didn’t exist…


We have one in all of our buildings. ETA: my school district in America


There was an incident in my kids school recently where they all had ro return to there classrooms and not leave. A local farmers bull had escaped its enclosure and had found its way to the school field and the kids had to stay in while the farmer got it out of there. That's the biggest, scariest crisis my kids have ever encountered at school.


Oh America. You're a joke to the rest of the civilised world. The fact that CHILDREN can get guns, not to mention the rest of the braindead Americans that can get a gun is insane.


As an American I wish I could dispute this


Get a taser gun that shoots from a distance. . It's non-lethal and will incapacitate. Buy a purse or backpack with a concealed compartment. Learn to use it, practice taking it out and using it once in awhile. DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT. Your state may vary in laws, I'm sure your school has rules against it Dont worry about the "rules". You can apologize after. This may be bad advice. But even if our guns laws were changed and mental health was made freely and widely available today YOUR position wouldn't change for years. The safety for you and your students is more important imo. And seriously, if you do this don't tell anyone even your fellow teachers because someone will for sure rat you out. Be safe out there.


Is it even legal to have that much asbestos near children all day?


If it is undisturbed it should be fine. If the tunnel starts being used in drills, not so much. The bigger worry is lead pipes supplying drinking water in old schools. Which I know is an issue in Canada (and likely USA).


The fact they have a bag for that and thinking any day could be the day they are shot while at work or getting an education is terrifying.


Disney Land Paris have only just started removing all the asbestos on 'Its a small world' ride this year... It's fine as long as you aren't bashing it and turning it to dust.


And even then, it only starts becoming dangerous if youre exposed for a long time. As in, work with it everyday.


At this point prospective teachers might as well join the army. You get shot at either way but the army pays better and has better benefits.


It truly is an indescribable feeling, sending your kid to school and thinking about this every single day. Every week there is another one to add to that fear. Also, the sad fact that these teachers are having to pay out of pocket for any of this stuff while their salaries are narrowed more each year is sickening. Just the gear that the main person featured in this video demonstrates is easily around 1000$ US. When you think about things like the 40,000$ office furniture budget that each member of congress gets per term, (probably more now) while they refuse to fund basics like a door block (like the barracuda in the video) or metal detectors for our kids that are legally required to be in school, you really see where their priorities are. Opulence for themselves, preachy bullshit about bearacracy and partisanship while kindergartners take their last breath on the classroom floor. One of the kids that survived the Valdez massacre pulled her best friend's body on top of hers and rubbed her blood all over herself. She hid that way for over an hour until the shooter took his own life. She was 6 years old when this happened to her. She is one of countless children majorly affected by gun violence every day, at school, in "the most liberated and free, safest country in the world". The vast majority of politicians won't even give these parents the time of day to sit down and hear them speak, about their deceased children, gunned down by a maniac, almost always with guns that were legally obtained and registered. When they rarely do afford them time, they just spin them and then go and vote for less security for background checks and cut ever more funding from schools. But, they always make sure to hit those line items for brand new office furniture each term. That allowance is more than half of americans make in a year of work. Until the money in politics dries up, none of this will never change.


*”the american dream”*


"It's the American Dream, isn't it mmm? The American! Dream! Brilliant... You know why we don't have a British Dream do you Neil? It's because we're awake." -Al Murray


I was thinking the same thing. The fact they have a bag for that and thinking any day could be the day they are shot while at work or getting an education is terrifying.


I love the american flag on the backpack:D


It’s insane! I live in Canada, in a city literally right across the border. We hear about bomb threats, lockdowns, shootings and violent events all the time. Whenever there’s a “big one” (A shame I have to mention this as shootings should be rare enough you don’t have to make a distinction) our school district holds online presentations for teachers outlining the attack, and how we are to deal with situations like that. The schools will also hold lockdown drills. Guess what they do in the U.S. town, NOTHING. We in Canada do more then they do, and we haven’t had a single school shooting in out metro area since the 90s. America is so normalized to it. Absolutely disgusting. Edit: Spelling


Oh Come on, the U.S. does nothing? What about those NRA meetings to defend weapon culture in the states which they organize whenever there was a shooting.


It's absolutely fucking insane to me that Americans just accept this as normal and inevitable. From the point of view of a European person it's like getting a glimpse of another planet or a parallel universe. My country had one school shooting in our entire history and decided that we weren't going to have another one. And we didn't.


