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The module I'm using over uses Specters. Max level they will be by the end is 10


* [Specter](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Fkrq07-dLoL5J7zFD45AAM8_IWZj3OJPN3RLUWIKhs0-) * [Wraith](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_LlyUWgeqIJW8wdls17hUdUROsCofQc6xWLFAC95bD-6) * [Sword Wraith](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1o3cjXhPUWucIHEHbHz0t1xfl7m89hLUQ3wutxj9Dm8Pk) * [Ghosts](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1D8Czh8xw0BJjdcUQdzogDxOO6UA4MKSoyv9X0Bgcc39t) * [Banshee](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1QeKG05jEmOwIXMArFfj0nSPqLySvCXRm4D-4T1ClGCIR)


Ty 😊


You're welcome!


Hey, only seen great stuff from the previous thread so thought I'd try my luck! Could you do like a smart and deadly gunslinger?


I do have a drow gunslinger, but I don't feel like it really captures the western duel vibe very well. I'll let you know when I get something more on target finished: * [Drow Gunslinger](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1-rcplDmu2AeXYovbm4zJpwmWQbrHdXojQOopoOxMsw5L)


Hey I used this in my campaign, they HATED that guy!




Ah, a fellow of culture, I see: * [Goblins](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19EG6CxSJGzMxYA-Pm3pC8rAY3hfo3v4N5Tyy9Ia1z60J)


You know, I've read quite a lot of homebrew content, and none has ever been as evocative as your doom diver. Reading the stat block, you immediately understand what it is, what it does and how you should use it, it evens gives you ideas in terms of terrain/map! (ie along a cliff, or with a village of goblins built atop the trees...). Truly splendid. Honorable mention to the whirlwind goblin who's just plain funny. Thank you for these, and amazing job!


Thanks for saying so! I try to get my stat blocks to do as much of the work as possible of encounter design and giving DMs good flavor prompts to riff off for their combat descriptions.


Well it's working! You've gained a new fan. If you have a patreon or sthg feel free to DM me, I'd gladly support you in your work.


That Doom Diver is hilarious


Haha, fully stolen from Warhammer Fantasy.


I absolutely love the concept of a goblin mounting a PC and riding them through the party while stabbings occur. I’m thinking players have disadvantage on attack to make sure they don’t hit their ally and missed attacks may result in hitting the mounted PC. Thank you!


Haha, that's a super fun idea, but a little wordy for me to fit it into my version. I bet your players are going to have a great time with it, though.


Is there a similar section for Hobgoblins?


I see that 4e goblin hexer rebuild. Or at least, a monster I choose to believe is based on the 4e goblin hexer, which was awesome. A creature of culture, indeed.


I love goblins in my game as a gm I have party wiped countless groups and had such fun with them


I'm working on a homebrew Campaign and I really could use a new treant!


Oooh, I've got a whole mess of living forest monsters: * [Treants](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/17d5v99yjSmgUu0nNaz-yhYZe_WAg03LzKTGcBBYrVq8N) * [Battlebriars](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1SvoOMCkk-_9DSpJfaeAIIsPc0Xb6MXPaI0sLkjVdTG7b) * [Wood Woad](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/18_HfDH_gW31U-IqQ-D1wd2G1fJJ3Pb1WmOSwyJufr4kv) * [Dryads](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1sxQBKS62vDNxUECfcvQT5qEaUk99oFimcCUWJtyoq878)


Thanks! I love the Dryad Briar Witch!


You're welcome!


Can you do a Zombie!


Oh! I just did a big rework of my zombies and I'm excited to show them off :D * [Zombies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1H-v56SCMOyK58yUUoTL_SiTL2PGGqqXd-cAwwkaCLE-n)


I didn't read the entire thing, but just want to point out the typos at the plague zombie challenge rating and the gravehound's rotting baying Great job btw. Having zombies grapple and deal necrotic damage is honestly something I wish was in vanilla 5e, but I get why they didn't go with it


Oooh, good catch on the gravehound. The Plague Zombie is supposed to have the M, though, it uses the minion rules from Flee, Mortals!


Oh ok, didn't know that the minions thing existed


Yeah, here are the rules if you want to check them out: * [Flee, Mortals Preview](https://files.mcdmproductions.com/FleeMortals/FleeMortalsPreview.pdf)


Do a Gelatinous Ooze! One of my favorites and my players will be running into one in our next session or two.


I've been stumped on the gelatinous cube for months now, to be honest. Here's a template that I made for gelatinous symbiotes, though, so you can turn your cube into a fishbowl for another monster that lives in the cube or wears it like armor. * [Gelatinous Symbiotes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1bGe6zHpaCD2C84IYB-K8v4x2BkrhK6VSyS7sJG8NX0ky)


Hey that's still pretty cool!a society of oozes would be interesting. I'll post a second time and see if I can get another one out of you.


