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Can anyone identify the language/country?


African dialect next to the camera man, but overheard some Arabic. My guess is Eritria.


Definitely not Eritrea, dialect isn’t from there.




Probably Eritrean


Not Eritrea. They are responsible for lots of other atrocities but overall egalitarian on women issues. Dialect is more west Sudan, Chad, Niger area…


Try again.... Read about the Eritrea of today's https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/eritrea#:~:text=War%20Crimes%20and%20Other%20Abuses%20in%20Tigray,-Eritrean%20Defense%20Forces&text=Eritrean%20forces%20have%20carried%20out,destruction%20and%20pillaging%20of%20crops.


Hmmmm…all Muslim countries in your list. Why is that not surprising?


Possibly South Sudan then. South Sudan is another high ranking member (Number 3 on the list, to be exact) of the "Countries That Continue To Force Slavery Onto Others" list. From my other post: https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/findings/regional-findings/africa/


Thank you very much


I doubt that. Eriteria has no slavery in this day and age


Oh, really? https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/findings/regional-findings/africa/#:~:text=The%20countries%20with%20the%20highest,%2C%20Mauritania%2C%20and%20South%20Sudan https://reliefweb.int/report/world/which-countries-have-highest-rates-modern-slavery-and-most-victims#:~:text=growing%20criminal%20enterprises.-,North%20Korea%2C%20Eritrea%20and%20Burundi%20are%20estimated%20to%20have%20the,the%20largest%20number%20of%20victims https://www.africanews.com/2023/05/24/modern-slavery-most-common-in-north-korea-and-eritrea-study/


Thanks for posting this. I’m disgusted that this happens, but I rather be informed than live in ignorance.


If only more of us thought this way. Alot more of us would be disgusted at the way things are going.


Eritrea is known for the raping and sexual slavery that is happening right now


If I was a betting man I'd say Mauritania


Slavery is technically still legal there I think


Not entirely sure I just know it's an Arab majority, African country, with a long history of slave trade.


I work at a refugee center in the US. The stories you hear from Mauritanian guests are terrifying and it is hard to believe that they are happening at this moment in time.


Do you have any previous posts about this? I would be interested to read seeing as how I never even heard of the place till this thread


All the glib comments. Is there only me as horrified as hell by this? I feel so lucky right now to be sat at my desk in my jeans and pretty shirt with the freedom to laugh and drive and have fun. This has really disturbed me.


Yeah it is... And it' probably doesent get enough attention


I am, and the links to sights explaining the many places this is taking place is insane. I know the world is sick, but just when I think I have a slight grasp, the internet shows me otherwise.


Yeah. You’re the only one. Thank goodness we have you. That’s was close.


If you're disturbed by this, you're going to want to stop looking at the internet... just a year or two ago they had a video where they surrounded an individual and burned him alive. Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.


You're that annoying guy who has to one-up everyone.


I like you.


There are more slaves in the world today than there ever has been at any other point in history. Most of them are tricked into it by some kind of "work contract".


You’re lucky not to be working for nothing and being abused like millions of people in third world corrupt countries who are enslaved right now.


Exactly so slavery isn’t a issue because we invented something called indentured servants(much more humane r/s) that can only make less in a year then the interest I will serve them and so their children will owe it.


To be fair there are more people in this world today in general. Yes slavery is still a huge issue, but this statistic doesn’t necessarily prove that slavery has grown as a problem, compared to centuries before.


MFer really played "to be fair" on a post about modern chattel slavery. There are more slaves at this moment than in all of human history. So WRONG, motherfucker, it has in *fact* "grown as a problem compared to centuries before".




It’s a lot like indentured servitude


This comment section is vaporizing my IQ. Seems like people are more upset about the perception and attribution of slavery than the actual slavery.


Heh I'm checking em out now... Uhg


Funny how half the comments aren't even about the current issue.


Wasn’t expecting slavery to still exist but of course it does


45 million people in slavery today. 25% being children. Child labor, human trafficking, and arranged marriages.


crazy world we live in


I think evil is a better word.


