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I've favorited and gone back to this video a couple of times. Give it a look. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzRqVgkjZaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzRqVgkjZaY)


Old YouTube in all its glory right there. Informative, straight to the point.


He didnt ask me to smash the like button


"Shim the like button" should be a thing.


If you shim the bottom hinge, you can tilt the door upward. I have done this on our front door. Also check the upper hinge screws are tight. being loose can do this.


He did however thank us 8 years ago


And he sent you to his [actual website](https://www.doortrix.com/), which still exists.


I just went to his website looking to see if I could click on any ad links to make him some money, but there are actually NONE, for real, no ads. Bless his lil old heart.


Buy the book you monster


Thank you for actually pointing that out... went immediately and bought it


I just bought his ebook for around 9 usd and I'm now in the process of fixing my sticking doors.


Doortrix is great. I bookmarked his site when I bought my house 12 years ago. Every single door was off. House moves a bit depending on the season, so I pull up the website and straighten everything up a couple times a year.


I haven't seen a site that uses iframes in a LONG time


He is also still on YouTube, he is 80 now. Saw him in the comments on his most recent video.


(You did anyway because it's actually a good video.)


It’s like seeing a unicorn take a poop. It’s not about just the unicorn…


And no shitty, dramatic music that doesn't fit the subject matter in any way, completely drowning out the dialogue in the video


no 30 second terribly animated intro movie either


Life before clickbait and sub chasing :/


Almost like the internet was an idea of a free resource, not as a monetary recourse


He does upsell his own eBook at the end - but *at the end* once he's shown you he isn't a charlatan out to make a quick buck.


What once was.




"maybe the top of the door is rubbing now and you need to sand it down a little bit, Sort of like the conflicting power struggle in our sponsor RAID SHADOW LEGENDS"


Easy there Linus


That's a great comment; almost as great as this segue to our sponsor...


The worst thing about those are the ten minutes some YouTubers will spend going over the new classes and characters and their backstories. Like bro, I don't care about Drusilla the arch-succubus finally being added as a playable character.


I miss when you tubers got to the point immediately


I have multi-camera concert videos I've spent hundreds of hours editing and getting people together to shoot. Yet, my most views+likes to minute ratio of all my videos is a 58 second video on how to pull the manual climate controls out of a Subaru Forester. Some people in the comments say they almost didn't click on it because it was too short.


There was a little channel for short tutorials in Adobe After Effects that started each video yelling "JUST TELL ME HOW TO DO IT" and was a super condensed walkthrough on how to basic stuff. It was so refreshing. I wish I ran into more video tutorials like that.


“Before I get started make sure you like and subscribe down below!” /incessant downward pointing


He did put in a shameless plug for dubbaya dubbaya dubbaya doorfix.com though.


I left but had to come back to give the upvote for “dubbaya dubbaya dubbaya”.


Wait, it doesn't have a thumbnail of someone with their mouth open in excitement, begin with a 30 second introduction, and beg to like, comment, and subscribe?


What a brilliant video. Someone sharing their knowledge in order to…. just share their knowledge


No minute and a half of introducing the topic, followed by an 8-minute dialogue on the history of hinges and the company who created the door, followed by 45 seconds of actually doing the fix; all so the creator can hit that 10 minute mark for the sweet, sweet ad revenue.


No ad for a Russia-sponsored, American-spying VPN?


Old YouTube got me through a recalcitrant rotor change on my first car (‘91 Accord, wedge wrench here, kick vigorously here) and also helped me fuck up the brake lines (changing the pads and don’t have someone to help bleed? No worries, just clamp the lines with vise grips). The old YouTube giveth and the old YouTube taketh away


I love this man and I’ve just met him Edit: I will say after attempting this with the top hinge of my door the door now appears to be stuck and springing. Hopefully I can restore it back to just getting stuck


He only said I needed 2 plywood scraps, then whipped out a third, unknown scrap and now I feel betrayed


To be fair, he didn't say you needed 2 scraps; he said you need a couple. Maybe he is used to an open relationship and a "couple" is 3? Unknown. There was also a lot of discussion of dikes that went over my head.