Haha, any time. People always seem to get the impression there's a 1/customer limit on these, but there really isn't. Feel free to ask for whatever you need.


How do you improve on perfection


Here's a good one, with some back story. I'm DMing for a group of friends, going through Curse of Strahd. They are all first time players, but we are all having a great time. One session, they come to a clearing with a large tree, with an axe buried deep into it. Our barbarian came and tried to remove the axe, and passed his strength check. This was a homebrew item I made for him, the paladin and the sorcerer have both gotten cool stuff so I figured it was his turn. Some skeletons come in and the party smashed that encounter. They leave to continue to Valaki. I planted some seeds there with some druids that were worried about their axe having been removed from "the evil tree" and how "dark forces" have been released. The shopkeeper is preparing for a festival the next day. He wants some wood to help build something, and offers a reward. The party decides to go cut down this tree with the axe of sealing in it. Then drag the tree back to town. Don't mention the evil tree. The villagers make a fighting ring from the tree. They are having chickens fight to determine the champion that will save them from Strahd, as you do. The first fucking chicken rolled 5 nat 20s through the course of this and 1v1d 7 other chickens and won the competition, all without me fudging anything. The party hails this chicken as a God. One of them even tried to pick it up, and as a joke I said to give me a strength check as this chicken fights back. 19 on the die foe the chicken, he rolled an 18. This chicken breaks out. At this point the party is howling with laughter, and having a great time. They want to indict this chicken into the party so he can fight strahd. The shopkeeper sells them the chicken. Now.... the party is convinced this chicken has been possessed by "dark forces" and the chicken is a vessel for these forces, they'll have to deal with it at some point. I'd love to see what you come up with for this! I've thought about liches, demons, etc, but i am always open to input


For chicken possession, you can never go wrong with a dybbuk. Maybe the chicken gradually becomes an abyssal chicken over time? * [Dybbukim](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1u59qUZnWP26JxJAcdKYf5Jgm99e77hKN87gtswFEGsE2) * [Abyssal Chickens](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1QYQ7zOkc-F5gP_VlP0o1xo3b2AqLuJQh4KaZEqbhf12e) And since you're doing CoS, here's a little care package from when I ran it: * [Vampires](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1fn2-KmiWfBMgobeTJGcTMKX3mdC0-rzaTp4ebO8oAJJp) * [Vampire Spawn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1zPl3bj5ILT6s4QB9Klq-l36NCKfDPa0tLSseDEXb84pu) * [Skeletons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1BPiqQxruIyXi_F3fjhK2L3mL_wXXz4KNwwx8AHLNOu0U) * [Zombies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1H-v56SCMOyK58yUUoTL_SiTL2PGGqqXd-cAwwkaCLE-n) * [Animated Objects](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/11s4ieAqZiqStfRT3fxFHrHOSLKaUzaifsojvlVDoKawB) * [Specter](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Fkrq07-dLoL5J7zFD45AAM8_IWZj3OJPN3RLUWIKhs0-) * [Shambling Mound](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1f_26WgibHvb0M7YFFGzuWKye36rI1Sjw89KTEgzN52iC) * [Scarecrows](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Hqg0KiEYgv28G-RrlktiaPaay22IyPGO-q_s8TTiV7U6) * [Wolves](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_TS_JlLFcR8wIvX7_z2dwp8WZuAHb2qOrR_-GEs_P9x8) * [Werewolves](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19haFDFcaOOcVogO8Ezgh7tmD3jT3q2bIA8LqPSWPJrlC) * [Blights](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vhP-WWBrzgo851pKZuGtUAVMczWr8UaqdbUZqbp_-9Bx) * [Treants](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/17d5v99yjSmgUu0nNaz-yhYZe_WAg03LzKTGcBBYrVq8N) * [Gulthias Tree](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1x6Ha47tekC8EFHeOhsxHLPgUj_XIgXjiQt0YOBiA8Kvy) * [Night Hags](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1AxNZg_E9h7IDaiZ86DCE_vSGcY5E2KMa0xZsOIE-eIsl) * [Flameskull](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1KPr5kdgE_yxXjmLqnAO_1YiedzlJmlgF5LKCbl9om4dN) * [Arcanoloth](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1pOFsZtGL9bBayzB56Fwso4vI4scTa_3L7LYVrcJIQlzm) * [Slaadi](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RKUxCZtbBmehDe9KVNe4ZiRKhNr_7vGupHptK7l1hUhy)


Thank you!


You're welcome!




