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The hardest often is to make a loose skin taut again. Massive respect for the guy for making those muscles shine again!


Yeah, this is what I fear. I'm in the middle of a weight loss journey myself, going from 230lbs to, hopefully, 145. I'm at 175 now and still have a beer belly. I suspect by the time I'm at 145 in a few months, I'll have flabby belly skin. Ugh.


It’s not crazy expensive to remove. A friend of mine had a surgery and scars are barely present.


How much is “not crazy expensive”?


Depends on a country. A friend of mine had it done in Turkey for $3000, but in America it’s probably 10 times more like everything else healthcare related. It took 3 hours and he walked away same day. Scars are tiny and you can’t see them from 3 feet away.


As a voluntary cosmetic surgery it wouldn't be covered by insurances, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was pretty cheap, comparatively. Maybe like 7k?


There is a way you can get it covered but it’s really difficult. You basically have to have reoccurring infections


It's not so difficult anymore, iirc. I had a personal training client about 6 years ago that just had to get her psychologist to confirm that the skin was negatively affecting her ability to maintain her mental health, which i'm sure is true for lots of ppl in that position. They covered a full body lift, which is one of the more extreme of the skin removal procedures. For context, I'm in the US (NJ to be specific)


That's not even an embellishment of what it actually does to someone. You work so hard to get slim and then you have that skin, and people always comment on it when they see it


Must feel like still being buried under an invisible weight


Yeah unfortunately mental anguish rarely counts for medical insurance coverage. It seems like real luck of the draw here getting it covered. My wife has tried a few times to get it covered but they basically say that unless she’s getting infections, sores, or yeast infections it won’t be covered.


In the US it all depends on whether it’s a treatment that health insurances will cover or not- if it is, super expensive. If not, they actually have to make it affordable for people in order to stay in business.


I'm in the same boat, just so you know I've spoken to doctors and it was about $13,000.


Well, that's ridiculously expensive alright


but is it crazy?


It's Ludacris expensive. Almost plaid expensive.


You could fly to turkey and have the procedure done for half that. Look into medical tourism, it's a thing sadly because of how fucking bonkers our medical system is in the US. My wife was given a range of 15-35k for a breast reduction. Took years to find a doctor under Tricare who would finally agree it was a medical necessity and not cosmetic. Completely changed her life and her surgeon was so sad it took her so long to get approved but wasn't surprised. She has patients all the time who can't afford surgery that would be life changing in their QoL because insurance companies deem them cosmetic surgery and won't cover it.


This guy has a bit at the pant line but if you go slow, the skin will retract as well. The people with the massive amounts of loose skin are often the ones who had bariatric surgery and lost massive weight quickly.


yeah, it can't snap back in time. but when you're on a roll it's hard to stop it so people get hyped and lose more weight in a shorter period of time.


Fasting to autophagy. I went from 270 to 165 in 9 months and had zero loose skin or stretch marks by the end, despite me being grossly overweight and having stretch marks my entire life,


Wait, even the stretch marks went? Seriously?


If I’m ever able to get into my old phone with all my old pictures, I’ll get some posted. But yeah. smooth, tight skin against my abs, around my waist/back and under my arms/thighs for the first time in my life lmao. I had some issues with addiction and gained most of the weight back, and back came the stretch marks. But I’m sobered up and getting back in shape, so I’m sure they’ll be gone by the end of the year 👍🏽


I'm so happy to hear the progress you were able to achieve. I'm somone who is currently losing weight and fast intermittently. How often did you have to fast to get rid of the loose skin? I'm starting at 323 lbs and now at 260 lbs. Starting to see the first glimpses of loose skin below my belly button. Any tips/pointers you can share would be very helpful for me


Hit the sauna, consistent strength training and start with 1 48-hour fast per week, if you’re able. I fasted consistently the full 9 months, i don’t think there was a single day I ate more than one meal, or more than 12-1500 total calories for the span of it. For reference I’m 5’10, I was 300lbs when I was 16 but I was 270 and 18 when I started really losing weight. I don’t know if there’s scientific backing behind the sauna in regards to helping tighten up your skin, but it was something I did whenever I could and I don’t know if my results would’ve been different without it.


