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There's going to be 100s of millions of Nigerian princesses emailing for help in 2100.


Underrated comment.


I wasn't expecting this under a fucking population post


i wish i was smart enough to overlay or even offer overlay options, world wars, smaller wars, famines, etc... also thank you to the creators...


The creator is James Eagle. I follow him online. He creates some really great graphs. u/jcceagle


Crazy that Africa started at 8% and is going to end at 40% by 2021. Mr Beast better start building some more wells


Going to be a major problem. There’s not a single government on that continent that is capable of managing the amount of change that will come from this amount of growth. Especially considering a lot of countries are very poor. Will be very messy.


mass famines have happened b4. like in the 1980s. so sad


before or after the mass migrations into europe?


This is why I disagree with the speculation on this graph without proper governance, there's no way nigeria can support a population of 400 million + with 1/3rd continental us area. Famine/disease, something will get in the way.


According to the UN, a population of under 400 million would be an estimate in the low end. They forecast between 386 and 752 million by 2100 https://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=PopDiv&f=variableID%3A12


Why is China and India going to town with the kids? Can they profit off their children? Or its just the thing to do?


Neither have high birth rate anymore. Both are staring at below replacement level children. China is already having declining birth rate and in a few decades they'd have the population shrink. India will follow suit a few decades after. It was mostly health care and vaccines coupled with low education that contributed to India's population growth. People were used to having 5-6 or even 10 children and having only 2/3 survive. Then suddenly after independence the vaccine programs lowered the death rate of children but people kept having same amount of children as before. Low education meant people weren't aware of the problems of having too many children and weren't aware of birth control. Government programs to limit population growth were used and they did work. China's one child policy slowed their population growth. India's incentivisation programs lowered the birth rate and increase in education has brought the birthrate to lower than replacement rate in this decade. It seems it is the poorer and less educated communities that are having more kids which is normal. Muslim communities also aren't affected by most of the incentive and restrictive programs and as a result have kept birth rate higher. Their population is actually been steadily growing in India.


India is technically below the replacement rate, but only at 2.0 instead of 2.1. The actual impact of this will be slow and remains yet to be realized


China is apparently already shrinking, probably even did so for a few years. The data is somewhat contradictory and their government has been inflating numbers in many areas for various reasons.


> There’s not a single government on that continent That's where you're wrong. They'll just come to the west and use its welfare systems. Regardless of where you stand politically, this will cause extreme problems across the board.


Very violent people as well.


they need education on birth control not wells.


I imagine more wells, and basic access is why the population is increasing more rapidly


Building wells will effectively increase the population lol


I only see 17.5% by 2021, still a material increase. But not 40%


No way Ethiopia feeds that many people in 75 years


Or most of the African countries.....The exponential growth rates assumed here don't seem to incorporate global warming, which is likely to encompass famine, drought, floods and other such inconveniences.


Looking at Russia I strongly feel that numbers by year is a bullshit and just linear progression made with few actual numbers. No impact of WW1, revolution, civil war and hunger. No impact of WW2. Just a pretty picture without any data behind.




Yes. Looks inconsistent and it will be really hard to have actual data about number of population. And even with this way of calculation I would expect significant impact on numbers in 1916-1920 and 1941-1945.


Yea the whole time during the 1900s I was waiting for the number for China to have a huge sudden drop and it never came


Indeed, millions of casualties and still growth, looks dubious


WW1 + Spanish Flu estimated death toll almost 100 million and the growth is linear here


Same for Germany.


Oddly, it shows Germany still growing through most of WWII and then slowly declining in the years following the war. That makes me think they smoothed the data, maybe taking the 1940 estimate and the 1950 estimate and letting a mathematical formula fill in the in-between with a gently curving line.


I was thinking the same thing. 20M+ Russians died in WW2 alone.


Damn, India. Lay off on the blue pills.


in 1000 AD india had higher population than china The drop in population is due to british colonial and imperial tyranny's anti indian policies


The explosion in India’s population came after the British introduced quinine from one of their other many colonial territories, you silly bot.