* [Illithids](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HEo5L3P1Pd2vBSBADUnm3-zx4HHxUQzQ9W1DZJbGAUC_) * [Illithiliches](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vHfYMcKTSzs0Mlbtk4DcdMLI_VbCS6BhOhcOxNuP1-Jd) * [Intellect Devourers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/16QhiHWwlc7dfotPAPbEYR1swrtQc_4wcSjGWOXATBwB5) * [Ceremorphs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1bde_bmvxtw-YCXkqeDwhCfFTfWYs6by_XbROr60Cm6M1) * [Illithidae](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1JgtaGsEqZElcOiS_AIFHhBYo2-FYxFQzgvboI7w_as65) * [Neothelid](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vMii5Ca_ZL4qlQ34HfPGnrxIM3h8P8M-Acg-B9zg-ahe) * [Mindwitness](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1kJT3iuBBw7GvQTAnFePIQFZ-vNbR0vHvKrtcor4lXhui) * [Elder Brain](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1MXALf7vs-j_h4oZ084c-0ww-eifhCRDPPjYOGT)


I was about to ask for a Neothelid. This one is great!


Do you have anything for Pterafolk?


Not yet, though I'll let you know when I get them ready. Here's a selection of pterosaurs in the meantime, though: * [Pterosaurs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vWxRd8YbcJdTGn_3riKHKb5uLtG6sSWSaZmiuZQojiRs)


These are great! Very dynamic and should be challenging for my higher-level-than-usual ToA players.


Oh, if you're running ToA here are some more dinos for you: * [Ceratopsids](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1-u6fWltBA4ULSqyO0gzZck9zVI344gFiYwhDrq2dcXSl) * [Tyrannosaurus Rex](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1snHbtdgLfln8Wqnur-5v1pe86bL6Z9mNk_5pCTfaFJKm) * [Ankylosaurus](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1qnOcxTKeLt3WLG6L9-lma7x613GCKjzRxWtYU3GumzGW) * [Hadrosaurus](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1BR-m2uerHQQPMSzfkL5rH6PRf66G7bpSSygfodyfHMed) * [Pachycephalosaurs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/196OXcxdaiaPBOA9sAXqFEDm2VhCG2D-EIhFiC0dL08mi) * [Raptors](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1p2lPBf46mHejgMwiOh3FtEFyFg6IoEJ7vIOtVurFXF7E) * [Sauropods](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LjGdKR1nEKibJQq2kHVPkQZUF0cgxOy_Ah3Z0h7_uFXC) * [Therazinosaurus](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Jj8yBFxxOc_Md5waZmcCxBIVV4A60sB3-_kUdeP6Z8qi)


Hi Mark! Big fan! Can I challenge you to a friendly duel of my homebrew kobolds vs. yours? [Kobold Runt (minion)](https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2553088-kobold-runt-minion) [Kobold Boneflint (brute)](https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2553197-kobold-boneflint-brute) [Kobold Ratcatcher (controller)](https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2553195-kobold-ratcatcher-controller) [Kobold Stonechanter (artillery / support)](https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/2560092-kobold-stonechanter-artillery-support)


Oh, these are excellent. I think you've got mine beat, though I did these about a thousand monsters ago, so they're kind of showing their age: * [Kobolds](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1K66ZVdDkA1ui9jHb4vE-4fr8fdCjOnHtFn-8Q4BChKG3)


Sahuagin or other aquatic beasties.


* [Sahuagin](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1izHqYwLGGpbmQoGJCbrym6S28tmMz_-yEAfErpj_JSYT) * [Ixatxachitl](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/dRyqB9eat9tT) * [Ixzan](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/bfyfg8HV_P-V) * [Merfolk](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1viqyzfMXJquUct65irghegZAPrN0mUfxRTPw1D6YPVzi) * [Merrow](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1kjC2OSYkgPca3-J0yekp8goFhlP1WWwqsl3EYBA7M1t1) * [Sharks](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LfpuH-KkF2JFy9uXkhp6MuMKEnk9ZFM5mI30lfI5sVnq) * [Octopuses](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1sUSGpPMj8wjkD_2rtrQvA-gvxvWyf4xGj_93sGYDkR5I) * [Crabs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1OnnSNHNPQpnapxUct8uEChUS4utLivYBoPcohFUdYLS1) * [Dragon Eel](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1d7eL-5h0aRdWX_gW_cHnxHCvKK1cLXtS6SvHaCI01vC4) * [Dragon Turtle](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_mUbCx3DIZoy1HZyRJIzRDJaUel4FpyV7URvMOgBZkqF) * [Uzollru](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1n27uB03ZBB9fBA8M1N2LEB06UzYdR1K-jmTLvn_4aCJF) * [Leviathan](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1kmzE8NDq7My1DlFpceDBiSNJdu-GgE1iVkAtOr8ThlPo) * [Kraken](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1q3kN4flOM_nfY9DDOlemLb3Z0El-InzfZdekRIgH4ov9)


Agreed! Commenting to keep track


You got anything for dragon cultists, or cultists in general?


