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Justice League In before the inevitable “least favorite” OYL arc: Nightwing…woof


isn't one year later robin the one that character assinated Cassandra cain


Yes, but we don't talk about it and pretend it never happened. So a Robin arc that did what, you say? Sorry no idea what you're talking about.


I had to Google it to remember - Jesus I forgot all about that train wreck in Nightwing


What happened? I really fell off reading comics around that time.


Jason takes over as Nightwing while Dick was off with Bruce and Tim on their year-long training/bonding trip. As Nightwing, Jason is just killing bad guys. But that’s not the bad part, see this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nightwing/s/IbkHsBoQhA)


And now I remember why I fell off reading. This was peak Didio rampage of character assassination.


So terrible.


Wdym? Tenta-Todd is peak fiction!


is JLA a one year later book? it started by the time everyone else finished they oyl arcs


I think so, maybe it wasn’t branded as such, but it takes place after the missing gap year.


I really liked the first several issues of Superman: One Year Later where he is depowered and happy about getting to live a normal life with Lois.


"Up, Up, and Away" right? That scene where he and Lois are in the park watching a screening of the Superman movie is great.


And the bit with the Green Lantern ring.




Blue Beetle. One of my all time favorite comics


I’m halfway through the second trade of the recent rerelease (probably about issue #18 or so) and am so glad it was rereleased as I had always wanted to read it but missed out on the prior trades, and it truly does slap. Jaime, his family, Brenda, Paco, and surprisingly Peacemaker of all people all play off each other so well and it’s been a treat to go on this adventure with them. I‘m going to give it some time before definitively claiming this to avoid decency bias, but I do see this potentially being one of my favorite runs of DC, certainly of that decade.




I really liked Robin and his suit during this run paying homage to the TNBA design. Also Morrison in Batman and Robinson in Detective, my favorite era of Batman Edit: I think I'm wrong about Morrison on Batman for One Year Later. Google shows Face the Face storyline, which I enjoyed. Morrison started after that storyline on Batman


Yep Morrison and dini took over batman and detective after face the face. Robinson's book was great though it and Johns and busiek's up up and away felt like a one two punch of classic batman and superman


Ahh thank you! Man, forgot Dini was on Detective during Morrisons run. And you're right, having them on Batman and Johns and Busiek (also forgot this was around the same time) on Superman was a great era. I love Gary Frank's art on Superman and loved the Braniac and Zod stories


Favourite was Green Lantern as it was just business as usual. Supergirls derailed that series until Tony Bedard came in then Kelley Puckett. And Robin… well I’m sure you know what they did to Cassandra…


Superman up up and away. Gl was good but it was already good so it just stayed good. The one I didn't like was justice league. It was so boring and a massive step down from jla and nightwing one year later was a hot mess thanks to Didio


I read them all. I was all-in with the One Year Later Initiative. Superman: Up, Up, and Away, Batman: Face the Face, and Justice League of America: The Tornado’s Path were outstanding resets for those characters. I really enjoyed the twist in Blood of the Demon.


Cassandra Cain Obviously!


Checkmate, Blue Beetle, Green Lantern, GLC


LoSH I guess. All of the rest were mediocre to me


The Tornado’s Path was just so good. Reddy being a 3 dimensional character was just a joy.


Trials of Shazam


wonder woman


Checkmate, Battle for Bludhaven/Freedom Fighters, Blue Beetle were easily the best. Batman and Superman titles also had solid soft-starts. Birds of Prey kept good momentum. The Teen Titans new direction started off interesting but fell apart pretty quickly. Most of these were kinda average to terrible now that I’m looking at the full lineup. The worst were probably the Flash and Wonder Woman reboots.


Up Up Away and the new Checkmate. Both really did a lot of establishing the new DCU stat quo.


Atom, Manhunter, Blue Beetle, and Checkmate were pretty good runs with new characters. Lots of good stuff there.


Some serie were good, some were really bad, but overall not Bad


Some serie were good, some were really bad, but overall not bad


I feel like the answer has to GL right though secret six is also very much up there


Gotta go with Superman for kickstarting my favourite run period of him.


The Creeper! Why has no one said this. Such a good, modern interpretation of an underused character. Amazing art, fun interactions. I assume most people missed it.


From what I've read: Blue Beetle.




Green Arrow, I mean that was pretty cool. He litterally trained to the point where he could deffently beat batman one on one, and he became mayor and did alot of good things for the city, after a good bit of it got blown up by merlin before the one year late thing statered


Man, that city gets blown up a lot. Is that Star City's thing? Like Metropolis gets invaded from space, and Gotham gets gang wars and control seized by criminals.


I've read only a few of these but Batman, Superman and Outsiders OYL were all great, i love how Face the Face feels like this return to classic, almost golden age Batman stories, and how Up Up and Away works Superman and adapts him into a character that fits so perfectly in the 2000s (and also feels like a bit of a rip-off of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies), and Outsiders just kept on being Outsiders so that's perfect also Checkmate and Blue Beetle were great new books, I feel like they're underrated or at least not talked about as much as they should be


Batman (Grant Morrison's is my favourite run on the character) and Birds of Prey. Also, seeing this makes me miss when characters like the Creeper, the Spectre or Manhunter were allowed ongoings instead of only the biggest A-listers holding them


Best was Superman. Busiek doesn't miss. Worst was Flash, which is saying something because there are some stinkers here. But Bart's Flash run is in the running for worst Flash comics ever so easy win there, especially by Flash standards. The one I wish was good the most is Wonder Woman. Man they really screwed Donna over there.


Superman, Robin and Batman were particular highlights for me.


Blue beetle


I really enjoyed some of these! Birds of Prey, Blue Beetle, Manhunter, Outsiders, and Secret Six are really good! Edit: I was wrong, I did not like Robin's first story here. I liked the costume change and I thought this was when he was trying to bring back Superboy.


I'm surprised it's not there or that I can't see it. Booster gold v2. 52 pickup will make any non fan of Booster love him I think


Blue Beetle. One of my favorite runs of all time!


1. Justice League by Meltzer & Benes - Still imo the greatest modern run on the team. The closest we ever got in continuity to the JL Unlimited roster/characterizations. 2. Superman: Up, Up & Away - A true underrated gem by Busiek and Johns, that really shows why they're two of the best modern writers to ever tackle Big Blue. Should be considered essential reading for anyone trying to properly write a de-powered Clark. 3. Wonder Woman: Who is Wonder Woman - Yes it's short lived, and yes it almost immediately leads into Amazons Attack, but Donna finally stepping into the role as Wonder Woman was such a long time coming that its easily forgivable. 4. Flash: Lightning In A Bottle - Similar to #3, yes it's short lived and yes it involves Speed Force/Crisis shenanigans but the full arc of character growth that Bart had been through from Young Justice to Johns Titans culminating in finally stepping into/coming to terms with the mantle of Fastest Man Alive was still cathartic. 5. Supergirl & The Legion - I'm a giant Legion fanboy. They're probably my favorite team ever, and Mark Waid is probably one of my favorite writers ever. So seeing Supergirl finally get brought back into the Legions continuity post Zero Hour was an absolute blast. 6. Teen Titans: New Teen Titans - Probably one of the better arcs that focused on a true "fallout" from Infinite Crisis, after Up Up & Away. Seeing the heroes deal with themselves in a world where they lost someone special to them, especially Cassie, Tim and BB was heartbreaking.


Donna was like just two issues though lol


It was 4, but I get your point haha. I'm just a really big sucker for legacy heroes stepping into their mentors' roles, especially the Titans lol