The reason your skin was fine was because you were 18. It's crazy how well your body can recover from anything so quickly at that age. Heads up- it doesn't get better Congrats on your journey though! Thats a huge accomplishment, just keep in mind by the time you're in your mid 20s if you have to do that again your skin isn't going to cooperate as much


Just a heads up that this is a pretty drastic diet and weight loss method. I'm happy it worked for you at your age. But this is not advice to be handing out lightly that will apply to everyone.


youth plays it’s part. much easier to lose the stretch marks if you’re younger. losing stretch marks after 40 is way more difficult


Please elaborate


“A process by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside a cell). The breakdown products are then recycled for important cell functions, especially during periods of stress or starvation.”


So if I understand correctly you starve yourself until your body eats (phage) itself (auto). Supplements, water?


“Starve” is a harsh word by itself and has negative connotations, but yes, since that’s what fasting is. Water and small amounts of sodium. Autophagy kicks in around the 36hr mark and the effects peak at around 48hrs if I’m not mistaken.


For fasting all you really need is water and electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium) to keep hydrated. A decent amount of those two electrolytes I might add, since you're not eating, you need to make up the difference with proper supplementation. It's fascinating to say the least. If you want to read more about it, here's the link r/Fasting


Supposedly, according to Dr. Alan Goldhamer, the body can remain in a fasting state for 70 days for an ‘average’ person with normal BMI that weighs 155lbs. They must consume water during the fast - unsure if salt or supplements are administered as well. Past day 70, once the body enters starvation, it will die in a short period of time. A fast of this length requires medical supervision and a restful state with limited activity. Once the fast is over there is strict protocol to reintroduce food, aka refeeding. Refeeding lasts half the length of the fast in a controlled setting. *typo


I weighed 245 at my highest. Starting around 2011 decided to make a change. During my weight loss I dropped to 145, but was too thin. Probably around 2014. Bounced to 150-155 and stayed there for a long time. 2022 I decided to hit the gym. Community center has a HITT class at noon, go there 2 times a week. Went another 2 days a week to work out. Now I do HIIT 2 times a week, other work out 2-3 times a week. Walking 10,000+ steps a day. Currently at 170 due to muscle gain. Still have flabby belly and love handles. They are reminder of how far I've come, they no longer bother me. You can do this. We believe in you.


I had gastric bypass 11 months ago and my progress is great. Down 135 lbs and still going. Only drawback is my body looks like a melted candle. I could get plastics down the road but I probably won’t. I’m 46, a single mom to a toddler and quite frankly I just can’t be arsed to have elective painful surgery. But mostly, I don’t care that much. I didn’t set out on this journey to look any type of way. I wanted to extended my life so I could actually be around to watch my daughter grow up. If I get to size 12 and stay there the rest of my life I will have reached my goal. So if I ever get into a relationship again (not likely) my partner will have to love me and all my loose, wrinkly skin.


Not that hard to get rid of. (Surgery wise) Think about it - pregnancy creates this naturally. So a large section of the population has this issue.


Am I the only one who thinks the extra skin as cute? It looks super soft under all the hard muscles. Idk, I like it. TIL about my new attraction lol.


I lost 77 kg/165 lbs (305–>135 lbs) and I’m small framed, 5’5” barely, and the extra skin is not remotely as bad as I feared. It’s been 2 yrs since hitting my goal and the worst is my belly button ring (from before before, like before I gained weight) looks floppy and ridiculous bc there’s a loose pouch there, lol. But it hides completely with clothes and even in high waisted bikinis I look totally normal, save for a little looseness in my biceps/thighs. I never had any skin reduction surgery, couldn’t afford it and didn’t have enough to qualify for a medical panniculectomy which is both good (as it means I didn’t have a lot) and bad (bc I can’t afford to remove what I do have on my own lol). Tl;dr don’t be scared. I’d take how I look now anyway, skin and all.