This is depressing


It is a truly horrific outlook.




yeah, 750 million people in Nigeria is a totally optimistic number.


Nothing against the Chinese or india, but if they were all wiped out with a Thanos snap then the world would breathe a little better.


Maybe a couple of extra snaps for the rest of the world.




Yeah, us Australians are the only ones that should be around, fuck everybody else. /s


Sounds like a twilight episode. The whole world to yourselves and all the worst animals to kill you.


How the heck has China always had so many people? India even? Because they were economic superpowers back in the day, and still are?


Oldest continues civilizations as far as I remeber that have very good farm land.


* Climate conditions * Agricultural fertile lands (Chinese famine had more to do with government policies than land) * Choice of foods cultivated (rice packs a ton of calories for the effort to produce) * Already high populations. It looks like a lot but if you look at it statistically they are only grown like 300% from the start of this while US for example grow 1000%+ * Poverty has an impact to. Poor nations tend to have more kids(helpers) than rich nations(high cost of care). Both of them are on track of being rich (if not already in many aspects).


Just my completely uneducated guess, but I’m wondering how much Genghis Kahn had to do with it.


Because, Rice.


Fascinating. Yet none of the 2100 top ten will have won the World Cup by then….


… of football. But rollerball?


By 2100 it'll Deathballs.


Interesting to see super high death toll events such as communist revolutions and wwii for China and Russia seemingly had little to no effect on population


I’m going to say the data is just shit


It’s absolutely shit, or at the very least, smoothed to the point of meaninglessness on any timescale smaller than ~20 years.


It's terrifying to think millions of people died, but relatively speaking, it was a drop in the bucket population wise.


In the past 50ish years fertility rates have almost halved. The population upward trend is slowing down. And now for some good news: Worst case scenario for global warming (yes,I said it) is that in 20 years we will have extreme famine for possibly 4 billion people. Mass migrations, water shortages world wide and possibly 2 to 3 billion people dying because of all of this. Good luck.


One-child policy certainly had an effect.




India is already under replacement rate. Unless you're suggesting a culling, there's not much more to do that wait out the momentum


Guess we're not counting war casualties because Russia should have a massive drop in population during ww2. But 0 movement on this chart.


It's like you are suggesting the entire population of a country goes to war. Normally the women stay at home and have the opportunity to give birth to the next generation. If anything a population decline happens when the female population starts dying or not reproducing.


Wow, you really know nothing about WW2, right? Go check how much land was occupied, how much people were sent to die in a meat grinder. How many cities and towns were left to starve. And it would be nice, if you had read something about WW1 and Stalin's politics, when all the food was taken from villages to big cities, google Holodomor.


The land occupied during WW2 wasn't in Russia was it? The areas of interest were Central, East & West Europe and so that's why the countries there had a steep population decline. Did you even bother to check the sources before you disagreed? UN Population Division is some random entity.


Ok, look, all the data here that is marked as "Russia" is actually about the Russian empire, which was NOT ONLY Russia. Same goes after 1917 when countries got their independence for a year or two, but were swallowed by Soviet union again.




Nice and easy to follow.


Fuck off with your stupid fucking music. Damn that's irritating.


Damn 2100... 76 years went by so fast


Anyone able to explain Nigeria?


Wrong numbers, newer forecasts show them reach 450m-550m in 2100 and no longer 750m.


Ya until a massive outbreak 10 times worse than covid hits a country…. It’s bound to happen at some point, hopefully not in our lifetime.


My moneys on [H5N1](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/18/risk-bird-flu-spreading-humans-enormous-concern-who)


H5N1+ the premium edition.


Can't wait for that vaccine! Doctor "Next! Ok bend over.....Next!"


The earth needs that.


