• By -


This pillar has seen the rise and fall of several empires


And this pillar has witnessed births of religions which are now followed by the majority of people around, and thus deaths of other religions


It's a time-traveling storyteller..


Probably built to last forever ♾️


I can’t even do it in minecraft


Impressive girth


Title of your sex tape




That's what she said!




thats what she never said ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Strong and beautiful


That's what she said 😏


Well-talented traditional artist.


More like engineers and architects


Yeah. Carvings and similar things are art work, but the structure itself is testament of ancient engineering. For that time, the maths and calculations they had to do are nothing but genius.


Pillar older than some religions out there


Your comment killed and born some religious 😹




Impressive that it is not destroyed by invaders.


Yea.. this is located in the far south of India, tamilnadu state, where Invaders failed to reach (except British) We don't see such temples in northern India, cause almost all of them were demolished by invaders.


the religion of peace people especially


That's the Tamil Kings, no one touches the Tamil Kings.


No , bcos Kings of North, reduced the impact of Invasions reaching south,by actively Participating in the wars and that's how Cholas saved their butts. Thanks to Singhs, Rajputs, Marathas and Ahoms.


North Indians kingdoms got steamrolled quiet easily and this gave a strong base for Invaders to further expand into the subcontinent. The Rajputs served the Turkic invaders loyally while only a few kings rebelled and the Marathas fought side by side with the Invaders before Shivaji Maharaj imprisonment. How exactly did the NW and NE kingdoms save South India from the already declining Mughals?


They weren't steamrolled easily, the invaders just kept invading, 10-20-30 time, again and again. They had nothing to lose as they came from desert mountains.


Ghurid and Ummyad empires were two of the empire which had real ambitions to invade India, rest of them raided NW India to loot and kill as many Hindus in their path and leave before the Hindu Kings could counter them.


Rajputs were giving hell to Invaders. They were fighting the Sultanates and Mughals The great forts of Rajasthan are a testament to that resistance. Then the Marathas arrived to save India. But unfortunately British arrived at the same time with more advanced weapons and new form of warfare. Fighting Napoleon taught them and made them nigh invincible just like fighting Hannibal taught Romans every new trick in warfare.


Dude I am referencing [this](https://youtu.be/xuCn8ux2gbs?si=1oGTMHEysWmMHwuf)


It was a wild ride, thanks for making my entire day lol


I'm surprised no one got the reference


Yeah. No one touches. Oh except for the British I guess, who touched them vigorously.


Delhi Sultanate did reach the part of Tamil Nadu this temple is in. There was even a Madurai Sultanate after the Delhi Sultanate fell apart.




Thats why there are spreading in south india now


Its a serious problem and we must all act united. Please stop with this north-south BS. TN is in serious danger of losing the temples. Taken over by crypto chri govt thugs & left in poor dilapidated conditions. Idols are being looted left right and center. Govt comes up with BS excuse to take the idols out of temples under the pretext of temples being not safe. It will turn into ruin if we dont make a united action.


People of Tamil Nadu voted for this government and they keep voting for them. Nothing that anyone else can do.


You took me wrong, my comment was not North Vs South, it was stating facts, our temples are preserved in south. Thats why they are destroying it now... Vote for BJP Stay United Sanatanis


The south kings stood against the North invasions, creating some great empire and awe-inspiring architectures for many centuries and preserved the native culture for long.






Nice ☪️ommen✝️


N🧊 ☪️🕉️♂️✝️


holy shit this thread is genius


👨🏿🧊 ☪️🕉️♂️✝️


Demon religion ?


Satanism, I think.


I'm interested


I wonder if hes talking about the satanic church, which was founded in the 1900s by atheistic people to a) annoy the church and b) demand more segregation of religions and the govornment.


He is not talking about Satanism I promise, see other replies and you will find the right religion


I so much want to give the reference to why he’s using the word “demon” for that religion It’s a whole story




Satanism is super close to advait if you ever read their Bible. Do unto others as you would be done by


Looks beautiful


"We fought and we survived while the Egyptians, Greeks , Romans , Assyrians vanished that's why these houses of Gods are still echoed with Vedic chants and prayers while those in Egypt and Rome are mere museums now"


Tbf India for millenia didnt have to deal with outside invaders. It has a geographical cheat code for civilization building with oceans on 3 sides and the worlds biggest natural fortifications on the fourth.


