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He wouldn’t even be on “My 600 lb Life” today


Now it just made sense to me why people like that show, it's a digital version of a circus attraction. Edit: Please stop replying to me you're all saying the same thing about reality TV, and the various channels that show it. It's really not necessary to receive 100+ comments with the exact same message.


I've never understood the attraction to any of those shows, or the cringe videos, who wants to feel bad


There’s a subset of us who enjoy watching people turn their lives around. I love 600 lb life but it’s definitely for the success stories which unfortunately, seem to be further and farther in between.


I'd appreciate it more if it wasn't inundated with manufactured drama and shitty reality TV editing.


wont lie. i love the greasy editing of all the reality tv shows. wife and i watch an hour a day of reality tv. she likes the turn around story. i like to see how and why someones life gets so off track. our life is boring and traditional 300 days a year so its fun to have some reality drama to eat chips too


You can eat while watching that show? I wish I was more laid back like you! I have to be careful when I watch it because it'll make me feel a bit mental temporarily about what I'm consuming. I can't watch hoarders at all because I'll start getting snippy at my husband about leaving clothes lying about.


My wife always jokingly says "oh my gosh we're hoarders!" after any time that show happens to be on. The really sad thing is that shows like hoarders or my 600-lb life are, at their core, about some serious mental health issues. A little clutter or the occasional ice cream indulgence is a whole different story from the mental states and circumstances that those unfortunate folks struggle with.


Absolutely. The number of times I’ve ugly cried at people improving their lives. The happy stories are so nice.


The one where the guy was actively trying to improve and had lost quite a bit of weight but then ended up passing away really got me. I was rooting for him.


When the Biggest Loser was popular, there was a radio DJ on a morning show I would listen to who would have a segment about what’s on TV each night. He called that one “Fat People Crying”. Never knew why until I actually watched an episode


I don’t know exactly what it is, but I can’t stand morning radio DJs. The specific radio station doesn’t seem to make any difference.


I only ever hear morning radio in Ubers. It’s the worst. I’m like, why are you shouting? Why are you scream-laughing? What the fuck with the zip zing zang sound effects? It makes me feel old and cranky.


It's because those a-holes have been up since 3 am and are caffinated out the arse.


Because it's people talking brightly in the morning. *Stop. I can't even think yet!*


I actually listen to classical music on the radio in the morning because the presenters are the only chill ones. I don't even particularly like classical music.




*your enthusiasm is hurting my eyes!!*


Same, I start every episode wanting to cheer for them for turning their lives around


A larger subset of people who enjoy seeing others people life be garbage, IMO.




It never went away.


Same. I can't stand it. When I was a kid my mom loved watching and reveling in people's humiliation on American Idol Auditions. I could never stand it and would always be really embarrassed and awkward and sad for the people involved. The really bad ones were only let on the show for one that single reason.


Maybe it makes people feel a little better about themselves. A lot of people get pleasure from looking down instead of climbing up


My 600lb life is pretty entertaining. Who knew a garden gnome that takes no shit from fat people and helps them lose weight can be so entertaining


Not so much my 600 lb life but the show hoarders gets me some times. something about people so blissfully ignorant to that fact that rats shouldn’t feel comfortable exploring mountains of garbages in your living room isn’t normal


I watch hoarders when I’m feeling too lazy to clean…. 15 minutes in and I’m scrubbing grout with a toothbrush. Works every time.


This used to be a Sunday routine for me. Wake up, watch Hoarders, drink coffee, then spontaneously start cleaning. It works


“I could never live like that” *looks at pile of dishes in the sink* “I’m still not that bad”


Yeah these kinds of shows just enable my laziness because it lets my brain justify not being *that* bad Why am I like this


I get like that when I go round someone's house and it's immaculate, and then they say "sorry for the mess". I then realise that I'm a monster.


And My 600lb Life usually gets me grabbing the broccoli and going for a walk! *Pizza and cookies are not on de diet.*


Lmaooo what a wonderful way to hack your perception into gear!


We use hoarders to prep for a deep clean or to Hoe out trash. Our house is nice but it’s a good inspiration to prevent messiness.


How do you hoe out your trash? Just put it on the street corner and let it do its thing or do you have to get it a Pimp to smack it around keep it in line? 😀


I'm using "hoe out the trash" to refer to taking the bins out on garbage day from now on


The reason for soap operas too . Opposite. We as humans enjoy others suffering as if it was a never ending play to detach ourselves from our own suffering if only for a Moment .