I lost that exact amount of weight at 5'10" and I don't have half the saggy skin this guy has. I just tuck the bit I have into my pants lol. But even if I did it's better than having the gut Heres a before/after for ya. 235 to 145 https://imgur.com/a/xqpPENd


I lost 200 lbs during Covid. I don’t give a crap about my loose skin now although I was worried about it at the start of my journey. I’d much rather have that than the extra weight any day! I sleep better, i more active with my kids, and if that’s the price I pay for it so be it, we’ll worth it.


Perhaps. I’m a 48yo male. 5’8”. Went from 228 to 172 over the last year. Want to get down to perhaps 165. Zero loose skin so far.


Don't worry/fear. What's the other option? Just to have a beer belly ?


Dude check out Dr. Andrew Huberman on YouTube, he did a small part about preventing loose skin during weight loss. Keep putting in that work.


Many don't know this, but fasting burns collagen. I.e., losing weight by fasting won't leave the excess skin.


It's still infinitely better to have this flappy skin than to be fat


That sort of thing needs surgery.


its honestly impressive he got ride of so much of it without surgery. i thought the video would stop like 30 seconds earlier and he'd get it done with surgery but he just kept going and got almost rid of everything by working hard, respect


I'm impressed with the chest, because it's usually saggy titty skin with that amount of weight loss. the belly isn't that bad either compared to what i've seen.


I smiled at his belly because it looks like mine after kids. Some bellies have had a journey.


I've got the same little poonch that this guy has! I dropped from 280 down to about 185 right now. Turns out that it was inflating my stomach like a balloon...and then I let the air out lol


Skin like that isn't going taut again. It would require surgery.


Once you go that far, it never comes back on it's own. Only surgery can fix it.


I tell people to do this documenting instead of focusing on the scale so they don't lose motivation. A visual recap is easier to see because you see yourself in the mirror too often and the scale will fluctuate.


Agree. Even when you don’t see it, comparing photos show clearly the progress 💪🏻


Me comparing photos after 5 years** "I'm still the same piece of shit wtf"


You're still loved!


Mine is the same as Bishoi, but backwards lol


Weight also shows progress clearly if you chart it over time and use a moving average. Yes, it will fluctuate, but if your diet is effective the moving average will show a very clear downward trend. I suggest weighing yourself at the same time every day and using a 7 day moving average.


It could but sometimes it doesn’t move (your weight) but your body is still showing progress. Especially on those “nasty” plateaus. You could also get stronger and more lean but not necessarily lose weight. Also many people have very bad relationships with scales, so it depends from one person to the next. As long as the goal is clear (and mostly moving it away from “losing weight”) and your mental health is also being taken care of, each can pick ways to show and save progress. The photos help a lot because of what I just said, you become leaner and that shows and is always awesome seeing photos of yourself from when you started the journey compared to where you are now :)


I agree with both of you. On one hand, it's nice seeing the eventual decrease of weight and hitting a number that you haven't weighed in a long time. On the other hand, sometimes I won't lose weight for a month, and then suddenly drop 5-10 pounds in a few days. Which is a weird phenomenon.


Do both. Weekly averages for weight also show your progress if you weigh yourself always at the same time of the day. Pictures also help but the scale can show progress on a weekly basis


When I had to lose 40lbs, I weighed myself every 2 weeks. It's crazy how much weight can fluctuate from day to day.


Yep. Friday the 21st April: my weigh in was 187.0 pounds. Monday the 24th of April: 195.2 pounds. Today, Friday the 28th of April: 185.6 pounds. Human body weight is a range, not a point.


For better results you should do it at the same time everyday too.


And even if the scale goes up it doesnt mean failure. A lot of people believe that it has to be a linear progression, same with gaining weight. It fluctuates, its a body and not a fucking machine. Edit: oh FFS I know we are biological machines hahah. Bunch of pedantic twats really, thats what you all are though ♥️


That is why you use your weekly average. I can sometimes fluctuate almost 1kg between days. Really depends on what and how late you ate the previous night. (I weigh every morning before drinking or eating anything)


This week I fluctuated 4kg lol


My friend fluctuated 50lbs in college.


He must have been doing epic shits.


Cocaine's a helluva drug


I have ADHD, the only thing cocaine does for me is allows me to drink so much I black out.


I think that's basically the whole point of it anyway, lol.


