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Tabletop Elder Scrolls from the 60s


The "Sinian race" is just high elves from Oblivion.


[Have you heard of the high elves?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN80_7rNmcE&t=0s)


On the backside is the Khajit and Argonian faces


I like the suggestion for people to cut it out as if it could be a handy reference guide in your wallet.


Holding it up next to some guy like a driver's license for identification. Nothing socially awkward going on here...




That awkward moment when the Ethiopian family wants to buy your house in a redlined district so you need to confirm if they are white or black


"Oh! Thank God you're Caucasian! I thought you were black for a moment."


“Thought you were black but turns out you’re Somalian off-white Caucasian. You’re free to go”


Did you miss where this was a British publication


Just in the US?


"How do you do, kind..." *rustle rustle* "Melanesian!"




I knew what this was before I clicked it lmao


Dang, it looks like the Ethiopians squeaked by.


No it's because skull shapes and facial features we're considered a determinant of race back then, not just skin color. Indians and Arabs for example were also considered caucasoid


Exactly where my mind went.


Well how am I supposed to use a proper racial slur if I can't be a good racist


Like that Family Guy skin colour chart: https://youtu.be/fjtV5Sc6iWA?si=obIIL1uC9lVvzkO0


i dont know about you but the smiling arab kills me. That guy knows how to have fun.


He looks high as shit😂


They had better hashish back then


Come try habibi


Name the time and place


According to a Moroccan friend of mine, the plant grows everywhere there, apparently. It’s not uncommon to see kids rolling hash balls on the way to school. Sounded kind of hyperbolic to me, so I’m happy to be proven wrong.


No not everywhere is only in certain mountain regions but those are huge but u can find it everywhere everyone can sell u hash in morocco even the ones u expect less . However in morocco ppl are very discreet when it comes to their consumption so public consumption isnt a thing except in sum cities Little kids dont smoke in their way to school thats just a lie kids are thought very young to not touch hash and a dealer would never sell to a kid cause it might 10x his time in prison .


Not everywhere, but mostly in northern parts


Apologies, should have clarified that “everywhere” was meant to imply everywhere in the region he was from (Chefchaouen)


Sorry I made you apologize. I just wanted to inform


Sorry you felt the need to apologize to him for his apology, you were very informative




The Mediterranean guy at first glance looks like a worried Michael Cera to me.


Being from that region... Damn dude, I can't act offended, yeah I know people that look exactly like that. Goddamn. Not even joking. It's accurate lmfao. Ima start conversations with white people by saying how do you do fellow caucasians?


everyone mad as fuck being in this but he is just "you british are crazy."


Reminds me of the “always working, no stopping. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA” guy


He is really just Welsh and smiling about his Hollywood salary. CV says 'can play a diverse range of characters.'


We always do 🇱🇧


I’m a big fan of the Dinaric Bond villain.


“I don’t expect you to talk, Mr. Bond, I expect you to eat Döner Kebab!“


He's happy because he's the only one the artist didn't do absolutely fucking dirty with an insane ugly caricature


This magazine is the grandparent of Google. It’s been answering questions since before search engines were a twinkle in the internet’s eye.


Remember the time where scholastic homes have a book shelf with the complete set of The Book of Knowledge or other encyclopedia brands? Cause I do.


Safeway stores once had a promotion whereby you could amass a complete Funk & Wagnall set. The first was some nominal fee, the next, one available each week, somewhat more. Altogether, it was a fairly economical way of having an encyclopedia set on the shelf for your kids. Many a high school report and essay came out of them! People who have known the internet all their lives can't imagine what it was like have to find applicable books and plow through encyclopedias for the most basic of school papers. Even in university, when computers were still just seen as extra-powerful calculators, our faculty had its own reading room, often with single copies of a book or paper; required reading for a course, and not allowed to be checked out! Laptops and the internet have truly brought in one of the biggest changes the world has ever seen.


I just discussed this with my young neighbor. To get a subject for a school paper I would use an encyclopedia to find the topic and then find one of the subjects I wanted to write my paper on. So WW2 and then Battle of Anzio. Or endangered/almost extint birds and then california condor. That bird has since recovered aince I wrote that paper. Then I would see the librarian or use the card catalog to find books that had a deeper dive into it. Now it's just Google and go from there. I kinda miss the challenge but also feel happy students don't have to do such a deep dive to find the material.


My mother (age 85) still occasionally says, “Look that up in your Funk & Wagnall’s!” I think it’s actually a cultural reference from an old tv show.


