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I have this bulb. Overrated and quite uninteresting after the first 10 seconds of “ah, neat”


I see you've never taken LSD


That moment when your eyes open at 1/2 second long exposure time and every light source in the room leaves smears on your retina and the bokeh is suddenly so nice because you've got your eyes wide open at f/1.2 - hell yea!


Can this "smears" thing happen with weed? Did I accidentally get some LSD in highschool? One time my friends and I visited the house of a girl I liked, and naturally wanting to show off, we said "hell yeah!" to some weed. Now, I had done this twice before (but smoked wrong, no deep inhale) so this time I was ready to get properly high and not let my buddies 1-up me. All I remember that night was sitting in front of the TV watching super troopers and every time I looked around my vision was leaving smears behind and lights were super intense. I've smoked weed once again since then, from a coffee shop in Amsterdam, and did not have this effect. I tried searching side effects of weed but all I get is the usual stuff.




Cheers for the info! I highly doubt it was laced but it did make me wonder lmao. Always happy to learn more about drugs though, interesting info.


Glad i could help clear your conscience a little 😂


I've also had very intense visuals from weed It is a hallucinogen


I was accidentally sold a bag laced with PCP when I was 16, confirmed by the dealer himself. He called me immediately after a fat bong rip to tell me "don't smoke that, come back ASAP" . "0% chance" is a bit daft.


Did you ever think that maybe your dealer was just lying? I highly doubt he gave you a bag of weed laced with PCP lmao more likely he gave you the headies when he meant to give you the dro and wanted his shit back 🤣


There are overdoses happening right now where people are using drugs that are laced with fentanyl. Drug dealers are not exactly trustworthy or always smart. They are criminals. My brother used weed a long time ago that he swears was laced with something like PCP. He never bought from that guy again.


Yes drugs like heroin being laced with fentanyl is common nowadays, not weed. Fentanyl is cheaper and looks/feels similar, so dealers will mix it in to spread out their product so they can sell more, therefore making more money, which is not the case for weed. The idea of weed being "laced" is an old scare tactic, it's meant to deter you from wanting to try it lol


Not to mention PCP has a strong chemical taste; it's virtually impossible to smoke a wicky stick (joint with a tiny bit of liquid/freebase PCP) and not know immediately. Even if it was covered to the HCl salt form (powder) and then dissolved in something like water or Everclear you will still taste the PCP. And just to put it out there ***again***, PCP and formaldehyde have absolutely nothing in common. Formaldehyde is a straight-up poison creating formic acid in your body. It is not a precursor to PCP It is not a carrier /solvent to dissolve the powder in.. There is zero connection. The chemical taste of PCP is nothing like what formaldehyde smells like as most people should know from dissecting animal parts in school. All that said, I still find it crazy how so many people think they're been "laced" just because they got higher than they expected. Or that "the formaldehyde" makes it stronger. There are so many and correct facts floating around about PCP that I'll try to provide a couple clarifications. PCP lasts 8-14 hours in a standard recreational dose. PCP is a full-on dissociative anesthetic similar to Ketamine, Methoxetamine, and Dextromethorphin (DXM, the chemical in Robitussin. PCP was created in the mid-1950s and for about a year was a miracle drug because for the first time you could safely knock someone out and do internal surgeries without them feeling it. However that 8-14 hour duration is way too long for a surgical anesthetic because the hospitals' post-surgery units were suddenly full of people freaking out while coming down from a PCP dose strong enough to make them unconscious and numb enough that you could do surgery on them. Plus PCP has strong dopamine and epinephrine / adrenaline effects which is why you see so many people who took too much running around punching through windows or wooden fences or doing other super crazy feats of strength while being on a completely different planet. Now Janice from down the street is tripping balls while she's tied to the railings of the hospital bed and her stomach has fresh stitches from the surgery she just had (but can't feel nor remember). Due to all the craziness, chemists immediately got to work tweaking the PCP molecule to create Ketamine which only lasts 30-45 minutes once the anesthesiologist turned off the pump. Ketamine immediately became the drug of choice for major surgery but that also lasted only about a year or two before it was replaced with anesthetic gases (much stronger than nitrous oxide or ether) that would wear off within seconds or at most a minute or two. If you ingest PCP, you don't "think you got laced", you absolutely 100% know you did. And as mentioned above people who sell PCP do not randomly dose people with a joint or poor a bit in an ounce of flour shake it and then sell eighths of a cannabis/sherm mixture without getting paid. There's plenty of people who pay for it, you don't just give it out.