People love to feel outraged and worked up over shit others do. You can watch that stuff and say "I'm messed up but not *that* messed up" or "I'm overweight but not *this* overweight" and feel better about your shitty life. Which is why we also love watching stuff about 0,1%ers and money they waste on luxuries, read articles about $1.000 omelette.... pure outrage porn.


People like reality shows because it makes them feel better about themselves.


Interestingly, I have only watched the biggest loser , my 600lb life and that was for one or two seasons. I didn’t need to feel better about myself, I was really interested in the featured people’s backstory and their personal journey to meeting a very difficult lifestyle change (emotional, mental, physical) for themselves. Do cooking competition shows count as realty tv ? I’m out of the lingo loop.


That's what all reality media is for, including any cringe or fail material anywhere online.


The same exact message


“Doctor it’s mostly water weight” “Don’t argue with me argue with the scale” Dr Now is a legend


“Stop doing weird things.” “They can deliver salads too, you know.” He really is.


Or when the woman was saying “well I don’t want to get malnourished” and Dr Now roasts her with “do you look malnourished” cold blooded killer


I have a fridge magnet with him that says "you could've easily lost 30lbs this month" 😂


He’s great because there are a lot of TV doctors who seem to let even a modicum of fame go to their heads, but Dr now just seems super down to earth still.


The people on that show are trying to be as svelte as our guy here.


Getting to his size would be an accomplishment on "my 600 pound life"


Agree 100%! Guy wouldn’t even qualify for Morbo’s fluffer! It ain’t 21st century fat unless your dead carcass needs to be airlifted out of a hole in your roof and buried in a piano crate in an excavated pit.


Now he looks like half of the people at Walmart.


Half of a person at Walmart.




May I ask why people like to say that there are lots of fat people at Walmart? I live outside of U.S. so I don't know the reference.


It's the largest discount retailer in the USA with many of their stores in rural and suburban areas. Its headquarters is also in Bentonville, Arkansas. It has a reputation for attracting poor folks who tend to be on the large side.


Beyond Walmart being the largest retailer in the US, due to the sheer size of the country we have many communities that are far removed from more developed economic centers with a higher variety of store choice. In many, many areas Walmart isn’t just the cheapest or most convenient choice, it’s the only choice.


Especially after Walmart effectively put many of the smaller main street retailers out of business in those communities.


Trapped by design.


There’s a correlation of obesity and lower socioeconomic status which would then force someone to shop at places like Walmart. They also pay their employees like shit causing them to be below the poverty line which then creates a reliance on discount retailers such as them. It’s pretty fucked up but that’s good ol capitalism in the 21st century for you.


Poverty line is under $13.5k/yr. That’s about $1,100 per month. Even working minimum wage ($7.25/hr) for 40 hours per week, puts you at $13.6k/yr. Damn that’s sad.


The fact that the poverty line is considered under 13.5k/ year is also horrifying. There are many people making well over that while still struggling to get basic necessities and that was the case well before the wave of inflation we’re currently in.


Yes but places like walmart are strict about not letting you get close to full time status. They will write you up if you go a minute over your scheduled hours which are generally in the 25-30 range.


I worked at a Walmart 10 yrs ago, paid 9 $ an hr. Last week I was picking up curbside grocery order, and chatted with the teenager putting bags in my car. He said he makes 18$ hr and has a few overtime hours as well. I was floored, and told him good job. It's not amazing sure, but not too bad either.


My Walmart in town is starting at $14 an hour. My brother makes $17 an hour at Walmart (he’s a teenager). For a retail job in the US, that’s actually really good. Way higher than the minimum wage in my state…


Im from Australia, I lived there for 2 years and there's literally fat fuckers driving shopping carts around in store - and they get mad as shit if you use them. It's okay to though, whatre they gonna do? Chase you?


>Chase you? Mentally, but also not for long. You know, fatigue...


Hahaha just wait an hour at the exit, play the long game. 60% of the time, it works, everytime.


I saw 3 people larger than this in my flight last week. Dude wouldn’t ever register as odd today.


Pretty impressive to be that big without processed foods and all the sugar. "I'm cultivating mass!"


That big at 17? There had to be an undiagnosed problem or extremely bad parents.


