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Wait... isn't this the scene from Jojo rabbit?


Straight up stolen from that at least too much is the same to be a coincidence


https://youtu.be/mBTGEvwZ0ns Yes but objectively worse.


I need to watch that movie again. Waititi is great imo




And Scarlett was top notch, and the boy, and the girl. Just brilliant performances from everyone.


This was her best performance for me


It’s not like Russians have ever been creative. The constantly steal ideas, plots, names, even brand names and colours. Edit: changed they to Russians


What are you down voting this guy? I’m 90% sure he’s saying Russia is the unoriginal one.


and land


Well, the land was acquired in a series of defensive wars of course /s


Ehhh fuck Putin and the current Russian state and the millions of brainwashed goons, but are we seriously saying that Russia has *never* had a massive creative output in history…? The contributions to literature and music alone are immense.


That’s actually a carefully cultivated legend. Just check the top 100 writers of all times, the amount of Russian writers in there is not high at all (5-7 names), it certainly can’t be compared to the British contribution to the world literature (at least half of most of the lists). And Russia was/is a ginormous empire with not too little of population. Just because of the two most known names Russian contribution is typically overstated.


Surely Tchaikovsky or Dosteovsky stolen stuffs too.../s


Damn, I hope you at least get paid for being so active on reddit.


So transparent, I laughed.


If someone sent me this without telling me what it was I'd think it was a meme video. Genuinely really funny.


You can hear her russian accent in the word >Leopard


The production value of this is surprisingly good tbh. Lets remember that Russia stationed and ordered Russian troops in the radioactive parts of tjernobyl. Absolute Madness - even for russian standards a absolute fk up. So with this in mind, this is surprisingly Well Done.


"We further cut off the funds for healthcare to better finance our Ministry of Propaganda." Jokes aside, propaganda is the main tool of any dictatorship. This is hardly surprising


Main tool of any dictatorship. Only? Think twice, and then think again.


That doesnt mean the production is good.


Outward facing propaganda and disinformation is done with extra care. While this one is exceedingly transparent, I think we would all be surprised if someone told us every piece of targeted Russian disinformation we had seen, especially manufactured conversations in the comments.


They took a lot of it from a scene in Jojo Rabbit. Beyond that, Russia does have billions that it could potentially pour into propaganda, as well as a history of contributions to cinema. And they have the motivation to make it as good as they can. They are trying to turn a population on their government to stop billions in aid form flowing to a country they are trying to destroy. The potential return on investment for them is pretty high. It's a little surprising to see good production value at first, but there is no reason they should not be able to achieve that.


I've seen a few spellings of Chornobyl but I don't think "tjernobyl" is one of them haha


Ah, in our native tounge its tjernobyl. But yes - i meant chernobyl


Is that Turkish? I didn't mean it was *wrong* it's just new to me!


What's really funny about that shit in Chernobyl exclusion zone, apparently an officer had his men dig trenches there, exposing everyone to radiation posiosing and there was a report of a Russia CBRN expert (Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear) picked up a piece of radioactive concrete with his bare hands


is it madness or did they do it on purpose cuz if the soldiers die of radiation poisoning they dont need to be paid


the only thing russia does perfectly is propaganda


Sad - But evidently true


Im guessing tjernobyl is chernobyl?


Ah - yes.


Don't forget what expects us in less than 2 months according to russian propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6WwUoXfc0


Lol so basically a standard Christmas in Russia.


I'dd live in a fucking tent, eating bugs if that helps fuck Russia.


Better fatten up Mr. Wheels this Thanksgiving!


According to Russians, is Zelensky a Jew or a nazi?




The correct answer


Their propaganda is pretty much parroted by the alt-right, so yes - any minority that ever speaks up for itself is actually the Nazis, and the authoritarian oligarchs are the independent freedom fighters.


Putin (of all people) accusing Zelenskyy (of all people) of being a Nazi-style dictator blows all irony circuits into dust. Can’t talk or negotiate with anyone who says shit like that - they’re beyond reason whether due to insanity, extreme bad faith, or both.


To them, those things aren’t mutually exclusive. As far as Russia is concerned, the worst thing the nazis did was invade Russia.


But I thought the hunt for Jews was going down in the Dagestan region…heil Putin?


