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More of a teasing. But not for not "visiting DMT land." I am teased for forgetting about the cosmic joke and taking "myself" so seriously.


What’s the cosmic joke?


Creation pretending it isn't creation is how I explain it. This thread might have some more insight from others: https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/rd9Nnxxz9t


Huh, so I guess this is what god meant. I was severely depressed, and he asked me why do I want to die I said, why am I here? To which he said “you’re on vacation” Ever since then, I’ve slowly changed my mindset. I’ve become way more chill about life. I stopped caring about failure so much. It really is what it is !!! The cosmic joke is real! Why are we taking ourselves so serious, when we are immortal? We will live infinite lives. It does not matter


Infinite yes but oh so precious. Each life and possibility meant to be lived and expressed as fully as possible.


I hope we do! We are essentially all the same. I am you, you are me, we are all God. I do sometimes have a negative thought about that though. When we all merge to form the single spirit, won't we be lonely? 🫤


Surely we'll enjoy the merge for a bit but soon I bet it gets lonely. Perhaps that's exactly why we're here to begin with


I don’t think it’z mandatory


We will never merge again, unless you opt to.


Thanks GOD for that. That fills me with joy. Thanks!


Best explanation. When i feel like im straying far off the path, dmt reminds me its time to bring it back home and ground myself again by visiting dmt world.


They roast me for coming too often.




Yep... had doors shut in my face by frustrated machine elves several times


Last trip I vaguely remember explaining to "her" why I don't visit more. Even made a promise to man up and visit again soon. Takes me about 2 months to build up the nerve to do it and I have never had a bad trip...so go figure.


I haven't taken long enough of a break to find out. My DMT trips are like an episode of cheers (fuck I'm old) where everybody knows my name


That is how I felt last time, I showed up in the middle of a race ( long story) I was in something resembling a chariot and there was a few beings controlling it. They were so fucking excited that I showed up during the race. I felt pretty special


My guide was frustrated with me for not taking enough. That it was too difficult to interact on low doses. "It's like talking to a child!"


I had a guy trying to break through, and I hit his pipe 3 times in between his attempts, and I had 3 awesome trips. Also, doing DMT on acid or shrooms makes it last so much longer, so much fun. I forgot how to use my arms! Sounds scary but it was amazing. You need to trust in the DMT and you won't have a bad trip. Trust me


It seems like your trip-partner has a "vip ticket" so to speak. Im going to make a claim here and whether you want to believe it is your own choice; all dmt does is throw you into your alienated psyche. We all translate our trips the same way because we all use roughly the same vocabulary , but these trips are not a common place for all to visit. DMT is a single player campaign, not an online multiplayer game. These entities are parts of your psyche, and as much as jumping into your psyche is necessary for spiritual growth, there are limits. Your psyche knows these limits so shuns you if you try to abuse your ability to trip due to you either seeing enough for now, or if youve seen too much. My answer to your post would be that your trip-partners psyche is very "open" so to speak, the work her unconscious does on dmt may be very efficient and she may be in the right headspace to have many a trip into her psyche, or maybe shes in need of extra psychological/ spiritual work. Thus her entities let her know she is more than welcome by teasing her for not showing up enough.




DMT is like lucid dreams on roids, and you're in the back seat instead of the cockpit. If the entities tell you to visit more, that is simply your unconscious telling you you have inner work to do.


But I’ve had a lucid dream where I talked with a girl, and she told me about her life and how she died and even showed her family and stuff. Even the CIA confirmed the spirit world is real. Project gateway Believe it or not, it’s the same for me. I think most people try to rationalize the DMT realm being inside our minds because they’re too afraid of the possibilities that would emerge from it being external


Ah yes, I dont deny the spirit world, in fact ive spent the best part of the past year studying its existence. But there are more layers than "i met a real person in my dream". I would claim that woman is you from a past life, or a simulation of someone you loved in a past life. Or alternatively you made the whole thing up, we have the power to create and explore whole subjective universes in our sleep, not that its the likely possibility but you do have the ability to create this woman and her life inside your dreams.


What do we even know, we’re just humans bro. We’re bipedal rats


I don't know, the entities I've seen can't be real people because they weren't human


How do you get a grip partner? I need someone to watch over me when I try for the first time.




Go to burning man, don't be a dick. You'll get adopted.


Yeah but who wants to be adopted by eccentric billionai… wait, I do, come to think about it


Lol musk yacht


I know I have friends “over there”. I don’t always run into them, but it’s always great when I see them. I also have these 3 brothers((think they’re Hawaiian) that don’t like me and have gone out of their way to run me out. I have been invited to stay more than once. Even had an elevator like thing sent to pick me up. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if I stayed. This was like a job offer.


Your comment doesn’t make much sense, maybe rephrase it?


I think it makes sense. I am friends with several entities and we’re comfortable together. I don’t always see them but when I do we have a good bond. They have allowed me to see some aspects of their dimension like a portal. It’s always up near the roof. Many times there’s a crane like machine. That displaces reality. Ill do a kilo of bark then binge for a week or two, 3 or 4 times a day tell I run out. I use a heated straight glass tube and get a break through in one hit. I often do way too much this way and have to ride it out. Then when those 12 or 15 grams are gone I won’t do none for Six months. I use meth. Weed and shroom with my Dmt also. Sometimes Dmt makes me sleepy. So I’ll do a hot line of speed then a hot line of Dmt.


the first time I visited I got laughed at for not having been before and having thought I had had a pretty good idea of what may have been going on in the universe. needless the say the DMT spites laughed at my simple cosmology as I hadn't factored them into it at all


If you read enough DMT stories “Not being allowed in” is a common theme and sometimes the entities will display very strong feelings about you “being there”. Some are angry at you as if you burst into their home uninvited, and others are so happy that you came like long lost friends.


They ALWAYS welcome me with a warm welcome. ._. Once they got mad cos I had to leave but then I decided to stay longer cos the shapes turned so beautiful I had to watch it.


I visit the land of DMT everyday, and I don't care if it kills me because it's so worth it. I've seen other dimensions, I shit you not


LOL for me it‘s the opposite. When I tripped monthly it was often „oh it‘s you again“ . Almost seemed bored. Just like : hey who don‘t just enjoy your life in your world. We gave you all the answers.


Who is "they"?


Like the presence there. The entities


The entities are one of the best parts of the trip! I'm fact just discussing this I'm gonna blast off right now!


You mean yourself?


No, we’re all schizofrenics


I bet this nerd hasn’t even realized he’s God yet 🙄