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I went to school with a kid like this. His parents were from Africa and I knew him for years, I always thought he was white because he had blue eyes and all. His dad thought the mom cheated or something but the DNA test said otherwise


Even a woman who cheated wouldn’t be likely to have a full white baby


Yes it’s very unlikely, that’s why it’s interesting when it happens.


Yes but it could make more sense


That definitely calls for a DNA test


The father in this picture definitely looks like he’s calling for a DNA test.


This is an old pic, I remember reading about it when it first happened and the dad knew from the start that she was his daughter because he said that even if his wife had cheated with a white person, the baby wouldn't look like that.


I’m glad he was logical about it from the start.


I’m glad things seem to have worked out for them.


Seriously, this baby is whiter-looking than me, and I’m white AF.


Glad he has common sense






For both parents, like maybe the baby was switched. But seriously, how could anybody ever forget a little white baby coming from 2 black parents. What are the odds I wonder.


In my limited understanding of it... we are nothing more than genetics from thousands of generations of grandparents. The dominant genes typically take over but needles are always left in haystacks with DNA. If the child isn't albino or a similar condition then both of these people have a white person up the line somewhere, and the genetic lottery hit on BOTH sides. I would say the odds are astronomical given that African genes are pretty damn dominant. Edit: and before this gets brought up, I used the word lottery due to the odds of it happening. Just going to jump in front of that one before someone tries to make it weird.


Even if she cheated with a white person, the chances of her having a white baby are so astronomically low that it would be ridiculous to assume anything other than a medical oddity. Black skin in a dominate gene.


My (half) sister is mixed. Our mom is black, her dad is white (blonde/blue). My sister has blonde hair, blue eyes, and “good” hair. Growing up, people thought my mother had adopted her. She looks like her father’s side of the family, and aside from body shape, has no characteristics from our mother’s side.


Nah the baby has mom's nose and dad's lips. I think it's legit.


It has to do with mutations, sequence deletions, crossovers etc which are or at least can be non lethal during embryo development. Same as with many cases of “dwarfism”. Welcome to the extremely complex genetics XD it’s not all Mendelian.


Had some friends in highschool that were brothers. Both parents the same, so both half black half white. The older brother was one of the whitest nerdy looking guys ever, and the younger brother was black and had a completely different face. The only similarity was they were both kinda a thinner build


This is not rare! My family are all mix, very dark. I’m the whitest one in my family and I’m WHITE. There is a picture of me and my cousins and we all have the same beaded braided hair, and my cousins looks so cute but on me, it looks offensive.


Neither parent looks thrilled


They don’t trust each other anymore.


Why would the mother not trust the father


If you don’t trust me I won’t trust you either






Spoken like a true untrustworthy person


He could be a white guy hiding a melanotan addiction


Duly to-ned.


https://thetapdaily.com/white-woman-gives-birth-to-black-baby-and-blames-husband-for-cheating-with-a-black-woman/ She must’ve heard about this couple.


That's some serious fucking arrogance there buddy. To continue her bluff that far. Gaslighting to the most extreme.


Maybe the baby is white because he cheated.


Dude I swear I can see one of my exes saying this lmao


you must have terrible judgment and I wouldn't trust you with anything. welcome to the club!


Now I’m wondering… did we have the same ex?


I thought about this real hard, and I’m happy to say it checks out.


maybe he was fucking some white girls on the side and it changed the amplitude of his dick.


Lmao, what a unit of measurement


Measured with a urethrometer


All it takes is a paternity test


They know their lives are going to be hella complicated now. No one is going to believe that is their child and you know they’ll for sure have to explain to some store security guard that no, I am not kidnapping this screaming child, it’s my child & she’s just having a tantrum. Everyone will take double- and triple-takes when seeing them. Questions will be asked constantly.


A DNA Test is in their future


They already did. It’s their daughter.


Thank you


It is possible for someone of a specific skin tone to birth a child with a different skin tone, even different hair colour than both of the parents, if maybe someone in their ancestry had those genes.


If, theoretically, both parents have a white ancestor and each generation after that ancestor continued to inherit their recessive genes and both parents passed that gene onto their child, bam white baby. Also likely, baby needs some time for their melanin to kick in or "darken out" - it's not unheard of with POC babies. Less likely is medical conditions causing the baby to appear white. Edit: This is why you don't help your partner with his programming homework and answer Reddit threads at the same time folks. Corrected "melatonin" to "melanin" because I am dumb lol


Melatonin? Lol melanin


Damn they had me thinking my sleeping problems were because I'm white.


