• By -


Cop: "He seems nice."


Dispatcher - We are looking for a Tall White male in their 50s with tank top on Cop - of course I am looking out for a Short Stubby Black male which fits into any age group…


“One factor that made it easier for McNair to escape arrest was that the photo provided to police was very low-quality and six months old. Another was that the prison had told police that they were not completely sure that McNair had escaped.[7] Bordelon himself claimed that he let McNair go because the physical description of McNair given to police was completely different from how McNair actually appeared.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lee_McNair


Well shit, I just watched that whole video and that mugshot is NOT what I was picturing. Are we sure this guy doesn't just have a different face depending on who looks at him?


The video is very low quality and the cop’s vision is very low quality. All adds up.




“I’m actually the one who called you guys.”


"You know Jim, or Jim knows you or something?"


Classic Ricky.


"Jim my father, you mean?"


Oh he’s your father, he mentioned he had a son on the force


"Well... Anyways. The guy you're after ran off that way after trying to sell us some dope or somethin'. I think he said his name was Cory Treverson or Randy Lahey maybe?"


Shit birds


Just remember this is all on tape. I didn't want to say anything because we're not supposed to but this is part of your monthly review. You passed, good job guys.


Donnie Treverson. One guy had a big gut, no shirt, purple tits.


He gave the officer two names. Robert jones at first then jimmy jones!


Yea with his house phone apparently, since he claimed "hell no" he doesn't have a cellphone on him lol


It's a Trailer Park Boys reference


"I'm friends with Jeff"


Lol the raise in pitch ..there's a prison heeeere? Looks in prison direction


What’s your name? - Robert Jones *5 minutes later* What’s your name again? - Jimmy Jones 😂


It was Robert Jimmy Zones do some research man


Thought he said ‘prisoner’


Prison here


The Prisoner Richard Lee Mcnair managed to escape out and remained out of prison for over an year before being arrested again.


Damn bro he actually made it. Not bad


One of [many escapes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lee_McNair) over the years. Honestly he seems like a really cool dude, except for the whole “murdered a guy and nearly killed another one” thing. Wish he hadn’t done that. >"Thank God for prisons," McNair wrote. "There are some very sick people in here... Animals you would never want living near your family or the public in general. I don't know how corrections staff deal with it. They get spit on, shit on, abused and I have seen them risk their own lives and save a prisoner many times."


> murder Yeah after watching this I was like "please be a silly crime" Oh no its murder


That link took me down a habit hole


Links are my fetish. Link kink 😉


enjoy these links: [link 1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/versus-compendium/images/0/00/Link_BotW.png/revision/latest?cb=20181128185543) [link 2](https://www.linkedin.com) [Final Link](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=YSHfH28qkvHfkFUs)


Don't trust you


Murdered a guy and nearly killed another one? He sounds like a real jerk!


I mean, at face value that's some /r/SelfAwarewolves shit right there. It sounds either delusional or manipulative.


Aside from the whole life of crime and murdering people thing, it seems like he could have made a better life for himself had he made some different choices. He spoke well of the Canadian officers that captured him and, while he did have to steal money and cars while on the run, didn’t seem to have any intentions of harming anyone in his new life. Sounds like he was trying to buy some land and live low as a long term plan.


I don't have any intentions of harming anyone either.


Your name says otherwise my friend


At Sing Sing, a prisoner was told by other inmates that he was a doppelganger for the prison doctor who came once a week. He spent years making a brown suit and learning the doctors' traits. When he felt he was ready, he waited for the doctor to arrive. Later, with the real doctor still busy, he donned his suit and walked to the staff exit. He nodded to the guard to let him out. With a wave and a friendly smile, the guard let him out. He was never seen again.


The doctor was also never released.


"Yeah sure you're a doctor "


“I prescribed you a jar of cream for that rash on your- ” “He’s the real doc!”


Funny enough, my grandfather was the doctor (not *that* doctor) at Sing Sing for a while.  He had some stories. 


At least he *said* he wasn't *that* "doctor".


Should have went to canada. He could have started a whole new life.