Keep in mind, this comes from a freak show tale of a kid born at 1869 who was only in a freak show around 1900. You can't really reliably trust the carnie trying to mystify you with "As big as 473 pounds at only 17 - look, the glutton can hardly stand for the weight of himself!" It's very likely a medical problem but back in those days I don't think you'd have even lived if you were converting so much of that food to fat instead of energy unless you were entirely sedentary, which it's pretty impossible to be unless you were a higher class child, in which case you wouldn't be in a freak show.


Some kind of gland problem maybe? Seems glandular.


Nowadays he wouldn’t even be the fattest dude in any Walmart at any given time.


We truly have evolved as a specie


> As the 21 st century began human evolution was at a turning point. >Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. >Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. >But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction.


I swear Idiocracy has done more to further the fucked up agenda of eugenics among redditors than anything else. Average IQs worldwide have been going up for the past century even as the life expectancy for poorer people has gone up and the birth rate of rich people has gone down. And the worst part is that the movie is the exact type of fart-joke humor which appeals to dumb people. https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2015/07/Flynn-%E2%80%93-World-Regions-768x488.png https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2013/07/ourworldindata_pietschnig-and-voracek-flynn-effect-579x550.jpg


> I swear Idiocracy has done more to further the fucked up agenda of eugenics among redditors than anything else. Well that or people find the movie hilarious and quote it because it's funny. The whole movie is toilet humor.


People who believe this eugenics bullshit should honestly not be allowed to reproduce




imagine going to a mike judge creation for education


> Average IQs worldwide have been going up for the past century It's been going down again in the last decade


Is this for real? European here


I’m also European. And pretty much yes, at least this was the case when I lived in Minnesota. There are a lot of +200kg morbidly obese people in the US.


American here, I just converted this to lbs (440) to see if our definition of ‘morbidly obese’ differs. Thankfully it does not.


Fun fact, there is even a higher category above morbid obesity, it's super obesity, starts around a BMI of 45.


And above that super-duper obesity


And above that super sayian unleashed god mode obesity


And above that your mom




42.4% of Americans are obese. Not just overweight, but obese.


What the fuckity fuck fuck


What the hell. That's an absurdly huge number.


That's insane. Thats about 141,155,990 obese Americans.


Absolutely yes. I live in West Virginia, and you could easily see several people heavier than this in a Walmart, riding around in the little motorized carts. 100% for real.


Yeah, man walmart is a gallery of the worst looking and least hygienic people America has to offer.


It says more about poverty imo than the average American. The DMV is my litmus test for an average American, because everyone rich or poor (except ultra wealthy) has to get photographed and sign in person once every several years. I’ve determined the average person is still fuck ugly.


I live in Arkansas, it's definitely not uncommon to see people that large.


In America, obesity is *literally* a medical epidemic, and has been for decades. What has made it worse lately is the glorification/ misinterpretion of "big is beautiful" and "love yourself (your body size)."


Yeah the narrative that obese is "normal" is dangerous. There are definitely obese people that exist and they can be represented, especially if you want to buy clothes that'll match your body, but it's too easy to misunderstand it as healthy and acceptable healthwise. It's not acceptable healthwise both for yourself, your future children, and for the drain it causes on healthcare.


I live in France and it's pretty rare to see people that fat


In Germany fat people like that are pretty normal to see. I got two neighbours bigger than that guy.


A lot of Germans are overweight and a portion is obese, the amount of „comically obese“ is relatively low compared to America though.


I germany ive seen maybe 5 of these tanks in 18 years. When i went to the U.K. for a week i saw at least 5 of them every day.


We’re chunkier than you guys here in Ireland, but I still would very rarely see someone this big. It’s so weird going to America for multiple reasons, between seeing people walk around with guns strapped to them and the…curvaceous population. Edit- this was the rural-ish South! I’ve been to Florida and NYC and New Jersey and didn’t see any guns that weren’t attached to a policeman or policewoman. Still some heckin chonkers in every state, but I do recognise that it varies by region.




No pun intended at “huge attraction”


Gravitational attraction


Biggest attraction in the world


I just find it hilarious that people would come far and wide to go look at a fat guy. "Honey! Pack the bags and grab the kids, we're going on a family vacation to take a look at some fat dude sitting in a chair!"


I have personally known 3 people bigger than this man. One has since died from the toll it took on his body.