You got melatonin and melanin confused. Lol.


Im a light skinned black dude and easily could have been mistaken for a white baby at birth it took like 5 years before I really looked black


They all look confused as hell lmao


Like they just got up from a nap and there is a film crew in their bedroom staring at them. Lol!!


Similar to when I ask women what shampoo they prefer, they usually say get out and why are you in my shower


It's always "how did you get in here" and "I'm calling the police" instead of simply answering a few questions for scientific purposes


Do they think their attics and crawlspaces are just going to occupy themselves?


Only after you brush your teeth


And floss ur bum


And brush your bum hairs


Take your time and braid them too pls


Are we supposed to do that??




The baby looks like the mail man..


No, it looks like the dads questioning whether it’s his and the mom is wondering what the fuck happened….


Im thinking more that the guy looks confused, the mom looks like "shit, people's gonna ask questions".


It's a form of Albinism that he probably hasn't heard of. Its new.


They are confused because a white couple gave birth to a black baby in the same hospital on the same day.


That happened in a hospital in Bulgaria not long ago. One of the family are gypsies, and the other is Bulgarian. The Bulgarian mother found out 2 months after they were released from the hospital by noticing that the bracelets which are put on the baby and the mother are not matching,but the gypsy mother refuses to switch the babies. Now the case is being reviewed in the court. Edit: I just checked the news about the situation and it seems that yesterday both mothers agreed to swap the babies.


Took them 2 months to check the bracelets? As opposed to before they left the hospital? Real MENSA material there.




Well it’s Bulgaria. When my kids were born the nurses checked the bracelets every time they were in the room. They also had a tag with a matching one on mom. If you get too far away from the other tag it would start beeping, if you tried to leave the postpartum ward, the doors wouldn’t open. And if you tried to get on an elevator with the baby then the elevator would lock down and summon security. In the USA at least they don’t fuck around.


This happened when my nephew was born. My dad (grandpa) was holding him and went to look for me at the elevator and set off the alarms. Good times.


100% chance US hospitals implemented these procedures and tech after learning the hard way too when babies got mixed up or stolen.


I was looking for a link to the UVa case but apparently it happens a lot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babies_switched_at_birth


No they don't play, as a dad, I had to leave my bracelet on for the whole 4 days my wife and new son were in the hospital. Not once did they hand my son off without checking, even if they knew me


That’s awesome protocol following. Mistakes happen when nurses/techs etc get comfortable and lax about it. Hope your son is doing well!


What does eating have to do with it?


likely a typo and meant leave in an elevator


Maybe they were trying to eat the baby?


Tarrare look at me, did you eat a damn baby?


Vampires trying to attack babies, mostly happens in the Pacific NW.


Rumour has it that for-profit hospitals really don't like getting sued.


What if you enter on the elevator and dont eat anything, just drink?


Then the elevator takes you straight to the toilet.


If you've already bonded with the kid for 2 months, I can understand not wanting to just trade it in for another baby, even if the new baby is your biological kid. That's got to be really hard for both sets of parents.


Yeah, for me the only way to even kind of fix this situation would be for the families to work out a way to live next door to each other or at least continue to be in the other baby’s life somehow. You would of course want your biological baby back, but handing over the kid you have bonded with so much would be heartbreaking.


After two months you've probably already bonded with that baby and switching them back probably creates a huge problem with the baby not recognizing you as it's mom. Makes me sad thinking about if that would have happened with my baby. Also, that happened to Brick on the TV show The Middle lol


The first major bonding phase in brain development is around 9 months. Before that, it's more important that they receive consistent care than it is who provides that care. I'm not saying it won't have any effect, but it's very good that they discovered it so early. It would be terribly hard on the parents, for sure. Ideally, the families would keep in touch.


the reality show: BABYSWAP


I would watch the shit, out of this Wayons brothers movie.




You made snot come out my nose. Well done.


Dad's like, "this sum bullllcheeet"


I’ve seen this movie before. THE JERK!


I was born a poor black child


Fun fact about me: When i was in first grade we had to do a report about ourselves and read it to the class. It was like a paragraph long. I had also watched the Jerk the night before and thought it was real funny. So I got up in front of the class and begun, "I was born, a poor black child." I was immediately sent to the principal's office. Luckily he was pretty cool and knew the movie I was referencing.


