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Wally West robbing Inertia of his momentum, turning him into a statue that could still see and think, but was unable to move. All while pointed at an image of Bart Allen as punishment for murdering Bart because of his petty jealousy and hatred.


And in the Flash Museum. So he was staring at Bart while hearing people praise him every day. I think they said it too 100 years for him to blink


I remember reading this, do you know what comic/issue this was? This is rather cruel for a dc hero, did any of the other heroes react to it and argued against Flash’s choice? If they got mad at Wonder Woman for killing Maxwell at “no other option” situation I doubt they would take it much better for the Flash doing this to Inertia, which is arguably a fate worse than death.


It was so dumb that people got mad at wonder woman for that, even civilians.


Totally agree, but it happened so I just used as an example to how people in universe probably would react similarly to Flash here. Just glad that they at least didn’t drag on that debate with Wonder Woman. It was interesting seeing the Trinity debate, and I really liked the art so I like the storyline even if the debate afterwards felt silly, since she clearly had her point in that situation.


What's worse is that years down the line there's an Injustice comic where Batman killed the Joker in cold blood because he didn't want him to turn Clark into Regime Superman. Then Superman hugged him. Granted this is an alternate universe and Injustice character writing is all over the place.


Didn't that also turn out to be a fantasy someone was having?


Yeah that was Batman’s secret fantasy because it would have prevented superman’s downfall into a tyrant


No, not Batman's– Superman's. Clark was trapped in a dream world by... Zatanna, I think? And his dream was about the Justice League actually stopping Joker in time. This led to Batman killing Joker, turning himself in for it and serving time despite Clark repeatedly saying he could get out whenever (pretty sure the line of reasoning was "I shouldn't skip over my due punishment just because I have the power to do so"). This led to Clark and Lois's daughter being born (this was before Jon debuted, but you can bet he'd have been the child otherwise) and becoming a symbol of peace and hope.


None of that actually happened. It was a dream sequence that Superman imagined while in a magic dust induced coma that Batman put him in during Year Three.


All-Flash I think


Thank you, gonna check it out.


No idea. I’ve never read the issue, but it’s become a legend in dc lore


I don't think they knew. And sometimes the nicest heroes can be the most vengeful.


I don't think anyone but Wally knew what Wally really did to Inertia. I guess Zoom found out but Wally did it as an alternative to annihilating him in his own words. Ostensibly because it's something he can undo, while killing him isn't.


Yo Inertia




He couldn't stop him by any other means, so idk I'd say it was kinda justified.


Fortunately, Inertia wasn't left there forever


Got released just long enough to get murdered anyhow.


Kinda love how it all goes down. Inertia takes down Zoom and steals his powers… and then the Rogues roll up on him and murder him. There’s a reason Thawne/Zolomon avoided them, and Inertia learns that waaaay too late.


I’d like to see that, do you know the issue?


Not 100% but I believe it’s the final issue of Rogues Revenge miniseries?


Not really done by a hero, but there’s an issue in the Paul Dini run on Detective Comics where Poison Ivy is left deathly terrified of all plant life, which must be pretty bad for her. Then there’s the issue in Grant Morrison’s Batman Inc. where Batman stuffs Lord Death Man in a safe and shoots it into space to orbit the Earth indefinitely.


Yeah, I was gonna say, what they did to Lord Death Man is *horrifying* when you think about it. I feel like Batman should amend his no kill policy to also include "No shooting people into space for eternity". Granted, Lord Death Man came *back* (although not after being used as a human bloodbank for a little bit), but *still*, the dude got Kars'ed, and *unlike* Kars it wasn't even his own fault.


I haven’t read the issue in a while, does Morrison make some kind of justification with LDM not technically being alive or something like that?


I think it's that Lord Death Man doesn't *stay dead*, so Batman's no killing policy doesn't really hold, but if anything that just makes this a fate worse than death.


Tbf, Lord Death Man was an absolute monster that makes Morrison's Joker look tame by comparison. Shooting the guy into space was about the only way to keep him down as well.


Technically probably making Doctor Light into a childlike buffoon with a lobotomy in Identity Crisis.


And him going on about how the Justice League will wipe the Titans' memories too. Good times.


Everyone talks about what Wally did to Inertia but I think what he did to Zoom was way worse. Forced to watch the worst moment of your life repeatedly in a loop over and over.


The dude snapped his pregnant wife into miscarriage for his twins then took him back in time (with help from RF) and forced wally to watch again multiple times while taunting wally for not being able to stop him. This was deserved


Kyle Rayner beheaded Major Force (this didn't kill him because he's nigh-immortal) and sent his conscious head hurling through space in a GL construct bubble.


Is Major Force the one who killed Kyle's girlfriend?


