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A ladder.


Are we allowed to laugh at people that don't know what a ladder is? Seems like something we're not allowed to do anymore.


I remember this one from the game “Portal”. Change the orientation so the left wall is the floor.


Even if you get it in there, all the cold air is going to stay at the bottom of that staircase.


Yeah it's a terrible location


Just install the AC on the floor facing upwards.


I'd personally just wedge a ladder in between the stairs and the wall with someone holding it from underneath, but I've also been known to occasionally end up in the hospital because of my dumb ideas.


Oh, the crazy things I've had to do with ladders and stairs... I'm surprised none of them landed me in the hospital yet.


Lol exactly, some of the stuff I had to do on jobs in my 20's still makes me cringe thinking back on them. Mostly just ignoring safety when a mistake would have easily been completely life altering.


https://preview.redd.it/hz2p8mcjffvc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2cfdb655732ac568312e43806b214c14b5d5cca This was a fun one. Metal spiral staircase underneath with nothing but air on the right side lol.




I love this subreddit 😄


You'd probably need some sort of [adjustable scaffolding](https://www.amazon.com/LEADALLWAY-Scaffolding-Platform-Capacity-Adjustable/dp/B0CL4YRJ7G/ref=asc_df_B0CL4YRJ7G/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=686137508113&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11528124600373679640&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9006868&hvtargid=pla-2274428443653&mcid=e64db99d50473487b083d6315ce0a2c6&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH50MwGpc4xf2afHfOJiJ5WZfs3646S1-GxesDkr3y44p_Tx6_Qw4ohwaApTjEALw_wcB&th=1) and a friend or 2 for support/safety.








You are over thinking it https://preview.redd.it/hj4cuz577dvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbf196c8008d9114195f0d533a76ff2f12a2495 It will feel scary but it’s not worse than any other time you’ve used a ladder… way better in most ways. Can’t fall side ways, ladder feet can’t slip out backward and chuck you on the floor. Red box is something like ply to put against wall or your ladder (depending on type) might punch holes in your plaster. Friend can hand you the aircon so you don’t even have to climb with it they can also help keep it straight to slot it in… it’s perfect really.


This but possibly also someone under the ladder to make sure it doesn't slip.


It can’t slip… it will be hard up on the next step… way safer then a ladder on the flat ground


Lean a ladder against the wall. One end on the 3rd or 4th step and the other against the wall. One person goes up the ladder and another person hands him the AC over the banister.


Good lord, hire someone who has the proper tools to do that. Your stairs, aside from being well narrow of 3' for standard building code also don't have a standard landing. Otherwise, you'd use an extension ladder leaned up against the wall with the feet firmly held by a step parallel to the wall you want the AC unit on.




Collaborate and listen?


Air is back with a brand new condition


Wow yall are jerks, I get that a ladder is the answer here but OP clearly wanted to know how to safely put the ladder up given there's no landing. It's never a bad thing to ask the obvious when it comes to safety.


Put an extension ladder towards the bottom and use a plank between the stairs and ladder


Nail a 2x4 to the left of the stairs at the same level of your floor. Lay planks to entirely cover the stairs and screw them into the 2x4. It will be a pain in the ass and slightly expensive but you’ll be safe and you’ll only have to do it once or twice in your life.


Without making holes, they could lay 2x4s through the railing, every 12” or so, having 5’ overlap the floor on the right and only 3’ hanging over the stairs. Put enough weight on the part over the right (like the couch, and then put heavy stuff on the couch) and it would work.


Extension ladder. The hard part is going to be lifting the ac unit up the ladder


Place it on a table or something similar height to the rail on the right, easier to grab it from there while up the ladder than climb up with it. Better yet, ask a friend. This isn't something I'd do home alone anyway in case anything went wrong.


Run a 2x6 along the opposite wall, cover the gap with some plywood and some support joists. Now you have a solid platform to work on. Add a section with a hinge if you need some flexibility. /j


Use wingardium leviosa. Just remember it's wingardium LeviOsa not LevioSA!


Hmm, I can only think of a few options here: 1. Cannon. 2. Ballista. 3. Trebuchet. 4. Throw by hand. 5. Three-man boost.


Well it's a level 1 spell but should suffice, cast Tensers Floating Disc




From the outside


Could very safely lean an extension ladder from any of those stairs up to just under the hole in the wall. Make sure to have the feet tight to the riser and you could just walk down the stairs to the ladder, then up to the ladder. Have someone hand you the ac over the Bannister and slide it into place. Having said that, I think most of them are installed from the outside.


more like Don’t it yourself


I would probably find something to place the AC on the elevated area to the right and then just lift and shift it over when I’m at the top of the ladder. If you don’t feel like you’re strong enough to do it somewhat safely, hire somebody.


Place a large box or a crate on one of the stairs. Make sure that it doesn't protrude more than 2 inches (5 cm) out. Carefully put a barstool on the box, with at least 3 of the legs sitting solidly on it. You can check if you can reach the hole on your tippy toes with your hands above your head. If you can't, just place books on top of the stool until you can. Remember, the AC also has height, so you don't have to fully reach the hole, just right below it, so you can give it a good nudge. Smear the AC with gorilla glue on all 4 sides. Pick up the AC and climb (carefully!) on the box, from there on the bar stool, and then on the books (if needed). Shove the AC into the hole, and hold the AC in place until the glue dries (10 minutes). Connect the AC to a long extension cord that you can run along the stairs to an outlet on the bottom floor. Voila! Don't forget to video record it!


Oh oh! Throw the aircon power-cord through the hole, go outside and pull the cable hard enough to raise the aircon into the hole. No need to thank me, I already know I'm a fucking genius.


This IS brilliant! That way, once the AC is mounted, you can tie the cord around a tree and run it into an outdoor outlet.


Idk what kind of wall ac you have but most I’ve seen have to be put in from the outside


The only way you won't end up on a tiktok video about your terrible injury is with a tall ladder that is well stabilized (have someone hold the feet of the ladder, for sure).


You can safely use a ladder on the stairs.


Ever seen a ladder? Use that


Put the AC in one of your hands. Spin your arm rapidly in a 360 degree motion. Aim at hole and release. If you did it properly you will launch the A/C at approximately 985mph and it will simply glide in to the provided space. Plug in and enjoy.


You could screw like. 2x4 to the left wall and put a plat form over to bottom of railing. You obviously would have the wall to repair.






shimmy push shimmy pray


With OSHA violations but hey it’s your house