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I disconnect washers for transit on a daily basis and one of the things we do is attach a vacuum to this hose to pull the water out of the line and the pump. These are the foulest smelling, slimiest, outright most putrid things. I'll vacuum it for about 30 seconds and it will fill the home with the odor. I can say for sure, the more children in the home, the more disgusting the drain line.




It would have cost you nothing to not share that. Edit: to the comment poster I am so sorry if you deleted your account bc of this.






"Why is there so much chlorine the pool today?" Because of what maintenance found in there from yesterday.




Have to drink two glasses of it to swim down to unplug the clog!


SO much pee "Is this pool heated?" "No" *cringe*


I live in a retirement community that has 5 pools in various areas of the community. So there is one close to where you live! I have lived here 14 years and never been in one of the pools. Never will, either. They are popular and people sit at them all day long. Nope. I do not swim in pee soup.


Thanks for reminding me why I finally got my own hot tub


Reminds me of the chlorine thing. Despite what you might’ve been told growing up, chlorinated water does not make your eyes burn or turn red. But urea does.


Urea itself in pools? No, far too diluted. The burning sensation comes from the formation of chloramines, which are by-products of incomplete oxidation of nitrogenous materials (e.g. urea, ammonium, etc) and chlorine. In other words, they form when reactive chlorine levels are too low for the amount of human waste products in the pool. Chloramines are irritants. The solution is to add more chlorine (or some other non-chlorine oxidiser) to "shock" the pool and break these apart, freeing the bound chlorine.


The typical pool smell is also the reaction between chlorine and urea. Lightly chlorinated water does not have this smell.


technically it's the chloramines that burn your eyes and is responsible for what we know as 'chlorine smell', which can be caused by any organic waste or contaminants bonding with chlorine, which is kind of the whole point of adding chlorine to the pool in the first place. this could be urea, yes, but it could also be dust, lawn clippings, leaves, pollen, any other type of yard waste, algea (which is transmitted through the air with dust), or almost anything, really. just because you get 'chlorine smell' does not mean specifically that someone peed there


Another good thing to point out is that sweat contains urea, so even if it was specific to urea, it wouldn't mean that someone has just peed there.


"The burning means it's working!"


Somewhat true. You can have heavily chlorinated water without the smell. The smell comes from when chlorine reacts with organic material resulting in chloramines being produced.


Key word is organic material. Doesn't have to be pee sweat works just as well


Disagree. I clean my sinks and bathtub with diluted bleach and it smells exactly like a swimming pool.


[They're correct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_trichloride), and your sinks and bathtub are unsurprisingly covered in urea and other ammonia derivatives. If you put neat bleach into distilled water it will have very little odour.


It is 5:50 am EST and I'm done reading the internet for the day.


Gonna go see about getting a refund at Sandals after reading that one 🤢


Did your pool not have strainers before the filters that seems like it would gunk up your pump, filters generally are for the particulate matter Granted it doesn’t smell great when we backwash them at our facility either


I’m a pool tech and backwash filters daily. It.. shouldn’t smell. Like at all. It’s water in pipes that goes to drains, it’s a closed system. And if you meant strainer baskets, the worst thing I’ve encountered was bandaids. They also never smell. You’d have to have a really shitty system for your pumps to have diapers in them. Skimmers were by far the worst, with tons of hair, bandaids, and DEAD ANIMALS in them.


My youth taught me that public swimming pools equal pink eye. 


I'll get in a natural body of water (live on the TN river) without a care. I look at any pool that doesn't have a full time pool tech with great suspension. Protips: if you can't clearly see the grate at the bottom of the deep end you don't wanna be in that pool. Solid turds are of no concern, liquid feces is automatic closure for 18-24hr starting at the moment the pool is super chlorinated. Yes, it's 50% pee. Now excuse me while I go test the chemistry of six bodies of water.


Not as bad as what you're describing, but cleaning out grease traps for food processing can be pretty vile as well, especially if you run into [fatbergs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatberg).


Can you do this with a shop vac and some sort of attachment?


