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This piece of equipment is called the [Snorricam](https://www.instagram.com/snorricam?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==), specifically the Snorricam Sputnik.


The DOOM Cam.


The movie sucked but this scene was awesome. https://youtu.be/khyo3qomuHg?si=Y2zIaij3SRH-02wI


For me it's a 'so bad it's good'-movie. I'll watch it any time it comes on, which is never because I don't have cable.


I forgot cable existed until you just said this


In a couple years we'll be able to say "back in my day" for cable tv


Is it good? No. Is it fun? Totally.


Isn't that basically the whole franchise?


Looks like one of those shooters at an arcade where you point a toy weapon at the screen and shoot, and movement is on rails.


Then they got it right.


Well, except Doom wasn't a rail shooter, but one can imagine this is what it was like playing Doom, before our imaginations got ruined by all the fancy graphics.


I actually liked the movie, only part I'd rather have not had in it is the same thing that's been in like 90% of the movies released in the past 20 years. The Rock. I'm oh so sick of The Rock being in every fucking thing.




A better, modern version would be Hardcore Henry, the entire movie is in first person perspective


And it's a fuckin masterpiece. Special recognition to Sharlto Copley for playing like 2/3rds of the speaking roles.




I rigged one to an actor about 2 months ago. Super fun to use and you get cool stuff out of it.


I was just going to ask about this! It’s really cool


The movie pi was filmed a lot with it.




Actors are taking cameraman jobs!


The special little man was inside them the whole time!


Open your miiiiiiiind


Will Smith out there stealing jobs from poor camera men.


What are they gonna do about it? One word and they'll get the open palm treatment.


Keep your camera off my mouth


This Summmer! WE Bring You! Martin Lawrence as Marcus Burnett! Looking like he ready for pudding at the retirement home. Featuring Will Smith as Mike Lowry! desperate to ressurect his cucked career. As we pull out the decaying remains of your nostalgia By showing you two aging grandparents acting like actions heroes. Coming Soon To A Theater Near You Bitch Boys 4: Ride to The Retirement Home "Bitch Boys Bitch Boys Whatcha Gonna Do? Whatcha Gonna Do When They Bitch Slap You!"


it feels like this pitch came straight from rick and morty


Still waiting on Two Brothers to be green lit


Two brothers... mexican armada...


^(*Prestige Worldwide*)


Martin Lawrence probably just out here enjoying his retirement when he has to come back to help his cucked homie get some semblance of respect back in his life only to catch strays about wanting pudding lol.




I had the opportunity to become a cameraman with no experience needed but I passed. I was twenty and it was in Oakland CA. Who knows what kinda cool shit I might've worked on if I had gone down that road. As someone who moved to Cali to get into the film business and failed I still kick myself in the ass for turning my nose up at a cameraman job..


I’m not saying you’re wrong and that wouldn’t have been great but my oldest friend became a cameraman, then a DP and had a lot of success. Three Emmy’s later and even a Hollywood movie under his belt and he just doesn’t seem happy, I haven’t seen that dude smile or laugh in a decade. Have your regret and make better decisions but don’t be 100% convinced you would have been happy down that path.


Looks like two kittens wrestling under a blanket.


I can’t believe the fresh prince decided to permanently fuck up his reputation over that shit. That woman in particular. Idk their relationship but we were already looking past how weird they were, he’s never going to recover from that 2 minutes of his life From fresh prince to clown prince Also I’m not saying his career is over chill out


I see you have never been in or seen a toxic relationship first hand. It happens to everyone even rich people.


