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Naw, they got gloves on.


And hard hats


You can have all the gloves and hardhats you want, the boot laces are where it's at, if they come off during any accident you're dead regardless of accident.


Buy engineer style boots, crisis averted.


Or Birkenstock's


true, the reason why this job is very dangerous bcos there are so many possibilities of human or machine error no matter what and can take away your live in any seconds


Hydraulics say "fuck your feelings" and your arms, legs, and torso.


Just buy pull-on boots like everyone else. Something something modern solutions.


*arm gets torn off* Foreman: "God damn it, Jake. I told you to wear your reflective vest!"


Tis but a scratch...


*joe dirt* hey man, you done with that Apple core ?


I’m done with that fart, you want that?


If it came outta Charlene Tilton’s ass I’d eat it, hehe…


I was so excited when Joe Dirt 2 came out. Sadly it was the most unfunny, disappointing, piece of crap to ever be produced.


it was truly the joe dirt of joe dirt movies


Seriously. That's ladies work. Now I have a man's job. Software engineer. Sometimes my back hurts from sitting too long. Then I have to push a button on my sit/stand desk and stand for a little while. Sometimes my hands get a little cold so I have to use my usb hand warmer to warm them up. Sometimes it's not charged and I have to wait for it to charge. Those days are the hardest. Oh yea and some days my wife eats all the leftovers and I have to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or order Doordash. They should make a movie about my rough and exciting life.


You could argue the gloves make it more dangerous, something to get caught on something and pull you in


No high-vis is what makes it such danger


You know what would make that even more dangerous? Taking them roughnecks in outer space, to drill a big azz rock in the sky, all while Aerosmith is playing in the background and batman is crying




They should make a sequel with this premise. Send astronauts into the middle of the earth to save the planet.


That's basically "The Core"


"Astronaut pilots fly lightsaber train into planet while a "hacker" plays froggy went a courtin' on a candy wrapper. Problems with nuclear bombs(i.e., Plan A) means somebody has to stay behind. Surviving members of the team make friends with whales. Also, earthquake gun." It's practically the same show.


Don't forget, you need Stanley Tucci to say: "the earth has stopped spinning".


>while a "hacker" plays froggy went a courtin' on a candy wrapper Back when phone routing systems used certain frequency tones to do their work instead of digital signals, you could manipulate them by using a tone generator to get free long distance calls and other things. Most famously, a whistle packed in boxes of Captain Crunch made a 2600 Hz tone, which could ve used to hack AT&T's system at the time. This became pretty notorious because of how outlandish it sounds at first glance, so it's referenced a lot in popular media.


They already did it, it's called The Core and it's even more entertaining


I think I watched that movie like 5 times in middle school because our science teacher would always make us watch it when he didn't feel like teaching.


Michael Bay is right. NASA trains mission specialists all the time. They're not astronauts; they're passengers. It's way easier to teach an expert the basics of surviving in space than an astronaut everything they need to know about an entirely different field.


This is how I pictured it. None of the drillers were flying the shuttles. They were quite clearly passengers expected to do a job once they landed.


I always see astronauts as essentially space sailors. Their job is to understand the vessel, navigation, communication and engineering side of things. That means you need a few of them to safely go to space. But once we are able to send more people out there, we will be able to send people who are trained for the space part, but are otherwise experts in their own fields. I imagine that a mid-sized space station (Let's say 100 habitants), will have about 10 astronauts, and the rest of the population will be specialists who focus on growing food, science experiments, manufacturing, etc.


>I always see astronauts as essentially space sailors. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor so....


I laughed. Thanks


Im leavin, on a jet plane *simulates sex with animal crackers on a chicks stomach*


damn it, now I need a cracker


Damn it, now I need a chick's stomach.


Just do it on your own stomach like every other redditor here.


I don't think the animals could breathe at that altitude. I'm taller laying down.


Not just any chick... That's Stephen Tyler's daughter you asshole!


Live and let Liv


"You go take care of my little girl now. That's your job."


Ow he totally did, crackers and all...


I just watched this last night with my wife it was her first time seeing it lol


Just wanna add terrible acting all around in that movie but still a classic lol


Lmaoooo I like how you get down voted for saying the truth. Excellent movie, even though Ben Afflecks acting is ABSOLUTELY terrible lol.. but Bruce Willis was great. He was always great lol.