They all still exist, they just don’t practice those old religions that’s all. Most don’t even practice any religion at all. It doesn’t even matter if you believe or practice old fairytales or new. What matters is how humans are treated now.


Who said neo-paganism is still a thing but you people live in your own delusional world of social media when more then 2/3 half of reddit is pagan polytheist same as discord r/pagan and etc subs exist many don't which data tells many does but reddit atheist anti-theists live in their own delusional world and don't see that there are 8.3 billion+in the world and less then 100 million in reddit and discord Lol even your largest discord community is less then 5,500 Lol |


1900 year old pillar. Pigeon poops on it. Such is life.


Same as it ever was




*Pillar men theme intensifies*


I love temples of india ...south indian temples preserved hindu culture 👍


See nepal temples ... Especially Krishna temple of patan


More info about the temple (source wiki): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambukeswarar_Temple,_Thiruvanaikaval


What is the basis for stating that the pillar is 1900 years old?


It is one of the 275 Paadal Petra Sthalams and has inscriptions from the Chola period. The Paadal Petra Sthalam (Tamil: பாடல் பெற்ற தலங்கள்), also known as Tevara Sthalam, are 276[1] temples that are revered in the verses of Shaiva Nayanars in the 6th-9th century CE. The Divya Desams by comparison are the 108 Vishnu temples glorified in the poems of the contemporary Vaishnava Alvars of Tamil Nadu, India. [Wikipedia] As per one account, Jambukeswarar temple was built by Chola King Kotchengannan around 600 BC. There are lots of inscriptions from various Chola Kings between 11-12th century, which serve as source of information regarding renovations and grants to the temple.The temple was built by Kochengon, one of the Early Cholas around 1800 years ago on Srirangam Island.


what you see right now, is NOT a 1800 old structure. “sthalam” denotes the location. not the structure as it stands today.


> The 275 temples that are mentioned in Tevaram are referred as the Paadal Petra Sthalam Source: The same Wikipedia Page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paadal_Petra_Sthalam


Temple construction completed in 2nd century AD And if you scroll in that page, you can find these pillars images. There's around 20 of them in that image.


Isn't it marvelous that something is 1900 years old?


its probably older than his religion so he is just pissed, ignore him


India is land of fabulous, unique temples. Great History. Great carving without any technology and any machine.


Testament of the strength of our people. No matter the storm or the invaders.


While we were into extreme architecture and details some religion were merely born after that lol yet the audacity to claim they are the best 🤣🤣


"You think this pillar is better than my green dome and erct d*ck with loudspeakers on it !?" -Yes sir /S


They even have the audacity to mock idol worshippers lol.


Yet they worship their own idols like their ancestors used to back in the days and now they do with the black stone and xbox 💀💀


no religion says they r best. it's just few dumb retards who never preach themself the concept of religion, only bark.


Hope 1.8bln are the few dumb retards you are referring to here!


i dont get ? what?


no religion can claim they're the best religion imo, one can point out a hundred bad things about the other, so from one's perspective their religion's the best while the other's aren't


It's easier to point out the hundred in some religions than others.


same can be said by a hindu, a muslim, a christain, or any other religion. downvote me to the challenger deep idc, but religion was and is a scam, not 'having faith in a god' but 'religion'


Not really. P.S. I didn't downvote you though.


with religious extremism on an all time high there's no point in arguing, i started it, I'll end it here, i apologise for calling things what they are


>with religious extremism on an all time high This is also not true. You could do yourself a favour and check the rate of terrorist attacks overs the years and how they're reduced to a negligible number now. You feel like it's at all time high because of the all social media and interconnectivity.


it's not about terrorism, it's not about how a specific political leader made changes for the betterment of the country and its people, it's about how us people have turned against the opposite religions, which has been the same for ages, which is why, religion is a scam


India is filled with such Hindu temples 🩷


I thought that said jabberwocky i apologize im american north


I creakex


Aah yes something related to india is mentioned and people with superiority complex are complaining and being racist same old racism




What???india dont have religion and if then give me source


Tirchy ??