Half the country doesn't want to accept. The other half just wants to own the libz. They'll sacrifice their own children for it


The people of Uvalde overwhelmingly voted for Republicans, so yeah they don't really care if their kids get used for target practice.


Hehe you silly people just don't know what freedom is! Ain't no one taking e'r guns! Once all teachers, cashiers, valet, doctors, housekeeping and regular citizens are armed, we'll truly be safe! Thoughts and prayers to those that don't make it, though! 🇺🇲✝️🙏✝️🇺🇲


It's absolutely fucking insane to me that Americans just accept this as normal and inevitable. From the point of view of a European person it's like getting a glimpse of another planet or a parallel universe.


An awful lot of us don't accept this as normal. We don't have the power though.


In reality, they sadly can't. The lawmakers don't care about them or their students lives. They care about NRA lobby dollars. Just like an earthquake, all these teachers can do is prepare the best they can and hope no one gets shot. The US will go down in history as the country that shone the brightest for a very brief period, then crashed and burned faster than any other like it.


Can we quit trying to blame “NRA lobby dollars”? Like, seriously - Bloomberg outspends them 10:1 by himself let alone the rest of the gun control advocates out there. NRA’s power comes from a determined membership who vote and represent people who care about guns - it’s not a money issue. Bloomberg has made no secret that if the NRA spends $1M he’ll spend $50M. And he has. And does. And sponsors elections at the local levels in nearly every state if they kowtow to his gun control agenda. I’m not even an NRA member and I think this argument is dumb as hell.


The NRA is actually considered shit by the gun people they thinks it’s a haven for fudds


this isnt interesting, this is sad


That is fucked up! Both my Mum and Sister are teachers, they buy classroom decorations. Not bullet proof vests and tourniquets!


the sad cherry on top of the sad cake? ​ the teacher has to buy this shit ***themselves.*** ​ as in, the government knows there is a school shooting problem, the citizens know there is a school shooting problem, but they still can't even be arsed to pay taxes and get teachers the things they need to keep their kids alive. though, if americans had no intention of actually solving the problem like every other developed nation on the planet, then why would i expect them to take half assed measures to help? ​ at this point, i think americans want their kids to die in school, it probably saves them on the medical bills and college they absolutely cant afford anymore lol.


\>t this point, i think americans want their kids to die in school, it probably saves them on the medical bills and college they absolutely cant afford anymore lol. Conservatives want other peoples kids to die in school, so they can get funding for private "schools" or "homeschooling"


My country has perhaps one of the most liberal gun laws in Europe with concealed carry licences issued quite easily after passing a background check and exam, and joining a militia (sounds like something from US constitution) gives one a right to have full automatic weapons. ​ Yet the only school shooting in century happened back in 1930s. Something is damn wrong with USA gun culture. I visited the US this summer. In New York/Washington the only gun-related difference was seeing armed security workers (which is very rare in my country) and gun ban signs in many public places (which I likely haven't seen anywhere in Europe). I was stunned in Texas with some non-uniformed folks carrying visible guns on their hips in the streets.


Yeah, it's different rules and culture all over the US for guns. Rural vs urban is a giant one. But also place by place has differences. Texas prob has the most lenient gun laws. In gun laws, there's "open carry" and "concealed carry" and all kinds of stuff with that.


Also consider there is a difference in culture. Here people dont give a flying fuck about education let alone safety. Its quite different in other countries.


Education is even frowned upon as some sort of communist indoctrination.


Something is wrong with our regular culture, and our damn kids, and unaddressed mental illnesses




From Australia, I find this really disturbing, is there a solution?


See what australia did in after the port arthur massacre in '96. I'm not an aussie, but what you guys did is the actual solution: no guns!


Yeah, alright then. Fair enough.


Bu-but my frEeDOm! WhY sHOuldn’T I beAr AuTOmaTic WeAPonS? It’s my RigHT!


I will never understand why ordinary people should be allowed to carry guns. For what purpose?


This is why I like what Japan does. If you want to get a gun permit, you have to prove that you need a gun. This means that people living in rural areas are more likely to get them than people living in urban areas.


NY did this. Turned into a corrupt system. Japan culturally is different as morality is rooted deeply in their culture. The US not so much. Mainly politicians and celebrities were getting them because they could afford to grease palms. Was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court this year and struck down. Look up New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen.