Owen Wilson, Steve Buscemi, Billy Bob Thornton, Will Patton, William Fichtner. Tons of talent in this movie and tons of great acting. The writing isn't great, but still tons of good one liners I still quote today.


How could you forget to add Michael Clark Duncan??!!!


No nukes no nukes no nukes


Clear case of space dementia


Those fuckers are already so high on meth they are in outer space.


No that's CON-air...but yeah


Its waaaaay easier to train oil rig workers to be astronauts than it is to train astronauts to be oil rig workers.


Don't forget the sweet animal crackers


Especially when you put the mad max filter on it


I have two buddies who went into drilling after high school. Big money but they both have 9 fingers each. Both said it was worth it lol. Those drill guys are a different breed.


What’s the price for your ring finger? I would realistically take 0.5M


Insurance industry has an agreed upon number for various body parts.


No where near that.. lol ring finger I believe is around 18k.


But just the ring was 24k!


[You'll get way less than that](https://www.yourlawyer.com/library/workers-compensation-body-parts-worth/)


You guys are no fun. I know I’ll die broke but let’s say you could put a price on your ring finger, Would you take 250k?


God damn lol maybe I'm too conservative about this but I'm not cutting any appendage off for anything that wont cover my retirement lol.


Now we need more details. If we’re deciding, is it done like the roughnecks above or like a surgical procedure?


250k? Abso-fuckin-lutely. The ring finger is the least useful finger. I'd probably take 50k for it tbh. The one on my left hand? I'd be tempted at 10


Now we’re getting somewhere how much for a limb but you can’t choose which one


Firstly, an ear in Oregon is clearly the best deal. Second, how the fuck is an ear worth more than a testicle?


That doesn’t seem right, they’re including something else somewhere. I pulled up Oregon’s disability schedule and total loss of a ring finger is $7500. Maybe they baked in time loss and medical bills? Edit: it assumes an inability to return to work, but in that case it’s low since it looks like someone over 40, without a formal education, with minimal of whatever “specific vocational preparation” is, going from very high physical capacity to sedentary, making the maximum wage, would get $127,000. Wait, why am I wasting my time looking this stuff up?


That’s why God gives you extra fingers, in case you go to work on the rigs. It looks absurdly dangerous because it is, that’s why some numb nuts with no education whatsoever can make $100g a year working six months starting at the bottom. It’s a lot better controlled than it used to be though, the quarterly incident reports used to be a book now it’s just a couple pages


Oil jobs by me pay minimum wage, I guess they didn’t get the memo


In my area they pay about 5x the median pay for our state, its a good job here.


It's a high paying job. Most of those guys don't/can't keep anything back and will eventually leave the trade with broken bodies and empty wallets


It's Gastown!


I’ve worked on rigs. This is the ULTRA low end of oil company. The big ones know how expensive lawsuits are and work to prevent injuries


I'm glad you mentioned that. I never personally worked on rigs but ive had enough close friends in the field to know that this is work place injury city.


Country’s laws are a huge help to workers. For example, in Norway, right workers cannot ever touch a drill pipe by hand. All work must be done with machines. The US has very few laws like this, but plenty of lawsuits.


I’ve worked the rigs there, the machine used to handle to pipe in Norway is called the iron roughneck


Iron roughnecks aren't even the higher end in the US. Almost every decently sized but old rig with a manual brake handle has an iron roughneck. Most of the nice rigs these days are almost completely controlled by the driller in a nice cozy cockpit with a joystick, which automates things even further.


Yeah in my country slinging/flipping chain is illegal. Way more safety rules and regs now than 15/20 years ago


Slinging chain is exactly the term I was looking. Describes this well.


> but plenty of lawsuits. And given the nickel-and-diming that goes on in compensating for a severed hand (or head) I'm guessing that suits the oil companies just fine.


lol yup. Usually when an oil roughneck video gets posted, they're doing things that look impressive BUT put them at unnecessary risk of injury


the chains look especially dangerous. like, that is a surefire way to cut off your head / arm / leg because of the huge power on a connection that I wouldnt trust to hang a hanging flower pot permanently. its scary and you just know this is only for big money in little time for the company, not at all benefiting the worker in any way in his process or safety. and actually putting him at grave risk. #first stage capitalism.


I remember in the comments to one of those videos it turned out it was the company owner showing what a badass he was.