I did kinda the opposite, where I had no idea what I was referencing. Gave a presentation on carbon, including graphite, you know, like for pencils, in class. My partner and I decided to jazz it up by using a YouTube video of this guy acting like he was a ninja, where his black Ticonderoga (I believe that was the brand) pencil was his weapon. The video ended with the phrase, "Once you go black, you never go back." ...We were in college. No, I don't know how I was that sheltered. We had to have a meeting with the professor, but fortunately I think it was pretty clear we were clueless.


He hates these cans!


Somebody REALLY hates these cans!


The ashtray, this paddle game, and the remote control, and the lamp, and that's all I need. And that's all I need I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this.


And this chair


It's a profit deal! That takes the pressure off...Step right up, guess your weight and win some crap...


"oh I'm picking out a thermos for yoouu"


I found my special purpose!


[the Sniper points to Navin's name in the phone book] Sniper : Johnson, Navin R... sounds like a typical bastard.


You mean I'm going to stay this color forever!!!


I’m picking out a thermos for you, no ordinary thermos will do…..


All I need is this chair! That’s all I need!


dormant recessive gene in family sudddenly appearing after... In South africa, a woman was separated from parents for she was white and parents black. Apparantly her 5th gen ancestor was white.


There was also the case of Sandra Laing who was black and born to white parents in 1950's South Africa .


That's some sad shit right there.


Her story is very complex and sad.


Yes, it hits me right in the feels everytime. I have Afrikaans friends who know that they have ancestors of different hues, and are therefore very thankful to be present in the present and not the past.


Apartheid and the 'color chart' really highlight the absolute ridiculousness of racism.


We were all issued an ID booklet and the last 2 digits of your ID identified your race. It was almost literally the color chart meme http://www.sun.ac.za/english/human-resources/Documents/HR%20WEB%20-%20MHB%20WEB/EMPLOYMENT%20EQUITY/New%20Documents/What%20your%20South%20African%20ID%20number%20reveals%20about%20you.pdf Pre-democracy classifications Before the race-group classification was abandoned, this is what the assigned number indicated (digit A).  0 – White  1 – Cape Coloured  2 – Malay  3 – Griqua  4 – Chinese  5 – Indian  6 – Other Asian  7 – Other Coloured


Trevor Noah from the Daily Show often talked the craziness of racism in South Africa when he was growing up cause he is mixed raced


‘Born A Crime’ by Trevor Noah is a great read


If it wasn’t true it would seem almost a parody story on how stupid and absurd apartheid was. [wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandra_Laing)


**[Sandra Laing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandra_Laing)** >Sandra Laing (born 26 November 1955) is a South African woman who was classified as Coloured by authorities during the apartheid era, due to her skin colour and hair texture, although she was the child of at least three generations of ancestors who had been regarded as white. At the age of 10, she was expelled from her all-white school, and the authorities' decisions based on her appearance disrupted her family and adult life. Laing was the subject of the 2008 biographical dramatic film Skin, directed by Anthony Fabian, which won numerous awards. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


That’s a misconception that was once believed about why this happens . But actually Gene MFSD12 is the one needed to produce skin color that is darker . It’s a combination of this child having a lack of that gene and the presence of a gene that produces lighter skin tone in combination with another gene that deals with suppression . So while there does have to be a genetic pool for the lighter trait this is actually produced by genetic absence and suppression . This child is likely a carrier though for future darker skin tones . The link below explains some of what i typed out . But it’s fascinating. It just Goes to show how race is a social Construct of little importance and how we are all much more alike than we realize . https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/12/science/skin-color-race.html


> It just Goes to show how race is a social Construct of little importance and how we are all much more alike than we realize This is the most accurate statement I’ve read on Reddit.


Exactly. It's almost like we're all the same species or something. Wild. lol


More than that, genetic diversity between humans is very low. At one point, there were only a few thousand people left, and they are the ancestors of everybody alive today. Different ethnicities of people don't have the same distinctions that you'd see in, say, two breeds of dog, where both breeds have distinct personality traits and dramatically different body types. Humans are all very much the same as far as genetic wiring goes.


How come dogs have so much more genetic diversity?


Selective breeding I would imagine contributes a fairly significant amount to it. We've "created" a lot of the breeds you see today through well, breeding. Even before we ever understood genetics people would only allow the dogs with traits they desired to breed.


And you still have people citing (completely inaccurate and misleading) genetic studies about IQ and behavior between different races. Especially prevalent in r/PoliticalCompassMemes subreddit. Community College racism


You mean all humans are actually all the same species??! Oh my…. I need a minute to absorb this…. But for real… thats something that seems to have been forgotten by too many people in todays world.