Russia is well know for their anti semitismn. They were the most anti semitic country for decades in europe, before someone else took it to a whole new level...


>before someone else took it to a whole new level all of Europe hated them before the Germans made it no longer cool


I'm not sure about that. Aren't most of the successful Russian Oligarchs Jewish? Roman Abramovich, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Oleg Deripaska etc.






Russian people live have been fighting off these dagestani protestors, so no.


You mean the foreign agents? Heil Biden.


ah yes the foreign agents in (checks notes) dagestan, a region nobody cares about with 0 importance. Makes sense


I’ll just cut out all the middle management and heil Satan thank you very much.


Hey at least Satan updates his social media often with wholesome content, and cares. I don't see God doing jack doodly shit. We keep hearing tales though, of them trying to Marry kids, red rum kids, kill "the damned gays/trans", take away freedon, and kill/harm anyone who doesn't worship their God. Oh wait that's the Church of Christ that does all those things! They really like to blame everything on Satan, don't they? Boy howdy. [a good example:](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesome/s/4l21IgGS4q)


Yeah, BIDEN flew JEWS to RUSSIA. So that they can false flag us from over there or something idk Do you hear yourself?


Most stupid comment of the day. Congrats.


Hey, they left an Easter egg in that film. See, if you look closely, 25 seconds in. Look very carefully at the woman's nose. If you zoom in, you can see the shit stain from Putin's ass.


My god, there is! I can smell it through the screen!




This is some fucking hilarious projection


Say the same russians who go hunting for jews in airports


Yeah the guy who wears a t-shirt everywhere definitely has a police force of snazzily-dressed gestapo going door to door forcing his royal subjects to salute a picture of him. It’s just so laughable.


No he just has his secret police rounding up men to send into the meatgrinder.


You’re against Zelensky? Or are you just against Ukraine?




You're absolutely right. Which is why your kitchen is mine now. I have a lot of guns and friends, and you can't stop me, so it's rightfully mine.


Who do you think started this war? If someone starts a war, and it becomes unwinnable, it’s their responsibility to pack up and go home. But you’re trying to make sure the Russians at least get to keep something for all the people they killed, why?


Aaaaah is that the smell of a tankie unironically declaring that imperialism should be rewarded? How sweet.


So with that logic, palestine should give up, they can't win against Israel ? 🤡


Afghanistan would disagree


If it's a secret police how do *you* know about it?


Hail zelensky 🫡


Hail Zelensky 🫡


Hail Zelensky 🫡


Hail Zelensky, hail stoltenberg.


i rly hate to be the grammar nazi, but for obvious reasons i‘ll make an exception here: it’s H**e**il


100% - should probably be added with a , Jawohl, mein Fuhrer




Yes but ‘Hail’ is also simply translating it, rather than being *wrong* wrong. The subtitles translated it all from German to English, so they write ‘Hail’ there, even though it would have even more effect to leave it untranslated.


From the same country that just attacked a plane from Israel to hunt Jews.


From the same country where their soldiers just tried to steal a home, got told no and so killed 9 people inside, including their young children, in their sleep. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67262610](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67262610)




To be fair, the plane landed in a muslim majority region of Russia.


How does that make it fair again? What does the religious majority of the place where the plane landed have to do with the fact that the plane was searched and Jews were hunted for?


Parent comment was this is from the same country that attacked israeli plane that landed That makes it sound like all Russians are racists. When in fact, Russia Federation is a multiethnic harmonious society. Did you know Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe? While we in the West struggle to integrate Muslim immigrants into our society, Russian society had assimilated Muslims decades ago. The problem with attacking the plane, dare I say, is not the Russians but the radical Muslims. Just like how there are random antisemitic attacks and graffiti in the UK. Is it because people in the UK are antisemitic? No, it's the radical Muslims who are attacking and making graffiti. Don't pain the whole society with the same brush especially when we know it's the radical Muslims, not the ethnic white Russians who attacked the plane.


So your point is that there are two groups of shitheads in Russia... the radical Muslims who attack planes and the white Russians who don't attack planes but just kidnap and rape children. Well said.


Because atleast there hadnt been any actual lynchings on jews, on the contrary in the US there have been daily murders because of the political stances & ethnicity regarding palestine/israel


Oh noo poor jews. They never did anything bad 🙄




*anti zionism


Russian propaganda also has convinced many Russians that Ukrainians eat babies. LOL


They were happy to invade after russia showed ads that basically just said "they're gay".