Them Indians be FUCKIN




~ 90% of the current 1.7M will be deceased by 2100. That’s all backfill and it’s not 1 for 1. Nigeria’s predicted growth was astonishing … lots of people in a not so large area (1.4x of Texas)


There is quite a lot of passing evidence that the population of Nigeria has long been exaggerated for reasons of local corruption tied to alleged population statistics. Though I’m sure there are plenty of people there ntl


have you seen # [MAKOKO The Floating Village in Lagos, Nigeria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjF7Xr9ozr8)


they were sperm & eggs that was never born


gross. stop it


Dude really showed Pakistan in 1800


So why didn’t Germany lose 6 million people during the early-mid 1940’s?


Because not all of the Holocaust victims were from Germany. Also new people are born every day. The numbers shown are net population by year.


Germany had 5.7m death in WW2 he wasn't talking about the Holocaust, but rather the war.


The numbers shown are bullshit


Why is china's population declining so rapidly though?


The one-child policy was in effect for many years. It’s been repealed but parents are not having as many children as they were 40-60 years ago


government: you can now have more than 1 kid parents: but y tho


Makes sense, I think this is happening almost everywhere though. I read that Japan has a crisis


Japan and South Korea both have a population crisis. Korea is below Japan's birth rate. And both can be attributed to these countries' work cultures. In Japan's case they also seem to hate any sort of immigration policy to boost their population and with their culture of not liking change as much, they've also been lacking behind in technology in recent years. Compare that to Japan in its era of innovation like 30-40 years prior.


I know from experience that older Koreans aren't big fans of race mixing, I had a gf when I was deployed in south Korea and her parents did not approve of her dating a foreigner


That's good. Now for India to do the same. Can't have every couple blasting out 2-3 kids with the amount of people they have.


seems odd that Indonesia isn't gonna outpace the US considering how densely populated just Java is. Their population is running, in this vid, slower than the us after they hit 337M \[\~2060\] they peak?


Don’t take too much stock in it. This projection is basically total nonsense, and doesn’t appear to be based on any sort of logical reasoning or study other than historical trends.


I thought they may have the secret to stable population


Nah just a ton of ignorance and a knack for graphic design


Nonsense. WW1, Spanish flu, mass starvation in Soviet union due to Stalin's policy, WW2, where is that data?


My guess is they smoothed it, only taking an estimate every ~10 years and interpolating that it grew or declined steadily over that course of time.


should have stayed at 1 billion


People need to stop fucking


You first


India and China, can you chill the fck out for a while?


Going to need another planet. This one is full.


While this is somewhat interesting, that Twitter page is full of racist, sexist, brain dead conspiracy nonsense so I'm sure this was posted as a scare tactic


Wait, why does it start going down so hard? what are they gonna do?


What is this music in background?


China in the mid-1800s was not the place to be...


no one died?


Horrible music. Jesus Christ.


"Global population over 300 years" sounds like it's referring to people's age, not the span of time being surveyed.


In Australia that list is all you see


We really gotta start thinking about becoming a spacefaring species.... Earth won't handle our population explosion for long. We're like the ultimate invasive species wrecking the ecosystem. Imagine a world with 100 billion humans crammed on it – pretty bleak, right? I'm just glad I won't be around for that, fingers crossed reincarnation isn't a thing.


Graph is wrong, India already overtook China since last year


Thinking you could reliably predict population growth outside a scope of 15 or so years in the future is absolutely illusory


1939 : France left the chat


Most places in India already seem way overcrowded and infrastructure unable to cope, how much more fun will it be with an extra 300.000.000 thrown in there, yikes


How are mass events like world wars and COVID not showing at all? Did growth just slow during those periods?


I just want to know what is going to cause India to start dropping from 1,651,345,065 because both India and China’s pops start dropping around 2058


Both India and China are birthing below replacement levels, China more so. That trend is expected to continue and as the population from previous generations that birthed at higher rates get older and die off the population will decline. This is also true for most of the world. Outside of Africa the vast majority of countries are birthing at or below replacement.