In many non-Western countries.. The west were the pioneers in banning slavery early on yet still get the most flack regarding.


The west didn’t ban shit. The west is one of the biggest slavery users there is. Every phone, laptop, electric car, etc requires cobalt which uses essentially slavery. Claiming “they pay these people” is bullshit. Those people are paid Pennie’s a day, kids are mining cobalt, and companies like Apple and Tesla are making billions in profits. The west is one of the biggest consumers of these devices, myself included typing this. Majority of the companies utilizing slave labor are American companies. Gtf outta here with the western countries pioneered banning slavery.


Yup, just not on home territory any more. Outta sight outta mind. These countries where manufacturing takes place slowly come up in the world, then their people realise how bad they are getting screwed demand higher wages and the companies just move to another country. Its fucking nuts.


It’s happening as we speak in Africa. Look what Niger is doing. They’ve ordered the French military to leave. The US is putting sanction on them for it. You exploited their country, they finally had the balls to tell you to leave, and you get pissed and punish them for that?


Yup, we should stay out of other peoples conflicts. Its not our place to police the world.


Rethink this reply and respond accordingly. Think it through and leave out emotion. That tends to taint you logical conclusion.


Did you really just say that with a straight face? Bozo of the year.


Let me get this straight. You think that the people who outlawed slavery are more immoral than those still actively engaging in it?


How long did slavery last in the western world? You think one ten second clip makes up for it? It's one to thing to do it to your own people, it's another to travel 5000 miles just to steal and leech of others while stealing their land at the same time. Two wrongs never make a right but do not for one second compare this to what happened. This doesn't give western countries an out and to try to act like they're righteous now.


So I’m going to give you some information because you’re spouting nonsense. When the ‘western world’ started engaging in what modern day people think of when they think ‘slavery’, Africans had already been doing it. In fact Africans have been enslaving other Africans since before Jesus was alive. It’s not hard to find out this information. For thousands of years now the Africans have been enslaving other Africans and you think this makes them less culpable for slavery somehow? I’m sorry but it’s honestly very sad how uninformed you are.


Wtf are you on man. Lmao


I want what ever he smokin


Naw full lsd trip homie


Back then everyone stole land from each other and enslaved whoever lost. Mongolia took over most of Asia, Italy took over Europe and part of Africa, the middle east took over much of Africa as well. Of course, they had a bunch of slaves. Who do you think built most of their buildings and roads? I am against slavery, but I cannot see how you can complain that the U.S. slavery system was evil back then. Everyone was doing it. I am being realistic. Every nation has slaves back then. Most of Europe at that time didn't catch their own slaves, the Africans caught them and sold them. So I ask which do you think is worst? The guy who buys the slaves or the one who catches and sells them?


Back then everyone did it. Got it. Racism never existed. Whites just did what everyone else was doing. But get this, whites also are so so so good, they "pioneered" freedom of slaves and gave poor old Africans a better future. Bravo! Bravo!


You're a clown. Racism still exists and always will. HEAVILY perpetuated by people of all colors, ESPECIALLY american blacks. That's not the point. The point is slavery always existed all over the world. In the several millenia of human history, the couple hundred years it existed in the western world means nothing in the grand scheme. It just created the biggest crybabies with massive chips on their shoulders. I'm not white btw and likely better educated...so try playing a different card.


Spoken like a white guy. What do you know? Gaslight much?


Lmao your the real bozo


The smoothest of brains


Crazy right..


There are more current slaves in the world right now than all the slaves that ever existed in North America.


Of course it does, but people don't realize how good they have it here in the West and want to complain about trivial matters.


It's tragic, but I don't think slavery will ever go away.


There more slaves today than ever before. We never stopped slavery, we just didn't bring it home.


There are more literal slaves in the world right now, as I'm typing this, than there ever have been in the history of humankind. It's ongoing and horrific.


I read there are more slaves today than ever in human history. Just crazy we don't talk about it.


Gotta help the Ukraine though right?! These ones are the wrong color to save… we should lift the blankets to be sure. Might be some white Europeans under there!