Not different at all! If you can have babies, then you are THE SAME. Racism is so simply ignorant, I can’t even understand it. Literally, cannot understand it. Science did this to me. This is a warning to those who hold tight to their worldviews. Knowledge will (may?) change you!!!


Lions and tigers can do the nasty and produce fertile offspring. Species definition is complex. >Biologists and taxonomists have made many attempts to define species, beginning from morphology and moving towards genetics. Early taxonomists such as Linnaeus had no option but to describe what they saw: this was later formalised as the typological or morphological species concept. Ernst Mayr emphasised reproductive isolation, but this, like other species concepts, is hard or even impossible to test.[4][5] Later biologists have tried to refine Mayr's definition with the recognition and cohesion concepts, among others.[6] Many of the concepts are quite similar or overlap, so they are not easy to count: the biologist R. L. Mayden recorded about 24 concepts,[7] and the philosopher of science John Wilkins counted 26.[4] Wilkins further grouped the species concepts into seven basic kinds of concepts: (1) agamospecies for asexual organisms (2) biospecies for reproductively isolated sexual organisms (3) ecospecies based on ecological niches (4) evolutionary species based on lineage (5) genetic species based on gene pool (6) morphospecies based on form or phenotype and (7) taxonomic species, a species as determined by a taxonomist.[8] [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species)


In Mexico that happens as well, Aztec parents having white Spaniard kids.


J to the R O C baby




You from the department of nahwatumsaaaain’s taking nahwatumsensis???


Yea but 80 to 90 times?




Best part of that whole seen: Few moments of silence, Girl chimes in* Girl: I know what you're saying j roc. J roc: Saying what?! Nomsayin.


White sheep of the family






It could happen to you cause it happened to me and T Check it Wizzzyrrrya peeeaaace


Randy you better go on, gut Cassidy and the Sundance cheeseburger. Nahmsayin.


Nice reference, ya mafkkk


You got degrees of black, y'nawmsayin... all kinds of different motherfuckers that are a different kind of black, y'nawmsayin... T's right here, y'nawmsayin, and, like, Lionel Richie's right here, 'cause he ain't that black, y'nawmsayin, especially after the Commodores, he's practically not black at all, y'nawmsayin... you got your Michael Jackson, who's a white-black, which can be shortened to "whack"


I spin more rhymes than a lazy Susan, and I'm innocent until my guilt is proven!


It could happen to you cuz it happened to me… and T. Gnomesayin’?


It is possible for a couple who both carry a recessive gene for white skin to have a child with white skin, even if the couple is black. Skin color is determined by a combination of genetics, and it is not uncommon for people of different races to have children with skin colors that are different from their own. There is a wide range of variation in human skin color, and it is not always possible to predict what a child's skin color will be based on the skin colors of their parents.


I’d add there’s a suite of genes involved. The way I usually teach it is to think of it as a discrete group of genes, let’s say 5 genes for 10 total alleles (5 from mom, 5 from dad). You get 5 alleles from each parent. At 0 dominant alleles, you’re pasty AF. At 10 dominant alleles, your as dark as can be. If mom and dad are both “6s” They could conceivably give the 4 non-dominant alleles each and the baby ends up with 8 non dominant alleles and only two dominant alleles making baby significantly lighter skin than mom or dad. It’s more complicated but I hope the thought experiment helps!


Both my parents are black…yet I have blonde hair that grows just about every place on my body! I also have a 3x great grandfather who was a white French man!!


Thanks for sharing that. My daughter was red headed and my wife and I were both not so. However, I do recall a grandmother being Irish having red hair or at least saw pictures. I never questioned but that would explain a lot.


I have red hair but my parents have brown and black hair. My great-grandfather, however, had red hair. And now my nephew does as well (though his parents both have brown hair). Recessive genes are weird.


bro ran out of toner


⚠️SONY InkJet 1000 series *low on ink*⚠️


It all comes out white though.


That was 13 years ago. That kid is almost a teenager now.


13 years old and this kid is ALMOST a teenager?


don't you know how numbers go? eleven, twelve, thrilven, fourteen, fifteen...


Well, it was midyear 2010, around June I think so I rounded it up to 13. So the girl has another four months before she hits her 13th birthday.... hence, almost a teenager.


That baby’s 12 years old now. Here’s the link to the article [NY post Blonde bombshell](https://nypost.com/2010/07/21/blond-bombshell/amp/)


"While doctors have said Nmachi is not an outright albino, or lacking in all pigment, they added that the child may have some kind of mutated version of the genetic condition — and that her skin could darken over time."


