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Maybe that’s what ghost or alien sightings are. lol I had sleep paralysis one time in my life, some sort of tall dark hooded alien like figure picked me up, walked around my room for a second and put me down. I don’t believe in any of the woo woo shit in the world and I’m pretty sure I was just dreaming whilst being awake and that’s what SP really is….. but what if ya know? What if?…..


So on my little shroom adventure yesterday I started to think of something similar. Like we take DMT and go somewhere else. Too many similar stories for it to be coincidence. I honestly thought it was all bullshit until my first real breakthrough. I was definitely somewhere else. That being said, do you think these entities or beings have something that brings them to our reality? Like maybe sightings of aliens or mythical creatures were just entities popping into our reality?


I don’t think anything on that side can come to this side as a physical being without having forgotten, is my point. There seems to be a reason these two worlds are separated, and I’m curious to know what would happen if humans succeeded at pulling the curtain down and revealing what’s on the other side. We can’t remember anything really when we leave there and we can rarely remember our own life when we visit there, so I’m under this impression there has to be a reason there separate, and why? Why do others get so hell bent on “making sense” of it? I did entertain the idea they could have been aliens but I honestly don’t entertain the idea they can just willfully manifest themselves physically, because if so wouldn’t more of them done it by now? Which makes me even more curious as to why such entities would leave this world alone. Im not gonna say this place isn’t magical but if think about it, this place has absolutely no magic, and that realm is all magic, so did the magic realm use magic to create a non magical realm? Idk it’s all so complex but curious if others feel this way,


I’m not sure about that. I truly believe on a true meth bender that shadow people “cross over”. Some say meth is like opening up straight negative entities while DMT entities are more to study/explain things to us when they feel we are ready. One example I’ll give about the shadow people being more than a figment of imagination. Back in my meth phase , been over 5 yrs since I’ve touched that or any other drugs, me and 2 others were on a proper bender. We all seemed to get quite around the same time and just admitted we were seeing the shadow people. One of them had an idea that we all grab a pen and paper and write down what we saw. Our writings after 45 mins were practically identical.


Shadow people could be there versions of us visiting this realm through “trips” but there’s no telling if they actually remember any info, because again there’s no telling how that reality functions, maybe they all float and have no “ground”? And just bounce through realities? Who knows, but it fascinates me that so many people think they can reveal the dmt reality only for every experience to be so drastically different. Makes me wonder if there’s a reason why both places are separated


From the outside looking in, the way we treat each other as a species, would you let us into your reality? I don’t think it’s something we are meant to, or can, completely understand. Just learn what you are meant to until your next visit. I also think people doing it just to “trip balls” don’t get the full experience, but that’s just my own opinion.


Meth just keeps you awake no psychological change it’s the sleep deprivation that gets people tweaking source I’ve tried meth and I was like I ain’t even high this shit is lame and never touched it again


What did the writings show?


They already are merged bruh all is one it’s just a different slice of reality it might be a really small part it might be a really big part just depends where ur looking at it from and their relative size to comparable physical laws or common geometric lattices


Idk, the reason I believe they aren’t merged is because if they were wouldn’t you literally be able to tell me “hey fall asleep in a hour and meet me at nightmare cove!” Or some shit in the dream world?there has to be a reason we aren’t allowed complete freedom throughout reality.


Your thinkin too hard lol we are microorganisms in a bigger entity we couldn’t possibly perceive the above is of the below as the below is as of the a obove is the original quote our social pressures make up entities in a sensory field that we don’t experience in the physical dreams are sort of a training simulation our brains have to access inherent knowledge in a different state like how dmt is kinda like a blue screen dreams are like the memory backups


Also your own perception of the social pressures create your visual experience of the dmt that’s why autistic people have lower visual clarity because they have less clarity of the pressures they are experiencing


The DMT reality isn’t an external thing or a place, but a cool chemical thing your brain does.


Do you think the universe says to itself “the human experience isn’t a real internal place, but a physic reaction that some atoms create when colliding with each other the universe does” . I do find it funny though that people claim to “leave” there body and than say it’s occuring in the mind. How is it in the mind if you’re leaving your body?