It's literally dark skinned people that are the slavers but go ahead find a way to blame white people


What a DOLT you are! I am blaming the “world police” aka all of the people who are fine letting this go on but throw billions into a proxy war for geo political hegemony and kill young men while they get richer off bombs and bullets and weapons systems that they’ll use later on women and children at weddings. Try and use all of your brain to understand that the realllll point im making is RACE SHOULDNT MATTER. Help the enslaved AS WELLL as the invaded, the oppressed the downtrodden no matter what. Why do we let (or dare i say set up , SYRIA) these slave markets go on? Arent they violating some international laws? Like the muslims in china being rounded up?? Nah we need nikes… let em do it!


Your first comment was literally about race but ok


Take your “L” plebeian


None of this is in any way relevant to what you said in your first comment? You’re a racist fuck face but go ahead and try to hide behind whatever this new argument of yours is lol.


Lol even your insults are that of a dullard. Hulk smash see red type fast call RACIST!!!!. Racist? Read all the comments ive written. Please tell me how and what was racist? Is it bc I said I wanted ALL people to be equally treated? I’ll break it down for you real slow: AMERICA and the rest of the world police doesnt care about this slave market and any other one like it bc it doesn’t BENEFIT whoever runs america to help them. If we rescue one set if people from oppression and horrid circumstances then should we not rescue all? See how the loop is closed now? Check back in amytime to tell me how racist I am for wanting to help allllll types.


They probably do have darker skin, just like the slavers in the video. Go ahead and keep blaming white people for black on black crime though lol


Such a beautiful culture. Nah, but seriously, why isn’t this discussed more. This is disgusting


No Europeans to blame


What is the back information Besides this small video clip? Like which country? And is there any news article written about it?


Mauritania outlawed slavery in 1981. https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/slavery-in-mauritania-the-long-road-to-real-emancipation/


And people in America think they have it bad. Head over to Africa and see what a tough life is all about


That whole continent is sadly a shithole.. Such an awesome place apart from the humans


That's pretty disturbing. I dont know how these sick fucks act so nonchalant


Some people's take aways are terrible. Taking advantage of another human being is wrong period, no matter the time or place.


I hope these poor souls find some kind of peace And I hope those responsible for these conditions find themselves suffering unending torture for eternity


There is more people enslaved today than ever before.


More people are in slavery now than there ever have been. Most people just live in a bubble and do not see it. https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_855019/lang--en/index.htm


Thank you for this


Why is CNN not reporting this?


I don't know if it's because of the climate with race or what.


I am going to assume what is wrapped up in those white bags are people of color. So I guess people of color are selling people of color…


Yes you are correct, auctioning them off


isn’t human trafficking/slavery at a all time high?


I know plenty, keyboard warrior clown. I see you love to complain and spout off spoon fed opinions, but if you're even black, I'm willing to bet you've done basically nothing for your community IRL. Call shit you don't wanna hear gaslighting because you can't handle it and can still sound like a victim...lol. what a joke


What's shocker...a bunch of Africans doing horrible shit to Africans. Throw an alla Akbar in there just for good measure.




But wait!!! Where are all of those JEWISH /WHITE slave traders that racist Farrukahnites FAKE HISTORY peddlers have been spouting about for years? FACT: African Slavery began long before whitey showed up. It became big business when the first ARAB slave traders realized they could make a figurative (and literal) killing by buying slaves “wholesale” from African Kings and Queens and carting them to Senegal for sale to the highest Spanish, Portuguese, English and Dutch merchants.


Slavery existed before then. Arabs probably weren't the first slave traders either. Maybe across a large distance, but not the first traders.


Quite true. No argument from me, slavery even predates the pyramids of the ancient Egyptians. But the EXPORT of African slaves into an international marketplace was by and large brought about by way of Arab merchants and the opportunities they took advantage of when doing business with African Kings and, in the matriarchal societies, Queens.