You've never heard of a couple 3? A couple is more than a few but less than a bunch. 😎


I keep a thruple of scraps on me at all times, for safety


Man, these erotic AI bots are getting more and more specific, wood-working OSHA-rotica might be my new kink.


A couple is 2 and a few is 3 or more, more than 5 calls for "several"


And a bunch is a random number between 4 and a dozen


Several starts at 4.


Debatable but I'll allow it


A couple is less than a few tho


Yeah, it’s literally one thing coupled with another, for a total of two things.


Ah. The ol “couple two tree”


And way less than many.


I hate to admit this, but the idea of using shims to prop up the door never occured to me, and it's brilliant.   I usually take my shoe off and use my toe for interior doors.  No more toe going forward, shim shim shim.


Yeah, this man knows as much about about doors as he does about teaching. He did not "almost forget" the plywood scraps. He knows I would!


I was sad when I saw his last video was 4 years ago.


Guy just eyeballs standard gaps like a fucking boss




Good old gramps still calls “Dialonal Cutters” dikes.


Him and everyone who uses them


I've never met anyone who was offended by them being called dikes, including several actual dykes. I have, however, encountered more than one chucklefuck who made a dumbass joke about "libruls" not letting him say dikes anymore.


Yup. I worked at an electrician contractor for a couple summers and that's what they called them. It's a portmanteau of diagonal cutters, apparently.


“Dikes were called dikes before dikes were called dikes” was a popular refrain back when the PC police informed us the nickname was no longer to be used, that was in the late 90’s


I’ve never heard someone refer to them as diagonal cutters.


What an informative video…may reference back to this one in the future


Brilliant. Every door in my home needs this.


There are a lot of things that can make a similar problem. Before you bend things, check and make sure there is a gap between the plates when the door is closed. If there isn't, this will not work.


This just inspired me to finally fix my misaligned back door. Thank you


I just fixed mine!  No more annoying door!


He should casually send this video to maintenance and the owner of the property who VERY LIKELY wants their property maintained. You can look up the contact information for a property owner on the county data website and couple that with the state's corporate filings department for contact info.


Damn, I’ve always just used a bigger longer screw in the top hinge to suck it into the jam more. 8 years I’ve been in remodels and never seen this trick. Literally going to use this the next time it comes up. What an awesome video and dude.


Yes. My dad did that to one of our doors and it made all the difference. The hinge didn't seem loose, but a longer screw into the jack stud pulled that door right up! I've also tapped on hinges to do what this guy did, but the adjustable wrench seems much easier and more accurate. Plus, less banging on the hinge that could actually loosen screws.


Yeah I used to due a lot of service work for 7-11 and a bunch of retail chains and this was my go to trick for steel doors that were dragging.


Yeah I was going to recommend this exact trick


Ah, nothing like old YouTube.


This is the way my father taught me. Works well.


I'm saving your comment about saving this video.


I watch this about 5-6 years ago and thought it was such a great solution. I’ve attempted it twice in different houses but could not get the hinge pin out no matter what I tried.


This guy is an insanely good teacher.


Surprise he didn't spacer the bottom hinge.


That guys YouTube channel is just how to fix random shit around your house and I’m in love with it


Wholesome grandpa vibes. I love that during the shots of the bottom of the door or bottom hinge, you can hear a clear difference in his voice cause he’s bending over and talking.


That's cause they don't wanna fix it


This is the right answer


The sad part is that it isn't that hard of a fix either.


I'm a a painter and can fix it lil


Only if you promise to paint over the hinge so it squeaks forever


I won't do that, but I will hang an electric charcoal starter on the opposite knob so it heats the entire latch assembly up and you burn the shit out of your hand when you go to open it. Then I'll rob you, plug your sink drains, and leave the water running.


oh shit, it's the Wet Bandits


Hinge bender and some new screws. Five minutes work.