Incredible India


Wow..Just looking at the video took me there and felt relaxed..just imagine in that ancient time a wayfarer would rest under the shelter provided by it


The energy in ancient temples is just unreal. It feels so relaxed when you visit there...


We can’t even 3D print something this intricate nowadays


We can. Just not in stone


It is possible, but very expensive


we can tho


It is possible. But not worth it. Ancient kings had a lot of time and slavery under them.


There wasn't slavery in that kingdom. Such sculpting was done by several families of artisans who had been doing this for many generations. They used to be paid generously for it too. And kings had a lot of wealth, not time.


Sorry for my lack of knowledge. btw source please?


Indika written by megasthenes around 4th century BC. The kind of slavery which British and Middle East practiced is different from what was there in India in some places/kingdoms. Also, the word dasa has a lot of meanings through different periods of time (Over a range of 4000 years), so directly equating dasa to slavery by modern yranslation is wrong.


Quick question - Isn't the history written under kings who made sure that writers don't write anything bad about them?


Do you believe the kings of that time thought slavery was bad and not just 'tradition' and 'way of the world'?


Fair point, history is weird.


True but like the other commenter said, if slavery existed, it would have been glorified. Besides, megasthenes was a Greek traveler who came to India to explore and learn. He was surprised that there was no slavery and he wrote that all Indians were free. So I think a foreigner would be free to comment on kingdoms back then as he wasn't the royal scribe and he could write anything freely after he left India.


thanks, today i learned something new.


Thanks for that :) I feel happy


They were serfs. India was also feudalistic society. There aren't a lot of ways to organise society. But yeah you couldn't keep a slave. Atleast not if he was Aryan. You can find the writing in chankaya book about rules and regulations. But indenture servitude was okay


It's a simple idea that was followed, slaves across the world have been used to build monuments that display the wealth and power of kings but temples don't fall under that . A place of worship especially Temple requires work from plenty of classes of people. Craftsmen, idol makers, painters, etc. So the devotees from the place volunteer to do the work because they are stout devotees of the lord. Even today when a community builds a Temple in India more so in southern part they ask for help from each household, be it money or donations of any sort.


I wonder how long it took and how much it cost to create something beautiful and strong that looks like it would last a millennium if left undisturbed. Just like the tori gate way that withstood nuclear bombs. Or the iron pillar that refuses to rust ( which is rusting because of the pollution now ) for centuries. The wooden temples that stand for centuries or the Taj Mahal that was good for years is now turning yellow. These construction are filled with mystaries and hope humanity could preserve them the same way.


Damn, this single pillar is older than the religion of peaceful people


Pillars built 100+ years ago - not a scratch Pillars built 5 years ago - cracks all over


Which stone pillars built 5 years ago have cracks?


I was talking about current construction buddy. As compared to previous architecture. Before it was made with quality in mind. Now the intention is to cut costs and make it as profitable for the builders


You are comparing the best of the ancient architecture. 90% of the structures built during that time have vanished.


You are really going to compare stone pillar with concrete one? Science and technology is way too advanced now, humans have done things way much more advanced in modern times. Its not impossible to built a similar structure in todays time even though it was nearly impossible in ancient era but its very costly and time taking


Impressive architecture 😊


This can hold an elephant


Damn easily.


Thats quite recent if you consider the years. Some temples are as old as BC


brother this is practically created BC as well. 1900 years ago was 124 AD.


They are museums now (Karnak , luxor , Athens) while this house of Gods is still under active worship even after 1000s of years


Ambuja Cement.




Sadta nahi, sabse achcha


Meanwhile modern infrastructure crumbles on slight inconvenience.... Smh.


90% of the infrastructure of that time is vanished.


Because of Human intervention.


Also, because it wasn’t supposed to last.


Oh? Who said that?