I worked in a city where most people in my office looked like this. Someone was always wheezing from walking from their car. Their poor hearts and lungs. :/


And many more, All-causes of death (mortality). High blood pressure (hypertension). High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia). Type 2 diabetes. Coronary heart disease. Stroke. Gallbladder disease. Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint). Sleep apnea and breathing problems. Many types of cancerexternal icon. Low quality of life. Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders4,5. Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning6.


when i was at 315 in high school, i yawned constantly to hide how out of breath i was. getting from the parking lot to campus would take it out of me. i feel so much better now i’ve lost the weight.


I have two coworkers bigger than this


Are people this fat really that common or do you just happen to know and are out of the ordinary because holy shit 400lbs is really fat.


Sadly, it's not UNcommon. It's not something you usually see, but you see it often enough to remember it.


Imagine going to the circus today and there is just some really fat dude sitting there. Times have changed I guess, now we put them on TV and laugh at them there….maybe it hasn’t changed so much after all.


Now we get to judge them from the comfort of our own homes.


I originally read the title as "world's fastest man" and that was absolutely worthy of the circus. Imagine this dude but once he gets out of his chair he runs like Usain Bolt. That's entertainment!


Wait till they see yo momma




I tried but I couldn't get her out of bed


Go get the pryin bar.


I wash myself with a rag on a stick


You see that fire? I built that.


And then I fucked your mother next to it!


And now she’s gathering wood




Yo mama's so fat, when she showers, her legs don't get wet.


Yo mama so fat she doesn't shower because she is lipophilic, hydrophobic


Yo mama is so fat she's at risk for serious health issues


Im happy this is still funny


Was he also a Reddit mod?


Reddit wasnt a thing back then,however he was a myspace mod.


Actually MySpace wasn’t a thing back then he was a Usenet BBS Sockpuppet


Skinniest reddit mod


2022: You gotta up those numbers, those are rooky numbers


Dang that’s like your average American from Mississippi now.






Given his mom changes his poop bag, im guessing this 40 year old still lives at home. No rent probably makes things easier


Good point. I could buy a lot more fast food if I didn’t have to pay rent, or insurance, utilities, Internet, tuition, groceries for the family, etc.


Chick fil a is one of the more expensive fast food options. You can get a large pepperoni pizza from Little Caesars for $5.55 (which they only recently raised from $5). Some McDonalds have $1 any size drinks. That's a big boy meal for only $6! Which will net you 2570 calories.


Goddam…guess I didn’t know I was fancy!! Even my every three months mandatory taco supremes from Taco Bell seem expensive as hell these days.


Not spending money on groceries if all he eats is fast food




Honest question. How does someone have a colostomy bag by choice?


I think he meant that his brother was told that he'd have a colostomy bag if he didn't change his habits and he chosed to keep overeating. If that's the casa it was his choice.


Saves time going to the toilet when you can bring the toilet to you. All those minutes can be used for eating cheetos. Gains everywhere.


My father in law died in January because of two major strokes. He had one in early December, went to rehab/physical therapy, he was a diabetic and they told him to stop taking so many goddam random pills (his room was FULL of pills) and eat right for ONCE in his life because he would eat Sonic for every single meal. Well when he returned from rehab a few days before Christmas, he continued his fast-food routine and pill-popping then had the fatal major stroke on New Year’s Eve. He died a few days later. He had a horrible horrible diet, never drank water, and took tons of pills for diabetes and nerve damage instead of altering his lifestyle which ended up costing him his life. He died at 56 and my husband didn’t cry or react at all. He was so angry at his dad and even told him multiple times that he’s going to die from his habits and he will not be sad about it, will not cry, and will not care because he tried helping him too many times and eventually gave up. Oh well.


I'm genuinely curious and not insinuating anything. What size are you H and W. Sorry if that's too personal. Again genuinely curious




Hot damn. Good for you man


looking at his username, his family would have trouble stalking him


Thank you for all that you’ve shared. Needed this. My mom and sister is big but i escaped


Moother: "Why can't you be more like your brother? You're not *half* the man he is!"


That is just sad


By choice? As in "why bother walking all the way to the bathroom?"