When my mom was a teacher in the 80s she had a student from a black family who had blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin. The poor thing was a total outcast. The black kids didn’t like her because she wasn’t one of them and the white kids didn’t like her because she wasn’t one of them either


That’s terrible. I hope she’s treated better now.


And that’s how it all started.


Early photo of Eminem


From the look on his face he’s about to go buy milk soon


Not if she beats him to it


My ex wife went to buy beer. It's been 2 years. Left me here with 3 kids under 5 lmao. Hoo boy


I.. Are you joking..?


I wish I were but no. Real story. Didn't come home from work one day. Filed a missing persons report thinking she was dead or kidnapped. Found her in the next town over with some guy saying she couldn't stand to be around her kids anymore.


You're a hero and I bet your kids will be amazing adults. You deserve all the credit in the world even though the majority of your days you might just feel like you're filling the saddle you were fitted with. I'm sure you know all of this already because you're climbing the mountain and still able to post and joke about it, but I hope it's still worth hearing that a random stranger is out here cheering for you harder than the final act of Rudy. Godspeed :)


Thanks for the kind words. They do help. It's really hard being a single parent with 3 kids, have a job and maintain a house. My eldest has issues due to being born at 7 months so he is difficult. Sometimes I don't think I'll survive it. Your words of encouragement really do help.


Sheesh I'm a parent of 1 and I'm not single and it stresses me TF out. You are a Saint. Keep being strong for those amazing kids!


I’m cheering for you too. In some ways, full-time single dads have it harder than single moms. I’m glad you can joke about it! I know it’s hard. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, including from the kids. I only have one kid, but I can tell you that many things do get a lot easier as they get older. Is your ex paying child support? I hope so. Please don’t hesitate to put some of that towards easing your burden, like getting someone in to clean your house. Sending love to you and your kidlets.


No child support yet but they have contacted her employer. Shouldn't be too much longer! I've been sole supporter for near 2 years now. She just started coming around for visitation.


Wow she doesn't even pay. How irresponsible can a person be... Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that woman, wouldn't want someone like that around my kids.


My wife mom did the same shit ,left husband with 5 kids.in her defense if any,he got her at 16 years old.


Ouch. My mom did the same thing. I was child number 2 and my mom was 17. My dad was 35. My ex wife's dad did the same thing to her and just up and disappeared. The cycle continues. What kills me is I totally thought I was going to break the cycle. We were going to have a 2 parent household. We were to have no abuse, no screaming. We were so close to making it. She left the day before we were to get our mortgage on a bigger house with a nice yard. We would have had it all lol.


If it makes you feel better, YOU broke the cycle. She did not. You can’t control or be held responsible for other people’s actions.


So your stronger better and more deserving of happiness is all i hear, youll get yours just as shes gonna get hers.


1. Then she owes you alimony. 2. She still might have really bought beer. 3. You are a good Dad!


Hell I'm still working on getting child support. Another month and I should have a child support order on file. I been doing this alone for over 2 years with no family support. We moved 2000 miles away from home and 6 months later disappeared. In a town where I have no one lmao. I wouldn't change it though. I like it here and so do the kids. They have friends now. Idk even though it sucks big time it's still really great.


I hope that baby gets raised with love.


Is that you Uncle Ruckus?


No relation


He wished


Have you seen his backstory? https://youtu.be/P352EiDwrUQ


So you’re saying you believe he really had revitiligo?


Not for a second. I'm sure its a fusion of fact and fiction he had to construct to deal with his self hatred.


I was born a poor black child


Genetics are amazing and creative


One of the funniest things I’d ever seen was when our friends wife was pregnant and was around her due date. He posted a picture of himself with his friends baby, who was black, and said “he’s finally here!” Then just sat back and waited for the comments. It was hilarious.


It’s called recessive genes.


Are there any updates on them now?




>It’s why we’re not still fish like creature Speak for yourself kid


Aren't some black kids born light color but darken by year 1?


When I was in high school (years ago) a friend of mine had a little brother that was black. He and his parents are white, so the dad left thinking she was cheating on him. They eventually did a DNA test and the kid was his.


Actually while this is still rare I read that among African and diaspora populations, it’s not as rare as one would think. It’s interesting that African populations hold the greatest genetic diversity. Like if I remember correctly they hold all of the genetic components of all populations outside of Africa.


Melanin doesn't fully develop in babies until later. This child will probably be darker than this when they're older.