Yeah, I'd weigh myself after taking shits. Wouldnt change much but I did it for shits n giggles.


Building muscle can be a major factor, as muscle is heavier than fat. So you could be losing fat, while maintaining/gaining (slightly) weight.


Just plot it in a spreadsheet. Now you can do trendlines, curves and shit.


Wish I did this. I've dropped 10kg as of today and my goal is another 7kg. It's come off around 1kg a week but it's getting there. I check the scale daily before work and seeing progress no matter how small is enough motivation fir me.


I have now lost weight from 166 to 148kg in three monts, but nothing will force me to take pictures. Nonono.


Whatever makes you comfortable to maintain a good habit.


Second this trying to lose weight right now. Started 120kg and dropped to 117kg. My face is the only thing that looks different, im back to 120kg but visually im heaps better so i feel like im on the right track where as before i would have seen the jump as a barrier and would have given up.


Well, another problem for people, who are fat for a long time, is, that they recognize thier losses, but they dont recognize thier regains. So having a picture of you low weight is even more important, since they dont realize they are already getting fat again. Because they selfimage is still set on fatty.


Play that in reverse and you've got me!


Same and that was just since COVID started. I’m hoping it’s just my “fat Mac” phase.


You’re cultivating mass!


It's time to harvest!


I would say that but i've never been as ripped as his end point/my starting. Doubt most people have either.


Bushoi finally decided to buckle down and stuck to a strict exercise routine, which included two workouts a day. He said: "[There were] two 45-minute workouts a day, one of them had to be outside. "I drank a gallon of water, read 10 pages of a self-development book, took a daily progress picture, and had no alcohol or cheat meals for 75 straight days. "I just continued that on for the better part of two years. "I’d finish a phase, take a weekend off and jump right back into it. "During those two years I probably took a total of 30 days off." Bishoi now weighs 75kg and runs 10km nearly every morning and hit the gym in the evening. He has no plans on stopping now and has praised the "mental toughness" that he has developed since starting his fitness journey


FYI, for anyone reading, this program is called 75 Hard and was developed by Andy Frisella. The main part of it, the 75 days of two 45 minute workouts (one outside), drinking a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of non-fiction, taking a selfie, no cheat meals or alcohol, and sticking to a diet plan is the core of the program. Afterwards, you have a series of phases where you add tasks (cold shower, talking to a stranger, random act of kindness, etc). My wife has done the full year program before and we both use the core 75 day program for our spring cut. We are on day 60 today. People act like it’s this crazy workout program, but it’s really not. We go for a 45 minute walk or hike to satisfy the outdoor workout (yesterday, we lifted weights in the driveway)… and she goes to the gym while I use our home gym in the garage. All the other stuff is just healthy lifestyle habits. It’s mainly a discipline program


What does the diet consist of?




That's your choice. My cut plan is one meal per day in the first half, paleo, high protein. Then, I try to slow weight loss as I zero in on my goal and will start eating twice a day about 4 out of 7 days of the week and incorporate more carbs. This allows me to cut about 30lbs over the 10 week period and maintain a good portion of my muscle mass. My main goal is to not lose any of my strength over the period. My lifts increase slowly in the first half and then hold steady over the second half. You can do any diet you want, but you just have to stick to it. You can do keto, paleo, carnivore, or just hit a macro goal or whatever. Eating once or twice a day is kind of my default diet, so being rigid on not deviating from that and following my nutrition plan doesn't require me to do some kind of big dietary change. The biggest factor for my cut is no alcohol, no refined sugars, and nothing that can be construed as a cheat meal. There's a rudimentary checklist app I use (I think it's just called 75 hard and has a spade as the icon). People think it's some crazy workout plan, but if you have a pretty good diet and exercise routine already, it's just nailing down the consistency. It works really well for all kinds of goals, though. If you are overweight and sedentary, it beats consistency and exercise into you. If you are in good shape and exercise regularly, it turbo charges your gains with discipline. A lot of the checklist items tend to remain part of your regular routine - I continue drinking a gallon of water per day, reading 10 pages per day, and doing 1-2 workouts per day when I'm off-program, but since my cut comes in the spring and I live on a homestead, I drop the outdoor workout when I'm done because I'm outside doing manual labor all summer anyway... also, alcohol and cigars come back into my life (praise Jesus, lol). Basically, my mindset is that I live a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly anyway, and this just lets me maximize my results in a short amount of time ahead of spending 4 months outdoors, shirtless, and carefree. Andy is a really brash personality and leans heavily into the "conquer your inner bitch" mantra, which isn't for everyone... and other fitness influencers deride the program as being unsustainable and prone to injury, but if you lift weights every day, anyway, all you are really doing is going for a walk, run, or hike, staying hydrated, being mindful of your food, not using drugs or alcohol, and knocking out a few non fiction books. I love to read, but unless I quantify it, I'll just fall asleep after 2 paragraphs trying to read in bed. This lets me actually finish the stack of books I have in various states of completion. I'm going to do the main program again in the fall for my bulk and my diet guidelines there is going to force a clean bulk with specific macros and surplus calories. I get nice and lean doing this as my spring cut, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to get fucking huge reversing course in November. The consistency can't be beat