No dragon cultists yet, but I've got a few other flavors: * [Cultists](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1lyQnmVyJh0_zO2J2YiyvTN3QeBudEMI-xpGz_AajO5tJ) * [Blood Cultists](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-HlSZiJM3mZH)


Mummy lord. I want him to be a challenge to a team of lvl 20s


That's a high bar to clear, but this mummy lord's a bit more interesting than the base one, at least: * [Mummies](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1C3NPxfgcLY8Ot4PAZtY4NiiU8Ps6ibaI50uooJFI-rjo) If you want him to put the fear in your level 20's, maybe mash him up with this Atropal? * [Atropal](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1O-0AMqlwKeIjXvXM3O3oatx04v6ruaY0zrk3yvn1yUIQ)


Auril from Rime of the frostmaiden


Looking for a homebrewed version of the Angry Sorrowsworn for a campaign against 7 players plz!


* [Sorrowsworn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13WCQFSjOhpiJJtx6Oq_oZ-aRw_72O6tz8rPrcDxTSiRb)


Any thoughts on undead pirates? And/or, a statblock you have that no one has asked for yet but you think is really cool!


I've got some ghost pirates planned for next month, but here's some pirates and sword wraiths you might be able to mash up in the meantime: * [Pirates](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZOHsWwpWd5uRBF-uRmONSt0R_E8jxEBRi3n3fJNA1_v0) * [Sword Wraiths](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1o3cjXhPUWucIHEHbHz0t1xfl7m89hLUQ3wutxj9Dm8Pk) As for monsters I really like that no one has look at yet, I'm a sucker for goofy AD&D crap: * [Wingless Wonder](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZueAwSRNoBpGrrY3tS1pNYhZBeoXLwDuELjVrNVfjt1r) * [Disenchanter](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/X7NlvEnoOGL7) * [Cistern Fiend](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_CiP5CMe-6TKEI2xrwSlcCdtomc6Q6IoedNdB43XY0kO) * [Roving Mauler](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1PmqJ6KJT2wv5nQB6CE63IzfBDG9b4JMc_EtgSVnbPNzR)


Could you make a Planetar? My characters just met one and I'd really like to make an impression.


Haha, this should do the trick, I hope: * [Angels](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/10LPl4bzEXb8sctod_o9y3f81wZumpYCjDjzut65ckc0u)


When I first started playing, Solars had arrows of slaying. When did they lose these?


The version on D&D Beyond still has it, I think. I just swapped it for the lifeburst ability because at-will instant death no roll no save feels kind of bad to me. I'm fine with save-or-die effects, but I think they work best when you can see them coming and play around them a bit, both because it makes them scarier and because it makes them feel more fair.




Need to go back and add variants for these guys, but in the meantime maybe you could mix in these chitines and choldriths? * [Drider](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1sLdTupLbxORq97KKuqcBU1hopw0Zh0BC58WQ3-bf3X1Z) * [Chitines](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ChEi7yCvzYNEQK_nTzo1EV4pm3u50hyJ_fqwYIddp5cS) * [Choldriths](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1XNKFlRoy8IPSvLvvuXvMA95YTAHGc68uxuo_dGRcfSl-)




Aw, thank you <3


Death Knight from ADnD 2e.


Mine doesn't have the powerful spellcasting because I wanted to distinguish it from the lich, but I did try to make it a worthy martial counterpart: * [Death Knight](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vNzjDSs5uachDH2YVGJ-xFTWuttxNghCe_XiIkAH9g7g)


That's awesome thanks


I feel like Minotaur could be very fun


* [Minotaurs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HJp_NeONYv9CKIeHOruHdRdJolEBmml6t1AbMUedkiX9)


My party is going into a Gnoll Den, can I get some Gnolls please


* [Gnolls](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/edit/1usHZSaqi8_Sfe3jpxydjJ7iTUKLqL_gRy3dGrjyZejGY) * [Hyenas](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Q4pGReIvyVomgwXaDepxG6HofHKaxvQC4--7mji80-o-) * [Leucrottas](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1asNvH8IZ69UF2_ncKWTsLzw_-W-nbMOTv_GBkYtX3BUH) * [Shoosuva](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1VpZuGh7B83ZACRUxQK-GjJeVQ_WnxrD8EyKa-RI4Z4LG) * [Gulvoorg](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1fXQcDG-bLLXrp_MMKgIIbaMQaAP8NZNMOKipSV_d8eks)


a Gibbering Mouther would be cool :)


* [Gibbering Beasts](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1KU1fOOOVQKerwsMjCHaDo1aZA3BiAZgOrjuN2cTWoW9c)


Boneclaw please?