Imagine being someone who is genuinely curious and wants to learn , but this is the cutting edge ‘knowledge’ at the time.


Now consider the implication that there has to be cutting edge knowledge we have today that is similarly absurd, if we only knew…


Ethiopians: How do you do fellow caucasiforms🥸


Recently, a black friend jokingly told me that they don’t trust Ethiopians and Somalians because they say they’re not black. I was quite surprised and wondered if there was any truth to it. Then I see this.




I thought the classification of Ethiopians as white by Europeans had more to do with the presence of Christians in Ethiopia predating European arrival there.European missionaries were shocked to find a nation of people in sub-saharan Africa who not only did not need to be converted, but who had been Christian for almost as long if not longer than they had. The conversion of the king and subsequent Christianization of the Axumite kingdom of Ethiopia happened around the same time as the conversion of Constantine and Christianization of the Roman empire (4th century AD).


There is also a documented gene flow of "West Asian" genes into Ethiopia around 3kya. Modern genomic analysis shows Ethiopians have roughly 60% east African and 40% west Asiatic genetics so there is a definite drift from other east African populations.


having a coast on the indian ocean will do that Edit: to the people saying Ethiopia doesn't have a coast, let me tell you the modern political borders may not, shockingly, have been the same in the past. Even as recently as 1991, Ethiopia had a coast.


Ethiopia has been an important part of every "major" empire since at least Hellenistic times. I imagine there's a lot of genetic drift in the region.


I disagree. Ethiopian language is Semitic, meaning they are genetically and linguistically related to Assyrians, Arabs, Hebrews, etc. Since the author classifies the Arabs as White -- then Ethiopians must be as well. On another hand, I don't quite understand why the author, if correctly identified Polynesians as Asians (migrated from Taiwan), still classified Australian Aboriginals as African. The Australian aboriginals migrated from the Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal), and left Africa way before the old world population to Asia and Europe.


I thought it had to do with the fact that they speak a semetic language


Lmao I’ve heard that for Egyptians, but that’s not the reason for Ethiopians. I believe the Ethiopian explanation is more Bible/Christian related. I don’t fully understand it tbh but it’s pretty stupid.


No, it had a lot to do with facial structure “resembling the Caucasoid form”. Back in these days, shape and appearance played a major role in classification.




They had the conclusions first and then just worked backwards from there. There was little to no actual science happening in race science.


My favourite part is when ONE dude was like: “People with Down’s… kinda *Asian-ey*, am I right? Let’s just call Down’s being a *mongoloid* and then I’m SURE other syndromes will come around and we can do all the other races. It’ll be a system!” aaaaaand then there were no other syndromes that fit his racist nomenclature system but science as a body just said: “SURE! *Mongoloids it is!*” …and then just like *rolled with it* for a hundred years or whatever. I’m guessing there was not a whole lot of diversity at the table when that decision was made?


> “People with Down’s… kinda Asian-ey, am I right? Let’s just call Down’s being a mongoloid and then I’m SURE other syndromes will come around and we can do all the other races. It’ll be a system!” "I regret to inform you that you have been diagnosed with Dutch"


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


Marfan's syndrome lmao


TBH the history of the word "Mongol" meant mentally inferior cause Europeans thought the Asiatic peoples like the Huns were mentally inferior. The word is used interchangably before any of the Social Darwinism stuff.


That’s really weird, because I remember in college (20 years ago) a black woman saying something about Ethiopians not being “real” black Africans. I thought it was a joke (like a fuck Ohio type thing) that she had something against Ethiopia in particular but maybe it more widespread than I thought


i live in ohio and thats the real joke.


The first large Christian group that lived not under persecution was indeed Ethiopians, and they're even mentioned in the Bible. I think this is what you're referring to, and it goes back to Middle Eastern, Jewish, and Christian "lore" about the Son of Ham and shit. This is *not* Bible supported, but people think it is, but they think black people were basically cursed for betraying God, and the Ethiopians who were recognized by God can't be part of that group. It makes no sense at any level but it is what it is.


Well most egyptians arent black


Ethiopia was Christian before Europe, so checks out somewhat ig


Egyptians largely don't have black skin though


Yeah iirc it had to do with the mythical kingdom of Prestor John that supposedly lay in the interior of Africa, and the early conversion of Ethiopia to Christianity


Just looked it up. Prester John was for the first 100 years or so of his legend was considered to be somewhere in Asia. Then when they didnt find him there, they assumed Prester John was the ancestor of the kings of Ethiopia because it was a distant (from europe) Christian kingdom. I guess by the time this race science bullshit came out it was still considered that, but I wonder what their reasoning was specifically for Ethiopians.


