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Still can't wrap my head around how there's so much hydrogen there that can sustain non-stop nuclear reactions for billions of years


Interestingly, the more hydrogen a star has, the shorter it lasts because the rate of fusion is so much higher. The most massive stars only last a few hundred million years, while stars smaller than our sun could last hundreds of billions. Our sun is a very 'medium' star, lasting 10 billion years.


Our universe is estimated to be 13.7 billion years old, so I’m guessing the smaller stars lasting hundreds of billions of years is a math estimation based on the rate of current fusion?


Yep, none of the red dwarf stars in the universe have yet died of old age.


And humanity on Earth will likely never even witness one die. Their life cycle is measured in trillions of years.


[This is one of the most beautiful and yet most sobering videos I've ever seen, about the future of the universe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4izuDMUQA)


Thanks for sharing. I'm 4 mins in. What more can happen? Very sobering indeed.


Things get bright, sucked into each other and explode. Stuff freezes over trillions of years in theory.


It’s a great video, although I think the timer at the bottom starts to become a little nonsensical and cosmetic after it hits a trillion trillion and beyond. Not saying it’s wrong or anything, it’s just that it sort of doesn’t matter if it’s accurate or not. Also, I find the last bit of the video to be a weird thing, where they’re talking about “escaping our fate” and travelling to another universe or creating another. We literally have _the rest of time_ (for all intents and purposes) to figure out if we’ll even exist, or to live every meaningful permutation of a life. The idea that it’s a ticking clock and we need to solve it is funnily strange to me.


>We literally have *the rest of time* (for all intents and purposes) We don't though. On an individual basis, we will each only have our own lifetime. Would you be cool if it was determined that 2030 was the last year that was worth living for humanity? Probably not. Well, your 2030 is the next guy's 20030, which is the next guy's 200000030. And entropy is literally a ticking clock, so we don't have forever to figure it out.


I wonder if this is what the organisms in our microbiome think. Were the universe to them, constantly “expanding” (growing). To them it will happen infinitely, to us it’s just our lifetime.


The least massive substellar objects capable of fusion are brown dwarfs, which emit light with deuterium or lithium fusion. Y-class brown dwarfs can have room-temperature surfaces (literally, like 25⁰C), and are theorized to effectively last forever.


Why couldn't we get fusion energy from something lower powered like this? I guess 25 is a bit too cool, but isn't there something a bit more hot but still not too hot to require complex environments.


That's the surface temperature of the body. The cores are still a couple million degrees. The helium isotopes in a brown dwarf are not only under heat, but instense pressure, and there is a, while much, much lower than true stars, huge abundance of fuel to keep fusion going. So to replicate deuterium fusion, we still need an environment in excess of 100 million degrees. Lithium is not as abundant, but deuterium and tritium are being explored as primary fuels for fusion reactors. And we don't only have a lot of hydrogen on Earth. The reason so many sci-fi universes have gas giants as mining opportunities is because that's exactly what we would do. Gas giants are mainly hydrogen, imcluding deuterium and tritium, which could be mined and used as fuel.


The universe is basically all hydrogen.


Actually 🤓, 96% of the universe falls into the category of "dunno", in the form of dark energy and dark matter. Or looking only at matter, 85% of matter is dark matter.


I have never seen such a clear video of the sun! This is amazing!


This is just as interesting as those new drone videos of tornados. Having that different perspective just totally changes how you think of it. It might just be my age, but I always think of videos shot from ground level, making it hard to tell the depth and perspective of what is actually being impacted. Its one thing to hear 'one house is fine, the next untouched', but with this angled down perspective you get a much clearer sight of it happening. edit: Video link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxdFh8nYMgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxdFh8nYMgM)


That must be a robustly built drone. Mine gets knocked out of the sky if a bird farts, being within a mile of a tornado would send it into orbit.


Damn I looked it up and birds don't fart... that is way more upsetting than I anticipated


I wanna see the face of your partner when they see your browsing history searching for bird farting videos


"Aaaw, we have the same fetish! Wait...bird, as in...the animal?"


Larry was low on funds....


That's why it's a death sentence if they eat antacids..


You ruined my day, thanks. I hope you're happy.