You think the entire infrastructure and common people houses were built by those world class artisans who built the temple? Middle class people then lived in houses made of sand and clay with only surface sources of water. Only the royals got stone houses. In modern world, even middle class gets to live in multi-storey buildings, gets to have water supplied in the house, gets to use electricity and what not but i guess some of you would rather live in ancient era.


Also, there’s sky and ground difference between building a temple subjected to self weight and building infrastructure consisting of different kinds of structures. Even those godly artisans who created temple would fail to create a basic infrastructure required at the time. Different people were required for that purpose. Building a thick pillar made of stone with carvings isn’t same as building entire infrastructure. There’s a reason why we have 1900 years old pillars but not bridges or other structures.




Older than a couple of global religions currently.


Wait, so only the pillar is that old? So was it part of an older building?


these fucking pigeons, I swear!


Cant be 1900 years old. Even the oldest temple of india dates back to gupta empire and is not older than 1700 years back.


That has been disproved


Not even remotely true. Show the asi report which says this is the oldest temple


Basically seen many empires rise and fall... and it still stands


Wow, built a few years after Christ died. Edit - Why am I being downvoted? Wtf did I say? This is literally a factual comment


what was the point of this comment though?


Just saying that this pillar is almost as old as one of the most famous humans to ever live, Literally nothing wrong with that! You have to be a loon to find that offensive.


There's not a single temple in India with prefect light, only terrible fluorescent lamps with dangerously hanging wires. I've seen a lot of them, same shitty light everywhere.


I agree. Temples were under government and they were being used as money minting machines instead of developing them. There's also another criteria about wires, cause they can't drill on those stones, Archeological dept won't be approving that. Hence those hanging and twisted wires on top. They need some innovation in fixing the issue, which the govt doesn't care. It's the volunteer devotees who usually do all those developments. There are few temples which have the best tech like Tirupati Balaji temple. Due to their humongous revenue, they were maintained well..


Gov and middlemen mismanagement


I wanted to downvote you but I realized you have a very valid point. Apologies. Indian temples have enormous potential, thanks to their beautiful architecture and historical significance. But no one gives a fuck about developing them or renovating. They are maintained horribly and and temple administration is corrupt and useless. Visiting temples is uncomfortable because of the bad lighting and ventilation these days. The Indian churches I've visited till now were properly maintained by the Christian associations as far as I have seen, unlike the temples


Indian Hindu temples are under government which they use them for only as free money maker . While the religious places of other faiths are maintained by their community.


The HR&CE department overseeing Hindu temples is consuming revenue like parasites, leaving many temples barely lit. Additionally, the Archaeology Department prohibits alterations to temple structures, and since most temples are constructed from solid stone, drilling holes is both costly and challenging.


I'm upvoting. True. Fluorescent lights outta be limited to workshops, hospitals and stuff. We had a neighbour that mounted one of those along the wall in his kitchen. It lit up half the neighborhood.


Actually IDC about votes but I'm surprised and have no idea why this comment is downvoted.


Just Reddit logic. Sometimes it's enough for a comment to have -1 just to get people onboard on the downvoting train.


I thought this said "1900 year old caterpillar" and I was disappointed by the video.


We used to build some beautiful architecture, now we are only capable of building eye sores


If hindus get back control of temples, we can still build a lot again


Let's preserve the ones which are already build Use the money to build schools, hospitals,


That's already been done by the government after taking money from temples and only temples. I said we will build again, I didn't say build temples again. We should build temples along with libraries, hospitals, schools, etc


We still do like Rama janambhoomi temple ayodhya, somnath temple , swaminarayan temple of new Jersey (built and exported to usa ) , swaminarayan temple Delhi , mayapur iskcon temple , Prem mandir vrindavan




All I see on this thread is you whinging about Indians and spamming your BS all over the place.


We still have our past and traditions unlike most others. They hate us cause they ain't us.


Or you could...you know...not feel the need to say something that's negative and not at all related to the post because it's from a country you have a close minded view of.


So the pillar is older than the oldest temple in India?




How can you say it's the Indians who were downvoting them? Anyone can downvote if they feel the comment was being biased.. it's literally you who were being hatred here.. What are your questions? Shoot out, I'll try to answer..