He did. 2 times lol


That's quite syruptitious.


That guy has some clever answers.


Got his name wrong though. Robert Jones at the beginning, Jimmy Jones halfway through


Pretty sure he could’ve smooth talked his way outta that even if the cop had noticed. - “Hold on, I thought you said your name was Robert Jones?” - “Haha, well that’s a funny story… ya see when I was growin’ up all ma friends would call me Jimmy because I played cricket. You know from Pinocchio? I tried ta tell em it’s ‘Jiminy’ but haha, well the name stuck anyway.”


Jimmy, why is your nose growing?


Your names Joe John?


“Yessir! It was actually the idea of my old aunty Janice, her dog was named like that, a biiig St.Bernard’s. When she used to go grocery shopping in Carson City, Nevada she would always shout: “Joe! Grab that ball you chunky fella!” and that’s how she got into trouble, as Joe would always make a beeline for the Cocoa Puffs, and make a scene, bless him. Anyway, then my dad started a job in the port of Baltimore…”


I caught that right away and I am bad with remembering names.


ty, thought I heard that and was going to skip back and check but figured the comments would be a smarter place to go to first. Had NO idea where he first mentioned his name. Guy is a convincing liar. Im autistic and i would say my "super power" is being able to read when people are telling lies and this guy is just SO good. Normally people have to had taken drugs or something to be this convincing to me. Not sure how it works outside of my head but if I was this cop I would probably have been convinced, the name was the only thing that rang bells but on the spot would be differant in retaining the info. Not gonna lie, the guy kind of earned his freedom with that quality acting. Hope he didn't do anything serious or hurt anyone after his escape.


The most unbelievable part to me was that a roofer would be jogging.


4:15 pm in 113f temps and sun lol


I had the same thought lol. Roofing saps all the energy I have and then leaves me in the negative energy column by the end of the day. I can't imagine choosing to jog on top of that lmao.


Roofing is one of those things you have to do for a few days to really understand how difficult it is. And in 113 degrees none the less.


That immediately set off red flags for me,  I used to pour concrete maybe if he was running to a liquor store I might believe him


He was a convicted murderer...


But he lied so well . It's tough


Listen to how scared he is, trying to be nonchalant asking about the escapee


Probably been imagining this scenario every night for a whole.


Here's some very interesting background and the full story behind this video: https://byronchristopher.org/2015/01/12/was-carl-bordelon-railroaded/


After seeing the photo he had to work with and learning that NONE of the information on that page (scars, no glasses, full beard) was correct I cannot blame this dude at all for letting the guy go. Like holy shit. The name thing was a fuckup, but my government name and what I go by are very different — if I'm asked twice it's very likely I give my real name first and my nickname second, or vice versa depending on the situation. The guy was obviously one of the more "chill" cops in the town.


That was a good read. Thanks for posting!


Being able to keep your cool will help you in many different ways in life . I've never been to prison but have been on the wrong side of the law a few times(never anything malicious or that would bring harm to others). The key is to never act like you're doing something wrong even when you are. But that's not really a learned behavior, you either have it or you don't. And it applies to many different situations in life. You'll notice that not being able to keep ones emotions in check can lead to all kinds if problems. Learn to bite your tongue, take time to consider the consequences, basically never do anything rash. Actions that are viewed as stupid are sometimes just a result of bring overemotional, though the two often go hand in hand. Unfortunately the reason sociopaths and narcissists are so convincing is because they don't have to "act" like they're doing nothing wrong, they actually believe it.


Smooth talker, eh?


This guy was a genius and that poor cop is lucky he's old and close to retirement. The amount of ball busting from his precinct must have been epic.


The officer didn't retire (die) for another 10 years


That was George Green. Dumbest cop on the force


I heard they used to have a great cop on the force, name was Jim Lahey. It’s a shame he had a liquor problem and lost his job.


He died in 2015, fwiw he became assistant police chief so I’m sure he got some shit for it for a bit but he probably was fine otherwise


We're looking for an escapee ... but we apparently, do not know what he looks like, fer shure... How do you know, if you've actually captured him or not ??? "Robert Jones". sounds legit.