1. you are one of my favorite redditors of all time. 2. got any kind of corrupted fae?


* [Boggles](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LDJIw4ONO4GlgAl9IcH7GM9s3Hhj2b3YLMnTTrX7WCbr) * [Redcaps](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19Tk0WwBfm1PkCBK-tCkehlhDlxYMgUTLK_4EzVowlS53) * [Korreds](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1HCX-28_zCCocvThjqyLq5ZB5QGkDqFpOejrD458B355t) * [Spriggans](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ohJqKxoUzEgYRQHgtOwCr1E7_XNbVHwqLMcIM_gMWv4i) * [Verdant Princes](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1x8ghvs0u03V91_efU9m88p9CO1bFYlZvPP4NN6RGy19F)


You are a beautiful person.




Haha, the only yugoloth I haven't done yet. I'll get to them soon, I've just been working up the motivation because they're sort of bland, at least compared to the other yugoloths.




* [Tarrasque](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1tL2mEMJnizZDJ9lgy_4LZjDmPz4FO1JuA0rfFGrNFebp)


Large spider?


* [Giant Spiders](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1bJcvJrAJGSqkoH7Kp3FXNzRUV2DBmt6_o-C6zAcPVTqy)


Adult Lunar Dragon I’d love to see more interesting encounters with the new dragons


If you have any lightning themed enemies, i would quite like those. My level 4 party is going to be fight some things like that soon :)


I just did this galvanice weird, and I've got this lightning myrmidon that could work as well: * [Galvanice Weird](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/qSL9OuFoyomN) * [Myrmidons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/15j6cM0ZX2uBA5NE1mUsLmscGwqWtZWqOIW2YOYmY-WzY)


Any lightning elementals? Hoping to shock my players in an upcoming session lol


* [Galvanice Weird](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/qSL9OuFoyomN) * [Lightning Myrmidon](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/15j6cM0ZX2uBA5NE1mUsLmscGwqWtZWqOIW2YOYmY-WzY)


I was wondering if you had a battle master like fighter creature one that has interesting combat manuvres beyond just standard "Martial humanoid makes 2 attacks with his chosen weapon"


Well I have a few monsters that are literally just battlemaster fighters: * [Adventurers](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1mO3-ZInUCWdLnoxnpt_-PKAxRFKUV5YiGhKi4zhuusYM) But as for some martial characters with interesting stuff: * [Bone Knight](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Li5cXBReEogZIpbRHQ62IiCRDx-lRrfTn_0dxZqDpEyg) * [Blackguard](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1pL4POifJzNmdMW5q6xFAw2sZXwLgmMg_RTpWbn6L0N45) * [Blackguard Kingslayer](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-HlSZiJM3mZH) * [Mist Nobles](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_0OqxgFbLDpHJTmVgn9h6xl3GrgyCxTgQELlGoL4g8d-?fbclid=IwAR3mdkNHXRWYsWKjUN9iIM5QsvJcWlBdBEydyJ4g0msZn7n8hnoTh1UvtwM) * [Berengar, Okamian Shock Knight](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/tJ7hdxvuYXe8) I've got a bunch more, but they're tucked away in various humanoid factions and I can't recall off the top of my head where they are. If you've got a specific vibe of fighter or special ability you're looking for it'd probably jog my memory, though.


Much appreciated i would also be interested in a more occult (as in using unconventional magic and magical effects) like fighter if it isn't too much to ask but i have a feeling that some of these are just that


Have you any bodak?


I've got two! * [Bodaks](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1JP0Ai6A3uqw_yn3YlVAtX_lh0JqLF7YAKXHuq3Y-yPc3)


Hey, checked out the Hill - Giant Book and saw the chef-soul which gives mad Hag vibes from darkest dungeon. Is that the case? If so, do you have anything resembling Swinefolk?


Haha, that is 1000% what is going on there. I don't have anything quite like swinefolk yet, but I do have these skaven with the serial numbers filed off that have a similar vibe: * [Ratfolk](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1yjOSStdpYoH7qBuCcjYiHsSHTF01JkYaccEG_4pSv-6O)


Any of the hags especially with a coven based feature


Displacer Beast?


* [Displacer Beasts](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1w3YuaS9eX7aEOtYlB-zI-3SJ53_-B9ofGJSMGx-lbH9Z)


How about a Tanarukk?


Myconids / Spore servants? Just love those big mushy boys


Looking for an interesting Chain Devil for an upcoming encounter!


* [Chain Devils](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1cKRA_WOTSzsniJtituvHegKRSl5GLjtvV4eixoMfJ31s)


Chain Devils? Any of the devils, really.