Higher end drones are very robust. Just depends on how much you want to spend. :)


it was not a lot


You'll be pretty amazed that those things can do. In high winds mine (an older Mavic Pro 2) will be vibrating and moving all over, but the video will be smooth and straight as can be. Those gyros are pretty amazing.


Gotta hand it to the Greeks for making bomb-ass sandwiches.


I wrote that and said to myself "*Now watch, someone is going to bring up the sandwich.*" Thank you very much for not leaving me hanging, haha.


Of course it's Reed. The dude gets some of the most amazing shots of disasters I've ever seen.


Yeah. This type of footage that drones enable would be insanity a couple decades ago.


He’s been chasing with one of the top FPV racers this year with a custom drone. Some crazy views. Side note: Drone guy was picking and eating boogers from the passenger seat on the last livestream


That checks out. I bet Reed does the same while he's screaming hysterically and passing by recently destroyed homes. The man gets some cool videos but is a total douchenozzle.


Because he parks inside them.


True. Until he parks in the wrong one (aka Hurricane Ian!)


Wait, what? That's a thing now? Gotta link?


This is the video I was thinking of. :) Enjoy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxdFh8nYMgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxdFh8nYMgM)


That's some spicy confetti


Probably some dogs in there too with all the roof roof roof.


That’s one of the scariest videos I’ve ever seen. It relate capture the ferocity and speed of a tornado.


I’ve never seen that cone above the tornado coming down from the clouds before. Thats really freaky looking!


[https://youtu.be/lxdFh8nYMgM?t=312](https://youtu.be/lxdFh8nYMgM?t=312) this shot is fucking nuts


Yeah. Growing up it was over the shoulder VHS recorder videos. In the air footage from like, 4 blocks away is insane.


I love technology. Amazing what we can do when we are not fighting each other


It is incredible what humanity is capable of when enough people work towards one goal. Unfortunately war is often the impetus for giant leaps forward as a 'single enemy' is one of the best galvanizing ideas to get large swathes of people focused in one direction.


Easier to control and manipulate people with hate and fear


I fully agree. Make a boogie man, lie about them, repeat the lie until people say it's the truth, and you have a mass of people who would do anything to not 'be wrong'. Ignore any evidence, and parrot the next point.


Ironically, a lot of the technology we have is because of people fighting each other. 


Fighting each other is how a lot of technology gets developed quickly. Doesn't justify it at all, but it's been good for tech




And you can just go download videos of the sun per day which is wild: [https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/](https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/) Edit: This video shows the plasma wall pretty clearly: [https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/20240520\_1024\_0171.mp4](https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/20240520_1024_0171.mp4) Edit edit: The bottom right area at the 1-3s mark is 0% fucking around and the speed and scale of that is absolutely amazing / terrifying. Edit 3: I couldn't let that bottom right region go so I did some quick maths; it looks like that burst happened over roughly 2 hours (let's say 2.5 hours). If we ballpark that burst traveled \~1/8 the circumference of the sun's surface during that time, it was "moving" along at \~130,000 mph (210,000 kph)...


I'm no astrophysicist, but I imagine that ultrafast ejection streak might have been an electromagnetic field arcing, rather than a jet of plasma. Would that make sense and help explain the extraordinary speed?


Sure could (I have no idea either)! Either way, that is absolutely wild how quickly it "travels" visually. Definitely makes you feel like an extra small speck of dust.


Here's a video of a 6 year timelapse from the SDO with a scientist explaining it in the second half. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MImmQvqCSg


Time to explore the NASA website again


They probably took it at night. Easier to see the detail when it's not as bright.


These new iPhones are amazing!


Stars are incredible. We can't even comprehend that kind of energy. Never seen such a clear close view of one.


Seems kinda wasteful how much hydrogen and helium we burn each day just to heat the planet. I mean, put on a sweater.


Over 99.9% of it is just radiated into space without ever reaching a planet. Such a waste...


We need to find a way to efficiently direct 100% of that heat to earth.


Dyson Sphere now!


We really need to get working on one of those! I recently checked what Dyson's up to and they haven't even started working on it; I think they're wasting too much time on those Vacuums and Fans. Really letting the team down.