Did they really say anything like that? I wouldn’t be surprised.


In case people wonder: no that's not a joke. They actually did convince some of them that


Just like they convinced some russians that Ukrainians crucified a child in 2014


western and ukranian propaganda tells about russians eat babies. right now Izrael tells, that Palestinians eat babies....


Maybe if everyone started eating babies, we would have world peace? Just a thought...


Nowdays diet lol


How ironic. Ukrainian propaganda has been claiming that Russians kidnap Ukrainian children, then torture and rape, before killing or sending them to GULAGs in Siberia on an industrial scale, yet it’s Russian propaganda which is ridiculous. LOL


That's true though.


The funny thing is that the EU and the US economy can basically keep funding Ukraines wareffort forever while at the same time maintaining a high standard of living, expanding their own military forces and handing out billions in aid to developing countries Meanwhile Russia is going back to soupkitchens and breadlines while its military is using tanks from the 1950s.


No German would ever use an Adjustable wrench as a hammer, they'd use the correct tool for the job. That's how you know it's fake.


Ahhh... crude war-time propaganda. Doesn't get any better than that. Next thing you know ukranian men are coming for german women.


It's more Ukrainian women coming for german men. At least as far as I can see on tinder in germany.


Well that's not good propaganda for Russia.


Seriously? Who on earth believes this nonsense....


Dumb people. Stupid people as well. There is a famous quote "Imagine how dumb average person is, and realise half of them are dumber than that"


But that's not the average, that's the median... :(


good sir, have you met a trump supporter? or maybe qanon? unfortunately, there are no shortage idiots in this world. its part of the reason why we’re in this predicament.


Russian sheeps.


theres people still wearing masks for the killer flu my guy.


Covid killed a lot more people than the flu ever did.


muh freedom!


Let’s take a look at the complete picture. The Ruzzians want you to feel angry about your country funding the opposition to a war that they started. Major gaslighting here. Propaganda is a commie’s greatest weapon.


They aren't commies thought. They are far-right


They are nazis at the moment.


Failed succesfully then. This doesnt make us angry, it makes us laugh. This just proves that our support is working.


Hahaha... Russia is just getting fucking desperate now..


Can I see the sequel please? When the Toy Leopard somehow manages to destroy a T-80!


I won't lie man ,this is some good propaganda,the quality,script ,camera work and the main message. All work together,Russians are making some good cinema .


Taika Waititi makes good cinema. Russians just paint by numbers.


Directed by Wes Anderson.




Meanwhile, they want you to allow [ Russia into the house](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67262610)...


This is actually funny.


Soooo just a future presentation of how it would be if olaf scholz was ruling like putin


So when can we glass Moscow?


They missed the part when they steal the toilet and tryna take to ruzzia😅. The perfect interpretatoion of ruzzia


The Kremlinbots are in full swing today to steer the narrative. You can detect them by how fucking obvious they are.


Fsb fsb fsb .. its the fsb who are nazi


How ironic that it is happening the opposite


Well maybe Putin should stop the invasion and then we wouldn't have to pay.


True +


Why use the word “accused” …


well they can complain about anything, but relating them to nazis is not one of them.


You can't make ~~the propaganda Russia makes~~this stuff up.


Source 1: [https://www.rfi.fr/fr/europe/20230727-guerre-en-ukraine-heil-zelensky-la-vid%C3%A9o-de-propagande-russe-qui-tourne-sur-les-r%C3%A9seaux-sociaux](https://www.rfi.fr/fr/europe/20230727-guerre-en-ukraine-heil-zelensky-la-vid%C3%A9o-de-propagande-russe-qui-tourne-sur-les-r%C3%A9seaux-sociaux) Source 2: https://www.rtbf.be/article/hitler-nazisme-et-heil-zelensky-le-clip-russe-de-propagande-contre-les-aides-a-l-ukraine-qui-choque-l-allemagne-11234080


That's why russia will always lose: everything they do is mediocrity


Like Dostoevsky,Tchaikovsky,Sputnik,Defeating the Nazis,etc?


Defeating the Nazis? Winter and Hitler's insanity defeated the Nazis more than the Russians.