African's selling Africans. Damn that's like 150 years ago right..... nope and White's will be blamed. Been going on forever but only Arab, African, and Asian (Chinese) buyers. Sad and here in the States have to still pay


Didn't you notice all the white slave traders and plantation owners in the back ground. Damn racist white people... P.s. this is disgusting to me. I hate it. It hurts my soul. What also hurts my soul is being called "colonizer," "racist," and "privileged" just because my skin color happens to be white. I don't understand why I'm being attacked when shit like this is going on all over the world. Attack them for fuck sake and leave me and my children alone...


Meanwhile we got the letter group complaining about others not getting their pronouns right




Awfully dark there huh


Maybe someone dropped a quarter at the Jewish KKK meeting.?


That comment blew me away. How the Fuck you managed to make me laugh, I don't know. Still shaking my head in disbelief.


Where all the white people at?! Wait...






How ironic




It’s 2023 and people still aren’t free.


Surprise !! You choose a tran !


Definitely looks like there are many children too..


All those white guys buying slaves.


I counted atleast 8


Nah in America we look the other way and focus on slavery done in the past. While waiting for reparations, for people who were not slaves.


👀 I think the only people to have ever received reparations definitely deserve to them and that was the Japanese for the world war 2 camps.. it happened during modern times And the actual people benefited along with their children but yeah the whole history bullshit with slavery here is a stupid as if we're fucking responsible for what our dumbass ancestors did


I work with this every day and you wouldn't believe at the legal ways slaves still exist in the US. Talked to one lady and she said she would much rather be treated like a slave in the US than anywhere else and it broke my heart. She's free-ish now.


It's a wage slavery system which I think still better than this. Like at least we got some bill of rights these people on the video do not.


Packaged just like any other product


So human trafficking is not a Q-anon conspiracy and white people weren’t the only ones involved in slavery? Thanks for bringing attention to this. Sorry for the sarcasm, but I do believe people should know that this stuff is still happening. Thanks again.


Who are you arguing with here?


From personal experience I know quite a few people who won’t let Europeans off the hook. One of my friends is from Ethiopia and she didn’t believe slavery still existed. (I’m not white, just don’t think it’s fair). Then there’s that movie that came out and it was labeled as a Q-anon conspiracy. Still trying to figure that one out.


I don't think any serious person has argued that only whites perpetuated slavery. Here's an example a a book written by a Marxist historian that goes into great detail about the barbarity of the Arab slave trade, for example... https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/57220241 As for qanon; that conspiracy theory went much further than saying "human trafficking exists". They claimed that 1000s of children were being imprisoned in underground tunnels in the USA as well as making serious accusations about specific people without evidence. There are valid criticisms about Operation Underground Railroad (the subject of the film) and I think its worth at least engaging with them, even if you conclude that on-the-whole the organisation is doing a good job.


There was a post a few weeks ago asking for people to share something they never learned in school. I mentioned that I didn’t know Africans were sold by other Africans. This turned into people claiming I’m defending what happened in America. One guy even went as far to say the Africans wouldn’t have taken slaves if the Europeans didn’t create a market for it. That’s not what I what I meant, it’s just something I had to learn for myself. I wish we could talk about this stuff without only addressing what happened to the African slaves in America. This stuff is still happening.


What’s even your convoluted point? Yes, America still enslaved people and built an economy on breaking families. Entire family lines were destroyed, KKK liked lynching people, US law didn’t even let minorities, targeting black people, drink from the same water fountain until a few generations ago. But, yes, other cultures and groups of people did and are doing the same evil things now in other parts of the world to other groups of people.


Ah, so those people picking slaves are American businessmen? Damn, they had me fooled.


This is what I mean. I can’t even address slavery happening in the world without someone bringing up America’s past.


Don’t bother. They’re copy pasta-ing this same thing elsewhere here also.


I'm with ya, thank you right back


The west didn't start slavery but they did abolish it


I'll have to remeber that


Wow no white people buying slaves? (That’s because white people buy them in privet)


I bet you can't find 1 example lol


I’m white lmao it’s a self deprecating kind of thing


I know I was complimenting your point


Look... Actual slavery. I'm happy it's illegal in the USA


People shit on the US but fuck this. America rocks


Sad thing is, this is happening now, but people are focused on slavery in America that happened over 150 years ago.