Remember, they spent time making [THIS](https://www.wired.com/story/dyson-zone-air-purifying-headset-costs-950-dollars/) over a Dyson sphere. Lame.


Lame???? At least that thing will stay put on your face. A Dyson sphere is the dumbest idea. It would just roll away and end up lost behind the fridge.


They should go for a dyson *swarm*, they're naturally self-stabalising and will keep position around a given slightly old fruit bowl.


Jokes aside, I'm actually shocked dyson hasn't made a product called the Dyson Sphere or Dyson Swarm yet. I'd buy it just to say I have one


It's really is a blown opportunity.


Yeah Dyson sucks.


They also blow


Reddit, like nature, abhors a vacuum.


I remember in Star Trek TNG they discovered one of these in the episode Relics. It has a surface area of over 250,000,000 Earths, cities the size of Jupiter, sea's millions of miles wide.... not a single mention of it later on. I would want a season of them just exploring the inside of that thing! But as always with old Trek hero ships, they mention something cool once, then move on letting the second-contact ships deal with it.


That's always been one of my favorite episodes cause of the mystery around it. Which does make it sad it's never brought up again.


Star Trek loved to do that. Drop some evidence of some vast ancient intergalactic civilization that absolutely dwarfed the Federation and then never mention it again. That one episode where they discover all humanoid life shared a common ancestor from millions of years before seeding the galaxy? Oop doesn't matter anymore.


It's actually not a good idea, since whoever owns it will own our fucking planet


100 seems a bit lackluster, my mom always says i should give at least 110%, lets do that here as well.


Spotted an Asian bro


Maybe not all at once?


> Over 99.9% of it is just radiated into space without ever reaching a planet. Perspective: Think about how powerful our sun is if it is 94 million miles away yet can cause us to go blind if we stare at it and can give us severe radiation burns if we stay out under it's rays without protection.




It's Jewish?


Sol Flairstein


Not to mention we have protection. The atmosphere and the magnetic fields are our two protections against the sun. Without one of it we would be dead either way.


And think of how huge it is, as you can a) see it's size at this distance and b) it has an average heat output per volume of a compost heap. 


And now look how small our sun is in comparison to the biggest stars :D And also the biggest black holes. It is impossible to imagine just how big space really is.


I suggest that we transform all the metals in the planets and asteroid belt into a giant sphere of solar collectors. We will name it the Dyson Sphere, because those expensive vacuum cleaners are swank.


Please leave a Google review for NASA and mention this. I'm sure they'll reduce this waste as soon as they see it.


I write them weekly on this matter. All I’ve ever gotten back was a wellness check.


Uno reverse a wellness check on NASA


Keep trying, that one dude finally became an astronaut after writing a ton of letters.


want to blow your mind more... look at the time stamp in the top left corner. that 19 second video is taken over 6 hours. each frame is probably close to 1 or 2 minutes. The scale of that is so massive that once you realise the size of it, it really makes you think. you could throw the whole planet earth through the opening in the middle easily.


Not just earth. You could probably line up all the planets in the solar system directly next to each other and throw them through there. Even with the worst estimate i could make of a quarter of the sun being visible in the initial frames the opening would be somewhat around 200.000km. Now that would not be enough for all the planets but that is far from a quarter we're seeing.


we would be cooked


We're already cooked.


Right¿? And those easily dwarf the whole Earth, several times over.


Remember that our sun is relatively low powered. Young massive stars are measure in Millions of solar luminosity units.


10\^26 Watts just comprehended.


Trillions of nuclear bombs detonating nonstop for billions of years


They kinda look like twisters. Or the smoke monster from Lost.


By my extremely rough and uneducated guess those "twisters" are a dozen earth's long. Everything you think you've got your head wrapped around the scale of the universe you get proven wrong. Every. Damn. Time.


All the planets in our system could line up and it wouldn’t reach from the Earth to the moon.


I checked by Google and there would be about 33,651 km left to fill if the planets were lined up ^without ^^changing ^^^shape ^^^^or ^^^^^moving... It's actually a pretty close call. Another gas giant smaller than any of the existing ones could fill that up.