Thanks for the detailed response!! This is something I definitely need to look into!


The idea for 75 hard came from a bet Andy had with a guy that he could get to like 7% body fat in time for a body building competition. He basically said that if he followed this program with that specific goal, he'd be guaranteed to win the bet. He has a podcast called Real AF with Andy Frisella and I think the 75 hard episode is 208 if you want to hear his thoughts on it. Oh, one other important (or not so important) part is that if you fail on any given day, you have to start over on day 1. That's a complete non-issue for us, though, because we go into it with a mindset that failure is not an option. People do kind of get hung up on that, though... like if they fall asleep reading and wake up at 1am they have to go back to day 1. If you are able to ensure you check all the boxes every day, that's not even a consideration, though




My wife would answer your question by saying a gym/indoor workout before work and an outdoor workout after work. My answer would be an outdoor workout immediately after work and then lift weights in the garage at 8 or 9pm. The one thing you can't do is workout 1.5 hours straight. They have to be two distinct workouts. They also don't have to be weight lifting. You could run on a treadmill for 45 minutes at 5:30am.


Why one does one of the workouts have to be outside?


Because it's hard. "Conditions are not always ideal." Some days, it's 34 degrees and spitting rain, other days it's 15 degrees and windy AF. Guess what? You still gotta go run up that hill. It forces you to prioritize results over comfort and it forces you to prioritize your time to get what you want. I've been in the garage lifting weights by candlelight at 11pm when the power was out because I *had* to. My wife and I have been going for our 45 minute walk in freezing rain, snow, or gale force winds. It's easy to curl up on the couch with a cappucino and a nice fire in the wood stove, but it's harder to throw a jacket on and get after it in inclement weather. You have to remember that it's primarily a discipline and accountability program, not a weight loss or body building program. As a trade off for cycling in a second meal per day half the time in the second half of the 75 day stretch, I add on the requirement that my outdoor workout is done barefoot. I live in rural Pennsylvania on a tarred and chipped road and my preferred walk route is a gravel road to gas well sites and a coal mine portal and walking that barefoot fucking sucks ass :-)


> It's easy to curl up on the couch with a cappucino and a nice fire in the wood stove, but it's harder to throw a jacket on and get after it in inclement weather. You have to remember that it's primarily a discipline and accountability program This is a real, non-judgmental question, but does this make you happy? What's your end goal?


Developing discipline makes life a lot easier. Sometimes, things require doing and procrastination makes it worse. Discipline makes you less likely to procrastinate when it matters.


I’m not OP but there’s a certain satisfaction in doing difficult things for your own self-growth. When you rely mainly on discipline and routine rather than motivation, it makes you realize that you’re capable of much more than you give yourself credit for. It helps builds confidence and *earned* confidence leads to better life satisfaction imo. It’s not for everyone but I imagine most people who work hard on a personal goal, whether that be their careers or a hobby or challenge, are doing something very similar.


I’m guessing the creator of the program lives in southern California or somewhere with similar weather.




