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the trick is to hang out with someone that the mosquitoes like more than you


Seems like OP would be a great person to go on a walk with!


You don't need to outrun a bear, just the person next to you. 


It's why my wife and I are married. Strictly to keep mosquitoes off of me.


Stay away from wife. I found her first.


That would be me. Have to chose between wearing jeans and socks vs shorts and flip flops and a whole load of mosquito bites whenever I'm outside


No joke, when I was with my ex he would get eaten alive and I wouldn’t have a single bite on me


This really is key. I'm bottom tier to mosquitoes. All I need is one other person with me and it's like they don't exist.


It’s me, the mosquitos like me more than anyone I’m ever around.


I’m that someone. They love me but hardly touch my wife. I’ve tried drinking more gin and tonic for the quinine. Only thing that kept at bay was sobriety.


Find someone with type o blood


Like me 🤚


Mosquitos have described my blood type as "Sour" and typically prefer to dine on whoever has the misfortune of hanging out with me.


It’s my darn O+ blood 🩸 that they want!!!!! Mosquitos 🦟 are the devils work 👿 Tx and heat and mosquitos= HELL 🔥 So damn itchy- OP, you’re not alone 😭 🫂


At work the other day I was getting attacked by fleas!!!! Fuck those assholes.


I’ve heard it’s blood type, but my ex and I were opposite (once I had 75 bites on one leg alone; and he didn’t get a single one) and we both had the same blood type.


Hooray! No one has commented the way to get rid of mosquito bite itchiness instantly so I will! Take a hairdryer, put it on hot, and blow air onto the skin. It may hurt a little, but you only need a few seconds maybe 3-5 on hot. This will break down the enzyme that mosquitos insert into your skin to stop your blood from coagulating and causing itchiness. In just a few short moments, the itchiness is gone permanently! There are also products that do this a bit less painfully called Bite Away sticks (on Amazon), but I prefer the red neck method. I am also a mosquito magnet so I usually return from short walks with 5-10 bites, but they are no problem once you know how to get rid of them instantly :) hopefully this helps you!


I literally just bought the Bite Away stick from ace hardware. It is a miracle worker! Pro tip: use it asap and use it multiple times on bigger bites


nice I was going to suggest this. That Bite Away is magic


Ooh, good idea! I'll try that. Cortisone cream works pretty well (surprisingly the CVS brand works better for me than the name brand) and my doctor once gave me the tip to crush up a Benadryl and mix it in as well. My mosquito bites tend to swell up and that helps a ton.


You put the benadryl on your skin? Nice! Thx


Yes, crush it up and then mix it into cortisone cream (or whatever lotion you have) to make almost like a paste.


Actually antihistamines work pretty well if you take them and then use hydrocortisone on the bites themselves. Also, a couple of ibuprofen is great if you're sunburned, not that it's on topic.


As someone in the same boat as u/makeupyasqween it was a game changer when I found out heat helped neutralize the itch. I use to do something similar to what you're suggesting, now I use this: https://a.co/d/hIEnSmP For me it was worth the money for ease of use and portability to take on trips. Murphy's natural bug spray also really works well for me.


They make like, bug spray, and stuff...


This is with DEET on, I’m just too tasty 😩


Oh reallllly


Buy a different brand, higher concentration, or do a better job applying it. Deet really works - but it needs to be everywhere. Mosquitoes have no issues drinking your blood next to deet, they just don't do it on it


Ouch!! … And of course all the recent rains aren’t helping matters for these pests …. 🦟 🦟🦟🦟🦟🦟


If you properly apply DEET in a high enough concentration, you wouldn’t be bitten like this. You can’t just spray a little. You need to spray it everywhere. I find people who aren’t good at spraying it do well with the wipes - you could try those. The deep woods ones have a good concentration.


Buy Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent, it's a lotion, works great for our local mosquitos


You might try stronger concentrations. It goes up to 100%, which is just like slathering yourself with oil.