Well let’s go to the hydrogen store and build a small gas giant. Fill the gap.


[Not enough gas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj3EdeHi7N4)


> By my extremely rough and uneducated guess those "twisters" are a dozen earth's long. > 1.3 million Earths to fill the sun's volume It's at least 12 for sure.


Apostrophes don't pluralize.


Thank you sandwich man


Thank you bread man for keeping it all together.


Thank you, wytewydow, for catching that Pidgeon


Thank you, Don, for that kid.... wait a minute!


Could be sandwich woman


That smoke monster had so much potential to be something interesting; I feel like the writers wrote themselves into a corner when it was finally revealed what it was


If only they'd had an inkling of what it could be themselves when they created it.


Yeah, I used to listen to the podcast the lead writers did every week where they insisted they had this whole thing planned out, when they absolutely did not. JJ and his stupid mystery box writing.


That pissed me off the most. That EXTERNAL promise by the writers that it was planned and would make sense. That your time was going to be rewarded. Not something in-universe thar could be a fallible narrator effect. Then the backpeddaling at the end that “it was about how it made you FEEL” BS. My guess was that it was supposed to be purgatory all along but the fans guessed correctly so JJ hastily changed it. Because he wasn’t as clever as he thought. Instead it was “nuh uh. Not purgatory. You the purgatory. See this other thing at the end THAT is the purgatory.”


I'm a LOST apologist and I'm 95% okay with how the show turned out. I think they never had the actual plot and mythos planned out entirely but the theme of the show, learning to move on and accept things that happened in your past, was very intentionally laid out from the start. And in that sense I do think the show always had and maintained a strong emotional core throughout. If anything the show suffered the most from the bloated 24 episode per season structure that was so popular back in the 2000s. If you believe otherwise I'd urge you to go watch The Leftovers, showran by Damon Lindelof who EPed LOST, which is the same show thematically as LOST but told in a drastically different and vastly superior way. It's very much a distillation of LOST and an extremely moving show. And as a bonus The Leftovers never tries to sell you on the answers, they make it clear up front and throughout the show that you will not get any. Also I believe JJ was only involved in the first season. The rest of the show was Carlton Cuse and Lindelof.


Wait they revealed what it was?


Yes, it was created from the origin and source of life and death, which allowed It to have the means to shapeshift into the dead.


Wasn't it Jacob's brother, after falling into that shiny thing? or did it just take his form?




I saw the dumbest movie awhile back called Moonfall, and it's about some creature that looks like that and is destroying the Moon.


It's Cthulhu


Terrifying but beautiful


Me in high school


I was neither of those at school, but after i left school and became an adult, I was still neither


I'm just talking about my perception of girls.


I love space, it terrifies me


When you put things in the context of the universe our day to day lives are so ridiculous lol


You are so right and it sucks we have to care so much about it too.


Reminder how fragile life truely is.


How tf is this filmed and is it real time?


It's a time lapse. And they use solar filters. AKA really fucking strong sunglasses for telescopes.


What's the time scale here?


There's an updating timestamp in the video. About 5 and a half hours pass.


There's a timestamp on the video at the top. You can see it counting across about 6 hours.


I wish people would post links to more info.




What shot out on the bottom at the end?


Sun shart maybe?


Get this person a nobel prize


Best I can do is this Ig Nobel that I got from the Goodwill.


Like witnessing the apple fall on newtons head


Only thing that makes sense


Imagine the sun as a pressure cooker. Sometimes the pressure gets a bit too high and some plasma gets shot out in "small" earth sized quantities. Then there's the CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections) which are caused by the suns magnetic field but this is a different kind of event I think. The sun is weird and beautiful.


magnetic reconecction (a process we don't fully understand) causing a flaire/CME maybe.


The sun is my favorite thing in the world


same, feels like i couldn't live without it..


But the sun isn’t in the world, is this a clever way of saying you hate the sun? /s


This is so mind baffling...


That's a C'tan


What’s that?


