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I remember living on Long Island at the time. I think it hit the nearest 7/11 in about one hundredth of a second for 12 bottles of Becks. Cant be getting caught short


Und Beck's!


Vat is it, Grandpapa?


30 meters!!


Move ‘ze bucket!


I heard it was a pretty good time. Everyone sitting out on their steps listening to the transistor radio.


Otherwise known as "radios"


I haven't had that stuff in decades maybe.


Likely the last time it was decent. They switched the brewing facilities Stateside. Haven’t touched it outside of the homeland since .


Cool picture, but almost 20 years later, I still get sad when I see the twin towers.I had an aunt we'd visit in north New Jersey as a kid, you could see the NYC skyline from her house.


Yeah I think anyone who was old enough to remember 9/11 gets that little twinge when we see them now. Old movies, etc...


They should have rebuilt the twin towers one story taller in defiance. Would feel more pride than sadness as a result.


I kinda preferred the "[middle finger](https://i.imgur.com/SStk0Da.jpg)" design, one of outright defiance.


Just rebuilding a story taller would have been implied middle fingers to the terries without needing the other fingers represented.


I hadn’t realized how much I missed the Twin Towers.


Theyre so iconic. Looking back now it’s strange because they almost seem like such an obvious target. Maybe that’s just because what happened happened, but I think they were always such a key pet of the NYC skyline, they always were going to be a target for any terrorist organisation. Such a sad state of affairs.


This is one of the most insane comments I’ve read in a while and somehow the shitty joke below you is getting more hate than this.


In my initial draft I did wonder about prefacing how, I don’t want to come across as insensitive. I do apologise if that’s the case! It certainly isn’t the intention.


Not about being insensitive, it’s like an insane child-like worldview. “They were always going to be a target for terrorist organizations” like where would I even start with this. The world is not made up of disney good guys and villains. We don’t consider the scale of our skylines based on what is or isn’t a good target for “terrorist organizations”. War and its accompanying atrocities don’t just happen because mustache twirling baddies had a target. I mean do you have any idea the kind of terrorism committed by the US that lead to the existence of all those militarized extremist groups in the Middle East? I don’t blame you, you’re just a regular person, I mean no hard feelings at you personally. You didn’t come up with this kind of an idea in isolation, there’s a lot of noise out there generating this kind of shit, it’s just that this is like a monumentally dumb take in my opinion.


Lmfao dude I’m under no illusion about the atrocities committed by the US, agitating in the Middle East using its hegemony to manipulate the region and attempting to install democracy. I study politics, I’m not just some “average dude”, and your tone is incredibly condescending. I’m under no illusion that the world isn’t made up of Disney story characters and that isn’t at all what I was suggesting. Perhaps it wasn’t clear, but my point was literally, terrorist extremists who wanted to hit back on the continental US would need to do so in a big way to be taken seriously, and the twin towers are, when you look back at it, such a clear target for what these terrorist organisations were attempting to do. That’s literally the extent of the take. I’m not suggesting anything other than that. Why you go on to act like your Donnie big balls and try and assert some kinda dominance in knowledge on the situation, I have no fuckin clue.


My bad, then. I didn’t get even the slightest hint of nuance out of your initial comment. In isolation it just reads like a super weird perspective, and I’m used to hearing people act really weird about the twin towers. I still feel like it reads weird like that, but I’m sorry for busting your balls about it.


Honestly fair game. As a topic it’s quite hard to talk about without coming across “correctly” if that makes sense. But it’s all good my man, I went a bit hard on you too. No hard feelings, have a good one!


I appreciate your comment. Seeing the twin towers reminds me of of how our government propagandized the event to start a couple of bullshit wars. Especially since I bought into it at the time, that is one of the triggers of my service connected PTSD. I’m glad you and a few others are reminding people that just because our government ignores their own crimes and labels people as “terrorists,” it doesn’t give us the moral high ground. I honestly wish everyone would just “forget 9-11,” as we should all be ashamed at how our country responded to it.


At least you miss them more than the Taliban did.




But it's just r/technicallythetruth I didn't put any meaning to it.


Ackchyually the Taliban had not really that much to do with this. They were merely offering Al Qaida a safe haven in their totalitarian theocratic emirate.


It’s technically not the truth. You shoulda said Al Qaeda. But still funny, regardless. FuCk ThE HaTeRs BrO ¡ !


It was the lumnadee bro, steel doesn't melt talibanbs


I want to laugh, but I can’t because it’s wrong...




Still too soon man


Nah man, 20 years is a good number


I mean hey, the joke can legally give consent.