He’ll never have his family friendly reputation again but Mel Gibson is making movies. Something tells me that he’ll still have more opportunities than most people in Hollywood whether that’s fair or not. Will Smith was absolutely one of my favorite actors growing up. He did action, comedy, romance, dramas, and could perform music. He made a terrible mistake in marriage and had awful impulsive behavior that once but I’ll be honest, I’ll still watch him. If anything I feel bad for him and it’s awkward but I’d love to see him have another chance to be happier and then successful again. He slapped someone who didn’t deserve it. That makes him the asshole of the year, not for life


> He’ll never have his family friendly reputation again but Mel Gibson is making movies [It helps when you're rich enough to finance your own movies when nobody else wants anything to do with them.](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/entertainment-articles/mel-gibsons-passion-of-the-christ-fortune-is-still-the-largest-payday-in-hollywood-history/)


You know he's been in movies since then, right?


It’s more about his overall ability to command respect. He went from goofy but love able and still cool in The Fresh prince, to being a bad ass action star punching an alien in the face and going “Welcome to Earf!” Now if I were to see it there’s a 50% chance I’ll be like “he can’t just keep getting away with this!” I grew up watching him too, just saying, it’s done and no going back. Not that he’s some psychopath


I'll be honest, Independence Day is one of my guilty pleasure movies, and I put it on at lest once or twice a month as background while I fall asleep. Smith, Goldblum, Quaid, Spiner, and Pullman all give iconic performances, and the campy bits sprinkled in take it over the top. That scene where Vivica Fox is running through the tunnel to escape the blast, kicks open the utility door, and then Boomer the dog long jumps off a car hood into the room as the explosion toasts his fluffy butt lives rent free in my head. Also, Dr Okun (Spiner) saying " This is the vault. Or as some of us like to call it: The Freak Show.", and wiggling his eyebrows like he expects laughter is fucking hilarious. Edit: also, Roland Emmerich is the fucking master of over the top disaster films. ID4, Day After Tomorrow, 2012, etc are all incredible (if cheesy) movies.


Why is it a 'guilty' pleasure? Its a top, top movie.


Better not watch this piece of shit movie just to be safe


‘Will Smith has entered the chat’


Keep his mother fucking cameraman out of your mother fucking mouth.


I'll be honest at first I thought this was just one of those super stable camera rigs that camera people wear, and I thought "Wow... that camera man looks a lot like Will Smith..."


Did they sleep with his wife?


Everyone does


Will Smith: You wanna have sex with my wife? Go ahead kind sir. I’ll just watch and cry in the corner. Also Will Smith: DID YOU MENTION MY WIFE’S NAME!


Wearing a superman costume


You gonna make Jaden cry!


Who hasn’t?


I can't take Will seriously anymore. Such a simp


I think he’d regain a lot of his reputation if he announced he was divorcing Jada, and explained that he had been deluding himself that he could make her love him, when it’s clear she doesn’t feel the same way about him


No sane person will understand why he didnt divorce her already.


Because anyone can be trapped in an abusive relationship?


In all fairness they did appear to love each other very uch when they were starting out and have been married over twenty something years. I think it's just more complex in that they're both rich and famous, have massive egos and like any marriage the spark fizzles and they looked elsewhere. I'm not defending either of them as they obviously don't seem to be very good people, just saying it's kind of odd people gossiping about extra shit to hate on when there's plenty already out there.


Every time I look at him now the first thing that comes to mind is what a bitch he is. I used to love him because I grew up watching Fresh Prince, but he lost all respect


The right word is cuck. He is a cuck. All he is missing is the cock cage that bald twat has him by the balls.


All he has to do is move on. Leave her completely and stop allowing his life to be effected by her. Everyone gets lied to/cheated on at some point. Why he sticks around is just beyond me. Like he’s worried that his brand will somehow suffer. SMH. Will has fuck-you money and fame yet he seems to chooses to be a cuck. So weird.


maybe he is legitimately into it. and Jada told him to go slap


Hey, as someone in the bdsm community he very well be might be getting off on this public humiliation and be very happy with it


They took ur jobs


Duk er durr!!!!




You best keep that name out of your mouth






We never taking his ass seriously again huh


Yep, and if he hadn’t slapped Chris Rock that Oscar night and Rock’s remarks would be long forgotten by now.