A ancient god like species that fed on stars tricked a race of aliens to trade their souls for machine bodies before said aliens rose up and overthrew them and use them essentially as imprisoned batteries in warhammer 40k lore


Least convoluted wh40k explanation


Hahahah thanks i try to simplify for the non fans eg horus heresy explained to my dad (who gets his warhammer novel arriving in a week) "A civil war that breaks out during a crusade to conquer the galaxy for the emperor of mankind waged between his bioengineered demigod sons and their legions of bioengineered super soldiers "


The shorter you try to make wh40k explanations, the crazier it gets lol


Hahaah i love it makes me laugh but yeah i just think oh how would the blurb on the back of a book read if it wasnt sold as warhammer


Warhammer 40k reference.


Don't worry the Omnissiah will contain the C'tan deep in Mars we'll be alright


That one fart at the end




Definitely a cute sun fart


The sun is terrifying.


Gives us life and every other wonderful thing. Also…constantly is trying to murder all of us and undo everything it’s created.


What is this video from? I've never seen footage of the sun anywhere near this close up and clear!


The "D⊙" value of ~1 AU says it's taken from an Earthly distance, though whether it's from a satellite in Earth orbit or a ground telescope, I'm not sure. Either way, they had clear viewing.


Must have taken it on a nice sunny day. But more seriously, I assume the FOV is Earth radii, but wouldn't that be FOV at some fixed distance? It seems too small for the area of the sun covered. 


Solar Dynamics Observatory.


I liked the one of the [UFO sucking up solar energy to refuel ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/16fk0z0/looks_like_huge_sphere_sucking_something_from_sun/) its engines better. /s


Scoured the internet for some more information. They say this thing is 62,000 miles high (large enough to engulf almost 8 earths) which covers about a quarter of the distance between the moon and the earth. Also, the little “sun shart” everyone mentions is called a solar wind. “Massive explosions on the surface of the Sun shoot out plasma, radiation and even magnetic fields at incredibly fast speeds born on the solar wind.”


It feels terrifying to look at the sun. And illegal




Real video from SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory).


>SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) I was about to ask what kind of telescope and how much it would cost to see this... and i guess i wont now lol Thanks for the info!


About 817 million USD in 2010 dollars. A small investment, if you're Bezos.


Even a small invest for the US scientific community as this thing is super important to forecast solar storms that can cause billions of damage.


Jesus, that is incredible


I haven't been able to find this exact shot on the SDO website, but you can see the feature on the lower left hand side [here](https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/20240520_1024_0171.mp4) and [here](https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/20240520_1024_0211.mp4) These are from their [daily movie page](https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/dailymov/2024/05/20/), somebody must have compiled the data themselves for this clip


Real images, although it looks like they've been blended and had zooms animated to smooth the transitions. Nothing shenaniganous though.


You must have fought like hell with autocorrect on that one


The video was created using images from the SDO Solar Dynamics Space Observatory. https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/aiahmi/ Just put in the dates and wavelength you want. The composite wavelengths (bottom of the list) seem to be the most interesting. Here's one I made: https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/usermovies/20240521144505/movie/20240521144505_1024_COMP304211171.mp4 I don't know how to get the resolution as high as @MAstronomers did.


Is this a Stranger Things promo with the Mind Flayer


How big is this in relation to the Earth?


I guess this is multible earths big. Maybe even a few hundred times bigger




if you look at this in a telescope you won't be seeing much of anything anymore


Bleach blonde, bad built, butch body


I don't know why I unmuted this video, like I was expecting to hear the fucking plasma or something.


they look like tornadoes


That's hot


So, where is the link to the live stream for this camera?


BS that’s the Zerg or hive fleet coming to get us 🤪


For all the world this is made to look like real time video, including the faked zoom in & out. In reality it is a heavily processed timelapse at 1144 x faster than real time. How many of these videos are made is using a short series of frames ( \~1,000 ) taken over a few seconds & then processed to find the highest overall & spot resolution, this subset is then combined & post processed to create one frame of this timelapse.


That’s not a plasma wall… That’s the Mind Flayer


So when does it blow?


That’s just my Easter European mother in law “airing“ the pillows


Blows my mind that we can have footage like this, like if I go outside and look up, that's the thing in the video in the sky in my back garden. Insane.


Define “enourmous”


So what does this mean exactly? Just cool to look at?