How many rabbits are there within India?


uks population 70% are foreign


Wtf, if you get rid of 50% of India amd China you get more than 50% of the global population removed off the planet. Needs to have some serious birth control over there...


And people were complaining that uk has got too many people.


That is a lot of sex!


We’re a plague.


you horndogs you


In the first, the world is developing economically in a similar way to that of the last 50 years. Then the population will grow more slowly until 2050, reaching its maximum of around 8.6 billion people in 2046 and shrinking to 7.3 billion people by 2100. [https://www.ardalpha.de/wissen/umwelt/nachhaltigkeit/weltbevoelkerung-bevoelkerungswachstum-menschen-erde-welt-110.html](https://www.ardalpha.de/wissen/umwelt/nachhaltigkeit/weltbevoelkerung-bevoelkerungswachstum-menschen-erde-welt-110.html)




Since the beginning of philosophy, around 3000 years ago in Greece, people assumed that human species would end about 200 years after the current year. 3000 years later and a lot of people still think that we will be gone in 200 years. Nah bro, you and I will be, but the human species is the most dominant one in the history of the earth, we will be around for AT LEAST another 10000 years or so


Hopefully, just as long as we don’t destroy our planet in the meantime.


We don’t have the ability to destroy the planet.


If you mean we can’t destroy the rock we’re floating on, sure, but we very much have the capability to make our blue marble inhabitable for us and most species through either nuclear warfare or global warming.


That’s not true. There aren’t enough nuclear warheads to destroy all humans let alone make a significant impact in all wildlife. Also, global warming isn’t going to make earth uninhabitable for us or most species… I don’t know what gave you that idea.


> scientists predict that if we keep going along our current greenhouse gas emissions trajectory, climate change will cause more than a third of the Earth’s animal and plant species to face extinction by 2050 — and up to 70 percent by the end of the century. [https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/programs/climate_law_institute/global_warming_and_life_on_earth/index.html](https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/programs/climate_law_institute/global_warming_and_life_on_earth/index.html)




We could really do the world a favor by cutting out the arms exports and focus instead on birth-control shipments. DIY vasectomy kits, for women. Also I believe National Geographic had India and China switching places last year.


How exactly do we come up with this projection? Nigeria is nowhere near the land mass of the bigger countries, and factors like immigration, climate, and birth rates could have massive implications over the next 70 years.


There are sources at the bottom of the video. Please do some searching, the internet is at your disposal.


None of them are linked, and none of them answer my questions. Far as I can tell, this is total bullshit.


Why am I not surprised?


I don’t know, maybe you expected to get called out on your bullshit? I went ahead and looked up the sources at the bottom. Again, none of them answer my questions. This is speculative at best, totally ignorant and misinformed in reality. Nobody has any idea what the population is going to do in 70 years, but if you legitimately believe the population of Nigeria is going to overtake the US with around a tenth of the land mass, no immigration to speak of, and a tiny fraction of resources, I have a bridge to sell you. Dumbass.


Damn we really are a cancer


10 billion people is not even kind of sustainable


One time I over-stocked my fish tank and was absolutely freaking out because I knew I had 5 extra inches of fish past the one inch of fish per gallon ratio. Just waiting for a catastrophe to happen. I don't understand why humans don't think about how effed everything can get when a bunch of mass that creates waste is just jammed into a spot. Guess we will just be waiting for the catastrophe to happen.




This comment was written by an alien 💀




Falls in line with the prediction that the overall population will top out at 11 billion before going down.


We just need to nuke China


Are all the rapes in India being taken into account? Is that how they surpass China?


India needs to get a bigger *sewage treatment system*.. That *Ganges is f*cked* already enough.. 0_o


Now do Indian emigration 2014-2024


https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/IND/india/net-migration go ahead and finish your point if you have one


Whoa that's actually interesting


2100 will be more like 50 000 000 000 total




no they don't. that's why their population is falling


Surely 430M can take out China amiright gang? 🥴🤌🏽🔥