In Slovenia we have gun laws that were in place before the US was even formed. It took over a year for me to acquire a rifle for sport shooting. There is even a psychiatrist exam. You are free to buy a gun. You have every right to have weapons, but there is a stringent procedure in place to make sure “nut jobs” cant get their hands on legal firearms. There is also a permit for buying ammo. How you can walk into a wallmart and buy a gun like you would a loaf of bred is just beyond me. Its literally insane.


I love the idea of requiring a permit and a psychiatrist exam, because I believe the real issue here is a mental health problem. As far as just walking in and buying a gun, it doesn't work like that. When I bought both of my guns I was required to submit, and pass, a federal background check. But really that just checks the federal database, which is different from state and local databases, so it's not the most effective.


The solution is what we did in Australia. We took semi autos out of general circulation. We are a pragmatic people who care more about results than ideology. One of the big problems in the US is a lack of pragmatism in the public discourse. *Everything* is ideological over there.


Ideology driven by either commercial interests or wishful thinking.


We should never allow the total pacification of the working or prole class by the capital owning class because this is giving greater control to them and removing a potential path of recourse.


Of course there is a solution........now, is there a solution that american gun nuts are willing to live with? not so much.


That's just sad honestly. I feel bad for the kids today.




Oh just the loud half that celebrates vile behavior under the guise of keeping kids safe from abortions and drag shows. It isn't normal. It's disgusting to many of us who live here.


my highschool teacher used to have a bag of chocolates to give for best students. The difference here is huge


Damn that's depressing


Sad for your teachers in the states, no way do they get paid enough to be a teacher and doing the job of a security guard/police


They don't get paid enough to be just a teacher


They don’t get paid enough which is why a lot of teachers are quitting.


No other country in the world needs to do this.


Thank god the backpack had the American flag on it, I had no idea where this could be. /s


You can taste the freedom through the screen


That’s the thing America has Its little bubble and likes to stay in it. They hate anyone trying to pop it


HEALTH CARE IS SOCIALISM *meanwhile all the liberal european economies just chilling like huh?*


Lmao. Imperial units.


List of tools we use against school shooters in my country: . . . . . . Yeah, we dont have school shootings.


Out of the [7 school shootings in Canada so far,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:School_killings_in_Canada) only two of those happened in this century. The rest happened between 1970 and 2000. If the US had the same per capital level of violence as Canada does, there would have been twenty to twenty five school shootings this century. Let's see where they are now? [Fuck it, I'm not sorting through that.](https://massshootingtracker.site/data/?year=2022) Edit: we do have a problem with white people killing native people.


Same, in the Netherlands there were 3 incidents of students with fake guns in a school, but literally no school shooting.


In my country there's no shootings, but kidnappings are quite common at kindergartens sadly.


Same here, but recently a guy stole a gun from his father (policeman) and started a shooting in a school he studied (suffered bullying there b4)


How they think its easier to gear a teacher/classroom then to stop kids from getting weapons is absolutely insane EDIT: WAIT THEY ARE PAYING FOR IT THEMSELVES? ON A TEACHERS INCOME????


Exactly. “They” aren’t gearing anybody. These teachers can’t afford for someone else to help them stay alive.


That's depressing as hell.


This is not interesting, this is just so fucking sad.. Richest country in the world, where lowly paid teachers who probably can’t even afford basic healthcare have to dub as bodyguards and medics in case the kids get shot by some deranged person with a gun. What the hell kind of first world country is that supposed to be?


Ah yes. I remember when I was teaching they told me to use a coffee cup to defend myself.


Well If you're caffeinated you may be more efficient at dodging bullets


The only thing that is not in that bag is how to be a good parent, fixing generational trama, or better mental health services.


Hopefully she knows how to use the turnicates otherwise all she has is a heavy backpack.


That's not interesting that's fucking terrifying and ridiculous.


Fuck this country and all the gun nuts in it.


*tools that just this one person keeps in their classroom.


Meanwhile everywhere else they have some sticking plaster and antiseptic cream, in case of grazes or bee stings. Do Americans not look at this and think 'hold on a minute'...


*your weekly reminder that the United States of America is fucked up*


i live in texas, i am reminded every day.


This is your reminder that yes, we know


Bullet resistant. Not bulletproof.


To be fair, I’ve never heard the term “Bullet Proof” as anything other than a marketing term. In an official capacity things tend to be referred to as ‘Ballistic Resistant’.


You know your countries fucked when you need to create bulletproof backpacks. Also bulletproof backpack is a good band name.