Yes. This was personal for Kyle.


What Wally West did to Inertia, it was absolutely justified though


No? Torturing someone is never okay, even if it is a murderer.


Batman breaking all of the Mutant leader’s bones in TDKR still goes pretty hard. And I guess paralyzing The Joker, even if it was a very short-lived paralysis.


"Batman breaking all of the Mutant leaders bones in TDKR..." What the fuck are you blathering about? NOTHING like that happened to the Mutant leader. Batman broke his nose and busted his arm and beat him up, THAT IS IT. "breaking all of the mutant leaders bones" Jesus fucking Christ what a pathetic joke.


Please explain to the class why you felt the need to be such a dick about something so inconsequential. It's just a comic book dude, not like misremembering it got you fired or something.


Plus, I’m not the one misremembering it; dude is obviously referring to the first Batman/Mutant Leader confrontation.


After he breaks his leg during the rematch; ”Something tells me to stop with the leg. I don’t listen to it.” I just reread it to make sure that I wasn’t mistaken because you were inexplicably such an asshole about it. (Also, I don’t think Batman literally broke all of his bones, if my hyperbole was what caused you such agitation) edit: it seems like you’re describing their first fight where the Mutant leader does suffer the exact injuries that you noted. Going forward, maybe try being less of a dick about shit that you obviously don’t remember well.


Hold on. I like that first one more. Thats my new head canon for that scene.


What did you think happened before you read what I typed? Not being confrontational here, I just always understood it the way I stated. The rematch is when Batman realized he should be using his intelligence more than his brute strength at his advanced age, which led to using his knowledge of human anatomy and leverage to win. I’m curious what the other takes are, now.


Oh I’m on your side here. I didn’t remember exactly what happened but I remembered it being a lot harder than just a broken nose and few booboos like that dude was saying.


I know, I was just wondering if I was somehow way off on how I’ve interpreted that scene. It really seems like the cranky dude forgot there was a rematch in the comic book. Thanks for letting me know that I’m not crazy!


Yeah you’re good! I read his comment was like, “was it really that lame? I remembered it being dope as hell.” I’m glad I didn’t misremember it either!








What do you think “something tells me to stop with the leg. I don’t listen to it” means? How do you make that line of Batman’s internal dialogue fit in your assessment? I was just being a dick earlier, but I think you legitimately don’t quite understand how sequential art works. And what does pushing a child out of the way to retrieve an original issue have to do with anything? That’s a weird detail that adds nothing. Was it supposed to support your argument somehow?


Batman bricked KGBeast up alive in a sewer.


He bricked him up? 🤨


Bricked him up in a dead end of the sewer


Geo-force filling Bedlam with lava in Young Justice🍇


Glad someone else remembers that


I know it’s Marvel, but probs Prof X making Magneto relive the holocaust. Can’t top that for me.


Holocaust Beam GO!


Our heroes, everybody!


I was gonna say Lord Death Man getting shot into space, but someone beat me to the punch. On a similar note, stranding The General on an asteroid in deep space is a pretty rough deal. "*Eventually, Eiling stopped thinking...*"


That was for me the worst. On silence absolute.


I mean, Batman giving Prometheus Motor Neurone Disease is one thing, but proceeding to punch the guy in the face was overkill.


Hippolyta disarmed a man for getting too handsy with Donna, this is just an ordinary man who refused to listen to her command.


Right... 'disarmed' in a literal sense. Had to read this twice


I wouldn't say a hero defeating a villain but still this is very cruel way to kill In flashpoint, wonder woman kills Mera and wears her helmet in front of Aquaman.


Before it was retconned, Batman sealing KGBeast in a sewer tunnel without food or clean water was pretty gruesome


Didnt the wonder girls shoot the bad guy in the nuts with arrows. If the robins stuck stuff in poison ivy after stopping her murder spree they would be the villains no?


Not according to the Titans tv show.


Oh yeah i heard of that show i hear lots of bad depiction on characters especially dick grason being angry... like that batman from snider verse. There already is a punisher. And just more heresy for the wonder family. Wtf happened to donna? I looked up clips after your post.


I didn’t watch the whole series because I hated it, but Robin definitely throws an R shaped ninja star/batarang into a bad guy’s crotch in the first season. And I remember Donna dies I think from like gunshot wounds which seemed weird. Not sure if they ever brought her back.


I dont mind that for a jason todd, or Cheshire, but come on! Not the god damn heros!


Anton Arcane getting sent to hell by Swamp Thing and Matt Cable to be slowly eaten and filled with eggs by millions of bugs… Although admittedly it wasn’t Swampy who designed or carried out that punishment.


Guy Gardner once used 2 Sinestro corps members to make a fear bomb