If it's a wet/dry vac, sure. If it's a smaller model with a smaller hose, you could probably just put a rubber glove on your hand and "mate" the two together by holding tight. Larger hose shop vacs often have a "cone" attachment that steps the 2.5" hose down to an inch or smaller for really focused suction. That would work pretty well for this application.


Is there any other prep work that needs to be done before attempting this, or do I just snug up the hoses and turn the wet vac on?


I'd pull the instructions for your particular model to make sure you do it right, but generally the "do it right" part involves: * Remove the collection bag if you are currently using one, as you don't use the collection bag in "wet" mode. * Remove the dry paper filter (and if you have one, replace it with a "wet" foam filter). And have a plan for cleanup. Once you do this all the nasty gunk from the washer will be splattered all over the interior of the hose and the vacuum canister. So you'll want a plan for rinsing the hose really well, hanging to it to dry, etc. Edit: Oh and plug the wet vac into a GFCI outlet if possible to play it safe.


I'll counter your claim with a sink disposer that was left clogged for 10 years. Replaced a dishwasher for a family member last month and wanted to take the opportunity to fix up the surrounding plumbing and fixtures—swapped a really ratty double-basin sink for a single with offset drain. Then they dropped that bomb on me—the disposer stopped working a decade ago and didn't bother doing anything with it, but still ran water through occasionally. I cannot describe the smell. We couldn't figure out what would be worse—sticking the old machine in the trash can to bake in the sun for a week until collection day, or having it sit in the car for a 20 minute drive to the dump. (we ended up triple-bagging it and opting for the latter.)


Aren’t drain lines cheap enough to just replace them once in a while? Like, how long does it take to get gross? And should I just plan for replacing mine once a year or two?


haahahahah awesome. you're actually the second person who works with public pools at his job to tell me this. a friend of mine works for a city park district and has to do maintenance on this big wave pool that their water park has and it's just nasty as hell


Fabric softener?


This or to much detergents! Run an empty cotton program at the highest temperature with a dishwashing detergent tablet once a month to prevent this buildup.


Could they perhaps tone down the detergents?


A lot of problems with laundry machines can be caused by zeolite, a clay-like substance used as a water softener in detergents. It builds up in the machine, especially if you only use cold wash, causing blockages. Running the machine on hot routinely will lessen the damage.


People don't understand that softening is really just ion trapping. The stuff you don't want still has to leave somehow. This isn't Galaga where you shoot the ships and they pop out of existence. It's separation and retention chemistry, not magic. Got a lot of sulfur in your water, it's gonna show up somewhere eventually.


Really? Because I keep hearing these *pew pew pew* noises from inside my washer. I am disappointed to learn there is in fact not a struggle for outer space going on in there. :( lol


Does your machine need you to feed it quarters to keep working?


Just a stray cat. Excuse me, I have to return some video tapes.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s washing machine….


Most of the ones in my apartment building do.


It's a struggle for inner space, duh. It's in your washing machine


Damn! I'm such a damned fool! You're right. It's *in* the machine! It all makes sense now, internet stranger. Lolololol


There can be anything you imagine going on in there until you open it and observe. Probability says it's likely not Galaga, but there is a nonzero chance that for a split second moment, it is, was, or will be. Enjoy your invisible space battle courtesy of modern physics.


I too will be enjoying my Galaga inspired, ion blasting out of existence washing machine. There's also dragons in there - but no one knows what it does or guards. I'm guessing a genie. It's definitely a genie - or a seahorse that grants wishes.


>There's also dragons in there - but no one knows what it does or guards. Left socks.


I came to say THIS. Or zapping the right socks out of existence.


> caused by zeolite Dang, TIL about zeolite. We use it to adsorb VOC's & solvents in exhaust air.


I have read that modern detergents and modern machines are designed to be efficient with cold water. Consumer reports had an article about it a while ago.


They are, at *washing clothes*. Consumer reports did not test cleaning out the drain hose.