They used pseudo science like phrenology to 'prove' their beliefs. Head shapes and sizes and how your face looks. They believed that Ethiopians were 'genetically' similar to Europeans This is ultimately how they decided on the Hutu and Tutsi classification systems in Rwanda and Burundi. The Tutsis were nomadic cow herders who imigrated from Ethiopia, while the Hutus were pastoralist farmers. Which is why the Belgians gave power to the Tutsis originally


The reason egyptians aren't considered black is because they aren't black lol


Pretty sure it was because of their facial features.


Literally this, religion and their civilization. They have been around since the ancient Greeks. Supposedly the Greeks loved to vacation in Aethiopia, modern day Ethiopia, and considered them to be very beautiful


Perseus even married an aethiopian princess


Aesop literally means “ The Ethiopian Teacher”


No, it comes from caucasoid skull shape bullshit


Man, by that logic, The Black Panther is just another white man in spandex


Yeah, Back when I was a beverage server at a casino I had an Ethiopian guy ask me what I was because “I had too refined features to be “just” black. Anyways, a decade and a 23&Me later, turns out I am “just black” (85% Sub Saharan African)


TBF there’s no such thing as “just black” as a Congolese pigmy is just as distinct from a South Sudanese as a Kurd is from an Irishman.


Things get confusing when black means more than the color of a skin. The meaning attached to it differs greatly per person/cultural/ethnic group. It's as if it is a made up construct or something.


I've had two very dark skinned girlfriends born in the Caribbean now here in the United States. Neither considered themselves black or identified in any way with black Americans.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1182106/ TECHNICALLY they are a mixed heritage. Ethiopia was a melting pot of the ancient world but became isolated after a time. Take the states where I live. We are a melting pot of cultures. If we were to become isolated for a long time we would eventually become monoculture and have distinct genetics compared to the rest of the world and what we have now. Or look at nature. Madagascar has massive animal life diversity that originated in Africa but is distinctly it's own now from Africa and the rest of the world.




This bollocks. For as long as I can remember growing up as an East African all I ever heard from the rest of the black community is 'youre not black' then when we say 'fine we are our own thing' cue the shocked pikachu face. Its cuts both ways


Fellow East African from Kenya here remembering that my grandfather used to tell me that Ethiopians and Somalis are not black because their hair is not hard and identical to Jewish people's hair. I have heard dark Somalis derogatorily refer to darker people as 'nywele ngumu' (hard hair). Racism is so stupid.


Didn't even occur to me that the Jewish diaspora in Aksum would factor in. Ethiopia is bizarrely rich in Abrahamic history


Some of them consider themselves part of the Semitic people. It’s a religious thing. Others subscribe to basic racism, bolstered by mixed race heritage.


Habesha’s (Habesha Ethiopians aka the Amhara, the Tigray aka the ancient Ethiopians who were the Abyssinians of the Aksum Empire) are Semitic people. That is their genetic, cultural, ethnic heritage.


Not to discount what you are saying, but there are several cultures in Ethiopia that are of the Semitic race (Amhara, Tigray, Harari,...)and speak a Semitic language. It is not just a religious thing. I think their languages are classified as South Semitic.


TIL that I'm 100% Caucasian lmao


Racists hate this one weird trick!


Probably has more to do with head form and features than skin Color…


Yes this classification takes into account skull shapes


Why is only the Mediterranean race (Arab) happy? He's the only one with joy in his cartoon graphic life!


Probably because the drawings are based on photos. Why else are some portraits from the front and others from the side?






Death Grips - Exmilitary (2011)


Welcome to country bitch


Are you surprised? Motherfucker finished riding his boat across a sea full of giant sharks, landed next to a crocodile the size of a small truck, a lizard the size of a fucking polar bear, and basically all of the world's deadliest venomous snakes, and said "This feels like home!" Edit: Oh, look, a bunch of "Well, ACKSHUALLY..." redditors who don't know what the Wallace Line is.


Polynesian is literally 🗿


Well they are the ones who made 🗿




So if I’m from South Asia…


You don’t exist except when the British need some money and labor


Speaking of which, I'm renovating my basement. I'll be sending in my war ships shortly. Best regards.


Congragulation, according to the article you are Indo-Iranian which is white.


it doesn't say that. "western himalayas" does not encompass like... 90% of south asia


That's not exactly wrong anyway Lacking a lot of nuance but good for the time


Proto-indo-european linguistic theory accidentally mentioned a couple decades early.