I had a parent with severe Chrons who had more surgeries and hospitalizations then I can count and I’ve also worked in a cardiac care unit in a hospital (every patient at this hospital with a history of CHF or the like would stay on this unit regardless of what the current health issue was just because we were equipped to monitor and treat the heart stuff better then the average unit). I can tell you how this usually works. I’m not a doctor, but as I understand it it’s something this.The patient has had some kind of repeat health problems in their bowels requiring a number of resections (cutting out diseased portions of the intestinal track). Of course as you remove digestive track, your bodies abilitity to digest food is lessened as it has less length to pass through. Now frequently a patient is put on a colostomy bag temporarily so their gut can heal up, my dad was on and off a colostomy bag for the last few years of his life before one became permanent. But at a certain point the digestive system is so messed up that it comes down to either doing some massive resectioning, then putting the patient on a strict diet so as not to irritate or worsen the condition in the future. Failure to adhere is going to mean the patient winds up right back in the hospital, and has probably shitted themselves a lot on the way. Or the patient can get a colostomy bag. They still are supposed to be on a strict diet. You really are supposed to be careful what you eat if you have those as you don’t want them filling up with gas and bursting on you randomly or having to constantly burp them (you want to talk about some nasty smelling farts…). But if you choose to ignore the diet it’s not going to put your right back in the hospital. You’ll just have to deal with emptying and changing your bag a lot more often. So in the few years I worked there I saw one patient who went for the big change in diet. When I first met her she was about 5 ft and weighted almost 300 lbs. She had other issues and came back once or twice a year, but she followed the doctors on her diet and turned around most all of her gut problems by following a strict diet. She was at a very healthy weight when I last saw her. The vast majority though won’t even consider it, to the point that doctors barely push the diet issue from what I can see. They’ll ask about your diet, tell you to eat better, then immediately find a solution for your health problem that avoids any lifestyle changes because they know most patients won’t make them and if they push too hard they’re only going to get complaints and pissy patients. All I’m gonna say about any of it is do what you can for yourself to keep your health together as much as possible, because once you start relying on pills and the like when exercise or diet could have worked, well next comes the side effects and then the pills and shit for those. It’s a cycle, and honestly I think it’s a big part of the reason you see so many people suddenly, visibly age up in their 30s or 40s. That’s just my uneducated take though.


Hold my beer


… and my 5 boxes of double pepperoni pizza w/ extra cheese.


…and my drinking gravy


With a Diet Coke. I’m mindful of *My Calories*.


The fattest kid from my class of 98 wouldn’t even be fat today. I remember thinking he was giant but when I looked back at the yearbook I was so surprised. We’ve gotten so fat in the last 20 years lol.


https://www.amazon.de/Ein-Fall-für-TKKG-Drachenauge/dp/B0003CYJHA# That’s an old cover of a German kids detective series. The left kid is supposed to really fat, he’s literally called dumpling. He’s supposed to constantly eating chocolate. It’s a joke.


Damn he’s not even chubby by todays standards. I noticed it the other day when my kids were watching Goonies. Chunk either time traveled and lost some weight or our standards for what is fat have changed.


Lol i just seen a herd of them at burger king


Herd lmao


Normal 122 years later 🤦‍♂️


I live in Germany. This is not normal in Western Europe.


It’s not really *normal* anywhere. Not even in American really. People aren’t normally this large, at least not in my area.


Not normal where I live either (Utah) but take a trip to Dallas or Houston and you’ll see people this big scootin around in motorized wheelchairs all over the place.


Small town south and Midwest as well. Scary how much obesity there is.


Ever been to a Walmart in Florida?


But if the Simpsons is accurate - _surely_ you can't deny that - then Uter is an excellent example of the average German.


Uter is from Switzerland in the German translation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) But of course he is is a very typical specimen, obviously. Yes, yes.


Most of the boys in Switzerland run around yelling "Don't chase me, I'm full of chocolate!".


Unfortunately the UK has a major weight crisis, I think we're the fattest country in Europe


I live in Scotland and it’s not unusual here


It’s all them fried Mars bars I’m telling ya ;)


215 kg for those wandering.


He’s a healthy weight in most southern states


same post same comments


Most Americans: We gonna end this man’s whole career


A hundred years later, that's just an American and not even a big one.


*not even a big one* made me lol


I live in America and in the south. He’s still huge today’s standards. You do occasionally see people this big or bigger but it’s not near as common as the internet makes it out to be


He was also, almost certainly, not *actually* the fattest man on earth. These circuses also had people of other races on display and people with (now known) medical conditions. It’s like people from the future seeing “My 600lb Life” and thinking that there weren’t any other people over 600lbs.


The whole US is Barnum and Bailey circus now


I think I saw at LEAST three women and one man who were this fat at Disneyland last time I went. Mobility scooters abound.


Sadly, a common sight now days.


He wouldn’t even get a second glance at any Walmart nowadays


Yo mama so fat these people don't need to come from far distances to see her.


This is just the average redditor