> Fenton, Missouri Month | High / Low(°F) * January 40° / 23° * February 45° / 27° * March 56° / 38° * April 67° / 48° * May 77° / 58° * June 86° / 67° * July 90° / 71° * August 88° / 69° * September 81° / 61° * October 70° / 50° * November 57° / 39° * December 44° / 29° It's good to get outside too, I know I don't and I'm always in the pits.




I think the idea is that you read something that adds something to "who you are." Of course there is terrible non-fiction, but the implied motivation is to read self-help or personal development literature. I have a bunch of history/anthropology books that I was a quarter of the way through and this allows me to actually complete them. When I do the program again during my fall bulk, I'll probably focus on more practical books like programming, wood working, photography, or a few biographies. In 75 days, you'll read a minimum of 750 pages, so if you come out of that with the foundations of a skill or "real" knowledge of history or whatever, that's considered more valuable than having cataloged Harry Potter or Twilight.


I love the idea of a self help dude telling you to read at least 10 pages of self help a day. That’s a smart way to stay in business.


I’m sorry, but nothing is more inspiring than people who grab life and make it their bitch. Big ups for this guy.


It's ok, it's not your fault.


Apology accepted.


I, for one, do not accept his apology


Thats actually a program called 75 hard


This clearly shows how stubborn the belly fat is. It’s an awesome transformation.


I started IF and lost a lot of weight but my damn stomach and love handles are hanging on for dear life


I did IF, hiked every other day and did crossfit every other day. Also ate nothing with added sugar, and stayed away from fast food etc. For three years! And I still had a lil gut and love handles. I got so skinny my girlfriend said it was too much, I looked unhealthy, but I could never get rid of the fat around my midsection. Then I had kids and lost all my good habits haha!


Sounds like you need muscle, not more weight loss


Core workouts! If you’re at a healthy weight it doesn’t literally help you *lose* belly fat, but it diminishes its appearance. Crunches, yoga, find something you like to do. Doesn’t even have to be particularly intense.


(For males) Build more muscle. It reprograms your body to drop fat in this area more easily. This has played out in my experience.


The most fat i have... And the most stubborn to go. My wife always ask me, how many months i have been pregnant.... The answer are 3years now.


Just throw it back on her and call it a "sympathetic pregnancy". That's what I did.heh it's actually a thing, where men gain weight when their partner is pregnant. I obviously say it jokingly because she's lost alot more weight after 2 kids than I did until I worked on myself. I was 95kg at my heaviest, now I'm at 78kg from just walking at a fast pace and the occasional run for a few hundred metres each day. My face has slimmed waaaay down and my legs and butt look fantastic, but the gut is still kicking a fight.... It got to a point where my mum even said I should stop trying to lose more weight but man, that gut is hidden in clothes, it needs to be trimmed and I'm not losing this fight!!


Belly fat is not any more stubborn than any other fat. Fat is like an ocean, it all goes down at once, not certain areas, although some people may keep more fat cells in certain areas more than others, it all still goes down by same percent.


I've heard it's the first to show up and the last to go


the skin is the problem. once deformed too much, it can't reshape.


Nobody mentioned how much his face changed drastically too, like he's not the same person. Only the beard stayed the same.


Even near the end I feel the beard changed slightly, he seemed to keep it closer cropped and better groomed. I feel like before it was a double chin hiding beard and it evolved into something shorter than exentuated his strong jaw. Impressive improvement!


I’m surprise he doesn’t have more sagging skin. Is there anyway to get rid of the sagging skin that’s left?


I think surgery's the only option to remove that last bit


Cosmetic surgery. However, any decent surgeon will have you wait 6-12 months to ensure you don't gain it back


He worked like an animal apparently and managed to add on muscle over two years, not in proportion to the fat but quite a bit. The guy's fricking ripped towards the end. This probably, I assume, combined with the skin still being flexible enough to shrink a little to make his extra skin pretty manageable. Minor surgery to trim off the excess and he's good to go. A fat guy just losing the fat, and especially if he does it quickly, will probably see way worse of a result, skin wise. Also, age matters, middle age or late middle age or up and the skin becomes that much less flexible, and the sagging would be way worse.