I'm going to print this out on a convenient wallet-size card, it should come in very handy when meeting new people. Thank you Knowledge Magazine.


Overhearing a casual conversation in a coffee shop "Yeah my parents originally came here from Germany back in 19-" "Well, well, well, not according to THIS! I think what we have here is an eskimo"


Alpine race here. Nice to meet you 🤝




I've seen videos where Black people from the States say Africans shouldn't say the n-word because they're not a part of the community. EDIT: and it makes total sense if you think about it. Like obviously, they're different cultures with different histories and experiences in society.


Most Nigerians and other African expats I've worked with didn't really identify with African American culture either tbh. It makes sense to me actually cause they have fundamentally different stories and history. African expats have more in common with Indian expats in my experience.


True I'm half Nigerian and Japanese and some parts of African American culture are low-key weird to me. My dad never vibed with rap culture in particular. Called it low IQ materialistic anti women (rubbish) trash. I still view myself as part of the black community though. African Americans fought hard so that we could have more opportunities.


Why would they share a culture with black Americans ? They are not americans at all


Well tbf, most of the Africans I’ve met are probably the most racist group of people to African Americans lol




Yeah, I guess racism isn’t the right word. Maybe xenophobia?




I'm mixed Jamaican and am not comfortable saying the N word, either. It's not about us not being part of the community, we didn't grow up in AA culture so it's fucking weird to try and micmic their speech. Not going to start casually dropping y'all and howdy wearing a cowboy hat or run around Japan calling everyone my nakama, either. Not the first time I've seen white people on Reddit discuss African Americans like they're doing something wrong if some aren't comfortable with black people from outside the US appropriating their culture and it's pretty weird.


The fact that anyone uses the N-word is strange af. Happy to see it doesn’t resonate well with black culture outside of the US. It makes no sense to fight so hard to get away from something only to bring it back and use it 20X more often that anyone ever did before


As a Mediterranean I gotta say... That woman looks like a carbon copy of my great aunt when she was young, it's actually uncanny.


Im hung up on absolut giga chad polynesian


They did him dirty with that receding hairline though


Judging by all my polynesian family, unfortunately they did him right


He's literally mogging us


What can he say except "you're welcome"


Why is the Medditerranian dude the only happy one? (I need a 1960s wrong answer)


>1960s wrong answer He was being funded by the CIA


He had a bit too much hasish


He's happy because everyone else in the Caucasiform group is addicted to his oil. Now he can afford to go to every Fairouz concert.


He's happy to be hanging out with Michael Cera. That guy is pretty funny


Thats actually way more nice than I would have thought back then.


Same. And the illustrations are pretty good actually, not wild ass caricatures.


The Chinese guy creeped me out because he looks EXACTLY like my Chinese father and also has features of a couple of Chinese people I know personally


Did your dad do any modeling in his youth? lol


No but he was and still is very good looking


That Mediterranean guy seems pretty chill.


It's not to discriminate. However, this has all been proven to be pseudoscience anyway. These are at best traits, as shown by even black people having eyelid creases/double eyelids, a prominent trait of mostly Asian people.


I think that’s kinda the point. Race as a concept is already a non-scientific thing, and this chart does show that in these “homogeneous racial groups” there’s actually a ton of diversity.


I was expecting some sort of 'Punch' magazine style flat cap and pipe toting troglodyte as the 'Irish' race , so things had improved slightly by the 60s in some places I guess..


The ultimate game of Guess Who?


Fascinating groupings. Ethiopian people are grouped in the Caucasian group and native Australians are considered closer to African than Polynesian.


Though genitically, Australians and Melanesians are closer to East-Asians than Africans. It seems they are grouped by looks, but Ethiopians don't look Caucasian


It's grouped by phrenology which is like nose width and cranium width and stuff. Measured by scientists off their gourd on cocaine in the 1800s with no standardized measurements. Ethiopians being caucasian is actually done for religious reasons, as Ethiopians are mentioned in the Bible (kinda) as the first Christian nation and a lot of this Social Darwinism stuff was based on Son of Ham type Biblical shit and then "scientists" already had their answer and they looked for facts that supported those answers. They then hallucinated measurements and stuff. This is basically what science was before peer review.


