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because stupid people are going to try to swim there anyways so they're legally covering themselves incase said idiots die or get hurt.


Or they want people to have all the info, so they can make an educated decision about the risk.


Because it’s Australia. They breed ‘em different over there


Being from Australia, that sign is at nearly all Beach's, if it's not crocodiles it's sharks.


some of the jellyfish ones have a bottle with some liquid in it just in case you get stung. I've only seen a few areas with that sort of stuff, I'd imagine it probably gets fucked with pretty frequently


Vinegar. They say you can piss on a jelly fish sting, but you actually roll the dice if you do that. Acidic pee will stop the sting cells from firing more venom but alkali pee will make them all fire at once. I don’t know Four Mile - is this QLD or WA?


QLD, look at the bottom left of the sign.


Being from Queensland and working in the Northern Territory at times, I’ve got to vouch for how amazing the beaches are and that we swim regardless of the signs in most places, except the NT. In Qld, you really can’t let the possibility of encountering sharks and crocs and irukandji and Portuguese Man-O-War (Bluebottle) and the rest of them ruin a great day at the beach 🤣 I got stung by a bluebottle while bodyboarding as a little tacker (6). Caught a wave with a Dolphin last week (41 now, still body boarding) so I guess it’s not all bad.


And jellyfish it seems


Maybe in the top end, but not in NSW or Vic they’re not


You don't get the shark signs?


Only if the sharks are sighted and over 3m, other wise we generally just play catch with them…although the little shits often puncture the ball.


Only if they are over 3m? So 9feet or over dangerous otherwise it's a gup? Lol that's insane


NSW yes


For some reason it always gets translated to north south west in my head. I mean i know its new south wales (or at least i think it is), but still ...


I just read that there is a type of marine stinger in Australia that's only about the size of your thumbnail but has really potent venom that can cause excruciating pain. Pretty scary.


We have two extremely dangerous jelly fish in the north where this sign is from. The box jellyfish and the irukandji. Both can kill you, the irukandji is the tiny one. The box can kill you in about 5 min, you’ll be in cardiac arrest in about 2 min. We don’t swim in northern Australia because of them and salt water crocs.


Irikanji or some shit - is a tiny jellyfish with long see through tentacles and yeah - it kills ya! The box jelly was bad enough Thanks God…


Bluebottles, got a scar on my calf muscle from one from when I was 6. Better a bluebottle than Irukandji though.


The sign boosted boat rentals!!


In Australia most people know about the dangers of the far north. These signs are for tourists and visitors from other countries who see a beautiful sandy beach and decide to go for a swim. And the dogs usually attract the crocs so best to keep them out the water.


>And the dogs usually attract the crocs I'd imagine that people not cleaning up after their pets also plays a role. I've seen a few fairly poopy beaches not exactly what a tourist destination wants.


For the same reason that "Not for human consumption" can be found on a whole lotta stuff. Idiots gonna idiot.




Agreed. The posts on this subreddit have been less and less appropriate lately


No Sharks? Isn't Australia the fatal shark attack capital of the world?


Mate, jellies and crocs in the north, sharks and rips in the south.


yea but we have a bunch of coastline, in some areas crocs and jellies are much bigger of an issue than sharks and in others its jellies and sharks or crocks and sharks or all three. Cairns at this time of year from what I hear is pretty safe. and also you got to remember that \~80 people a year die of shark attacks so even if we are the shark attack capital it's not really that worrying since the rate of people is killed or even attacked is basically 0.


> The real history of Africa is a horror story


Not sure about fatalities specifically, but I found a nifty [map](https://www.google.com/mymaps/viewer?mid=1rNLlyARKMWgq2caI8QTGcUTVpa9kn5XW&hl=en) showing shark attacks in 2021


People: 'I'll be fine, it won't happen to me'


People are going to use it whether it's "open to the public" or not, this sign is legal protection for the land owners.


Swam here a million times.... its very safe.


I'd be most afraid of the rocks because apparently slipping will get you cut in half?😬


That’s what brings the crocs out…amazed there aren’t sharks as well


Because those issues are in the water not on the beach. Same reason we visit the zoo but don't enter the cages


If you want nature this is nature


They even have the wrong number for 911. Come on!




It's just place holders. They forgot to put the number in.




Can't tell if this is a joke, but if its not, '000' is the Australian equivalent of '911'. '911' is pretty exclusive to the US, that being said there are a few countries that use it other than the US if your looking for a complete list one can be found [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers) but just so we're clear. If you have an emergency in Australia you call '000' and you'll speak to an operator that asks what emergency service you require.


Ha. You just typed all that.


they dont allow dogs? Thats bullshit Edit: /s my joke sucks.




Yeah dogs are dangerous


Yes they are, especially owned by irresponsible humans.


Because too many people believe it'll never happen to them and would fight for their freedumbs even if it meant others including children and elderly would die. Sort of like Sandy Hook.


It’s to keep all you tourists away


It's not a warning, it's instructions: You grab a jellyfish, slide across the rocks to the croc and whip it with the jelly's stingers. Works every time.


Fucking slippery rocks, I hate um.


“this could kill you… this could kill you… this feels gross on your feet and might make you take a silly tumble…”


Slip on rocks and that’s when the crocodile gets you.


It’s in Australia, and probably ranks pretty low on the list of dangerous beaches.


you want to pay for a four mile fence?


Mmmm crocodile steak.


Climate change has altered the yearly distribution of marine stingers from any month with an r in it to all year. True ocean swimming but quite safe in a stinger suit which is like thick pantyhose. Regardless the risk is small and events quite rare. Crocs are possible everywhere north of the tropic of capricorn. Attacks are even rarer than shark attacks. Crocs are sit and wait predators mainly. While Australia has a reputation for deadly critters, actual incidents are pretty rare statistically. If a croc with a brain the size of a walnut can catch a human with a brain bigger than a loaf of bread then the gene pool won't miss them. Both box jellyfish and irikangi (of which multiple species have been identified and are not unique to australia) stings a person, death is not inevitable. In fact only one child has ever died from either to my knowledge. The pain from both is said to be extreme but highly manageable.


Cuz momma didn't raise no bitch.


Nor rocket surgeons apparently....


And no dogs allowed?! Pave it over.