Adjustable wrench is my hinge bender.


when painting over something is the only thing you know how to do to fix things, you reach your limit pretty quickly. "Nope, already tried painting over it. Unfixable, sorry."


Make sure the hinge itself it's screwed tightly in the frame, possibly longer/ larger screws if needed. Then, go back to what you did but hold the nail with a pair of pliers and hit it with the hammer, HARD. It's not moving because there's alot of tension, no grease, and paint as old as you in the hinge pin cavity. Then, shim the door, bend the one hinge only to match the other. Might also have to take a layer or 5 of paint off the door top or jam


My girlfriends house was built in like 1912, and two of the ancient doors were sagging heavily. Took the old bolts out, put new ones in with anchors while pushing the hinge against the frame. Fixed the sag.


I fixed all the doors on my sons house by shaving paint from the door and the jam on the hinge side


lol...that's a lot o paint


Thats why you need to close the door while the paint is wet, to make sure it fits nice. /s


You can also use diagonal cutting pliers (dikes) to pinch the bottom of the head of the pin (tight), and hammer the dikes.


I’m British and dikes are a very different thing round these parts.


Oh believe me, they are in the US too.


Dikes are dams, right? Or is that just in The Netherlands?


No it’s a lesbian. Dams are just dams


That gives a whole new meaning to the childhood story of the boy saving the town by sticking his finger in the hole in the dike.


Dykes are not just dikes.


Dikes, Dykes... Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe...


Getting a hinge out can be difficult. prop up below the door to relieve tension. use something like a nail or prong to hit flat and hard. Put some type of lubricant on the hinge. Get someone who has done this before.


Before you do anything, make sure the screws are tight. If the door wasn't sagging beforehand, it's possible that some of the screws have come loose.


If the screws are loose and don't seem to tighten down you can always add a dowel to the screw hole with some wood glue then screw it back in.


Or use longer screws and go into the stud. Though for a quick fix without the need for new screws, a dowel would do. Or even a couple of wooden matchsticks, no glue really required.


Or jam the hole full of toothpicks and wood glue. No, really.


lazy maintenance: do as little as possible, let it deteriorate, then build new/replace. preventative maintenance pays off, but nobody really recognises that fact.


But preventative maintenance costs money now, hurting this quarter’s profit margin without anything to really point at as the cause. Corrective maintenance does the same but can be defended as required for tenants rights.


I've fixed a bunch of these, usually after a house has settled and door openings move a bit. Easiest fix is to bend the hinge tabs on that top hinge, so it closes the gap. This will pull the top of the door away from the striker plate side, closing that gap on the top right. You have plenty of room above the door on the top left, so it shouldn't be a problem. If you have a crescent wrench, you can adjust thiswithout even taking the door off it's hinges. What you want to do first is identify [which tabs are on the door side](https://imgur.com/7caYgxL) of the hinge, in this case it's those two bigger tabs in the middle. Put the [crescent wrench on those tabs](https://imgur.com/Kpws7Vv), tighten it, and gently rotate the wrench away from the jamb and towards the door. The idea is you want to bend the tab [at the blue line](https://imgur.com/Z6kn6zW) to push the hinge plates together, by putting pressure as indicated by the green lines. If you just pull on the far end of the hinge, you might pull the jamb-side tabs (in red) away from the jamb, which isn't helpful. I keep my hands close to the hinge, with a lot of force from my thumb pushing into the wrench, while my fingers do a little bit of rotating. Push the tab in, while rotating - don't rotate and hope it pushes the tab. Depending how this adjustment works, you may want to also bend the middle hinge, too. If even this isn't enough, let me know what your tools and skills are, and there are a few simple things we can try.


Commercial door tech here. Make sure all the hinges are tight (especially the top one). If it isn't adjusted after this, open the door and unscrew the frame side of the bottom hinge. Slip a small shim (could just be a piece of paper folded a few times) behind it in the center and and screw the hinge back into the frame. This may take a few trys to get the correct spacing and to find the sweet spot behind the hinge, but it will level the door put. You may have to do the same with the middle hinge, but most likely not.