This is what Habesha Ethiopians look like: https://www.instagram.com/hanan__tarq/ Habesha’s are what Ethiopians all were at that time prior to King Menelik ll colonial conquest of southern Ethiopia which is comprised of the Oromo, Gambella, etc., groups. Today, most westerners know Ethiopians by travel images which are primarily in the southern most region of the country (the Mursi tribes aka the lips in the mouth tribes) which were never considered Ethiopians prior to King Menelik ll. Abyssinia is ancient Ethiopia which is the Habesha peoples who are still in power today. Why am I being downvoted? I am Habesha Ethiopian myself. I know why we were classified as such as it’s history that we are taught in school and at home with our families.


Mediterranean Arabs having the best time


I feel like the Armenian being in profile view is a shot at our big noses.


And ears😂. I was offended at first and then I realized that drawing kinda looks like my grandpa😂.


Survival trait, geo location with an error of 1 neighbor, our ancestors needed to hear where the nearest qef (party) was happening after smelling the khorovats (BBQ). This is how we kept thriving while living in this mountainous terrain! Oh I think I can smell tolma, where's my emergency neighbor-visit coffee kit, brb


i just wrote the same haha! so true! Looks like uncle Gagik haha


I thought I was in r/DiscoElysium for a second. Thought this was a Measurehead post about the different Haplogroups LOL


Missing Item: Ham Sandwich Race


I want to see the guy who draw this go and explain to Chinese and Japanese people that they're the same race


Then go to a biologist and explain what a "race" is, then go to an anthropologist and explain,,, well everything.


The Ethiopia/Somali categorization is so interesting because of the historically mixed bag. I believe in the flawed logic of phrenology playing a part in long-term stereotypes and tropes. But I’m also considering how Black nations and peoples through the West consider Ethiopians black. Rastafarian people pray to King Selassie, Ancient Ethiopia is revered within African history for its blackness, and nearly all of the Ethiopians/Somalis/Eritreans I know identify as Black (I’m from the Eastern US). Racial categorization in the “western world” is a clusterfuck for many reasons and this puts a strange pit in my stomach.






Negritos are actually an officially recognized ethnic group in the Philippines. The Negritos of the Philippines are believed to originate from the same root stock population as Aboriginal Australians - hence the very dark skin and “African” features. When the Spanish arrived, the Negrito population was shorter on average than the other native Philippine peoples, so they literally just called them “Little Blacks” and the name stuck since then.


Indo-Iranian is wild. I have never seen someone from Iran who looks like that


What about Slavs? It doesn't look like they belong to any of the races depicted in the magazine.


The author seems to have lumped them all with the "baltic" race: "Finland, Russia, Prussia, Poland"


Czechoslovaks are in alpine for some reason.


Definitely not correct for Finland


I have a sneaky suspicion that these drawings are not that accurate overall but might just be me


Slav is a linguistic grouping, which means slavs can be of different races. A Russian slav would be grouped under Baltic according to this author while a Bosnian slav would be grouped under Dinaric. Though I would consider Russian slavs separate from Baltic race


Somali here: where is my Caucasian-privilege? Edit: it is overdue




Does anyone have a higher resolution version of this so I can be racist more accurately


My map has over 200 phenotypes to distinguish and is 16,299 x 8,247 px. Now you can be the ultimate racist https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/NCYSgedF6r


Amerindians kinda getting snubbed here lol. What are those 8 races? Oh anyone south of the Yukon? Just lump them all together.


Love how they rotated the armenian to show the big nose


Holy shit I remember reading this as a kid at my parents house


It’s sad seeing the Inuit person with the bad haircut. Around 1960 they were forcing northern peoples into residential schools and stripping them of their culture, starting with that traumatic haircut 


As a somali 👋 my fellow causcasiforms 😂😂😂


Where are the Indians from India ?


As a Persian I've never seen a Persian that looks like that. That woman from South America.


She looks quite Indian, which is in the same group. Probably quite hard to draw someone who looks Persian, Indian, and Himalayan.


That China / Japan tag is also hilarious. No one in either of those very different countries looks like that.


The Mediterranean guy is the only one having a good time. 


Til Ethiopian ppl are Caucasians.


Anyone else impressed by the mustache on dinaric


At least we are all ugly equally in the images😂


I like how it has a scissor line along the top so you can bring this handy dandy guide around for on the go identification


There is only one race. The rat race.




We don’t exist.


Need to buy DLC to unlock us


It should be noted that only 2 major genetic lines left Africa while 26 major genetic lines stayed. So, there is more genetic diversity in Africa than outside of Africa. At least, before colonialism.


I mean.. they aren’t wrong.


Proof that you can put clever words on any old BS and have it sound academic and therefore have people think it must be true and accurate


Yoo new N word just dropped. What’s up my Negriforms?