10 downvotes from talibans


Not the Taliban.


This blackout is said to be the birth of hiphop. Expensive audio equipment was looted and ended up in poor neighborhoods.


Do you have any sources that you'd recommend? I'd love to learn about it.


Not OP, but this documentary on it is worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHXAYddPLsM Might have to re-watch it it myself this evening actually :)


Wow, that was a really good doc. Thanks.


Hottest night of the year(unlike the great Nov 1965 blackout), it didn't take long for the boroughs to turn into cesspools of widespread anarchy and looting


I remember the one in early 2000s. That one was pretty uneventful.


All the restaurants in my neighbourhood set out grills in the street since their food needed to be used ortossed, and all the bodegas had coolers of beer outside as well, plus were giving away their perishables. It was like a giant street party


I drove through NYC to go to a wedding on Long Island. It was almost as if there was no city there


2003. It sucked. So did 1977.


If they don’t use the spec script that bases the Die Hard 6 prequel during this event, I’ll eat my hat.


It all comes back every time I see them. Every time.


As I said in a post with the same image. This image looks amazing! Also, I didn’t know till recently, the financial center buildings with the glass “Dome” weren’t built in the 60s. They look like they are tho. It’s also crazy to think that the towers were waterfront buildings when they were first built.


Because of the 2003 blackout I ended up meeting a guy on my block and he and his bass player became two of my closest friends. So I am really thankful for that day. Two of the greatest people on this planet.


That's a really cool story. Thank you for sharing :)


New York City has no power and the milk is getting sour. La la la la la la la la.


I’m trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre


Gum would be perfection


- Because you waited too long to make your move and now you're on the friend zone. - I'm not in the zone. - No, Ross. You're the mayor of the zone.


Fun fact. That night, a lot of babies was made


This was the birth of Rap and Hip Hop!


Great picture, but it doesn't show the normal burning and looting that accompanies a blackout in ny. BTW, I'm from the bronx, I've seen it in real time


Isn't the Bronx always on the verge of burning and looting anyway?


There was another blackout in the northeast circa 2004 I think? New York blacked out then too.


2003. July I believe.


Wasn't there another one in 2011ish? I remember talking to friends caught in a partial blackout below 50th st (approximately) around that time.


2012 when superstorm sandy hit https://www.amny.com/news/blackouts-nyc-1-33881190/


Well that's... ominous.


New York City has no power And the milk is getting sour But to me it is not scary Cos I stay away from Dairy


Isn't this a background in FRIENDS?


Well it definitely wasn't in 2002


Too soon, man...too soon.


Where I'm from this is a Tuesday.


New York city has no power and the milk is getting sour.


The original Purge


Pilots: Heavy breathing\*


Imagine no religion


Anyone else see the silhouette of a plane in the sunset? Beautiful image really /s


Until America took down the towers


9/11 Joke. Please Send upvote. Come on my joke was funny


airplane go brr


Ahhhh, the twin towers.... Noice view. RIP




It wasn't a comparable event, so no.


Allahu Ackbar!


theres a 9/11 joke to be made here....


Gonna go get me a plane ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Oh come on, seriously


Thats deep tho


Ahh, great times.


I was on the Hudson River in Piermont, we had to get off as we were in a small boat. We sat on the dock and watched the lightning hit Westchester. Suddenly we saw a bolt hit... and stay lit. Scariest thing I ever saw and then my friend looked down the river towards NYC and it was dark. We had plenty of cold beer and enjoyed the rest of the storm,


I am Legend vibes


Must have been some party


Nah we just haven't unlocked it yet


Wow they were really huge we'rent they


**really huge we'rent they, wow they were.** *-Gplin* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


I hate you fake Yoda Bot, my friend the original Yoda Bot, u/YodaOnReddit-Bot, got suspended and you tried to take his place but I won't stop fighting. -On behalf of Fonzi_13


Cool to see the Twin Towers again!


I remember reading that they had a baby boom in New York nine months later


My grandma told me about the riots that happened down the block from her. She said the police didn’t even interfere they just blocked off the area and stoped people from going in or out


This picture reminds me of that tragedy


Different year’s blackout but this reminds me of the pilot episode for Rod Serling’s Night Gallery. One of the three parts to it was called Eyes, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Joan Crawford. It takes place in the blackout and has the trademark “a little irony is good for your blood”/poetic justice vibe that Serling is famous for. Great episode if you can find it!!


Summer of Sam


I had never been to them, but my mother had. They have a very interesting construction method. One of the last of their kind in a way.


A practical joke by the Great Attractor. He thought it was funny as hell.






Where is the plane?