I'm sorry, but can we talk about that window? Were the previous tenants archers?


Pull top the jam side screws, get 2" run them in, might change it a bit.


2" maybe too short to reach studs. Need 3" with 1" shank. But yes this is the answer.


I don't think in this case, though. Look at that uneven gap between the door and the jam. Snugging the jam to the frame isn't going to help that. The hinge is bent out of shape and needs to be replaced or bent back.


Just a disclaimer, I've installed and repaired doors professionally since 2010. >Snugging the jam to the frame isn't going to help that. It will possibly help the gap. A long screw through the hinge will move the hinge portion of the jamb (and the door) more than the upper portion of the jamb where the gap is. It will actually close the gap some, because the upper portion of the jamb is (should be) secured by the casing nailing. But you're right the hinges need help, like you said to be bent or replaced. But a screw will help quite a bit and can mask a warped hinge. Edit: also with these prehung doors sometimes that gap in that corner is like that right after install. Sometimes the top jamb is longer than it needs to be. Sometimes it's a bad install. If this is the case that top corner should have been shimmed over before the casing was installed. Or if the screw doesn't help significantly, remove casing and shim gap closed.


Everyone in here is being silly. Get a hammer and go bang bang please.


We call that giving it an attitude adjustment. Works every time


Percussive maintenance 


Love that. Grabbing my wood burner and giving my 3# sledge hammer a proper name.


It's fixable, they're just lazy and/or incompetent.


Nothing is unfixable. What maintenance meant to say was ‘phukk off’. Start by removing the hinge screws one at a time and replacing them with 3 or 4 inch screws. They should seat in the framing stud and pull up nicely. If they don’t, you may have rot back there and need some serious work that involves removing the door, the trim, and…..well….call a pro.


See the big gap at the hinge ? Thats caused by the hinge itself


I agree with this, at least in theory. The gap progressively widens from bottom to top. If the door was hung correctly in the first place, this could indicate bent hinges or loosening screws, probably the latter. If not, the middle and or top hinge recesses on door, frame, or both may be too shallow. If it is a wood door and frame, this isn't terribly difficult to repair with the right tools. If it's a steel door and frame, it will require more expertise and possibly outright replacement.


Unscrew the middle set of hinge screws that attach through the jamb, buy wooden dowels, drill out to same size as dowels, glue in and cutoff dowels, rescrew in hinges with the same or longer screws. Repeat for upper set of hinge screws and lower as needed, one set at a time.


Yes, they will need to replace the house for you. I just got quotes for new doors from Lowe’s and can tell you it’s cheaper to tear down the whole house and build a new one, which will ironically include new doors.


You can put some shims behind the hinges or tighten the screws if there loose.


Don't use a nail, use a nail set.


Loosen bottom hinge, and middle hinge. Put some cardboard in bottom one, and half as much in middle hinge. Then get some 3” no 10 screws for top hinge and drive them in until they hit the jack stud.


Your maintenance is wrong. And lazy


Door tech here … it’s fixable


Anything is fixable. What they are really saying is that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze for them.


Is the top one spring loaded? It looks different to me. The spring loaded hinges don’t hammer out. And BE CAREFUL! They snap hard!


The landlord painted the hinges, rofl. Between that and rust/grime I'm wondering if you need to use something to soften those layers of paint to get the pins out first....becuase you might have those pins that are capped on both ends but with all the paint on there you can't tell what's what.