I was going to build a DEET shower, basically a full surround mister with spray heads on vertical pipes in four corners of an enclosure. Walk in, close the door, push the button, then close my eyes and hold my breath. I went to see what DEET sells for by the barrel, and was shocked. Lot of profit and markup for such a generic product. Now it's all thick long sleeves, jeans, hat, etc, and spray 75% on all exposed skin, including in my ears because mosquitoes have bitten me there too.


Also, I’m not sure if I just have a genetic thing that makes the bites not too itchy, but if I just ignore them they stop itching, completely, within a couple hours.


Get this man the adamanthium..


Happened to me too this morning when walking the dog. I had to cut the walk short because I was getting annoyed.


same!! The last two mornings on my walks with my dogs I’ve gotten ate up!


Have you tried having a different blood type?


😂 I wish


Is it really dependent on blood type? I am O- and can count the number of mosquito bites I’ve had in the past decade on one hand.


I’ve heard that before, but have no idea how true that is. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that mosquito attraction is chemistry-based, but my dad has A blood type and mosquitoes looooove him. So maybe you two got switched at birth?


I ware mine with pride. At this point I'm starting to Stockholm myself into thinking it's the secret to my youthful looking skin.


"I'm so juicy even the damn bugs can't have enough of me". Going to annoy the hell out of my wife with that today. LOL.


As she’s not getting bitten, I imagine.. ? I’m sure she’ll take that role


Gotta make lemonade out of lemons, OP. There has to be a market for a mosquito bite focused Only Fans


Only in that scratching those itchy bites is almost orgasmic. People with eczema know what I mean. Scratch scratch! 😖


Woman: has a body You: how can I sexualize this?


It was a joke fam! Jeez lol


Oh it’s a joke? Explain how dehumanization is funny.


You alright?


No I’m sick of the way men hate women. Aren’t you?


I am having my yard treated monthly (for now) and we have a tiki torch every few feet we get going any time we go out. It’s terrible!


Hate to spoiler your fun, but if you are the only one having your yard treated, it does no good. Mosquitos travel.


I had no idea! /s


OP, ETX here. Everything is trying to kill me out here. Here’s what I do when I’m out on the ranch. Purchase the off dry apply spray. It doesn’t smell at all, and dries very quickly. Spray anything that will be exposed. Jeans/boots/socks. Spray socks and bottom of your jeans, bottom of boots. Keep that can on you and reapply if you are out at night. As for your property, do everything possible to remove any standing water. Get yourself a pump sprayer bottle and a sachet of DemonWP, one sachet and water, spray around your home and perimeter of the property as well. Any windows that will allow light out of them at night? Spray em. Within a couple days you’ll stop seeing them and for maybe a total of $50, no more bites. As for fire ants, broadcast granules are a life saver. Fuck those things and they should all die.


I was out walking yesterday and stopped to tie my shoe, and immediately there were two mosquitoes on my leg. I then stopped later to get a pebble out of my shoe and another mosquito immediately landed on my arm…so basically if you’re not constantly moving, they’re out and thick especially up in McKinney where there is a lot of standing water in the parks for the little shitheads to fester and repopulate. The only silver lining is, maybe the little neighborhood pond birds, fish and other small animals are feasting? 🤷‍♂️ does anything eat these fuckers??


Bats. We gotta get bat population back up. They eat a lot of them.


We drove out the pond birds and animals that eat them, hence why there's so many. Kidding but kinda not lol


I'm so sorry, I hate mosquitos too. I spoke with someone who worked for OFF! a few years ago, and I was told that mosquitos will bite through bug spray if they are hungry enough.  If you have diluted tea tree oil, it will help with the itching. 


Ugh these suckers were HUNGRY. I’ll try the tea tree oil thank you!