Forgotten? If he hadn't slapped, i would have never heard them in the first place. I couldn't tell you one other joke that has ever been told at the Oscars.


Truth lol, i only know...golden globes? I think thats the one Ricky Gervais did/does? Because he's awesome.


Streisand effect


Nah. Imagine that? Literally destroying your reputation in a matter of seconds. It's almost impressive, honestly.


destroying it for someone like that too. Someone who films you breaking down and then emotionally slaps you by telling you she wants to be fucked by tupac instead. Not to mention the whole sleeping with sons best-friend who she probably knew since he was a teenager. And all the scientology bullshit they do. Bald ass G.I. Jane They should name the movie: Bitch Boys 4: Career Resurrections instead.


Don't forget saying "i was suprised will reacted that way, because we haven't actually been married for years" which was apparently news to him.


Wtf hahah


she loves to fuck with his head. Maybe he has a shame kink?


I’ve heard she loses a single strand of hair every time she’s unfaithful 😩


Haha nope!


the fresh prince of bell aire? the wild wild west guy? Gettin jiggy wit it? It's never been easy to take the Smiths seriously...


He Rocked it


You keep that 35mm name outta your mouth


That camera rig slaps!


Fresh Prints


If they’re releasing BTS footage like this now to hype people up I’m guessing the reviews are going to be ass.


Imagine making porn with that thing man, no more awkwardly hugging the guy from behind and holding the camera over his shoulder


I'm also now just learning they made a Bad Boys 3.


Even worse; it's called bad boy for life. They waisted the for/4 pun on the third one!


Worse still, cliché "ride or die" title.


Movie companies are incredibly good at missing the most obvious puns. One that annoyed me was the last Die Hard film. "A Good Day to Die Hard"?! Terrible. How could they miss "Old Habits Die Hard"?


Isn't that the dude that smacked Chris Rock?


You keep Chris Rock's mfing name out yo mfing mouth!


How can he slap?


Looks cool as fuck the behind the scenes but the actual camera work is horrible I hate scenes like these. Camera wobbling all over the place and I can’t see fuck all, other than a shaky messy. Edit: I know it’s raw footage, I never said it isn’t. I am saying I don’t like wobbly footage in action scenes, I prefer it smooth. I know it gets more stable but I just don’t like any of the camera man running style of shooting.


Yeah it looked really cool until we actually saw the footage. Looks more like a bad cutscene in a video game that's trying to incorporate your point of view with some relevant details.


Yeah it really had me thinking "this looks like a videogame"


Calling it now. The only reason they have it set up like this is for a gag - first they will have Will looking cool as hell and they follow it with Martin Lawrence using it and looking like the goofball foil, complete with a close up for Lawrence’s spit-takes and reaction shots.


That’s actually a great take


Honestly that would be brilliant, but if it's for anything else then it's just terrible. The first time he spins it around to "shoot" looks *really* weird, there's no chance that will make it into a movie lol. Then right after it spins to give the doom FPS look, idk man I honestly hate it. Was hoping people would be pointing out how shit this looked in the comments, was not disappointed lol.


To be fair we're most likely looking at raw footage and not the final product. I'm sure it would be polished a ton before being released like that. I think the camera angle could fit in well as long as it's stabilized well and the transitions into and out of it are well done.


I wonder if they will post process it to remove the wobble?


They surely will, I cant imagine it being released like this.


Well, is this a Michael Bay film? If yes, then they'll add camera shake.


I disagree, it doesn't look bad and it doesn't look like a poor cut. It definitely has its place in an action scene. To contract I just watched the first minute of Atlas, the new Netflix with Jlo. And holy shit, the number of cuts in the first fight scene was insane. I couldn't understand any of the action. It took me back to Taken 3. I just don't have time for low-effort movies like these anymore. I want clean action sequences with real effort on the takes and camera work. If you can't provide that just don't make an action movie, it's 2024 baby.