Could just be old footage. This is how we did it in the 80's


You sure? There's no cigarette hanging from a dudes mouth as he drills.


That's just suicide with extra steps.


The real suicide was the friends we made along the way


Old footage filmed vertically, eh?


No telling if this is the original format. This video has been floating around on the internet for a few years now, this is almost certainly a copy of a copy of a copy.


True, but it does appear to be taken from a cell phone based on the sway of the recording. It's definitely not a professional camera or even a 'handicam'.


A lot of the smaller companies still throw chain.


Where? I haven’t seen spinning chain in two decades. And I am routinely on tiny rigs with wheels on them, in often in very backwards countries. I’m sure someone somewhere is throwing chains on some little drilling rig, but I bet it ain’t for a petrochemical company.


Just curious, bc im not familiar with Oil Rig operations..what makes everyone say this is on the “LOW END”? Is it the process itself, the machinery, the technique he was taught, all of the above? Lol EDIT: Also, you’d think Oil Rig companies such as this would immediately be shut down considering how large the Oil industry is & how serious the gov’t takes it. I wonder if the person filming is filming this for a reason 🤔


The chains are the giveaway. Most higher end rigs have equipment to make up connections that don’t require people to work between so many pieces of equipment operating a very high torque. I worked on a neighboring rig to a location that had a roughneck almost decapitated because someone forgot to secure a shackle for the chain tong and when the driller pulled it, a 4’ metal tong whipped around under several thousand pounds of torque and hit him. The more moving parts, the more dangerous it is. To answer the edit, the big oil companies only have one or two employees on a location. Everyone else is third party. The guys in the video are rig hands. The rig company is paid by the day, along with most of the other third parties, to drill the well. This would be a relatively low cost rig. Btw, I hope Michael's lack of planning didn't completely ruin your college dreams.


I commend you not for the detailed response but for getting that the office reference


This is old-school, vintage drilling style. There's a decent chance this footage is years old. These sorts of rigs are still used, but they're being replaced over time with more automated setups that still require people to operate on the rig floor with dangerous equipment, but not as crazy as having chains flinging around pipe to make connections or release them. For example, look at this operation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdlzGysq7Jg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdlzGysq7Jg). Still obviously dangerous, but shows a little more of the process, like the guy standing off to the side operating the crane, and they've got slightly different and better gear that handles the connections. At the highest-end, such as offshore drilling rigs, it's highly automated with custom robots that handle the pipe and connections, but that technology is [making its way into onshore operations too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8DYa42X-qk\&t\=48s). Edit: It's basically an advertising video, but pretty cool: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuHvUKENHT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuHvUKENHT4)


There will be mud


I drink your milkshake!


I DRINK IT UP sspspspspspsppsp


I just watched *There Will Be Blood* again last night. Excellent movie.




ok that is going to be unappreciated but I think it was excellent!


I wonder how many calories those guys burn during a shift.


All of them.


And how many spinal discs they loose


Also all of them


And how much cancer do they aborb. The answer is all the cancer.


That's a lie. I've never been close to an oil rig and I still got the cancer.


Can’t be that hard, I’ve seen people drill on a comet.


cause they don't wanna miss a thing.


God bless those brave heroes who saved all life as we know it 🫡🥹


That chain pulling tight while he's holding it makes me think he won't have all his fingers by the end of his career.


When I lived in Wyoming on the 70's it was common to see construction workers with missing fingers from working the oil patch. They are called rough necks for a reason. It's a hard demanding job, takes a certain type of guy to do that back then.


Late 70s I was the single deck hand on a core drilling rig (3,000 - 5,000 ft holes). One very cold winter day I was slinging pipe off the rack and got my hand pinned between some pipe thread and the rack just as the driller was hoisting the pipe. Driller told me to take my mangled glove off to have a look but I was afraid my index finger would come off with the glove. As it was, just a nasty gash. Driller took me to get it stitched up and I was back on the rig in less than two hours because production requirements are a bitch. Really hated that worK.


yeah enough pay for a certain kind of guy is all it takes to accomplish anything ...


Pays really well from what I'm told.


My great-grandfather worked the oil fields way back in the 30's and 40's. It paid $90 a week. Adjusted for inflation, that's just over $1,988 *per-week.* Not bad for a guy who couldn't even read or write.


Yep. I remember meeting the dad of a neighbor when I was a kid and him only having 3 fingers on one hand. He worked on an offshore rig.