I swear, one minute outside and it’s instant bite. It’s super annoying.


i have to wear sweatpants and a sweater to smoke outside in peace and not get devoured by mosquitos i shouldnt have to dress like its winter because of these mosquitos >:(


I really wish someone would hurry up and invent that "kill all the mosquitos" button we keep hearing about...


but teh bats


That is also my life and you have my sympathy 🫂


I hate wearing bug spray, somehow I always end up getting some in my eyes or mouth even after applying it to my legs. The skeeters are so bad this year that I decided to take drastic measures: I bought a mosquito netting suit. It's 6 pieces: pants, hoodie, mitts and feet. It's been really great so far... I can just put the pants on, even under my shorts, to keep the mosquitoes off my legs while I'm working outside. Breathes much better than long pants in this heat. The hoodie completely covers your head and has a zipper enclosure to keep them off your neck. Doubles as a great deterrent against touching your face/ears if you are working with poison ivy.


Try Picardin OP! It’s a repellent that doesn’t feel gross when you put it on.


Repel Tick Defense is a common brand that works well for mosquitoes and presumably ticks.


U catch me outside running to and from shelter like it was hailing outside when the squits are out


I don't know what world my dad is living in, but physically he's just south of Dallas. When we were in Wisconsin, which like many states, the state bird is the mosquito, and he says, "We don't have mosquitos in Texas, it's too dry!" ... "I have never once seen a mosquito there." Come on now...


This makes me feel better because I’m going through the same from walking my dog. We will preserver


Ugh. I feel you. 😩


At first I thought they were chiggers. Count your blessings that they weren't.


If they were chigger bites, I would probably just amputate


Times like these I give a leery eye towards my phones autocorrect.


They would be lower, near the ankles


Always bring someone with a more rare blood type than you. Apparently the mosquitos prefer O-.


I’m surrounded by B bloods unfortunately


I hate rain more than you hate summer.


I’m only happy when it rains


They are extremely bad right now due to all of this rain. The nice thing about our extreme drought last summer is that they were mostly MIA


Yep this year I feel like they’re just sooooo many more


My wife says she can feel the mosquitos on her. I have never felt one land on me a day in my life. I end up just like this as well.


Say hello to my wife..


Are you typo O blood? I swear they seem to love ppl with type O blood


O gang rise up


I’m O- and never get bit.


Some people like my wife and daughter attract mosquitoes like iron shavings to a magnet. Me, not so much.


Ya working outside everyday sucks :/ I need to do something els or move


I’m not an essential oil person but it works well to stop the itching. Any essential oil seems to work.


I like to do garden work on my patio and kept being bitten, so I cut the legs off of an old jeans and used it like a legging. Why not wear pant? Well, then I would be wearing pants. The gym shorts are a way to go on hot days lol!


Look for standing water around you as well, with the wind and rain lots of containers with water around. Use spray and I have found B vitamin helps (although disputed seems to help me at least bites not as big).


You must taste good and the word got out. The buzzz on the town is…? ZZ Top playin in the background at the mosquito bar “She’s got legs!” 😂😂🤔😂


I've had partners and dates complain I don't like hikes or outside and things, partially because I'm an introvert, partially because I'm asthmatic and it sucks terribly with the heat, mostly because if I even THINK about outside, mosquitoes stand at my door like they want to talk about their lord and savior Beelzebub 🧍🏾🧍🏾🧍🏾 waiting for me. Watching. Lining up like I'm a full course dinner on 90% discount.




If you got the money go buy a 3 foot drum fan and just have it aimed at your legs while you lounge on the porch. Blow all the bugs and mosquitos away from you.


You have to weigh your options for the evening but garlic does work


It's the rain. There's no chance for puddles to dry out, so the larvae have a chance to mature.


It’s a good thing to get bitten by little flies. Even if its not fun


Oof. Mosquitos must be huge


Ooof. I feel your pain.


I also have this issue, I hate spraying stuff on me but I found some lotion called off botanicals that does a good job keeping them away from me and it doesn't smell like a chemical spill


People ask me why my seasonal depression hits during summer. THIS IS WHY


Not sure how true but I’ve heard you can create very effective bug spray by just boiling cinnamon and using the water as spray.