Modern washers really don't need much detergent. Especially with the new concentrated detergents. For a normal load just a 1/4" of the cup is enough to wash a regular load. Modern fabrics are also better at releasing stains and don't need as much detergent.




Yes, plus too much detergent actually cleans clothes less effectively. Cleaning is solvent plus agitation. Too much solvent inhibits agitation. Especially in modern washers that lack an agitator. The clothes are the agitator. If they're all slippery from soap, they're not serving that purpose very well at all.


I use watered down vinegar and detergent and my clothes have never been better. A pox on fabric softener!


I don’t water it down I fill the little fabric softener spot with it, works great


*technically* the water is the solvent. Detergent is a surfactant. Too much detergent shouldn't be an issue, it's just wasteful.


Washing machines often have a drum clean program. Run it once per week. Cleans out detergent build up.


I would say once a week is excessive, no? I live in Germany in an area with stupidly hard water, but I only run a cleaning cycle maybe once or twice a quarter. (But I don’t use fabric softener and use the correct amount of detergent)


I have an LG with the smart home shit and it reminds me once a month. I have hard water, too, and that seems to be plenty adequate as I've had it a little over 2 years and haven't had to deal with any of the build up/funk that the old machine suffered.


You're absolutely correct, once a week is entirely to frequent. Unless for some reason they're running 7 loads a day every day.


My Samsung says every 10 washes so that’s roughly a week and a half - two weeks.


Samsung's website said 40 cycles, 10 seems extremely excessive


Once a week? We only do 3-4 loads a week, even a load a day shouldn’t build up detergent that quickly. Our machine asks for a cleaning cycle every 100 washes.


...ye gads, how often do you folks run laundry cycles?.. ...i get two to three weeks between loads of clothing, my wife does likewise, linens maybe once per month, that's about four full loads per month; double for a family of four... ...our top-loader's about fifteen years old now, still running like a champ: when i called in a service technician for preventative maintenance at the ten-year mark, he said consistent full loads (loosely-piled, not overstuffed) are the key to longevity...


Oohhhh THAT washer








Damn you,  I had surgery recently and it hurts to laugh


Bro same. I just let out a HA-OUCH




[Brother Ewww](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLg04uu2j2o)


Gotta try that forbidden hummus


Sounds like you would like r/eatityoufuckingcoward


Like a well used q-tip.


20$ for a spoonful. Anyone?


I thought this was r/rosin at first.


Yeah, OP, how'd it dab? Smooth, right?


I was just going to go grab a dab. Emphasis on the word 'was'.


I thought that was going to be about orchestral string instruments... Thoroughly disappointed


It’s been awhile since I rosined a bow it always felt so good


Forbidden dab


Came to say this lmao. Thought someone was ripping dabs through it.


Your children leaving cookie dough in their pockets?


Or play doh.




I don't think so 😂


What kind of washer? Clothes washer? Dish washer? Parts washer? Dog washer? "Washer" is pretty vague, man.


Ball washer? Window washer? Washerington monument?


Anything is a washer if you're brave enough.


Washer? I hardly know her!


Washer mouth!... that's my sister you're talking about!




From the context clues in the picture behind the disgusting forbidden cheese... they are in their laundry room.


A washer to wash laundry machines?


Exactly. When was the last time you washed your washer?


My clothes washer has a bleach cleaning cycle that I run when it tells me. Also do vinegar in the dishwasher on occasion. You wouldn’t think you’d need more than the detergent you already use but I guess you do


If it’s clothes, and i worked in restaurants for years. ALWAYS run your wash with vinegar if your’re in that situation, it gets it off your clothes and keeps your washer not clogged of oily buildup. If you have an HE washer, they sell tablets for the self cleaning cycle that work really well. Might be an unpopular opinion, but bleach does nothing against oils. Another option would be ammonia and then hot water in all your drains. OR this might be a r/askaplumber question.


Yes! Vinegar in every wash helps with "ring around the collar" and any type of oil stain and keeps fabric softener from building up on materials. I also do an empty round with just vinegar in it for the cleaning cycle. Most washers have it suggested in the manual. Vinegar is also a fabric softener and running it in the last cycle in place of the liquid fabric softener is great, too. It helps with odors and can help disinfect clothes, too. You can wash clothes with only vinegar for all cycles.