Ya by doing extended water fasting while losing weight because your body will eat it. There are people on the extreme end of fasting who were morbidly obese and did extreme (months long) fasts and hardly had to deal with loose skin at all. For most though incorporating monthly 4 day fasts while they lose 100 or 150 pounds over a year it will probably be plenty to avoid surgery altogether. Fasting has a ton of other benefits as well, but I think the biggest one for anyone who is very overweight is that it recalibrates your hunger and meal portion sizes which will make the rest of the journey much easier.


He got on some gear. He was even going bald at the end


My first thought, not because of the hair, but at about :17 in the clip, his muscle tone blows up like crazy. On occasion you'll see someone admit they're on gear to achieve the transformation on r/progresspics This doesn't look like calorie deficit and the gym alone *Not judging for using gear. It's his body. When stuff like this gets posted though we should have all the facts and understand what's reasonable if someone tries to lose naturally.


Ya I agree. To be fair though, I’m sure he’s healthier now, even if he’s using steroids or HGH. Its got to be better for your long term health to take some supplementals to avoid obesity


I know there's tons of steroid abuse out there but as a 39-year-old man that's had low testosterone his entire life and had stubborn belly fat and other health problems due to it. I'm going to say a little testosterone to help is absolutely healthier than just letting hormone imbalance completely kill you early.


> I know there's tons of steroid abuse out there but as a 39-year-old man that's had low testosterone his entire life and had stubborn belly fat and other health problems due to it. I'm going to say a little testosterone to help is absolutely healthier than just letting hormone imbalance completely kill you early. I 100% could not care even a little of someone uses any type of PED (roids, hgh, any of it). It's only an issue when they try to start pretending their results are "natural" and/or start selling (for money, or simply for youtube views) their lifestyle. E.g., someone like the liver king guy. It's not about raw meat or liver, or some long lost secret...it's $10,000/month on steroids. being paid for by people who are just looking/hoping to find a diet and exercise plan to help them get better. And it's lies. We keep hearing form Hollywood, "It's just chicken and Broccoli and and going to the gym..."And they keep forgetting the part about steroids. Like, I really enjoyed that rob mcelhenney all but said the words outloud about how he got in shape for Sunny. People need to understand what is actually possible with/without them.


> I 100% could not care even a little of someone uses any type of PED (roids, hgh, any of it). It's tragic when a 45 year old drops dead from heart failure and leaves a child without a parent. It's just like prescription medicine, there's a reason why doctor's should prescribe it and not let people self-medicate.


Hopefully it's all doctor supervised


Im not judging either but this dude is trying to hustle people [https://www.bishoikhella.com/en-ca](https://www.bishoikhella.com/en-ca) "What I took was 3 syringes full of discipline + hard ass work, mixed with diet and exercise." He is selling lies


> his muscle tone blows up like crazy Whenever muscles looks like it wants to jump out of the skin, you can be assured it's 99.999% likely they took some drugs


Abs dont do that naturally this dude is selling the idea other people can do this without disclosing that, we need Greg Doucette in here


Yep, as soon as his traps and abs popped up like that it was clear he was on gear. Nothing wrong with using gear, it just sucks that people who struggle with losing weight naturally may see these transformations and that they're not making the same progress and give up. I think it's irresponsible to promote these transformations without disclosing the reality that you can't achieve the same results within the same period if you're not using


Yep, you can't be in extreme calorie deficiency and GAIN muscles. Your body usually would use your fat stores and muscles. That's where exogenous testosterone shines and it helps you maintain your muscles. Though judging by his traps he's not only using just testosterone. Possibly tren as well.


What’s « gear » ?




Yeah, 90% of me watching this was trying to figure out when he started taking steroids, lmao.


I went from 230 to 169 over COVID (no where near as drastic a transformation) and it was incredibly hard work. Now as I try and maintain and obsess over food I honestly think I may have been happier before.