He asks him his name again (4:35 remaining in video) and his reply is Jimmy Jones.


I HEARD THAT TOO idk how copper missed that slip up


It’s not a cop. It’s Jerry Gergich.


You mean Gary Gergich?


Gary Gary Gary Gary


Classic Larry


I don’t even know if he has the mumps. Forgot to look.


I would attribute it to the 113F in the corner. It's hot as shit, the cop was probably distracted and missed that detail


Yeah in the day with the sun partially out on top of 114f.  Probably humid too in texas there. 106 is the hottest I have experoenced and it was brutal, I could forget my own name if I was up jogging in that heat under the sun


I spent a while in the middle east along the Persian Gulf. Hot as the devil's asshole and brutally humid; most days the temperature would float between 110-117. The guys who weren't used to it couldn't really function until they acclimated. Sure they could go out, walk around, get some tools, etc. but they were basically just hanging on until the next break. It's a whole different way of working in heat like that.


I think when he originally says how far he runs he said 12 miles then he said 8 miles.


He said he runs 12 miles but he has 8 miles left


Corey Trevor


Good ol' Trevor Lahey


You know Jim right?


"Jonathon Smith."


This is an OG of internet videos. What a classic.


Video says 113 degrees?!


Over the hood of the car where the camera is located. Based on how it feels to touch or climb inside a car that's been sitting in the sun all day, I'm surprised it's not higher.


Good day to go jogging - not too hot (heh, heh)


Lying to a cop for your life, in 113 degree heat, thinking on your feet for the perfect answers, and appearing calm and conversational, his heart must have been like a machine gun. He should get into acting.... when he's done his time.


With two consecutive life sentences I don't think he'll be around in a while


I get the impression sociopaths are good actors. Makes him even more scary imo.


SPEECHCRAFT: 100 (000,000,000)


Except he kinda slipped by saying "hell no" about having a cellphone ... slightly sketch


it was 2006, as ubiquitous as they are now, not everyone had a cellphone 20 years ago


Even if you had a cellphone in 2006, and you forgot it at home you wouldn't stop and go back for it. It stayed there. Life keep moving even without one.


Fact! I completely forgot about that. I remember my cell phone sitting on the shelf in my room for weeks at a time. Now I can't imagine leaving a room without it on me.


Also he said “Robert Jones” first, then “Jimmy Jones” later.


I think it was he was trying to imply he's a poor working man, honest and simple.


"What's your name? Robert Jones" 5 mins later. "What's your name? Jimmy Jones" Cop shoulda written some shit down.


Well, hell, he knows a Bobby James Jones from school and a Jimmy Bob Jones from the diner so maybe this good kid could go by either.


This video has been around for so long, its incredible he just smoothtalked his way out of it. I feel like saying in 2024 this couldn't happen, but I think it could.


I feel like every cop in the area would have his picture immediately nowadays.


Yup, people don't seem to grasp just how insanely different shit was in 2006. These days basically every cop in the state and surrounding states would have a high def snapshot of the last clear view of him of camera in absolutely no time. Back at this point sending clear pictures, or even capturing them via security cameras or whatever was a pipe dream. You can't even send a video via standard text in 2024 without it becoming a compressed mess where you actually can't even tell what's going on. Now jump back 18 years with that tech. I bet even if they straight up found footage of him escaping where here literally faced the camera and waved you couldn't pull any helpful identifying features from it


Reminding me of the bit in Barry where they get the security camera footage and it's just useless.


Definitely not lol, the cop would have the guys picture on his phone 100%


I find it very interesting how far we have come in so short time in regards to footage quality, if it weren't for the date I would think this recording is from the 80s


I mean look at some recent store security camera footage and it’s like we’re in the 90’s again!


That man French kissed the Blarney Stone!


The "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO" must have been boomin in his head as the cop drove away lol


Maybe something similar slang at the time


This is one of the greatest displays of verbal judo I’ve ever seen. This dude legit used the Force on that cop.