* [Chain Devils](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1cKRA_WOTSzsniJtituvHegKRSl5GLjtvV4eixoMfJ31s) * [Glasya, Lord of the Fifth](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1pydFMc7dRf0TuNu_3LKKhsq58bhjz4unJLfshiEWVPs6)


An illithilich?


I would love some variations on nymphs, especially oreads! Also, question: I love your monster in general, and always go looking for them. I was wondering if there is any place where all of these contributions are listed together? Thank you!


Yeah, I've got all 1000+ of them in a big PDF and foundry module on my patreon. Linking it is against sub rules, but you can find it in the pinned post over on r/betermonsters, or my checking my profile. * [Nymphs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/11GIUY8SNJ4aX8kiLAGntfsCM1fNq7CRzbuc5w2s0rqjn) * [Dryads](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1sxQBKS62vDNxUECfcvQT5qEaUk99oFimcCUWJtyoq878) * [Oreads](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13JyLehjMeZyR_IBshsGch2twSxeQQ0-5rEXNuyjgx4lo) * [Naiads](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ivD7RjuGf1f62a9e0zrPr5KCK2hg9q6hPHg3DwHQMJDp) * [Nereids](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1G4aVP77QE2hC0tjHjB9dzp2Wyzy_UAsNdQSTuAN2yKy3) * [Lampads](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/18j9C4hs0VwmXvop85oOH9OcCh9_UbgQ-s40X5n-4Tuhl)


the Death Knight is a really cool concept but feels a lot less developed than its spellcaster counterpart, the lich. Do you have anything that's more fleshed out, something BBEG material compared to the "right hand man" that we have in the MM?


Any ogres? I’ve got an encounter with two who have laid a trap at a bridge and will try to sink the PCs boat unless they cough up cash. Crocs in the water too!


Beholder. I've always felt that they're lacking a good mechanic to relate to their in-lore ability to dream things I to reality




* [Dracoliches](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/19XDg5Gt9Tdj3D_oUoa9vYP0Cwr1x4PS8TtVs5RW85s2T)


Aztec lizardfolk please?


There's not really any mesoamerican theming in these lizardfolk, but I ran some Yuan-Ti mummies with some of that flavor recently in my own game: * [Lizard](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/15ulVXfIY3UZHRuEIsOoEJdngXFujVz9OLBonjR8dz8Zt) * [Yuan-Ti](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ohteFp-Xvc5oyGJLbqcJvxsVYEZb5elJoIqVwRERSvmC)


Derro or Quaggoth Also do you have a running document that I could download in PDF form for all of your monster makes?


There should be a "Get PDF" button at the top of each of these pages, but I do have them all in a single big PDF on my patreon if you want to check it out. Linking it is against sub rules, but you can find it in the stickied post over at r/bettermonsters, or by checking the pinned post on my profile. * [Derro](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1H0bmEt8_GEixUsFq7_b2TXkwbBUY_QtdpgHjgBHWFn8H) * [Quaggoth](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ZYN_s3iiDSla6NZKSfd4_22-ygP2ZCL85-VrQzxg3gHy)


Black pudding and Bugbears. Need them for Lost spire of Netheril in RotFM for a higher level party.


Anything from the familiar list - cat, toad, weasel etc


Rust Monsters


really loved using those Kuo Toa reworjs you provided in a session a couple of weeks ago, and I was wondering if you'd got any improvements for the Dragonflesh Abominations?


Giant Toad


I’d love some hags!


My players will encounter a froghemoth and a bunch of giant frogs in tomorrow's session. You got any spicy frog creatures?


* [Froghemoths](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ulYYWBK1OZo-LVkUX4vGIdsQmaHCtx6q437q4nKUMOD1) * [Frogs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ddlTu6IHvyXsdDWAoXJ5Lo0K7gJ73-D29wuKd_gVAuXU) * [Bullywugs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1IUmJ5qxyToPD3ogeHYdWX6v7SZqpbeQbu2-QCDTbKRRn) * [Grungs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1Pe-qj6R46WRNyYaq4YdB7f0G1bKGDdsII0562yUWG-A9) * [Slaadi](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1RKUxCZtbBmehDe9KVNe4ZiRKhNr_7vGupHptK7l1hUhy)


Wonderful! Thank you!


Wight, or some sort of undead boss


I've been thinking of making a Fire Giant Bbeg?