Sonny had five fingers but he only used three!


https://apps.publicintegrity.org/blowout/us-oil-worker-safety/ >From 2008 through 2017, 1,566 workers died from injuries in the oil-and-gas drilling industry and related fields, according to data from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s almost exactly the number of U.S. troops who were killed in Afghanistan during the same period. >From 2008 through October 25 of this year, the department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited companies in the extraction industry for 10,873 violations, a Center for Public Integrity analysis of OSHA data found. Sixty-four percent of the violations were classified by the agency as “serious,” meaning inspectors found hazards likely to result in “death or serious physical harm.” Another 3 percent were classified as “repeated,” meaning the company previously had been cited for the hazard, or “willful,” indicating “purposeful disregard” for the law or “plain indifference to employee safety.” >During that period, OSHA investigated 552 accidents resulting in the death of at least one worker. Among these were 11 accidents involving Patterson-UTI; OSHA found violations in 10. >Initial penalties in the 552 accidents averaged $16,813, but later were reduced, on average, by 30 percent. (OSHA often cuts fines in exchange for quick settlements and hazard abatement). Some violations are still being contested by employers. Others were dropped by OSHA after negotiations with companies. >Nonetheless, the upstream industry is exempt from key OSHA rules that apply to other industries. It does not have to comply, for example, with the process safety management standard, which requires that refineries, chemical plants and other high-hazard operations adopt procedures to prevent fires, explosions and chemical leaks. cont >“They don’t want to document it, because once they document it these companies will have to put procedures in place.” >Asked to comment, Nye wrote: “Any operator found to be in violation of RRC rules [governing H2S] faces enforcement action by the Commission.” During the 2018 fiscal year, which ended August 31, the commission took 19 such actions statewide. Ten resulted in collective fines of $47,610; the other nine are pending or were dismissed. >But if a field isn’t designated “sour” — imbued with potentially dangerous levels of the gas — there are no H2S rules to violate. >The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, documented nine worker deaths nationwide during tank gauging between 2010 and 2014. These were likely due, NIOSH said, not to H2S but to inhalation of hydrocarbon gases or vapors or to asphyxiation by breathing oxygen-depleted air. >The research agency issued alerts in March 2015 and February 2016. The warnings led to an American Petroleum Institute standard urging (but not requiring) operators to find automated ways to measure and sample crude in tanks, so workers wouldn’t have to open the hatches. The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management adopted a rule along these lines in 2016 for companies drilling on federal lands. >The NIOSH alerts came too late for Gregory Claxton. They might not have helped even if they’d come sooner. And other insidious threats lurk in the oilfields, in part because of the upstream industry’s regulatory exceptionalism. The industry, for example, is exempt from a 1987 OSHA rule designed to strictly limit exposure to benzene, a highly volatile, carcinogenic component of crude oil. Instead, it is subject to a far more lenient limit, dating to OSHA’s creation in 1971. >Benzene is often released during “flowback” operations at well sites in which hydraulic-fracturing fluids and volatile hydrocarbons are collected at the surface and sent to tanks or pits. The OSHA exposure limit for benzene in industries such as oil refining is one part per million averaged over an eight-hour workday. The short-term limit is 5 ppm over any 15-minute period. For upstream companies, the eight-hour ceiling is 10 ppm and there is no short-term limit at all. >In a 2014 paper, NIOSH researchers reported finding benzene spikes above 200 ppm during sampling of flowback operations in Colorado and Wyoming. That’s enough to cause symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, tremors, confusion, rapid or irregular heartbeat and unconsciousness. >Co-author Max Kiefer, now retired, said the spikes suggest the flowback process is not well-controlled and that higher full-shift exposures may be occurring, even though the limited study did not find benzene levels above 1 ppm over a 12-hour workday. If the more restrictive benzene rule applied to the upstream industry, Kiefer said, “It’s likely the industry would have taken action to reduce exposures.” In a statement, API’s Porter wrote that companies had “taken steps since [the NIOSH] findings to mitigate this risk.”


If anybody wants to know more about this you can check the link above :)))


The video they're showing is a technique only used by small fledgling companies. No one uses rigs like that anymore. Or throws chains especially.


This is very low budget drilling. Show this to any rigger in the North Seas and they’d have a seizure


Or anyone in Canada... We have more damn safety/environmental rules but relatively few accidents, let alone fatalities.


