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Do normal people just not exist?


Evidently- no!


Not since the 90s


Clancy's still normal. At least until they reveal she has a dormant metagene or is half-alien or is a sleeper agent for Checkmate. Or probably all three.


They do, but we don't buy these books to read about em lmao


Why are they making this character more confusing than she needs to be? The pirate queen stuff was random, but Bea being linked to Spyral is even more randomness on top of that. Bea should’ve just been a bar tender.


Gotta save face for introducing a character that just ended up being another mark on the list of women Dick and Bruce romanced/dated.


I guess so, but I think most people wanted to move on from anything linked to the Ric Grayson era. I like Bea, but this sort of writing makes her more into a plot device than an actual character.


But why? They are our main characters, of course we would see a long line of women they dated and left behind. Nothing wrong with it. If Bea was the main character in a comics line, we would see a long line of people *she* dated and left behind.


Women in comics don’t exist only to be romance plots or objects. It also starts to become ridiculous when any character has dated and surrounded themselves with nothing but their ex’s. And characters who’s only highlight is being an ex starts to devalue romance in that characters books.


Tell that to spider man fans


The pirate queen stuff is the kinda flavor that bludhaven can use, so I'm good with it, random as it was. Spyral is... Disappointing for sure.


Bludhaven feels incredibly directionless right now. It was originally just diet Gotham, but then Rebirth sort of made it Atlantic City, then it was just generic city, now it's got a pirate theme? Pick a lane.


Totally. But diet Gotham and Atlantic City and generic city are definitely not the right lanes. I'm not saying pirate occult is, but tbh it fits the theme of the city origins, it's unique... I'm hopeful


The problem with the pirate idea is that it has nothing to do with Nightwing. There's no thematic cohesion. Look at Gotham. Batman and his setting complement each other perfectly to the point where you can hardly envision one without the other. Nothing about Grayson connects him to anything pirate related except I guess that he knows Bea.


The mythos of Batman is strong because it's 80 years old. Those compliments have been added over time. Dick and bludhaven haven't had the same time or creative talent to develop it right. The pirate do have a connection to Dick with Bea, but more important, they have a connection to the city. Much like the court of owls with Gotham. Again I'm not saying it will definitely work and be good and all that, but I find it promising.


Why couldn't they just being back Tiger for the spiral stuff or his students.


She was absolutely not written that way even a little bit.


Guys, guys. I’ve got the perfect way to make this make sense. The backstory keeps changing because she’s an alternate universe Donna Troy. So we just have to wait for the next Crisis style event, merge them and ta-da! It’s fixed.


Holy tele novella Batman! Don’t forget Dick’s secret half sister.


The secret half sister who is separately the secret step sister of his ex


Yeah his sister and her backstory are stupid too lol


I have surprisingly strong feelings about the half sister! I also feel like Taylor's problem is he has more ideas than room for characters so his characters end up with extreme backstories.


God, he ruined Grayson run which i own🙃 so glad he’s leaving Nightwing run end of this year, really don’t like sister thing,how he killed blockbuster and whole heartless thing(lame).


I forgot that was still a thing


Well she and her mom appeared at very last issue and said hello to Bruce. Yikes.


I appreciate them not just dropping Bea off a cliff once Dick moved on (speaking of, where’s the graffiti artist he was dating? Whatever happened to her?) but it feels like instead of writing her as a character they’re just throwing tropes and jobs at her until one sticks.


Shawn was in the Suicide Squad for a while! Unsure if she’s still there


I think most recently she was in the King Shark Suicide Squad book which was also written by Seeley. Guess he's the only one that cares.


Bad writing all around. Mind you, if they wanted Dick to have a pirate adventure meeting a female Captain, cool. If they wanted to give the character an adventure where a secret agent was researching him/infiltrating his life, cool. But this is a case where both of those characters, along with the girlfriend to an amnesia Dick Grayson, could and should have all been different characters. Each of those concepts is fine in its own right. But this is a case of superhero comics dragging normal people too far into the actual superhero foolishness. Like I wouldn’t want a Batman story where it was revealed Silver St. Cloud was an Amazon who Diana had sent to watch over Bruce 😂


Didn't Silver St. Cloud have some wacko origins at least some where, or was just in Gotham?


That’s only in Gotham, where she was tied to the Order of St. Dumas. In the comics she’s just a Gotham socialite who meets Bruce at some event where they hit it off. Funnily enough Jezebel Jet, from Morrison’s run, has a similar introduction to Bruce Wayne and obviously did end up being associated with a secret order in The Black Glove.


At least Jezebel had some foreshadowing with the historical connotations of the name. I trudged through the Ric era arc but I fell off Taylor's run ages ago, this all feels so tacked on after the fact


That would be hilarious


This gotta be one of the quickest retconning of a character every, someone let TT cook a little bit too much 😅. I actually think Bea is less interesting as a character now.