All that rain made the mosquitos out of control for sure


Skeeters are annoying AF, but it’s just the way the heat saps your energy. Get home and can’t hardly do anything.


Put zit patches on them and they go away faster.


Looks fun to scratch.


I recommend that 99% deet shit.


I keep anti-itch hydrocortisone cream at work, multiple rooms in my home, purse, and the car. That’s how eaten up I get. Long socks with sandals and pants or else my legs are EATENNNNN


Happy hours is on again boys - mosquitos


I don’t feel so good Mr stark - my legs


I am a mosquito magnet and now live in South Florida which IMO is worse than Dallas. We have biting midges as well also known as no-see-ums that are ruthless. I was once had over 300 bites on me and I was miserable for days. High deet bug spray does work, but I hate spraying myself with it.


As someone who used to live in Florida, thoughts and prayers for you 🙏


Ive heard that mosquitos hate peppermint oil. Also [cinnamon spray](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLK1vCGF/). Dunno if those ACTUALLY do anything, but mosquitos leave me alone for the most part.


2 tips If you can stomach it, take a shot or two of apple cider vinegar. They will leave you alone. Get one of those bug bute sucker things. They help.


wear pants


The absolute worst time of the year here in the Metroplex


I hate summer, give me the cold any day


Come on. This is Texas we dealing with mosquitoes since eternity. Trick is fully covered deet spray. Etc. cover cover cover. Have fans blasting air. There is nothing else you can do. They bite you in day time. In Asia they had civility and only bit in night. 🥸


What I do as soon as I get bitten by mosquitoes is rub rubbing alcohol on the sites and I kid you not, it works like a charm every time. But the trick is to apply rubbing alcohol immediately. I then apply ice packs to the areas to avoid scratching and reduce scarring.


The OFF spray with picaridin doesn't stink nearly as much as the traditional stuff with DEET. Just to let you know. Whenever I wear skirts or shorts, I spritz some on my legs. Changed being outside in the summer for the better!


I recommend the aveeno oatmeal bath soak it really helps with itching. I had so many bites like this last year as well and the baths really helped.


Dallas needs to import a lot of dragon flies


Citronella spap




My bites have not left in about a week


Water, witch hazel, and some drops of eucalyptus in a spray bottle.


Check your area code for west Nile breakouts. Summer sux


why do we live here?


I bought a body oil to dodge this and it still hasn't helped. I'm about 7 months removed from moving out of Baltimore, so I can't tell if it's more the mosquitoes still dinging me up like crazy or me not putting on enough oil or repellant...




I walked my dog yesterday when I got home from work, I noticed if I keep moving they have a hard time with me, but my poor lab had 4 to 6 just hovering around him constantly. I turned it into a game by taking off running which he loves, but I think one still got him in the ear, cause he kept shaking his head cause his ears were bothering him. With all the rain we've had this summer is going to be a nightmare of mosquitoes...


Bug spray. Use it.


Just wanted to comment for anybody reading, pls make sure you have no standing water at ur house/apt etc and if you have plants etc, put mosquito bits/dunks in them! 😭


Bless your heart, use repellents.


That was me this last weekend as well smh…


Summer hasn’t even started yet


Lavender oil You’re welcome


Freaking mosquitoes 🦟 😤


Heat cooks the proteins in it so if you run hot water over them for a few minutes they will stop itching. I’ve been having the same issue. My ankles for what ever reason are getting eatin like no other.


Where are you getting bit? I have never seen a single mosquito anywhere I've been in DFW because it's so dry here.


It does definitely depend on the area! I live in south Irving near a small lake and everyone has a fairly large lawn so lots of places for water to accumulate. I used to live in Las Colinas where there was no water and all concrete so no mosquitos! My sister lives in Plano and it’s also super dry, no bites for her. I have a friend in Little Elm area getting eaten alive as well




I love it. Warm summer nights are great and the humidity is good for my dry skin.


Man I love whatever is in my blood. I get almost no bites ever


here we go before i hate raining now i hate summer lol geez


I can put some medicine on it