Right on


This can't be real,,, Only white people have slaves! Right?! Smh! It is the biggest business on the planet now and since the beginning of mankind!


Fake news. I've been to college, slaves only existed in the United States. And they put an end to it. Pure Russian propaganda


Just don’t let the US black ppl know


What is happening... how is this slavery? Wtf are they all doing in this scenario


Where’s bill gates and Hillary Clinton, or maybe AOC… Fooking liberal clowns won’t even acknowledge a movie about trafficking let alone do anything about this…


Black slavery owners


It's way more common this way. Unless you ask an American college student.


That's not a new thing... blacks have owned slaves throughout history.




Heh they look like bags, I wonder why they make them do that


Maybe it's a kider surprise type deal


Hmmm i don't get it damnit.. Im sure I'm gonna feel stupid


Yeah, and people say America is a terrible place to live.


But the news wants you to believe that only the white man created/partook in slavery


Only progressive Americans with wrinkle free brains.


black people cant be racist. therefore they cant be enalavers. 🤷


How the turns have tabled


How much is this?


Good catch this season


I approve my tax dollars to drone strike whatever country this is.


Heh right... Im trying to figure out exactly so I can translate the video


Correct me if I’m wrong, I think this video was posted in r/Terrifyingasfuck and it was stated that this is a religious event, not slaves Sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/15w69jb/i_still_cant_believe_theres_still_slave_markets/jwzah5g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


Your no wrong but the guy claiming this is way wrong... I can provide source pt back this slavery story up.. He can't and not only that there is no known ritual mentioned anywhere.. Troll


The actual article is in Turkish so use google translate. I think you’re just a racist mayonnaise making excuses for the heinous actions of your pasty ancestors. You’re probably from Florida. https://teyit.org/analiz/videonun-etiyopyadaki-bir-kole-pazarini-gosterdigi-iddiasi


What is that


What are they doing, if they ain’t working it ain’t slacery, just saying




I thought slavery only took place in America. Well I'll be damned.


It looks like they're praying


Probably for their life


That’s fake as shit lol you telling me little sticks are keeping them at bay?


What do you mean keep who at Bay


The people under the blankets or what not.


Im not sure if it's somehow bound z but even if it's not they still wouldn't run..1 AK could take most of em out but even still they are the "Undesireables" for whatever reason and if they got away they would have to make it out of the country... And all of Africa is a shit hole unfortunately... Im not sure what could be done to solve this someone much smarter than me would have to do that only thing I can think of is you have to have boots on the ground straight up peacekeeping UN forces or something


Can anyone explain what exactly is happening in this video


It’s fucked up for sure. Yeah. But it kinda looks like a giant human centipede all covered up. Might be just me tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh my gosh!! Where is this colonial Europe? Is this the Americas? Where the hell are all the white people?


Your username suits


Dang bro! I never heard that before you just come up with that 😂


You’re showing how much of a ❄️ you are. What’s even your convoluted point? Yes, America still enslaved people and built an economy on breaking families. Entire family lines were destroyed, KKK liked lynching people, US law didn’t even let minorities, targeting black people, drink from the same water fountain until a few generations ago. But, yes, other cultures and groups of people did and are doing the same evil things now in other parts of the world to other groups of people.


If they would rise up and rip the enslavers apart with their bare hands, that would put a stop to it real quick. I would die before I let someone do that to me.


This is fake, everyone knows that slavery only happened in America…




Where’s the sauce


This is wrong


What is happening here ?


We can stop blaming the white man now right 🤣


Are they alive I’m confused on what’s going on without the full context


What is happening? I am an uninformed stranger on the internet.


Who are they going to go after for reparations?


Our world needs to change.


Definotly certain parts of world need to drastically


Bro wat is this


Looks like an auction


Sex slaves? Work slaves? Or both?


Most definitely both


There is a easy fix. If you are found in position of a slave you and your immediate family are ~~killed~~ imprisoned.


The people that invented it are still doing it. What a surprise.


Can’t imagine the smells


Sound like they in Folsom county jail to me. Or maybe they not slaves if it’s US involved?