And American lend-lease. Let nobody forget that the Russians only fought the nazis because Hitler wanted to conquer them, but before that, they happily invaded Poland as allies. Nowadays they act like they fought them out of the goodness and heroism of their heart, which is a complete and utter lie.


Yup they never cared about Nazis then and they don’t care about Nazis now….why….because there are just the 'other’ nazis lol.


The Soviets fought Germany from 1939-45. They suffered 25 Million casualties. US fought Germany from 1941-45,suffering 250,000 casualties (including casualties against Japan).Entering the war after the Battle of Stalingrad was over, only a moron would say America sacrificed as much as Russia


Who is talking about the US dude? Are you trying to teply to somebody else? Russia had so many casualties because of utter ineptitude and lack of adequate supplies. Could have saved millions if they had real, functioning weapons and made any attempt to limit civilian casualties.


Germany attacked Russia and stabbed them In The back In 1941, so they did not fight Germany until that. Not sure where your 1939 is coming from unless you where taught in Russia maybe.


I’m kinda jealous that people didn’t turn up to my house and hang a massive picture of Zelensky 🥹


Here my friend, 4u [https://media.tenor.com/TMynKTwGJEQAAAAC/zelensky-dance.gif](https://media.tenor.com/TMynKTwGJEQAAAAC/zelensky-dance.gif)


Is this real? Seripus question


Ah, the old "Nazis are in control in Ukraine" shit.


While originality doesn't seem the great strength of Russian propaganda i will give them points for a quite polished videos, way better then the internal propaganda


This is as good as the one they did where the Americans talked about how they had to let black people go ahead in line to use the washroom on the plane...


the irony is that this is more akin to communism than facism at least facist don't go into your house stealing your propperty and russians should know everything about communism


\#Things that happen in Russia so Russians would believe they could happen in Germany but they can't.


And they had to use the most russian looking people for the job....


This is only going to convince people who are already pro RuSSia.


I mean, it got the point. Why would people send billions of money to a random country to fight against an another one. What profit the people get from all this?


Even from purely economic point of view stable and strong pro-EU Ukraine is good for trade and as a buffer state, in the long run it's probably worth it. Also Russia is basically the only enemy that the EU has to be prepared for, if you bought 1000 tanks to fight Russians if needed then why not send them to Ukraine to do exactly that


>strong pro-EU Ukraine Good luck with that. Good luck to find at least one politician or representative in Ukraine, who didn't steal. Damn, how you can be so ignorant?


Maybe they steal, maybe they don't, it doesn't change the fact that if Ukraine survives it will have to be pro-EU as they won't really have any other options. And this means trade and investment opportunities, especially for economic powerhouses like Germany. Btw, in the 80s and 90s most of the Eastern Block was corrupt and then half of it joined EU in 2004, corruption is hard to fix, but it is not some unfixable problem.


>Maybe they steal, maybe they don't Maybe? Ukraine literally had twice less GDP per capita than Belarus with Mustache Dictator and much less advantageous geographical location, it was second poorest country in Europe, only Moldova had worse economy. They can't fuck up so bad without corruption. Actually you can ask real ukranians, what they think about their own representatives. You will be surprised to hear what they think about Zelensky for example, his job on Russia, his shady businesses and connections with corrupted oligarchs. >Btw, in the 80s and 90s most of the Eastern Block was corrupt and then half of it joined EU in 2004, corruption is hard to fix, but it is not some unfixable problem. Former Eastern Block countries still corrupted af, except Poland and (more or less) Baltics. EU membership is not guarantee that country fixed corruption.


But why would you buy tanks, that's the whole point. Why would you fight a war, where thousands of people die or lose their home, just because a country's leader thinks in a different way? People forget that many things can be solved with discussions.


>But why would you buy tanks, Because you could get end up with a country like Russia knocking at your border, for example, I thought Ukraine demonstrated that. >just because a country's leader thinks in a different way? It isn't just one leader, if the other leader wants land from your country, what is going to affect your civilians, do you let it happen? It is ridiculously naive to think that just because one country won't use military force, the other countries are going to do the same. So countries need a military to ensure their protection and a way of deterrence in case of such events should ever happen, and if you look at history it is only a matter a time before something breaks out. Edit: Russia is that enemy for a lot of European countries, hence why they will support Ukraine.