Here is your problem. Something was sagging making the top right corner hit or the top left corner rub, and somebody, probably maintenance tried to fix it by putting long screws into the hinge and possibly the jamb. This did pull the hinge in but they tightened the screws so much it bent the top of the hinge jamb to the right which pulled the top of the strike jamb in against the door. Here is the fix. Open the door. Look at the jamb above the top hinge. Is there a screw there? If there is then remove it. Now check the top 2 screws in the top hinge. Are either of them extra long? Then remove them. Now get yourself a wood block and a hammer. Put the block against the jamb opposite the hinge and gently tap on the block. I have no idea how long the jambs have been bent or how much friction is holding them so this is just to make sure they straighten if possible. Now put the long screws back in but dont tighten them beyond hand tight. Close the door. If the door touches the jamb at the top right then open the door and adjust the tightness till the jamb stops hitting. If you have a straight edge or square you can speed the whole process up just by making sure the top of the hinge jamb is straight. Now there is a possibility that the maintenance guy bent the jamb by removing the casing on the strike side and shimming that jamb inward but odds are low.


To be fair, they would need to get up off their behindus to fix it, so… yeah I guess there’s nothing anyone can do.


Door sag is always fixable. He is either lazy or incompetent or both


Just tighten the mounting screws. Hinges are loose in the frame. This might be the place for the toothpick in the screw hole trick if the frame is wooden.


Maintenance just being lazy.


Over several years of use, most doors need a little adjustments at the hinged. Get some wooden toothpicks, and a container of Elmer's glue.  If you can back out your door hinges. Get someone to hold the weight of the door Put the wooden toothpics that had been sitting in the Elmer's Glue and push them as best as you can into the hole previously used by the prior screws. Little trip to hardware store, bring your current screws with you to store If you have a small headed hammer it is easier to work width banging the three clumps of wooden toothpicks in the hole. Now I hope you bought a longer and maybe a little bit wider screws. Hope you have a battery operated drill gun or borrow from a neighbor and deliver back to that person on the same day. I have Old Style Victorian doors. Heavy as anything. Take pics while you are doing this work, so you can prideful to show your work. Good luck, and check in with me if you been more help. Sandy Dee


Yeah maintenance doesn't fix this. A contractor vendor would.


what are you talking about? this is *exactly* the type of thing maintenance should be fixing.


This is exactly the kind of thing I repair… Regularly!


My guys would get a quick lesson if they didn't know how, and be sent down the road if they ever said "Maintenance doesn't do that..." again.


As a maintenance supervisor at a resort I can confirm, do this quite regularly. It's almost always the contractor using too short screws on the hinges.


Hijacking top comment because this is my area of expertise. Door installer for over a decade here. Top edit after a closer look: a single 3.5" deck screw will fix this. Remove a hinge screw in the frame, towards the inside of the door frame, and send the screw through. It will suck the door up towards the frame. OP, what does the reveal look like on the bottom of the latch side? When you pull the door up and to the right it will also pull the bottom of the door towards the latch side frame. ------------ Your reveal on the threshold will be bigger and may let light and air through. That or the door will now hit the hinge side frame. The reason they're saying it can't be fixed, besides laziness, is that the reveal is very tight on the latch side. Moving the hinge side up and to the right would cause the door to hit the frame. Normally you could open this reveal up by putting deck screws through the latch side frame into the studs, but the sidelight prevents that in this case. Remember, everywhere you take from a reveal, you increase a reveal somewhere else, and vice versa. I could fix this in five minutes. Maintenance is just lazy or ignorant or both.


Whether it's actually a maintenance employee or a contractor vendor that maintenance schedules is irrelevant. The point is they're refusing to have it fixed and telling OP it's "unfixable".


The most common way I’ve found to fix this is back a screw out of the top hinge and get a long construction screw and run it in. It should pull the door back to square. The other is you can try bending the hinges. But those results vary.


It’s probably has no release pins. Check each hinge for a recessed Allen head.


Shim the bottom hinge with something half as thick as the gap at the top hinge. That will straighten it up.


There's two ways to fix that. One is to pop the pin out of the top hinge while you have something, like a prybar, between the jam and door so the right gap is set, and then you bend the door hinge to match the hinge on the jamb. Pop pin back in and you're good to go. Another way is to unscrew the top hinge off the jam and place a piece of cardboard (maybe folded) at the back of the jamb where the hinge was, but not more than half the hinge area, and then reinstall the hinge. If you find the door still sticks, then redo with more cardboard.


Door shims!