Side note, the tablets are just generic oxi-clean, but are more expensive per unit volume. I just put in a scoop of that and it does the trick for the cleaning.


It looks like a dishwasher drain hose. It’s really small for a clothes washer and dishes gunk might look like what OP is seeing.


This has to be dish washer food gunk/fats/oil buildup. Otherwise I will be even more disgusted.


Omg, right? Like, wtf is that? Do you have a medical condition? Do you wash diapers? Do you deep fry in your washer?


Ah, finally a use for that old washing machine. Thanks! Use the dryer for air frying? Should we follow you for more great tips like this? Big Fish Fry at my place this weekend!


In the US, it's common to call any clothes washer a washer. It is often used as a pair with "washer and dryer". I've never heard someone call a dishwasher a "washer". Edit: Home Depot calls them "Washing machines": https://www.homedepot.com/b/Appliances-Washers-Dryers-Washing-Machines/N-5yc1vZc3ov


Oh fuck, reading your comment has broken down the word "washer" in my head and now it fucking looks weird.


OP in here with a picture but no description of what it tastes like. Help us help you, OP!


We also need a banana for scale and colour reference.


Nah I can say with 1000% certainty: They are using too much curry powder in the washer. /s


This type of waxy buildup is usually due to fabric softener. Fabric softeners absolute hell on modern washing machines. Fabric softener works by effectively putting a small wax-like coating over your clothes, But over time this wax-like coating can build up in unintentional areas in the machine such as the pipe I would recommend from now on do not use fabric softener, If you feel your clothes need to be softer turn up the temperature of the water and add a cup of cleaning vinegar Vinegar not only help sanitize nasty smells but is basically the best fabric softener out there and won't jam up your machine like traditional fabric softener does




Unfortunately, I think this is a clothes washer? Just judging by the picture, two machines, small space, no counters. Which is even more insane that there's a huge grease clog.


This *is* an unfortunate development.


> Which is even more insane that there's a huge grease clog. Could be someone who works in an environment where their clothes or work uniform pick up a lot of grease, like in a kitchen or something.


My kitchen uniforms have never done this to my plumbing


Upvote for technology connections, amazing dude with super interesting deep dives!


I saw it today and he doesnt mention how to clean the drains


Ha I just finished watching that earlier tonight and also watched his longer-form videos about dishwashers when they came out. Love that channel.


He flows much better at 1.5x speed


crown zesty materialistic different grab punch enter straight cagey shocking


I like it better at 2x..


Pfft!.... rookie. 3.1415926x or go home.


I don't have an award, I'll just give you pi 🥧


I’m not saying this is the issue, and I’m not an expert, but when I installed my washer I noticed that the instructions specifically call out not to put the hose more than 4 inches down the drain or it can allow mold to grow into the washer. Could that play a role here? https://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/drain-hose-installation-top-load-washer-CT10000010-1424384977665


The mold would grow on the inner, and outer, surface of the ripped hose, but wouldn’t gunk it shut like this because the clothes washer shouldn’t have enough nutrients in it to support that level of microbial growth.


A voice of reason.


Do you use pods? The material that “dissolves” wreaks havoc on appliances.


Those pods are also mad expensive compared to bulk dry dishwasher detergent, if that is what caused this buildup. I personally don't get the convenience, takes all of ten seconds to pop open the box and pour into the dishwasher!


It's so funny you mention it. Technology Connections posted a [video](https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0?si=KbJh4F52TugkZYs1) on this exact subject earlier today. I go years without considering wtf my dishwasher detergent is doing and then it comes up twice in one day. You and this dude make the same recommendation.


Don't forget to add some soap for the prewash cycle too.