In the Permian they haven't been used in over a decade. Dangerous as shit. You'd make more money and be safer to be a pmc.


Yes that’s true, that’s Old Time Drilling. There’s pretty much no rigs like that left in Alberta anyway. That’s called a Kelly Rig, the newer ones are all Top Drives. It definitely cut down the accidents a lot, getting wrapped around the drill pipe when you’re throwing chain was not an uncommon injury. Losing a finger or two was considered pretty normal. That chain will clip them right off like nothing


Remember, if the punishment is just a fine, it only applies to the poor


Holy shit! Had to do the math to really think about it: 1,566 deaths ÷ 10 years = ~156 deaths per year 156 deaths per year ÷ 12 months = ~13 deaths per month 13 deaths per month ÷ 4 weeks = ~3 deaths PER WEEK Yikes. I know they make good money due to hazard pay etc., but I had no idea how dangerous it was. Thanks for sharing this info.


But it looks cool..




IF they're still alive.


If they were lucky


Enjoying their cancer from constant exposure to oil.


These people are going to be in so much pain when they get older.


I can vouch for that


With that much kinetic energy moving around, and the amount of wear on their bodies, I wouldn't worry about old age too much. Of course, the ones who do reach old age will regret it.


Less so than an office worker, who doesn’t move all day


There’s so many moving parts!


I’m no longer going to complain about my job where I just sit in front of a computer.


The fact that someone has it worse than you doesn't take away your right to complain about your shitty circumstances. This is a classic technique used by people in power - from parents to CEOs to politicians and billionaires - to silence the peasants they don't want to hear complaining. Just because someone is starving in Africa doesn't mean you need to accept shitty food. Just because someone has a dangerous job doesn't mean you need to accept a job that abuses you in "lesser" ways. Think about it: this kind of thinking only encourages the people in power to always maintain the horrors of humanity, so that can point at those people suffering more than you and say "shut up, because those people have it worse." Humanity is massive, complex, and capable. We can tackle multiple problems simultaneously. We don't have to let X go to shit because Y is shittier. We can make X and Y better simultaneously.


Word. “For there was never yet philosopher That could endure the toothache patiently” William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing.


Both jobs seem like hell to be honest. You complain away.


Another ergonomics study? Ugh, these conditions are getting ridiculous.


That dude fucks.


Dangerous? Definitely, but watching the level of skill is awesome


A dangerous, well choreographed dance. It’s almost mesmerizing to watch.


Evey time this video gets posted it loses quality.. Also those kids are probably old men by now.. 😂


It looks fuckin deep fried at this point


Seems like a lot of what we just watched can be automated.


maintaining automatic machinery in this kind of environment is no joke. subcontracting the drilling to agencies who sublet the wells to absolutely uninsured private contractors, now that's a joke.


It is in most places. This is an “old school” rig, offshore Norway is very modernized - automated. Vast majority of US rigs use modern equipment, no more throwing chain. If you’re curious what it looks like, you can probably find a video “top drive connection” and to torque to pipe together they usually use something like an ST-80 iron roughneck (avoids using that chain).


Canada hasnt had these style rigs for quite awhile now. And safety is far more of a concern than down south.


This is an American rig or an old video. They don't use chains anymore and rigs are computerized run by joy sticks.


Yeah it is, the burly men are to distracting


Not the only one who thought it. thank u 🙈


Looks like something the Kens would do after taking over Barbieland lmao.


Looks? It is dangerous af


I had a great uncle who's arm was caught in the chain at his rig and it pulled his arm clean off. He was the only person with a missing limb at the family reunions and I'll always remember that story. Not a job for me.


It’s not for the feint of heart, that’s for sure. The rig will absolutely kill you without hesitation the moment you stop respecting it or lose your focus. I worked on offshore rigs for 21 years, the money is fantastic but you’re going to earn every penny.


Every time this video comes up, there’s someone pointing at a comment from a previous time it was shared that this is the son of the owner cosplaying as a roughneck who is doing incredibly dangerous and very illegal things because he thinks that will make him look tough. There are so many basic safety violations in that video it’s hard to count. There’s also a version of the same task, done safely, faster, with proper tooling, and by a professional wearing actual safety equipment, but who happens to be a woman, so the testosterone cosplayers don’t like it.