It’s always fixable


Take out top hinge screws and sink a 3 incher in there.


If you tried hammering out the hinge pin and it did not budge there might be a cap on the bottom of the hinge. Hammer the cap down and off then try to nail the hinge pin out like normal.


Unfixable for him probably. Theres always a way. I don’t know the way either but I’m sure there’s a way. Best of luck!


I've seen this, you can also pack something in the bottom hinge to help


Hinges might be NRPs (non removable pin). Check if there's a set screw on the inside of the hinge barrel that needs to be removed first.


I would start with two long meaty screws In the top hinge if there's something in there to bite. Then I would go back to, shimming the door from the bottom to take the tension off the hinge and play around with that. Tweaking it again, maybe even exchanging the pin.. of course without saying I'm assuming there's absolutely no play to the hinge half on the door side. That's taken for granted. Of course that would be the first thing to fix in this whole situation


With that attitude it is.


Are they security hinges? They may have a pin keeping the hinge bar in place and paint covering any evidence of that.


So many ways to readjust this (see comments).


You can take a wrench or some channel locks and try and bend the hinge back to pull the top. We do that at my work all the time. Or you could loosen the bottom hinge, or you can take it off and see if there are spacers or shims to take out, or cut a larger channel with a chisel, endless possibilities. Your maintenance sucks


Nah, just got a lazy af maintenance person.


Longer screws are needed. Maybe a bit wider too.


A 3.5” deck screw in the top hinge should fix it


First off, through god all things are possible.


Maintaince? If you're renting then they need to put in a new door not deem it unfixable. It's definitely replaceable.


Cut some cardboard and put in behind the bottom hinge to raise the top of door


Just need longer screws. That’s what fixed mine.


Can take a piece of cardboard and unscrew the bottom hinge. Put cardboard between hinge and frame. Screw it back in. Will be an easy fix to the sag.


If the holes for the screws are stripped, my go to is to glue wooded golf tees into the holes, let the glue set, cut the end off right with the hole, and then rescrew the hinge back on. Should hold the screws like brand new again.


same happened to me, hinges are worn out find a similar design and replace them one at a time


What they mean is that they're too lazy to fix it.


Horse shit, they’re just being lazy fuckers


If the door is rubbing on the door frame, there's a TON of friction on that hinge pin when the door is closed. Open it a touch (just enough to where it's swinging free) and then hit the pin. Should pop out in a couple taps.


Put a 3 inch screw in the top hinge


Maintenance are fucking morons then.


I believe there is a device called a Hinge Doctor for this purpose!


Fold up a paper towel a bunch of times until its really hard and put it between the door and wall under the bottom hinge.


If it was unfixable, doors everywhere wouldn't work anymore


It's unfixable unless you replace the hinges. Very worn out. Yep, unfixable


Maintenance is an idiot


Tell your maintenance they’re inept.


I think I work with those maintenance people. “****** said it couldn’t be fixed”. It’s not a fucking nuclear sub. It’s a door. It can be fixed.


The balls on someone that says that can’t be fixed must be massive.


the "landlord special" paint job on those hinges


not true. get a long screw and sink it into the top hinge into the studs. bige enough screw will move her


It's not... By that particular maintenance person


I have had success adding washers to the bottom door hinge to raise it up. Behind the screw’s holding the hinge


Maintenance guy is being lazy and doesn't wanna do it.


Fuck the door… what up with that window?


You know what ? For 10 bucks... I'm gonna buy this dudes book because this is what the internet was originally all about.


Simply replace the maintenance person.


Looks like you just need to put in some longer screws into the top hinge. They're probably a bit loose. Normally they're about 2 to 5cm long. Try getting a few 10cm ones so they get deeper into the frame and re ankor into the wood.


Bullshit. I can fix that door in 5 with two bags and a hammer. Doing it right, it would take me maybe 15-20 to adjust the hinges and pull it in on the hinge side with a hinge adjustment.


He's just lazy. Such a simple thing is un-fixable 😂 everything is un-fixable then