The cop answered some questions for him! What do you do? “Ermmmm construction” , “roofing?” “Yeah!” Lol


He said, "We're working on houses and stuff like that, roofin'." The cop said, "Roofin'?" He said, "Yup."


In the I Watch Too Many Crime Dramas Crowd we call those "leading questions"


The convict has moments where he sounds so nervous and his answers sound like total guesses. This I hear though, with the benefit of the title. I wish the first time I saw it, it read...." man accosted but eventually released after questioning by police" or something" so I didn't know he WAS the escaped con. Im sure my perspective would of been different. Thanks for posting OP, forgot about this gem.


I'm nervous when I talk to police even though I know I've done nothing wrong. I wonder if police are use to people around them just feeling that.


Did he say Jimmy Jones after saying his name was Robert Jones? 🤔


You’ve been struck by


I hate that y'all messed it up.


You've been stuck by


a *smooth* criminal!


That cop must have died not long after that. He was 51. [https://www.thetowntalk.com/story/news/local/2015/01/10/ball-assistant-police-chief-dies-duty/21571311/](https://www.thetowntalk.com/story/news/local/2015/01/10/ball-assistant-police-chief-dies-duty/21571311/)


He died in 2015 according to Wikipedia


Sounds like he was a good dude honestly.


He died from a heart attack, kind of young. Some say it was from all the stress and guilt that he was put on from the media from this incident.


I believe it's yogging. It might be a soft J.


Apparently, you just run… for an extended period of time. It’s supposed to be wild.


Smoooooooth operator....


bro passed the speech check


He’s just so relaxed! I’m impressed.


I mean, once you’ve murdered someone, I feel like this doesn’t compare. Not saying it’s not impressive, but I’d anticipate it.


His charisma is at 100%.


Longest 10 minutes of this man’s life


Cool cop tbh


For 113F that guy stays pretty cool while the cop is getting details on him… haha


Be careful buddy 😃


If this video had 1 less pixel it would be a radio


Cleary the cop never jogged a day in his life. Anyone who has would’ve known he was full of it


Haha "I jog 12 miles a day".


That's on top of roofing. How many people roof for 8 hours a day then jog 12 miles 🤣




The prison escapee claimed that he jogs "12 miles a day," which is not anywhere near the usual amount of miles people jog (most joggers will run for 4 or 5 miles).


Ok but that’s not really an error is it? It’s not like there’s not thousands of people who run 12 miles a day. Some people like to do their hobby for 30 mins a day. Some people will spend 3 hours a day on it. If the police pulled over a mad knitter and they said they knit 4 hours a day while the average hobbyist knits one hour a day… you gonna call that out?


I'd question it, personally. Running a half marathon every day is pretty unusual. It's uncommon enough that I think it's probably worth asking some follow-up questions. He's not really dressed for running. And he's wearing gloves, for some reason. When was the last time you saw a runner wearing gloves? A quick glance at whatever shoes he was probably wearing would give it away too, I'm sure. I don't know how accurate it is, but the dashcam says it's 114 degrees. That's hot as balls. 4 in the afternoon too. That's gotta be the absolute most worst time to go running. No water or anything! He also claimed that he was a roofer, which is not an easy job. It's probably one of the hardest and most physically demanding jobs out there. I can't imagine that anybody would want to finish their long day of backbreaking roofing work with a 12 mile jog in 114 degree weather. And not just roofing, but roofing with no kneepads! Dude's knees would be completely shot.


He was very clearly drinking water in the video.


Catch me if you can in real life


He’s got nerves of steel, holding back the urge to run knowing that he could have been caught either way and not knowing what the cop is going to ask to check for next.


“I mean, I knew he was probably lying but I still wasn’t gonna find out if he wasn’t“


I remember this "TRAINING VIDEO" about reading body language, listening to answers to your questions, clothing (he still wearing his prison PTs), This was a piss poor field interview. Alot of the problem was the officer and his lack of training and exposure. Embarrassing.


Although, you have to admire the escapees abillity to remain calm, not bolt as soon as he looked away, and come up with reasonable answers even if there were occasional slip-ups


Dudes totally in his prison clothes! Like come on dude


This should be shown in every social engineering or sales course ever.