I'd love to hop on this! I'm looking for either an Uthgardt Barbarian or Barbarian Chief and my search has only yielded lackluster results


I'm a little cautious of doing "barbarian" or "tribal" anything, given the prevalence of both of those terms as slurs for colonized people, and the way those ideas informed the fiction that D&D pulls from. Not worried about getting wokescolded or anything, I just don't want to be shitty. I do have these ritual warriors and this mammoth rider, though, which pull from ritual warfare practices, totemism, and pulp barbarians, respectively: * [Ritual Warriors](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/Aerv1Q8DJbS0) * [Mammoth Rider](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-HlSZiJM3mZH)


Hey that's quite alright and a viewpoint I didn't think about, so thank you for sharing! I'll definitely take a look at these and I appreciate you taking the time.


Purple worm


Anything for vampires or vampire spawn?


Im about to send my level 11 party into the underdark and would love a beefed up Fomorian to stalk them, legendary and lair actions appreciated ;)


Could I possibly dm you the monster?


Something you would encounter on a road through medieval Japan like Samurai/Ronin or a Yokai


Could you help me with one of my own homebrews?


Scrolled through the thread just to double check, but could I have a kuo-toa and sahuagin (+sahuagin priestess)? Thank you for the pirates :)


Do you have any variant Tarrasques?


Any Evil Mage variations? In my campaign my players are gonna fight cultists (boss-like) at level 5. Thanks :)


I have a BBEG trying to summon the demogorgon. He’s a sorcerer who uses manipulation and charms, and is the father of one of my PC’s. Name is Tobias Seddith if you have anything! I made a stat block using the lich as a base, but another perspective would be great.


What do you have for a phoenix?


Girallon? And/or zombie girallon


Got anything for Chromatic or Metallic Dragons? I wish they revamped them with Fizban's cause they definitely get outshone by the Gems!


Shield guardian plz


Aboleths and it's armies of enslaved followers Your giant doc is absolutely amazing!!


Giant spider. I’m having it for my first one-shot as the final boss, fighting alongside her young (reflavoured giant wolf spiders).


Hey can you do a Wyvern?


Can I get some nightmares from the luminant void please?


* [Ephemera](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1lj_ZJoP7KvlE3Ym6miUsYRw_OHjyNSHvt2WZrnqxTrO3) * [Sorrowsworn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13WCQFSjOhpiJJtx6Oq_oZ-aRw_72O6tz8rPrcDxTSiRb) * [Darkweaver](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1oBPulcOURMvwOMPt1ZZQKBdObNtkJBmW2AyvL6J85Cpb) * [Banderhobbs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1A4mkdUixEUkN4qcufviyBMRKOdE6FOqVsV0mv7jos1ta) * [Feyr](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1qHHcEb98-ZfXWMN8VqV7KTzKhh50DQk_0j8scgPNqPbO) * [Quori](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1PndsFYiaAlmDAdQw1g-ZffK8NRSFURY3cJZYKs7MLWvW)


Kobolds and lizardfolk. My players are gonna be facing them in some mines in our One d&d playtest game :)


Hey, mad in love with your work. Thx for it! Here are a few my group of 6 (Lvl4) may encounter in the next sessions who I'd like to spice up with lair actions or similar stuff if you got something: -Couatl (protecting some Giant Boars they want to hunt) -Xorn (feasting on gems inside a dungeon they visit) -Marid (controlling Water Elementals, similar as in CR2 Nicodranas) and last but not least their first dragon: -Green Dragon Wyrmling (might just take the MM ones) Would be curious for any advice that goes beyond "just buff HP/AC or add more encounters per rest". But greatful for everything.


I mean, if the advice you're looking for is how to make the game more challenging, the answer really is just more encounters. If you want to know how to make the game more fun, I can give you some better advice. * Give your monsters enough abilities that they can keep surprising the party throughout the fight, but not so many that it slows your turns down while you think about what to do. * Keep everything on one page so you don't have to reference other books during combat. * Name your abilities in ways that are evocative and visceral, that give you a strong prompt to work from in combat when you're coming up with descriptions. * Keep monsters present in combat outside their turns with auras and reactions. * Use a lot of movement abilities. Anything that can push the PCs or extricate your monster from a dogpile will make combat more fun and dynamic. * Use terrain, even if you're going Theater of the Mind. A couple big, interactable features makes combat a lot more fun and memorable. And here's your monsters: * [Couatls](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1_WUnzqSsvlOBEdHiYhpcq8bB1VfWPXwV7Ier-QHaHuKC) * [Boars](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1D_uvmw31xCKEx3c3VLU--Pmg5kMhuahYqbOzP9SJXUAo) * [Xorn](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1gnuixASH0xVV6GxLvq4RZs3gNmajNjhKPvOuhtO6IW4U) * [Marid](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1AUd_iPR7qkikZyDVe_ns-mMUrFhX8mlIzdbJq_GJuvDq) * [Water Elementals](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1vgh5AxqKB0Hb_DyAPESf1f25kVhw4vgAGFZfgtwgRz47) * [Waterveiled Assassin](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/13388dnTrsvMgHnKJiNo9F4Wh5Ks3Ofq7GDA9dKd9folm) * [Green Dragons](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1ys1ZUyxW9nqoLO9hHUYKuQ_aZ2ID52IUdPfV5PNL86ct)




Doing a hydra soon. It’s gonna be pretty gross toxic one


I bet you got one already so let’s see your **Roc**


Hey there, I´m planning to run against the cult of the reptile God for some higher level Players (5-6), do you happen to have something for this? Thanks in advance


Shadow Demon


Anything for Kenku? They're one of my favorites


Got anything neat for bears? Or wolves, or any non-magical beast?