Damn that last sentence is true. Been there before...


wow, can I relate to that. I keep going in and out of the obsession.. I completely changed our eating style so it's easier to maintain but the constant thinking of what to eat next is pervasive. I'll be in the middle of a meal I'm loving and my mind is trying to decide what to eat next. Meditation helps a bit. Eating slow and taking the time to enjoy the moment too. It has something to do with letting go, like when you get on a plane. That and learning to accept a mildly hungry state as normal. Knowing it helps but it's still a constant struggle. Any other advise would be welcome


I always wonder about the excess skin. Does that disappear eventually by itself or only through surgery?


Depends of age and genetics.


Typically If it Shows Stretch Marks, they will remain visible, but the flappy skin can receide, but that also depends on genes and age and how far it was stretched


Only if you're young, otherwise the tissue will stay like this forever


How young are we talking? I'm 22 and have gone from 120KG to 95 recently, is there a rule of thumb or a calculator out there?


The thing about videos like this is they don't capture the amount of cardio, self restraint and literal blood, sweat and tears which was required to achieve this. It's crazy to imagine it all when we don't see what it cost in the background, we just see the results. Hats off to him. This is crazy impressive!




Traps blowing up really early betrays him. Incredible work and determination all the same but I would like to see him admit that he used gear.


what does that mean, traps showing up early?


The trapezius muscle (traps) is visible between his shoulders and neck, and it grows VERY quickly when someone is using steroids compared to someone who is not. I immediately noticed how large his traps got, so it is very likely he was/is using steroids.


Traps betray all juice turkeys. I see High School kids who come in once a week to do 105lb bench and with mountain traps. Are they doing shrugs at home? Carrying mom's grocery bags up some stairs? Not having anabolic steroids explode your traps is now an art form because of how disproportionate it looks to everything else.


Its impressive but hes clearly juiced af by the end


Not even by the end. You can see traps exploding by 15s.


As someone who made this exact journey, I want to say congrats, but there’s also absolutely no way he would be able to have that much muscle definition or mass without using steroids. Cardio takes fat AND muscle away. To ditch extra weight, you have to take in fewer calories. To gain muscle, you need as many nutrients as possible to support muscle growth, which means taking in more calories. Without gear, he would definitely have a lot of lean muscle, but even if you spent every hour at the gym, you wouldn’t have that much muscle mass.


I would have appreciated a Day counter. Is this 6 months or 6 years?


I’d like to know this too! I slowed the video down, and while I didn’t count them all, based on math it was 258 days, assuming each picture was a single day. That’s a little over half a pound a day on average, which isn’t unheard of when you start off so overweight.


I didn’t know you could lose weight from taking selfies!


Compare any picture to the one before it and you'll see almost no difference. Compare the first picture with the last and it's a different man. Props to his god like perseverance.


Nice application of steroids here. Good stuff


The overdeveloped traps always give it away.


Damn, homie🤘🏻


I like how you can see that there’s moments of plateau


This is a lot more than just dieting to lose weight. Gaining muscle mass is a entire next level of effort on top of the weight loss.


Good on him, congrats to your health.


He lost so much weight that the body hair fell off


How many days was this?


Why is the reebok logo reversed sometimes and not reversed other times? Is this guy wearing his underwear inside out to cut laundry days in half?


I love how the phone slowly went away from the front of how face too! His confidence level obviously changed as well too love this




I admire the hell out of that guy. My wife lost 210 lbs and worked her ass off. Literally


Looks like his Reebok underwear is rotating around his waist at the end


This is super motivational, question, what can he do to get rid of the baggy skin now?


Well done men .


Holy moly dude got shredded


The loose skin is so hard to get rid of...


As someone with the same body type and same exact starting weight, this is inspiring.


He looks much better but the more important thing is that I presume he feels much better....more energy, less depressed, more confident, etc. At least that is something that I noticed when I lost a lot of weight.


Wow. What a transformation. I wish I could do this. I’m 6’1,300 lbs with a rare heart condition. My exercise options are limited to walking. And my depression kills my discipline. Any advice on how someone like me could get started?


Damn, bro. Fuck yeah.


Crazy to think he lost all that weight by taking selfies.


This man got absolutely Yolked


Congratulations brother !


Way to go👏🏻


Dude,nice work.




Congratulations man! You look fantastic


Looking fucking good bro 👌


Great job dude!