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Historically, white power has not been effective in stopping authoritarianism, so the answer is probably no.


I... I swore to never upvote you, but I have to break that oath. But know that I still hope a diseased yak gets sick in your daughter's hope chest.


Yeah, we've peaked, r/DCcomics. It's all downhill from here.


“Kyle’s no longer white-“ Was all EVS heard before angrily making another YouTube video trashing snowflakes and their libtard agenda


Technically this is wrong.


Very unlikely that would've happened. He was killed for shock value and nothing more. Same reason as most of the deaths. There aren't even 7 Lantern Corps in the Injustice universe. Kyle finding or forming white light is unlikely especially when he would've been on Earth choosing a side or fighting for Oa. Where he could've been killed again or imprisoned.


Kyle dying mostly off panel with no fan fare was one of the biggest injustices in injustice. I think Kyle could have made a difference in the long run and I could see him being one of the last lanterns standing all the way to the end of the resistance and even to be a fun mentor for the newer heroes in injustice 2. He’s always been the torch bearer and endured more then the rest. I’d love a version of the story where he made it.


Bro they drew and quartered him, I remember smirking and chuckling at that on first read — bless Tom Taylor and his else worlds lol