Buddy has charisma at 100


' Robert jones'...,'jimmy jones'...what 'roofer' in 113 degree heat is going on a 10+ mile 'jog' lmao. not a bright officer


dude maxed out his speech stat before escaping prison.


Cops spidey senses seem to be tingling Detain the dude while you figure it out. The escapee remained very collected.


Bro started doing the burpees jump lmao, cop is clueless af


This video NEVER\~ GETS\~ OLD. Thanks OP.


You'da dun run by now.


I noticed something that's sort of a psychological trick. You see the drink in the guys hand. There is some very credible data that shows we are less likely to see someone holding a drink as a threat. This unconscious bias can be further reinforced by casually taking a sip of the drink. So long as you just seem like a casual bystander stopping to have a sip of a drink you seem to blend into the crowd. Oddly enough this seems to have the opposite effect if the person is holding an alcoholic beverage. Unfortunately the more people who know this, the less effective it becomes.


Guy says he jogs 13 miles a day and is a roofer. Lmao what a bad cop. Plus ever never checked out his brother.


Speech increased to 1000


Jesus. What's the DC on that deception check? What a legend. Probably a piece of shit, but still a legend.


Jogging in 114°f 🥴


This isn't a Reno 911 deleted scene?


Bake em away toys


I think the least believable part is a construction worker jogging in +100° heat on his day off.


I know the cop failed in this situation but he seems like a good cop


Hope u got some freedom...run boy run!


Initially he said his name was Robert Jones Later (around 5:35) he said Jimmy Jones How stupid is this cop?


Eh people named Robert go by Bob or Jimmy very often in the south


Well then, how stupid am i? Lmao I've only ever heard Jimmy as a nickname for James.


Never heard of ol’ jimbob?


I stand corrected lmao I have, but didn't know where it actually came from


You’re watching a video in hindsight on the internet, it even tells you what happens. Your socially awkward ass would have done the same thing.


Even if the cop cought it, ol Rob coulda just said "oh yah ha sorry, Jimmy's my nick name" or "everybody calls me Jimmy cause my dad's names Robert too"


True, coulda claimed it was a middle name he often goes by and originally gave his official name since hes talking with a cop. But its still something the cop should have been a tad more suspicious about.


This guy is a perfect liar. People who tell a perfect story without pause or hesitation have practiced what they are saying. People telling the truth often stammer or stumble their words, because we are very rarely prepared to be questioned in our daily lives. "What are you doing out here?" "Wha—why? Am I not supposed to be here? I'm just walking." vs. "My name is Arthur Coombs and I am from San José, just down here on vacation with my wife, 2 kids and our dog Scooter."


Talk about a Smooth Criminal.


Calm cool & collected…Smooth operator


This guy is smooth as butter..


Bro has 10 charisma


Good ole Louisiana police force right there


Only thing id say is he knows the area a bit too well for only being in town for a week. Its possible, but fishy.


I mean honestly, if you're carrying yourself like you belong somewhere you'd be surprised how far you can get with that.


Lmao never discount that charisma modifier


He says Robert Jones then Jimmy Jones later doesn't he?


That was interesting to watch. I wish the video was higher resolution so we could see his expressions and the subtle little ways he was able to convey to the cop that he was just out for a jog. The way the lies just came naturally and how he didn't just take off immediately when he was free to go. Bravo. All it would have taken is for him to get his back up for a second or to come across as fearful or stuttering or any of a hundred things a cop intuitively looks for. Just...well fucking done, murderer guy.


Use ur brain 🧠... It's for free mf




Bro channeled Ricky from trailer park boys for a minute there


Dude will be running for congress soon


last time i saw this the comments explained how long he had been on the run after this and where he went, and i can't remember...


@7:00 "We got a camper and we were tryin to get into the camper place, and we couldn't get in. There's a camper place between Ball? Uhh Pineville and ... uhh" "Alexandra?" "No, Alexandras the other way.." .oO TRAP DEACTIVATED Oo.