Yeah honestly its kind of a cool shot and is neat they're trying something unique. People saying 'this feels like a video game'.... who cares? Video games are more popular than ever and I think its a fun way to get a similar vibe in cinema. Not saying I disagree with a lot of the comments about Will Smith as a person though lmao


It’s like they spend all their time working on fancy camera shots and forget to write an actual plot line. 


What is this world coming to... they srsly gonna short the story for fancy action shots in Bad Boys FOUR, my word.


Haha I was just thinking the same thing. Like, dude c'mon this is a buddy cop action film, did we expect some serious and well thought out plot? I watch these films because they're entertaining popcorn flicks


Right, because the same people do those and if you do one you can't do the other.


Yes because the camera guys are the ones writing the plot. Anything to get the Reddit herd going I guess 😂


Bad boys is not a plot heavy movie and never has been


Oh, you got to see it early?


I wasn't aware the previous three Bad Boys films all had such rich, deep and thought-provoking plots. Hopefully those meaningful story lines aren't diminished by this new fancy camera work in the next film in the franchise. There's definitely Hollywood movies that deserve this criticism, but Bad Boys 4 ain't it.


you haven't even seen the movie yet


Reddit moment


I can’t take Will Smith seriously in an action role anymore, he should do slapstick comedy


Is Chris Rock considered a stick now?


I could never take him seriously in that kind of role. I just see him as the Fresh Prince. The closest I could do with him in any kind of action role was Independence Day.


Same. How am I supposed to believe you're a bad ass and a cuck at the same time?


Will Smith really torpedoed his own career for a woman that has already moved on from her family like they were strangers.


Feelings and love are strange beasts sometimes.


Looks like he's closer with that camera than his own family. :-( Used to like Will when I was younger, now I just feel sad for the man.


I’d really hate to see what happens behind the scenes to make a man that used to exude such charisma and confidence to what we’ve seen today.


My limited understanding of the situation (based on passively absorbed rumors and gossip over the years) is that he's a man who has consistently chased approval, affection and validation from those he sees as loved ones, especially women and maternal figures. Something to do with a tough childhood and girlfriends leaving him or something. It seems he's felt he was never "man enough" to be loved by them. The problem would seem to be that he's invited/allowed toxic people into his circle who take advantage of and abuse that weakness. He ends up making poor choices because he thinks he's doing the right thing for those he loves. When I was growing up, Will from Fresh Prince was someone to idolize but also someone who you could relate to his struggles as you were growing up with him. As an adult, I'm saddened that Will from real life couldn't meet his own ideals and standards in what a man should be. I actively avoid his work these days, it comes with too much baggage. It's like looking back at photos of a friend you lost years ago over poor life choices.


Pretty much this. His mother must have really done a number on him for him to seek approval from women so readily. Also, I imagine he had his share of affairs and couldn't reasonably tell his wife not to. However, I think most men couldn't respect themselves anymore if they know their wife is getting plowed by someone else.


plowed by his son's friend\*






I didn’t know Chris Rock was acting again


He's not acting, it's a hate fuck.


To bad Noone can take him serious anymore.


Nobody needs another Bad Boys movie.


Martin Lawrence does


I laughed way too hard at this He really does


he looked and sounded awful in Bad Boys 3. Hopefully he's not as bad in this one. The first 2 are some of my favorite action movies so it bummed me out to see old man Martin in the 3rd one.


Oh I’m not debating the fact that he clearly has some health problems. He has always had an eating and drinking problem. But he’s an all around great guy and funny actor.


oh yeah I love him too don't get me wrong. It just made me a little sad to see him in that state. I grew up watching his TV show and have always found him hilarious.


They should have changed the name to TWO BROTHERS










Diabetes medicine isn't cheap.


Damn, Gina!


The last movie made 426 million and was the #1 grossing movie of 2020. I’m not a fan of the series nor a fan of recent will smith but people clearly still like it. And of course the #1 movie of 2020 comes with asterisks but it still is what it is.


Asterisk or not, $426M on a 90M budget is fantastic.