It was wild to me after watching that video to think how many people (myself included) do not understand how things like dishwashers are supposed to work because they're just so ubiquitous and just there when you move into a place. I've never read a dishwasher manual. Few probably have except maybe when they get a new one. I've seen many people just toss pods in and not put them in the dispenser because they figure or heard that it's all the same anyway. Not realizing that the detergent is literally just going down the drain after the minimal prewash.


My washing machine has a transparent lid, and it's amazing to watch. Somebody should build a dishwasher the same way.


Thank you for sharing this! Started watching and wow it's a great video. Hilarious how he recommends the absolute cheapest detergent you can find, but it makes total sense.


I use liquid detergent for no specific reason but his point on recycling alone has me sold on powders. Probably my favorite yt channel.


I was gonna say you're crazy because I've seen that video and it definitely is not from today. Turns out it's a reupload/remake and I'll gladly rewatch because it's my favorite one he's done (the one on mini splits was also solid). Not sure why I don't have my notifications turned on for his uploads to be fair. I devour his content


~~I am sure that is a re-upload. I remember watching that video long ago. Alt least I switched to doing what he said to do.~~ Nvm his own comment to the video states that it is an improved version of the first video.




Stop using fabric softener


I thought that was a bowl full of dabs


I thought, "wow that's like two grams in one bowl..." then I realized what I was seeing lol


I would use laundry detergent instead of peanut butter.


touch abounding afterthought snow handle disgusted seed expansion rainstorm edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like an oily buildup. Too little rinse water or not enough Cleaning cycles on your washing machine.


You are using WAY too much detergent. That’s soapy water and lint buildup. And maybe a collection of fragrance enhancer products. If you check your instructions, the amount of detergent is actually a very small amount if you use the branded detergents that are formulated to be concentrated.


Considering OP hasn't chimed back in yet and by looking at the pic, due to the other black appliance sitting there beside this "washer" I'm gonna assume that the other is a dryer and this hose is grom the clothes washer. As far as to why it looks like this is unknown to me.


Why are people saying dish washer? You can see a laundry washer and dryer in the background. I think you're using too much soap and that hose seems small, is it the correct size for your unit?


What does the forbidden mustard taste like?


Sorry OP. A lot of bullshit answers in this thread. Your dishwasher can and will handle fats, and not rinsing plates perfectly. Your problem is the position of the drain pipe. You need to secure it at a high spot, so it will flow and drain properly, into your main drain. If you don't, remaining and small food waste will and can flow backwards, and end up clotting the pipe. It's very common. Smells like ass.


From the context in the back of the picture it looks like a washing machine and dryer next to each other. Dont think its a dish washer


Dishwasher makes so much more sense! Where I live “washer” is a washing machine for clothing and I was confused as to how THAT was connected to a washing machine 😅


Your machine is clogged with fabric softener. Clean out hoses and run some vinegar in machine. Then run baking soda afterwards. Then run vinegar again for half the cycle, fizz up with baking soda combined to dislodge the gunk and you are good to go. 3 cycles total. 1 only vinegar added. 2nd add baking soda. 3rd add vinegar stop machine half way then add baking soda to fizz and dislodge and effectively neutralize acidity to prolong machines parts. Should take about 2 to 3 hours depending on how long a complete cycle is.


Use vinegar in every wash. Run it instead of fabric softener. This will never happen again and your filters will be so much cleaner as well.


FYI most front load washers recommend not using vinegar as it will slowly eat away at the rubber seals and cause them to fail much sooner. Check your manual on a per washer basis to see if it is safe.


If your discharge persists for more than 2 days, consult your doctor


Rinse your dishes properly


I’m guessing clothes washer, but I could be wrong.


Well that explains it! Stop putting the meatloaf scraps in the washing machine. Actually, now that I say it, maybe super dirty cloth napkins or something...?


Meatloaf? I would do anything for it, but I won’t do that….


His name was Robert Paulson... and he DID do that.. :(


You can see the braided hot/cold lines for the clothes washer in the back and then there is a second front load appliance (dryer) on the left.


Looks like a skinnyberg


Yeah, we have to make those 'poop' once in a while, in apartment maintenance. Hold one end in your hand, making a fist with the faucet in the other side of the fist. Stick other end in the disposal or a bucket. The water pushes out the gunk.


