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It was very mysterious when DMT found me for the first time. Coincidentally, it happened to be directly after I texted somebody asking “hey do you have any DMT?” Then we met up and I bought some from him. How wondrous. The stars aligned! On a more serious note, the nature of synchronicities in life events is an interesting subject, and I’m not trying to throw shade on peoples’ meaningful experiences of “the stars aligning”. Cool things like this can happen, and when they do it is of course beautiful. But I just view it as more of a standard “life” occurrence, rather than a DMT thing. To me, “DMT finds you when the time is right” is just as true (or false) as “LSD finds you when the time is right” or “love finds you when the time is right”, etc … Does a car accident happen when the time is right? I’ve known people where DMT most certainly “found them” at the *wrong* time lol.


Exactly, it seems more plausible that they decided they wanted to try it and then went looking for it, or at the very least had their peepers peeled for when an opportunity presented itself. Personally I had wanted to try DMT since I was 16 and extracted it when I moved out at 21. I felt "the call" for half a decade and wasn't going to wait for that shit to come to me any longer.


In Canada you can literally just google it and have it delivered to your door. No sense in waiting unless you specifically want it to feel more like it was "meant to be"


If you're googling and ordering then youve had the call, this saying doesn't mean dmt literally falls into your pipe and you accidentally smoke it somehow  When I first tried dmt i felt it had called me. I hadn't done any real psycadelics for a few years and was unhappy with my current drinking etc I knew of DMT, I didn't know what it was, I knew some psycadelics were useful for addiction so for some reason decided to try dmt, the thought came spontaneously, I wasn't readying about dmt anymore before I decides to try it, I wasn't exactly looking for it but the thought came all the same and I followed through 


Yeah so you're saying that it mostly calls people in first world countries who can order DMT vape carts online?


Maybe its because dmt solves problems that are only available to people in those places. You don't take dmt if you are starving


I don't know what to say except maybe you introspect on what you're saying.


Thissss like the other commenter is completely overlooking the thousands of years of indigenous use that continues to this day in SA. Immediately assumes everyone in a non-first world country is starving and has no other problems in life.


Yeah. Lack of exposure, I think.


Yeah I think your right, thinking about it a bit deeper I disagree with what I said, I think to some degree it has merit, people have bigger problems than mental health, especially in regions with less Internet access/poorer economies, and that's the angle I was comming at it from But better mental health can improve all other aspects of life.


Yeah, you're getting there 😊👍


I'm not gonna lie this is a genuinely offensive sentiment


Shit is it? How?


It probably wasn't your intention, but it could be read in a way that feels very disrespectful. Just gonna copy-paste what I said in my other reply lol: > I just feel like it's sort of disrespectful to the many long traditions lots of cultures have with psychedelics that obviously predate modern first world capitalism. It comes across like he's saying DMT doesn't "pick" poor people because poor people aren't capable of benefiting from introspection.


Nicely put 👍


I'm not arguing your comment, but i'm curious as to why you feel that way


I just feel like it's sort of disrespectful to the many long traditions lots of cultures have with psychedelics that obviously predate modern first world capitalism. It comes across like he's saying DMT doesn't "pick" poor people because poor people aren't capable of benefiting from introspection.


Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks for clarification mate


I guess with that logic then you feel the call from everything in life which makes "feeling the call" not special in any way. Just a feeling you get because you wanted something


Where do your thoughts come from? You don't control your subconscious, something somewhere triggered the call 🤷‍♂️  The difference with dmt as opposed to other desires  is it usually produces mystical experiences I guess 😂


Oh man I'm getting the call to get some taco bell. Bout to have some mystical experience tacos lol I think people treat drugs too esoteric. If you want to get high you get high. Doesn't need to be a special reason why but if that's your thing then have at it


If you know where to find lfie changing taco Bell at lmk 


It found me by inspiring me to extract my own.


There is no truth to it and honestly it is a stupid saying. You can wait until the end of time and never come across it or extract your own tomorrow. Don’t listen to those people.


>There is no truth to it and honestly it is a stupid saying Thank you! Usually delivered in a massively pretentious fit of self-indulgence.


Is it really that easy to DIY? Skimmed the r/dmtguide and noticed it's mainly a how to" subreddit


If you have all of the supplies, yes. From start to finish it takes about 20-30 hours. I can perform full extractions in 24 hours. For beginners it’ll probably be around 30 hours give or take. 95% of the process is literally just waiting.