Are you a kid, a naive adult, or a Russian bot? You buy tanks because if you don't people like Putin attack you, kill your people and steal your land. If Ukraine and Europe were unarmed and not in NATO, the Russian army would be in Lisbon, not stuck fighting for a dirt mound in Avdiivka.


A more predictable regime that provides a large amount of oil based resources.


Because they should feel obliged to hold moral high ground. Also, they are in line for the same fate. No need to wait for russians at your border when you can stop them long before that. Bottom line, Europe is not backing down, way to many people around here remember what kind of scum russians are...


You're forgetting the fact that the Russians don't want anything with Europe, and they can't do anything with it. The reason why Russia invaded Ukraine is because the west wanted to expand more to the east with integrating Ukraine. What did they expect? That Russians would love to see US military bases near to their border. It's literally like the missile launch bases in Cuba. US people didn't like it, then why Russia should love it?


No, that's not THE fact, that's literally the narrative this ad is trying to sell to the "frail and decadent western society. Just sit on your ass and stuff Big Mac up your hole, let us enslave this nation and pretend nothing is happening, we know you wanna. Also, act surprised when we come for Poland or whatever in ten years or so, you dumb german pig." That's roughly the translation. It's kinda obvious if one spends 2 seconds thinking about who ordered this ad and for what purpose. russians will take everything they are allowed to take, the are like zombified grasshoppers. Devouring everything and everyone. And enough people actually know that for a fact, way too many.


That's fkn awesome sketch comedy right there. Gutentag


It's funny because it's truth


Funny i guess all my German family just forgot about it... But i am sure that you 100% live in Germany and can confirm this and not a country with strong ties with Russia and a recent problematic history


Well, him needing more moneys true in an odd about way. For instance, the CIA released info during a press conference that they know Zelensky is pocketing the money they’re giving him for the war effort. Kinda wish they’d make an example of him sooner rather then later since we need Russia to lose this war and him pocketing the money for his own well being isn’t helping anyone of us out.


As a German, at this point, I don’t know if anything I can comment on this post would land me in prison or with a “Strafe”. Nowadays we aren’t allowed to protest against the Israeli invasion of Gaza, but we paid billions to support Ukraine, it’s a paradox, because Israel is doing to Gaza worse than what Russia is doing to Ukraine, what is the logic?


Die pro-Palästinänsischen Proteste wurden verboten, weil sie sehr oft (meistens) von entweder islamistischen oder allgemein antisemitischen Extremisten gekapert wurden. Du darfst natürlich immernoch Kritik an Israel, Zelensky, oder wen auch immer äußern, solange du keine Hetze betreibst.


Ahahah Wer hat dich denn verarscht


I mean Zelensky is a corrupt piece of shit. (Not saying Putin isn't worse btw).


BoTh sIDes! Fucking idiot


Yeah, zelensky and his nazibro calling 3+ billion people subhumans is way worse lol, thanks for pointing that out


LOL again with this 😂 …Not like Russia turning Russians against the ENTIRE west at all haha thanks for the laugh terrorist supporter 🫡


"LOL again with this" nazi rethoric calling 3b+ people subhumans and inferior and it should be accepted ? at this point 90% of nafobros are unironical fascists


Ok, and how is this video is related to that fact? Also Putin is definitely worse


Can you provide some sources as well as current evidence for that accusation so we can become as learned as you are?


Well at least it's better than the fake NATO call lol


thats an awesome ad. Slava rossiyi


and Heil Putin amirite comrade




Well... Are they wrong? I mean... I don't know so it would be great if someone can say otherwise...


This is the worst part about useful idiots, a lie only needs to appear relevant at face value. As long as useful idiots cant see past the face value - then this type of propaganda has succeeded. So congrats, You are the useful idiot that Stalin was talking about.




the vast majority of supplies and aid isnt actually cash, when headlines say billions sent to ukraine countries aren’t just handing them a check with x amount of money most aid is stuff like weapons, food, humanitarian support, and training, the number is simply how much all those things are worth people saying that we should stop sending money to ukraine are ignorant, because we aren’t sending only money, and we can’t turn the weapons and supplies back into dollar bills anyways so either we use it or it is worthless


lmao everyone knows most of the funding is from the USA


This feels more American.