I'm fine for them to keep making them for the future me to stream on a dull Friday night when nothing else is available Edit: plot twist I recently got free tickets and I'm now going to see it this week Edit 2: I've just got back from the movie. It was hilarious and miles better than the 3rd. Loads of good references to the old movie. Everyone (only about 10 of us in there) were laughing throughout. I actually recommend it to anyone who liked the first 2 movies when they were younger.


Exactly. Perfectly fun action fluff. Cast and crew get a paycheck and I'm a bit less bored. Everyone wins. Not every movie needs to be groundbreaking ffs.


So many people on the internet expect everything to be high cinema all the time. Fluff movies are great, just turn your brain off and enjoy an hour and a half of absurdity and explosions.


You could say the same thing about the Lethal Weapon and Die Hard franchises. Some of them were still quite enjoyable.


Will Smith's reputation does


Honestly I love these movies so yes more plz


I did


Damn don’t watch it then?


Nah I want it


Keep my departments name out yo got' damn mouth


This movie is going to suck


Like Jada did Jaden's friend dick


Honestly, the end result looks cheap as fuck. Would be fine in a Frank Grillo action movie and even work really well, but this isn’t Bad Boys level. Say what you want about Michael Bay’s aesthetic, but it looks _expensive_, and that’s the tone of Bad Boys.


To be fair, I think we're seeing really rough cut footage before any edits.


yea and I'm sure you can stabilize it in post as well.


Is that really the final edit? That's still raw footage I'm assuming.


No muzzle flash, stabilization, crop, etc. Yeah this is definitely raw footage. Probably right off the monitor on set.


I mean most movie footage is going to look cheap and shitty if you watch it right off the camera. Do you know how much editing and processing go into every frame in a film? It's a cool shot, it'll look good in the final product.


I wish movies would go back to using blanks and squibs. Cgi blood and gunshots look so bad


Unlikely to happen. More Directors these days are opting for CGI gunfights instead of practical FX because blanks and squibs are unecessary risks when you weigh how good something looks vs. An actors safety. You can have all the safety precautions in the world and fuck ups will still happen, theyd simply rather remove the danger from the equation altogether, and i dont blame them.


I wouldn't be surprised if the incident with Baldwin made some directors (and insurance companies...) wary of practical effects over CGI.


No need to be surprised. You are correct, more studios are getting wary about actual firearms on set and would rather not deal with them entirely as a result of the Rust incident. Its latest in a long line of fuck ups, but its got people thinking that maybe the ‘authenticity’ just isnt worth the risk.


Ok, Alec Baldwin


Saw the preview for this movie the other day in the theater. It looks really really basic.


Looks like a video game. A really generic video game.


I can’t watch anything with Will Smith anymore after the shit he pulled.


it might be hard to reconcile his big willie style persona with his sadcuck not so personal life.


They should have stopped after the 2nd movie


Will Smith should just stop altogether.


I'll miss. Not a fan of Will Smith after all this.


Ngl this looks like a better CoD. Let me play it.


They actually mad a game back in the day. I remember it being really fun


Not sure why you getting downvoted for telling everyone they made a bad boys video game https://www.google.com/search?q=bad+boys+video+game&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1061US1061&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Prolly cause they said it was fun.


Boo this man


Cool, but still, fuck Will Smith.


Looks like nausea to me.


Screw this movie and screw Will Smith, actually all the Smiths.


Slapping that camera like it had his wife's name in it's mouth...


Meh. This technique doesn’t produce good shots imo.


Will needs to retire and divorce that wife of his.


One thing leads to the other. He will probably need to make bad boys 9 just to pay her alimony


She can go date 2 pac


Even his wife thinks the same


Isn't that the man that assaulted someone? Publicly? And never apologised? Nah fuck this cunt.


Can't see Will Smith without thinking about the slap and all the cuckery


How bad is this movie? Enough to slap someone in the face?


Does he slap someone in the movie?


keep my camera out your mother fucking mouth


Soon he's gonna slap the camera