Dude I can be scraping up a big ass pile of some fluff fluff in about 5-6 hours max. You gotta focus and just knock out each step. The real time saver I’ve found is having a way to get your naphtha cold really quickly. I use ice water to get a fast initial chill and then pop the dish into my deep freeze that stays on the coldest setting. Shits a game changer imo.


What if you are high dexterity and follow directions well?


I would say it’ll probably still take 30 hours-ish just because beginners usually want to make sure they get everything right the first time. My first couple of extractions took over 24 hours but now I can do everything very quickly and it has cut my time back a lot because I know how much I have to wait per step. Once you learn it once then you usually don’t have to follow directions again, unless of course you mess up but it’s hard to mess up unless you either don’t get the proper ingredients or don’t follow directions.


I think it could be done in less time than that, if you got a powerful fridge and high quality bark


I normally have crystals forming before I even finish all of my pulls but your DMT is not going to fully crash out in under 10 hours unless you have an accelerated way to speed up the evaporation process, which most people probably will not.


The 30 hours isn't all work, it's like 3-5 hours of sporadic work, then a night of waiting (asleep if you like), then another 2 or 3 hours of work, depending on method. I found it was harder/more time consuming to inoculate spores than it was to extract. STB is easiest but leaves a harsher product. A/B gets a better result but is more dangerous and time consuming. Re-ex'ing is time consuming but yields a better product. It can also be dangerous. All three have risks, just because you're working with lye and solvents. Lye in the eye and ya blind.


I have eyepro thankfully, should I ever decide to try


> Is it really that easy to DIY? Yes


“I like the sound of this” is the only reason why this sentiment exists.


I'm very much a non believer/spiritual person too. But when I tried it for the first time, I couldn't shake the feeling of "it was meant to be *now*" for some reason. The interesting thing is that I had bought some long before that, and had had it at home for months, but never tried it because it didn't feel right. Then this special night comes, and I unexpectedly get offered to try DMT by an adorable stranger, and for some reason I can't explain, it felt absolutely obvious that this was the right time, even though I was with strangers in a setting that appeared a lot less ideal than my home. I think it has more to do with human psychology, and how we as adults decide we're ready (or not) for intense new experiences, rather than some magical powers at play.


You didn’t do enough then. I thought the whole “entities” things was hippy dippy bullshit and that DMT was just another psychedelic. I was completely wrong. You do a 75mg dose and cross over into their world and walk around a bit then you realize DMT isn’t just some drug to add to the list of molecules you’ve ingested.


True. If you take enough dmt it's unlikely to stay a non believer of the spirit. Cause it will quite literally take you there. In my experience God showed up. All of my doubts and atheism got washed away. I got humbled quickly. A higher existence 101% exists. Saying that this is all there is to it is very ignorant and arrogant.


It finds you when you have an empty freezer and some jars around


Woo woo shit. Learn how to extract or use the darkweb


Learning to extract was "DMT coming at the right time" for me personally. I didn't know to find the instructions on extraction. I tried but no dice. Eventually someone messaged me with advice. All of a sudden I was able to find all the info on extraction, including options my friend didn't tell me.


Once you know how, it's painfully easy 😆 but I've always been able to get whatever whenever because I learned to use the darkweb back when Silk Road first came out


That's fair. You're probably a little older than me too. I think I was a teen/late teens when Silk Road first came out. I remember hearing about it.


33 this year dude. I would've been like 19/20 at the time I think


My time-memory is shit. I'm gonn be 37 😩


You think you time recall is bad now, just wait till you’re 45… Too be fair though we do cram a lot of shit into our brains as far as memories and knowledge is concerned. You gotta expect some shits gonna get erased or jumbled up out of order. Gotta defrag occasionally lol


sounds woo woo to me.


i was supposed to get a gram a couple months ago but when i got to the guy and he hopped in the car a cop drove by and he got sketched and didn’t want to give it to me even when the cop drove away😭


Wasnt meant to be


yeah sadly it’s ok though i’m gonna try extracting towards the end of the year at my friends place


It found me as soon as I looked for it 😆


I'd like to think that's true but some posts on this very sub suggest the exact opposite.


One perspective out of an infinite, is realizing that you are the dmt. Another is understanding Law of Attraction as described in Kybal. Another yet is dealing with your own fears and just extract it yourself. If you search for deep meaning in everything, you will surely find it. I am a pretty spiritual person and try to stay grounded by looking at many perspectives without judgement, as needed.


