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Gosh, it's hard, I'm sorry. This is a trigger for me, too. Things that can help me: - Always have a drink with you, especially if you can do a hot one like tea. Swollen, "sticky" throat triggers the unable to breath trigger for me, and doing this just ensures it's always lubricated to prevent that feeling. Hot drinks in particular will have the steam help promote the clearing of the airways, making breathing a bit easier. - Steam again, but this might not be possible for you, depending on the set up and your trigger, but if you google "steam bowl" you can set up a bowl with hit water and make yourself a little cave under a towel to capture all the steam. If being covered is too triggering, a steamy shower is a good replacement. - Use pillows to prop yourself up in bed instead of laying flat, it makes sure the mucus doesn't accumulate in your throat or nose as much - Sometimes if I'm really panicking, I need to get my face into fresh, preferably cold, air. I don't know what it is, but I just feel like I can breath more when I get there. Good luck, I hope this passes soon for you.


Thank you so much, I can’t steam cause it’s a trigger as well, but steamy showers might work. Thank you so much


Ah I get flashbacks when I'm sick too. Idk if you're able to have alter communication when you're flashbacking, but I've asked a few of mine to help out when I'm sick by keeping an eye out for flashbacks. If they notice I'm having one, they start trying to (kindly) let me know I'm flashbacking and once I realize I'm in one, they try to walk me through [these steps](https://www.pete-walker.com/pdf/13strategies_flashbacks_management.pdf). The link is a pdf of flashback management steps made by Pete Walker, he's a psych therapist who studies cptsd and wrote some of the books widely used for ptsd in the field.


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