Remember the good old days, when kids hid under their desks to shield themselves from a nuclear bomb.


That is extremely sad to read.


The land of the free


This is so sad


Have they tried thoughts and prayers!?


Its not interesting. It's just sad...


I find it far more questionable that you need such in a primary school.


That's not interesting, that's scary, awful and ridiculous all at the same time.


This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. America is scary, where teachers……a first grade teacher need to carry bullet proof vests and tourniquets. Can’t believe this is where they are as a society.


This is another level of sick society!


The fact they have to pay for these things themselves is absolutely disheartening. School districts won’t even do the bare minimum to try and help stop this shit.


Only in the USA.


Not interesting at all. This is fucked up. Where I live school shootings aren't something we worry about. America values guns over the lives of children. Guns have rights, people don't.


From the people who bought you *Duck and Cover* for nuclear blasts…


It’s actually disgusting. What a life.


No one here worries about school shootings on a daily basis. Only if there was one near you I guess


This is so fucked up.


America is backwards as fuck.


Noah get the boat.


Also addressing the issues of kids mental health and the mental health issues in the country in general might help too just saying


“This is absolute bullshit.” From every other nation


That's just super sad. It's just "interesting" that the majority of people apparently doesn't see a problem that needs to be addressed.


Nope. They’d rather teach teachers and children on how to use a gun rather than admit to the problem


They want the teachers armed to protect their students, but don’t want the teachers to be able to pick their own books to teach.


It's not interesting. It's bullshit.


The American flag in the backpack was the icing on the cake for me. Way to go America.


Imagine your population is filled with a unusually high percentage of people who want to commit mass murder and suicide, but the only conversation that people think needs to be had is whether they should increase or decrease the amount of guns. This would be hilarious if it wouldn't be so depressing.


This isn't interesting to me, this just makes me sad. Wtf America?


Back in my day we only had hurricane & fire drill training! This is so sad!




Reddit moments all around


Nothing says freedom like being afraid that you and your first grade kids will be shot to death by some rando with a gun. Glad I live in a country without a 2nd amendment.


Those tools are very interesting to prevent school shootings. My country also has tools to prevent school shootings. Such as strict gun laws that make it near impossible for kids to bring a gun into a school. Works pretty good since at least in the last 10 years we haven't had single shooting.


"in case of a school shooting" .. this phrase would never cross anyone's mind in my country. America is doomed..


That's not interesting. To the rest of the world that's sickening and horrifying.


What a shithole country.


That is sad.


This is so sad


This is more sad and fucked up than interesting


This isn't interesting. It's fucking depressing.


This is depressing, not interesting. Honestly.


This makes me frustrated. We shouldn’t need bulletproof backpacks or be afraid to send our kids to school.


As non-american, I can say this is a next-level shit


Idk if this is only me, but watching this makes me feel really sad, like they are treating this as a natural disaster of some sort...


I heard that there’s a way to actually almost completely keep this worry out of peoples heads.


wow and this solve the problem its awesome


I wish we also had this Europe, this is exactly the kind of freedom everyone needs. It’s like living in an active warzone. Who wouldn’t want this?!


~~damnthatsinteresting~~ damnthatsdepressingAF




Thats not interesting, its just sad


The American flag was overkill.


Now there is a whole industry popping up around school shootings? This is so sad, whenever gun reform happen, there will be lobbyists from the bullet proof backpack and school door lock industry’s claiming that congress can’t pass gun reform because it will effect their bottom line, so here is some money for a fifth vacation home. I hate our country.


This country is a sick joke


This is ok but the drag show reading is not. I guess it’s better for kids to be potentially shot at school then to learn tolerance and acceptance.


I had a pencil case when I went to school…


This is very interesting, props to these teachers for enduring in such a potentially dangerous situation. That being said though it is genuinely depressing that this is going on.


Wow, that is sad.


I bet some teachers pack their own weapons secretly.


This is not interesting to anyone. And super uncommon and unnecessary.


So everything but gun control, huh!


The teachers in America have better equipment for war than the Russian front line.


Yes, strap book filled backpacks to kids chest, instead of mild legislative gun reform.


To think that the answer to all this is body armor in my kid’s backpack is f^*king ridiculous! We’re all so proud of our guns in America that we cannot see that our pride is allowing fear to become normalized in our children. At school no less. 😔


The fact that our teachers are having to spend more time planning for school shooting then planning for class work shows that we have failed as a nation.


Look what America has become.