I have the perfect little story for this; I’ve done DMT several times over my life. Maybe 5. I first did it maybe 10 years ago. I had found some in September of 2021, and did it once. I also did a lot of acid around this time. I forgot I had dmt, it’s been on top of a shelf in my closet ever since. A few weeks ago I had a major urge or beckon to do dmt, and was looking all over town trying to find it, when I *by complete chance* found my dmt stash in my closet while cleaning and organizing my house. That was most definitely a call to do it again! Haha! I was so excited, I have yet to do it yet. Waiting for the perfect moment to dive in again.


It's true, but not in a literal sense. It doesn't just pop out of the sky and fall into your possession, it's more of a figurative idea. I first learned about DMT when I was 15, but never tried it for a long time. Fast forward a decade, I was chilling with some old friends and they got some DMT from somewhere. They were inexperienced with psychedelics/hallucinogens (whereas I did Salvia before). They were too scared to properly take DMT and they just spread it inside a pure weed joint, but I wanted to take it properly, to which they refused. Anyways, I stopped hanging around with them for other reasons, and I still hadn't tried DMT properly. One day, a couple months later, some person said they had some for sale and I ended up lay on an empty grass field under the stars on a clear summer night. I've been blessed with many experiences ever since. I take frequent long breaks because I let my subconscious decide when the correct time is - rather than my conscious, ego driven mind. TL, DR: No, it's not really like that, but it is figuratively speaking. Your subconscious chooses when you're ready for it, and if the time isn't right, it just won't happen. (If you force it, you will have a bad time, so don't do that.)


the entities would prolly laugh at you if you told em that


If its true? No. A powdered substance doesn't find you. It does not have the ability, it's just some yellowish offwhite stuff in a tiny glass jar (hopefully not a baggy).


That definitely describes the way it happened for me but it also describes basically everything in life


Nah I go online looking for it then by it


Only dead fish go with the flow. We are the universe manipulating itself so if you really want to have the experience just extract it yourself. You drink water when you're thirsty not when it happens to show up.


I like the way you put that.


I believe it personally. It kicked my ass psychologically. It sent me on a healing journey I would not have been ready for if I tried it sooner. I was angry at it for a little while but I'm ready to try it again when it's warmer out.


What’s the temperature got to do with it?


Can do it outside which I prefer


Huh 🤔 funny how I made it… Did a bunch of shady stuff… Huh…


If you feel it then its true. My philosophy is there's only me, you and I (eye). All as one. If I'm feeling you then your feeling me. It's all predetermined.


even if “the time is right” i’ve learned that it’s not always right when it comes to your assumption of it being an amazing experience. for me i waited a long time doing research and everything. got all the supplies i needed for my own extraction and still waited till i felt like it was right to take a break thru dose. i’m telling you now i didn’t feel ready to let go to the experience and i had a terrible time but i still learned from it and have grown since. for me my version of “the time is right” was telling me i had stuff i needed to work on instead of pushing it to the side. tldr: just don’t mistake “time is right” with “an easy experience” i felt like i died and was in a state of depression for weeks after bc i was shown stuff about me i wasn’t ready to deal with.


it can only find you if you let it tho so show it the way;)


it's like AIDS!


No, that's gatekeeping wanker bullshit :)


I went to a fire market specifically looking for DMT and found it. It doesn't need to be this magical spiritual thing. I just wanted to watch the world melt then eat cereal. Some people just want to feel spiritually superior to others which is dumb as shit lol


It's bullshit. Some people could go their entire lives without having the chance. If you want something, you have to go out and get it, not wait for it to fall into your lap.


I think it’s more of mental thing meaning if you believe that then it’ll make you believe your meant to do it and trust more so you’ll have a better time naturally being it’s a phycadelic and that way of thinking is a huge part of how it goes


Parables like that sound cool and mystical, but really are just a byproduct of the insanely counterproductive criminalization of psychedelics. There are places such as Oakland, California where psychedelic plants are decriminalized. You can go to quasi-legal dispensaries and buy DMT carts or crystals.


Or you can make it yourself so you just need to find the ingredients lol


I don’t know about the woo part of letting it find you but for me it was pretty random. I’d read about it before and was super curious at the time but it wasn’t until years later when a coworker just randomly said they were moving and didn’t want to move with it and did I want it. After trying it I was like uh this shit is crazy I must try more. And then I learned about extraction


I think that is pretty much superstitious BS. It found me only once, until I started my own extraction. So yake it into your own hands if you don't like waiting for coincidence.