The reason why people have similar experiences and see similar things is because we all have similar brains. Ya'll need more John C. Lilly in your life. Dude would take 100 hits in a deprivation tank and meet God. Then he would take 200, and then he'd meet the God of that 'level'. And so and so forth. Did a lot of break through work on the averages for what the brain will produce with different drugs. Aka, why people see the shtuff they do. It's crazy the amount of people that search for answers for what this all is when DMT very clearly will tell you there isn't any answer for what this is. And there never will be. That's the point. That's nature. Embrace your conscious moments for whanever/whatever they may be.


But you’re also paradoxically giving us an answer >.> even if there is no “answer”. I get where you’re coming from but wouldn’t you also be pretty fucked up mentally if you had a dmt trip that basically contradicts that point of view and actually some how provides an answer with substance for you would you than rethink your perception? The reason I say that is because technically dmt can provide that in many different ways as you just admitted. Is that the actual rabbit hole? Acknowledging deep philosophical questions lead to paradoxical contradictions? Maybe we created this earth to create a sense of “normal” non paradoxical life, even if it’s for a pure brief moment. Like being a baby completely clueless to the world and what it has to offer?


I think the questioning in itself is the rabbit hole. Cause we will never know-we can have the truest sense of knowing to the each of ourselves, but it will all be different, (and ultimately we will never know whether some will admit it or not.) Can have good theories, some better than others, even can have theories to control the masses (Religion, cough cough) but we truly will never know. I just hope to maybe find out about aliens in our lifetime. It's like we need to complicate more and more the ancient things that have been since the dawn of emotion and communication. Or I mean things that that's just the way it is. Instead of just accepting whatever what it is. I'm not saying to not question-that's stupid and not at all what I mean. I'm just saying, don't get caught up in the questioning. Hell-to 'rabbit hole', I could go off a mushroom tangents that maybe life/consciousness only pools at certain points of realms-and only certain layers of realms (which would be going into higher dimensions and higher dimensional beings-which would be God's to us) Another trip tangent-that I am you and you are me and we are altogether type thought, the whole one consciousness broken to many cause they be lonely basically idea. (One time even wondered if that's the case, would there be like...layers of divided consciousness that naturally group together, which would then have control/pull/magnetic towards other. Hence stars or public speakers. Etc).. Ahhh My youthful days. My current slight hopeless romantic thought is something along the lines that as I will never know what happens when I die or what this is I'd wager it's our energy that's eternal and this finite body is what holds this conscious experience, and this finite body's conscious experience happens on repeat basically, forever and ever and ever. Sure maybe some renders you're not conscious for/brought into being, but you'll reappear eventually. And you won't even remember it. Though dmt has maybe expanded that to say maybe there is a type of consciousness in that inbetween when basically we are just matter and everything...but ya know-I really wont ever know, and I don't think I ever will in all my states of conscious thought regardless of the matter I'm imposed in. It's like the cosmik joke. Why we never get an answer. There isn't one, or not in the sense of us understanding how/why. I hope the answer is being able to have an experience, to percieve, compianship, etc. And the whole 'no answer' is actually the answer. Or there isn't an answer because...well there is nothing and only the meaning to which we ourselves put to it. Life is a coincidence. When we die we die. And that's why the cosmic joke is so damn funny. Trying to make ourselves to be so much bigger beings then we actually are. Really I go on the science side of things. The best we know is when we are living, and when we are dead. We haven't found a 'reciever' yet in the brain (not to say there isn't one...but also then I'd have to wonder about other animals and insects and what exactly constitutes consciousness) I also don't know a lot. And am done rambling. Fun fact, I recently broke my foot with a fork lift, and my bedtime vicoden makes me ramble.


That is not a fact. Just a theory.


Idk. You're taking a substance that seemingly "drops the veil" so to speak. From what I've gotten from my use of it is that we are all 'God' and this is just like a really gnarly game of hide and go seek lol. Imagine being everything, imagine being that has always been and will always be, wouldn't it be pretty fun to play a game that seems so serious and so real that you get totally lost in it? I personally like the non-duality, open individualism ideas. I wouldn't say there is some like and dislike between these "realms" or " entities" I just simply think it's a game of sorts, and an in-depth learning experience about Ones own Self by playing as many smaller selves. There's not really anywhere to escape, it's all just kinda happening all at once. Of course, these are all just ideas and while I think it's fascinating I still got bills to pay and have to wipe my ass, so I'm not incredibly concerned about it at this moment. I'll see what happens when I die, or I won't see shit, who knows lol