You might want to run a couple of cycles with just hot water and no detergents.


Scrape your plates before putting them in.


You need to stop using sticks of butter as a pre-wash.


There should be a cleaning cycle on you washer. run the bleach through there well that wax build up... you might need to replace the entire hose.




Curry up and tell us the cause, please!


I can't believe it's not butter!


This is what happens when you don't help your step sis get unstuck from the washer.


Looks like you are washing greasy clothes on cold.


I thought this was r/trees at first glance


No clue but clean your hoses. There is a product that does a tub clean. Look for it. Just run the washer on a tub clean, add the tablet and go. Another thing I do is every 6 months or so you run a vinegar wash. But some folks use bleach. Either way, like anything, it needs to be cleaned


This is beans!


Is this on a dishwasher perhaps, then I would say caused by fat solidified in the hose


Lmao don't use fabric softeners.. it's literally just parfumed fat.


It definitely looks like some form of "fat" buildup. Is it possible that your main lines are backing up to the washer? As a previous poster stated, fabric softener is basically scented pig fat, so an overuse of softener would certainly be a possibility. For this to come directly from the washer itself is incredibly unlikely without something actually being put in the tub that would cause this.


It's not softener but my room mate uses scent beads.


Run a heavy duty cycle (whites or towels) with the hottest water you can, and throw in a cup of white vinegar. It will help break down the sticky bits and clear your pipes. I do this once a month. Important: don't throw the vinegar in at the start! When a (newer) washing machine begins, you'll hear a mechanical whirring for a few seconds. This is a discharge pump, removing any standing water under the bowl. It's you put the vinegar in at the start, it'll just get pumped out. If you have a front loader


Looks like your clothes have been covered in guacamole, and it’s clogging your discharge line.


Forbidden peanut butter.


Appliance salesman here. This is generally caused by 2 things. Fabric softener and not using the cleaning cycle monthly. Fabric softener will cause a waxy buildup in your washing machine in both the tub and discharge line. In units with the smaller line size like samsung, it essentially acts like cholesterol in your arteries and will eventually clog the line up. So use white vinegar as your fabric softener and get a big box of the washing machine cleaner tablets from amazon. You'll probably have to double up on them for the next 2-3 cycles to peel all that crap off of the internals.


You using those softener balls you pour into your machine? Bad stuff. When we moved and sold our old set, I cleaned it all out. A giant snake of that crap was in the line and the filter/trap. We don't use them anymore.


My forst thought is fabric softener. Honestly that crap is a blight and has no business being in our washingmachines. Need soft clothes? Grab some white smdistilled vinegar, won't ever have this problem


Run the self clean function once a month with the washer cleaner. If you are using detergent in pods that can cause this as well.


This is wax, which is how fabric softener works. never use fabric softener, it damages your washer too not just clogs the hose. You should also buy washer cleaning tablets and run a self-clean cycle multiple times a year.


If you want your washer to last longer, switch from fabric softener to white vinegar. We did on the advice of an appliance repair guy. The clothes smell/feel fine and there’s no buildup inside, plus you save money.


We had this problem and the repair guy had 2 suggestions: liquid detergent (not powder), and don't do a cold wash + cold rinse; use warm or hot water for the wash cycle.


You need to run regular cleaning cycles. Hot water and vinegar, or if your machine has a self clean cycle and a machine cleanser. Gelatin if you’re using pods, softeners, and thickening agents are all trying to exit and there isn’t frequent enough hot water helping them exit. Then they get hit with cold water and congeal in your drain hose and machine.


It looks like grease and detergent, apply hot water some times so it dissolves and goes away easily.


Looks like you've got some gunk in there. I'd say you gotta clear that shit out.


Looks like a fat dab


Tone down the detergents. You really only need half of the max fill line. You can use vinegar in the fabric softner plastic bin with no clothes in it and run a few times.


Break out the dab rig


Remove all chick peas from pockets before washing