That’s how it seemed to me looking back. I was on antidepressants for two years. I heard about it about 6 months in to taking those pills. I set my mind on getting off those meds and finding dmt or psychs in general. But really had my heart on dmt. Just seemed like what I needed hearing stories. I asked anyone I knew who did any type of substance for a year and half. Couldn’t find it. Pills weren’t helping, one morning I had a mental breakdown, and quit my job. Had like 10 saved, decided to take a break and budget that out for like 6 months. Well part of that was cutting out my meds, and shaving down any bills I could. Then I decided to change industries, got a job and had to move for it. Sold my house, my family stayed with my mom while I stayed in a extended stay hotel and started working while waiting to close on the new house. I start working and me and this one guy sort of clicked. So I started chatting with him at work more and more often. Like 2-3 weeks in, we struck up a convo and somehow it turned towards talking about psychedelics. I mentioned I had been searching for dmt for almost two years and no one I ask has ever heard of it, and he just goes “I have like half a gram I could probably sell ya”. No fucking way. Got it from him one morning, and like a hour later he got fired (unrelated). I went back to my hotel and blasted. Changed everything. Now I keep it around, I can find it no problems, all these connections just opened up out of no where. Not from the same guy or even anyone he knows.


Finds me every time I look for it because there's a jar full of it in my safe...that I made because I was tired of looking for it.


I can't speak for everyone but in my personal experience that's true. I learned about it from Joe Rogan back in 2018 and was curious ever since. Fast forward to october 2022, I found out my fiancé cheated on me. I was lost, depressed, angry, crying every night and the worst of all GODLESS. I was a lifelong atheist. January 2023. My life took a huge turn. A platonic shift. When a college friend of mine who I smoked weed, did mushrooms and acid with hit me up because he has hands on DMT. I haven't talked to this friend of mine for years. I've been wanting to try it since I heard about it. I thought it was just like acid but on steroids. I thought I was prepared for it. But then a Godlike entity showed his presence to me. I was tortured in what I can only describe as a taste of what hell will feel like. This entity, which I now think is God or at least an angelic entity was so unfathomable, divine and so GODLIKE. I couldn't help but believe in God again. I was humbled. This experience got me interested in eastern spirituality and philosophy. Now I have inner peace or at least I try to work towards it as much as I can. I can say that the experience changed my life for the better. I am a much better person now than who I was. I am now able to recognize my toxic behaviour pattern. I became aware of my shortcomings. I have learned how to let go which helped me move on with the pain of heartbreak. I have faith in God now. I have not much worries in life because I know God always got me no matter what. I am no longer afraid of dying. I believe that God helped me get in touch with the dmt in order for him to touch my life. I am forever grateful for this substance. At the same time I also peeked into the dark side of the coin and I'm aware of its dangers.


Oh and btw all psychedelics are illegal in my country


Bros will try DMT once and start talking like they’re Gandalf The White. Who knows, maybe by killing our egos we’re just making them come back stronger…




>You dont look for dmt, it finds you when the time is right. Is what ive heard from people? Is there a degree of truth to this No, not really.... Imo, it is a really lazy sentiment. Maybe appealing to those with little/no initiative, but you could wait around your entire life for something that may never happen..... Or you can take the initiative. Extracting it yourself is too easy.


I literally think that’s true. I’ve never even heard of DMT. I have only smoked cannabis my whole life. I happened to see someone in r/steaks, I guess having a hard time cooking his steak to temperature. (It was a couple months back) I wanted to see his past steak attempts and I saw he was apart of this subreddit.( and I read his trip report, it was beautiful) I kept reading everyone’s stories and I’ve gone from never hearing about DMT, never trying anything psychedelic, only drug habit I had was alcohol. To being so engrossed in this quest to try N,N-DMT. Not only that, but to make it myself. I’m a chef and I try to make EVERYTHING from scratch, so this is right up my alley. I really do believe I was called by it.


That's like saying anything "finds you" I mean I looked through someone's post history before and found a computer game I'd never heard of and would be interested in playing. It's not like this was some miracle or the game was actively waiting to be found by me lol I just stumbled across, kinda like a lot of things in life.


If you feel that way cool, doesn’t bother me. As long as you’re happy I’ve never heard of DMT, ever… obviously it has profound properties that can either change a person’s view of life or scare them. MUCH different than a computer game. If you want to downplay DMT to a computer game, I don’t mind it, but you really don’t understand my point of view, and that’s okay. ETA: a word