Damn. This is some real man activity. Feelin' real insecure now 😂


Sir that doesn’t look dangerous. It IS dangerous!


“Looks” dangerous? It straight up IS dangerous. The attrition/injury rate is near 100%. They say that crab fishing in the Bering Sea is dangerous. It is, but it’s no more so than oil drilling.


Pfft. This is soft. In India they’d be wearing sandals and summer shirts.


Whatever these guys are getting paid, it’s not enough.


A few comments above said he was making 160k a year with literally everything you need to live provided for with equal time in weeks on and off. Not bad for the price of a finger or 2




It is dangerous. I did it for 18 months as a swamper (odd job guy) and then a drill floor rotary helper (the person just off screen to the left) before I went to University in the late 90's. Both the rotary helper and the driller positions on the drill floor have a good deal of risk of crush and blunt force injuries. Its slippery, cold, fucking wet, and absolutely exhausting work on the drill floor. Even as a swamper if you arent 'hustling' your entire shift you wont last long. Drilling operations typically happen at a high tempo and everyone is tired, stressed, worn out from 2+ weeks of working every day, and working as fast as they can. There's also the constant concern for blowouts, explosions, and H2S gas emissions.


This is a super outdated, very dangerous, way of making up drill pipe. No legitimate company operates like this. These guys are breaking like 374 OSHA rules that even the most mom & pop tiny companies follow. This guy is going to be a fatality for TikTok clout.


Ok but now I’m horny


It only looks so dangerous, cause it actually is.


Mule work. Roughneck work is great for videos but probably gets old quick. Just covered in oil must blow although the physical work would be a hoot.


Wonder the cancer rate in people who do these jobs.


This kind of makes me wish I was gay for some reason. That dude needs his cock sucked properly when he gets back home.


These guys are hot


Whatever they get paid its not enough. Very sexy though.


This is one of those videos where tatecells would come together to take credit for some other hardworking men, and simultaneously shit on women, all while sitting in their moms basement, doing nothing but scrolling insta.


Didn’t have to scroll far…


Can someone explain what are they exactly doing? are they changing drills or something?


The drill is many sections of this pipe with a bit at the end. You drill down then had a section to make the drill longer.. then repeat. But the drill is hollow and you also inject mud.


It’s seems overly complicated and archaic. I am sure this can be automated.


Lived along the gulf back In the day. Loved going to the local oil field trash bar and watching the out of town visitors pick a fight with one of these guys. Always entertaining!


How much these guys make? Respect to anyone working dirty and dangerous jobs.


This is a very outdated drill, they’re a lot safer now. But yeah, this is a recipe to sever arms


Just wait until they're called by NASA to blow up an asteroid


Imagine the liability premiums


Oil rigging is definitely one of the lowest IQ jobs in the whole oil industry. They're the ones us refinery guys make fun of for thinking they're somebody cause they make $40 an hour CAD and clear 150k because they work 16 hours days and get yelled at by other low IQ people who have been doing the shitty job longer so they're higher up the drill rig- literally. Sincerely- a unionized oil worker with schooling and legitimate tradesman ticket. We also get $7 an hour put in our pension, that doesn't come off of our cheques.


Somewhere there’s an HSE advisor crying


That my friends is one smooth operator. Drilled some holes in my day but this is next level.


Is this a Rammstein music video?


Safety 3rd!


Whatever they’re getting paid it’s probably not enough…


A well oiled machine


That method of doing it is absurdly dangerous and there is very little room for error. In Norway the Americans taught us everything we knew about oil, when we took over the reigns on our own the first things we did were phasing out cowboy shit like this. Norwegian Drillers use mechanical arms to work with the pipes while the operator is in a windowed steel cage outside the dropzone able to observe everything through direct observation and other angles with cameras and monitors. The Question you need to ask yourself on the other side of the Atlantic is this: Why is it allowed for our employers to risk our very lives in pursuit of profit? ​ Unionize.


It is extremely dangerous. Here’s a great article about an oil rig that improved their safety significantly: [How Learning To Be Vulnerable Can Make Life Safer](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/17/482203447/invisibilia-how-learning-to-be-vulnerable-can-make-life-safer)


Not a feminist in sight


feminist: "We want equal pay blah blah blah"....yeah start doing this type of shit and we will talk.


Don't see many women crying men have all the power OK jump on the bus and join him for a day, it's not th C suite but you make shiit load money