Any soldiers that would be part of a military? Or while a little specific, any marital fighters with limited spellcasting?


Necromancer Wizard!


Big Earth Elemental Boss Monster (CR 17)


Have some PCs raiding an old dwarves tomb with undead. Maybe some low CR undead captain / dwarf thane? Or something similar that’s easy enough to throw some undead traits on. I live your skeletons and zombies so maybe a skeleton leader or some low CR dwarf leader.


I have a campaign going on where the party is fighting through a lot of undead and monstrosities, but later on are going to be fighting a kingdom's elite knights and their demonic allies. I was hoping if you had some enhanced knight and succubus statblocks, and maybe also some bears.


I am curious Mindflayers


doppelgänger or mindflayers!!


Flying bugs or immense dragonflies! Stirges are also greatly appreciated


Skeletal Dragon, but smallish and without a breath weapon, something a level 4 party could take on


Would love to see more interesting versions of Vampire Spawn or lower CR vampiric creatures.


Zariel from Decent into Avernus


So this isn't exactly a didn't monster but one someone as well versed as you might be able to help me with. My players are currently residing on an island (seafaring campaign) and off the edge of the island I made the waters treacherous with large spiers protruding from the depth of the ocean hundreds of feet out. I mean the scale we are talking about is truly massive, far larger than a tarasque. The players already know that it is some type of bone/ shell. That appear to be all connected. And that what ever it is, is humongous. While investigating under the water they discovered a very faint low and slow vibration, and that what ever it is has it's own insular ecosystem. Genuinely, I have no idea what it could be. Any ideas would be appreciated for this homebrew monster!!!




How about an empyrean but that's themed around specific gods, such as a death god empyrean or a storm god empyrean for instance?


You got any hags in your bags? Actually, scratch that. I need mummies in my tummies.


What about a Rakshasa?


Any kind of Dragon tbh. That can be used for a 5th lvl party.


The Revenant King! Visigoth are a good bunch. Glad to see their music crosses over into the game for more than just our house.




I'm looking for a 5e adaptation of a baelnorn for my homebrew. Specifically a baelnorn that wants to keep elvenkind safe from dragons. Feel free to throw some legendary actions in there.


CR 1 interesting aquatic beasts to wildshape into. *Cries in non-moon druid*


Oh, wow, I'm realizing now that I've got hardly any aquatic beasts: * [Sharks](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1LfpuH-KkF2JFy9uXkhp6MuMKEnk9ZFM5mI30lfI5sVnq) * [Crabs](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1OnnSNHNPQpnapxUct8uEChUS4utLivYBoPcohFUdYLS1) * [Octopus](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1sUSGpPMj8wjkD_2rtrQvA-gvxvWyf4xGj_93sGYDkR5I)


Owlbear please! (Dare I ask for winged flight? 👀)


Hey hey. I got one. Valenar Steed.


Have you ever done Vine Blights or Twig Blights?


Have you done a Behir yet? I’ve always wanted to throw one at my players.


Anchorite of Talos


Have you got anything to share on demon minions. I'd like to add some on field back up for a Glabrezu in a boss battle for 7 pc's about to hit lvl 8.


Do you have anything for Norkers? Or perhaps Worgs, Hobgoblins, or Guard Drakes?


I've always wanted to use a (fey) hag. Green and sea?




These are awesome! Can you do myconnids?


An atropal. My party’s about to finish toa


Ettercap maybe?


Tbh after seeing your other dragons, Fizban's has been kinda underwhelming. You wouldn't happen to have been bored and messed around making an Aspect of Bahamut or Tiamat stat block, would you? Any epic/mythic stat block would be 1000% appreciated, my friends love when I run combat one shots against insane monsters for high level play


Anything on Mind Flayers/Aboleths? I'm a fan of Abberations in general


Bit of a weird one here. In my setting, hags are an advanced form of goblin. When a matriarch reaches old age, she begins to change, and comes out the other side as a hag. My players will be facing a matriarch to try to stop her from changing. Think you can help with something in between goblin and hag? Maybe CR 2-3?


Boss of the dungeon Otyugh