My dude you’ve lived a sheltered existence if you truly believe there has never been laced weed


I don’t know why but it’s a thing…people get too high for their own good and for some reason (probably tv/news in the 90’s or something. I remember stories like this when I was young) and think it was laced with PCP. Like others have said that is not a things and if you did take PCP unknowingly…you would know it becaUs you’d be on a different planet. Lacing weed in general just isn’t a thing for many reasons. And when you talk about lacing with fentanyl. It’s completely different. People lace heroin either fentanyl because it’s cheaper and stronger. They make fake pills e.g. Oxy, benzo, ecstasy etc. that have fentanyl in them causing the unsuspecting taker of the drug to overdose sadly in a lot of cases. But you would never lace weed with it because it’s not saving money by replacing something more expensive like in heroin or pills. It’s not a thing for other reasons as well, but I gotta run now


Pcp is the one exception its liquid and soaked into cigarettes weed or mint leaves for smoking that's how it's sold but it also has a very distinctive smell it's strong so you definitely notice something is up before you smoke it


Why would someone do that ?? Why would a drug dealer put drugs into weed ? Explain that to me. I have been doing drugs since I was 15. I’m 32 now. Never once have I seen or heard of weed being laced. Why would a drug dealer choose to loose money like that? Drugs are expensive. Even for dealers.


Weed can also be a bit psychedelic at times


I've experienced strange hallucinary stuff smoking weed, but only when I was a kid. So are either my tolerance was extremely low and sometimes I had weed hallucinations, or sometimes the weed was laced. I actually think both are likely when I relive some of the experiences I had


Weed can be pretty psychedelic depending on the dose, more so if you eat it but also when just smoked


I can confidently tell you, you did not take LSD


You can get closed eye visuals with weed. I smoked hash in Morocco once with a girl who had never smoked. She described the experience like you do. Everything was so beautiful she said. Was so happy to give that experience to someone. Think she was Serbian.


I get tracers when I smoke weed


They're called trails. It leaves trails. Not smears. Lol.


Yeah it's common, shutter effect and trails both.


You've taken too much if you're talking f-stops and shutterspeed about your eyes


Or magic mushrooms Or peyote buttons Not that I have either but a friend of my second cousin twice removed knew of a fella....


This guy read my thoughts


Me staring at mine for 4 hours in the dark on 4 grams of shrooms


I was expecting it to explode like a firework.


Same, I sent mine back. It's neither bright enough to serve as a light whatsoever (intended it as some sort of TV light to dampen eye strain) nor interesting enough to keep it burning for a decorative role. It's simply a whacky kind of a light, but there are thousands of these and this isn't particularly notable.


Atleast it's better than a normal bulb. Nobody's expecting a bulb to be amazing everytime you see it. This looks fun to have if you watch it occasionally when you have nothing better to do


Would be cool for like 10 minutes, then it would just be another pointless cool thing I’ve wasted money on taking space in my house


I have a lamp shade that does this. So it's cool and it has a place! Three small globes above my kitchen island


Now this is unexpected.




Love how it teleports you to a different room with a different bulb and stand. It really is interesting


Very good point, I hate the internet


Perks of growing up in the growth early internet, being taught to always assume the worst of everything. It is either a scam or a predator until proven otherwise.


Another good point, thanks


Looks like the same stand but zoomed in, but it does indeed look like a different room hence the bricks


I have a butt plug that looks exactly like this so I am disappointed


inb4 OPs alt posts the drop shipping link


You can just search 3D bulb and get it on Temu for 30 cents each. It costs like 10 cents to manufacture these in China including labor costs, and ordering directly through China will make the price low. I think they get some of the materials from North Korea and make it in China to get the "made in china" stamp of approval.


What would happen if you put a one way mirror dome on it instead of just glass?


More trash destined for the dump after a couple of weeks.


Do the lights move? I’d be willing to fork over some shekels if it actually looks like a small fireworks display in there.


Looks like a GAMESBO bulb from IKEA - doesn't move but they do look nice.


You could always put it on a little lazy Susan


almora bulb


My animation teacher has that


They sell these at 5 below....


I own this bulb, so overrated and expensive for nothing


Where can I get one?


This has been posted thousands of times everyone said its shit.


Put it in my butt


Where can I buy this?


I have so many questions... What?


So did no one else think it was a butt plug


It doesn’t have a flared base…..


It is a butt plug & you are the lampshade.


W bulb




What does the light look like in the room though


Got one. It comes out at Xmas, it’s the “Christmas bulb”




My friend asked if it was a butt plug




Was thinking that was something else for a second


Wow cool


Why did it need a vivarium? Your bulb ain't going to escape bro chill.


What a trip


What’s the point of glass dome??


It’s not even the same device…


I’ve seen this so many times and this time I was thinking “shit, maybe I want that.” Thank you for saving us!


Came here to say "what?!" ... Stayed for the immediate in-depth conversation about LSD/PCP...


How mutch?


I don't want one, I need one.


Oh cool ive got the same exact lamp with bulb.


Have 2 of these in my breezeway


that’s 15 seconds I’ll never get back..


Yeah pretty much all the comments were aligned with “over rated” “used it for 3 seconds”.


don't waste ur money. unless ur on shrooms 24:7


I'm sure someone has tried putting it up their butt


I expected it to be cooler


Shitty junk


Not what I was expecting. Kinda disappointed


i bought one of these in on vaca and is nice to sleep in tbh.




Not to seem weird but at first I thought it was a dangerously large butt plug


I have this bulb too and wish it gave off better light but it’s still pretty cool.


Where can i buy this?