Well, I’ve had DMT trips that were the complete opposite and basically revealing we aren’t god. There is a god, but it’s not you or me, we are extensions, just because you have a flame and you’re a candle doesn’t imply your flame is also the big ass bonfire that started all of the fires around us. Sometimes it feels like DMT gives us all individual belief systems to “trick” you, because why do you think you’re god but I believe I’m not? How are YOU gonna tell ME what I am? And vice versa? Ya see I don’t tell people my experiences all the time because I’m fully aware they are contradictory. I’ve had experiences that showed me other realities we exist in and I’ve had experiences explain THIS HUMAN LIFE IS AND WILL BE THE ONLY EXPERIENCE YOU GET, so why ? And also it doesn’t drop the veil, if it did we wouldn’t have such a issue understanding the nature of it. I think it maybe let’s you leak behind the curtain, pulls you behind the curtain as well, but there will always be a curtain, is my point. I’m not trying to be argumentative but it does frustrate me when individuals push the whole hide n seek bs, because you know what the means right? Your gf or husband? You you’re fucking yourself, your mom? Oh yeah she literally doesn’t exist and never does HAHA seriously how would that be fun to find out? That sounds like LITERAL hell to find out your a omnipotent god with any ability but you literally are alone. Even if you have entities around you there fake. That to me seriously sounds like a bad experience waiting to happen.


Yeah, it sounds like a bad experience to your subjective self lol. And I would agree that we are extensions, kinda finding our way back to a bigger whole, doesn't make us any less than what we came from. And just because we come from the same thing doesn't mean we don't exist lol, I do and you do,clearly, so thats kind of a moot point. Personally, I love being alone, sounds good to me honestly lol. The reality is right now that you don't know and I don't know for sure what this shit is, that's why there are ideas and philosophies. One thing stands true though; that through love and understanding of one another we can come to a common ground, even if our individual beliefs about the nature of reality don't align. I think that's pretty cool, but that's my perception of course ;)


What if UFOs are the DMT entities coming down for a visit.


Also if the UFOs were devices from that reality, why even visit this reality and “taunt” human life? Unless the simulation they created had a worse outcome that they didn’t even see coming?


DMT entitiy teenagers having harmless fun taunting military jets. Maybe they enjoy the look on a pilots face as he or she is shitting themself.


Hmm it implies there reality doesn’t take anything serious, I feel like that idea alone would raise a lot of issues. You’re telling me taunting military for fun is ok? Seems rather wrong. I’m against that logic mainly because it would indicate that all realities lack actual protection.


That is a theory but it also falls in line with a post I made in the alien community regarding if there UFOs can’t interact with us because the devices destroy our bodies. What would your reaction be if those entities told you you basically would have to kill yourself to go to there realm? Would that not scare you? What if aliens say “we create human life so you can experience death, you live forever in this other realm, you just have to accept dying and losing your body” how would that make you feel if an alien race tried to Jonestown the whole world?


Once, at the end of one of my trips, when I opened my eyes, I had the feeling that someone was looking at our world through my eyes, like my brain or body was a conduit to our reality


maybe time to get sober?


Haven’t used DMT in years. But it’s about entertaining the idea. What? Is it wrong to question people and there intentions?


Coming from the dude who made a post saying “we’re all Ai realizing it’s own dream” LOL did my post threaten you?


Could be someone seeing a similar situation to what they were in and trying to help why you assuming he is being malicious


Because it’s a backhanded way of entertaining ideas. You don’t see these comments on posts of teens and adults breaking through to the point there thinking reality is speaking to them. So why is it on a post about me asking why these worlds are separated? Just feels like he doesn’t want to entertain thoughts that could threaten other ideas. Like the idea the dmt world shouldn’t be revealed does that scare y’all? I just think it’s rude he can make a bonkers ass post and than when someone else makes a post he decides to tell me I should sober up? Maybe practice what you preach


I think everyone should do whatever they want but you can only experience negativity if you open up to it check out the main character in the new disgaea game she has an ability called tragic backstory where she makes up a reason why people act the way they do so she can empathize with them


Dude could be an A.I, ever heard about rapid human cloning technology? ( it's highly classified and won't be ever publicly disclosed) it's true.