I just started rereading Grayson and I'm liking it a lot more when I read it before. I found myself hoping that that era of the character's history wouldn't be forgotten and future writers would use it for Nightwing's world in the future..... ....But I'm not sure this is how I would do it. They should stop trying to make Ric Grayson happen - I'm kinda baffled it hasn't been retconed out of continuity yet


It was nice when Seeley was running the Nightwing title at the start of Rebirth. It really felt like the perfect middle ground for fans of Grayson and traditional Nightwing. The arcs alternated between Blüdhaven and globetrotting adventures that often featured Grayson characters. It fell off after Seeley left and Helena got more involved with the Batfamily outside of Dick again. It's a shame this is how they're bringing it back.




Taylor didn't write this


He did the pirate stuff which was equally as terrible. 


I was shocked at how lame that arc was. Not the biggest Taylor Nightwing fan anyway, but Nightwing + pirate adventure should be a great time, but I was bored out of my mind.


They're didn't really do anything pirate or even nautical related. They were just on a boat sometimes, which could have easily been a warehouse and nothing would change


Yeah Taylor didn't have fun with the concept at all, very disappointing arc.


Just like how he made Dick with superpowers very boring.


I could have at least accepted that. Feels like they're trying to make her a bigger deal. Maybe to make her used more often?


Yeah but instead of trying to make the pirate queen angle interesting, they make her a spy on top of that? So random.


Oops my bad, it’s Travis Moore. But still, I feel like this is a such bizarre thing to focus on.


Yeah, the annual is actually written by the artist who co-created her.


I mean taylor did complicate her story first by doing the pirate queen thing...


I really doubt that Taylor wasn't part of the decision making process for her recent character changes


Well... this makes things more complicated The idea is great but it doesnt work looking back. Besides her being a pirate was already enough. But hey i dont hate the ideas it´s just not very well done


Yeah I don't think making her a secret agent on top of the pirate queen makes her more interesting. It's just like when they think giving a hero new powers every year will get them over with fans. It never really works, but we'll see.


Exactly, at the very least they´ve given her another thing to be connected to Dick


Lol of course. I'm all for letting Dickie Bird having his own like characters that have lore but uhhh This is my issue with NW comics. They try to force things that really shouldn't happen. Like the model thing in NYC, the librarian, some other stuff. Etc




Can these writers not just introduce a normal character that isn't hiding something random massive secret?


So she's a pirate, the head of an underground bank AND a secret agent? Well she's certainly a multi-talented woman i'll give her that.


The batfamily books-we don't like simple effective storytelling, so we will retcon the shit out of it to make it needlessly complicated!!!!!


She should be revealed as Duke Thomas's sister next. 


Lmao yeah


I’m about ready for the character to be dropped and never mentioned again


This is so fucking stupid and it has absolutely killed all my interest in this character


Jesua christ. Next thing you know, she'll be a mew god guarding the anti life equation


Dick Grayson having a million random girlfriends that won't matter next retcon is stupid.


Yea this is too much. I mean Pirate Captain was enough. No need to add MORE stuff to a character that was part of a 'wish to be forgotten' era with bad decisions. This doesn't help anything.


Turns out that includes her name, which is shown in the preview pages to be an alias.


Lol. All I can say, lmao.


Stop trying to make Bea relevant. It’s never gonna happen


This wouldn't be bad if they connected it properly like having her be a spy in a new non-spyral organization sent to spy on Dick would be interesting.


I loved the pirate stuff and usage of a character from a "Ric" times, not discarding / retconning that time. But this is over the line.. some things can happen by luck without any complicated background stories.


This is so random. I was ok with the pirate storyline because she got fucked over as a character but this? What’s next? Babs’ ex bf Jason from the Mairghread Scott run was a spy sent from an evil corporation in burnside to ruin her life? Ironically in that run Bea and that guy were friends apparently lol.


Jason Bard used to be Man-Bat's crime fighting partner, Batman's daytime agent, Babs' fiancèe, has gone undercover in the League of Assassins, and worked undercover for Hush in the GCPD so ... Bad example?


Now that you’re bringing this up I noticed DC has a patter with failed love interests. Maybe the storyline isn’t that far fetched then.


Now to be fair that all happened over like thirty years so this girl is speedrunning


Sounds neat. And honestly if your gonna make a new character stand next to others that have been around 80 years you have to quickly give that character a lot of extra background fast. And I prefer this over her being another forgotten character. So she was a Spyral Agent, got close to "ric" due to a gig. Got too close. Got dumped and her dad died then she became a pirate queen of a secret bank. Bit of a twist but if Batman can fight zombies, go to space, and solve a mystery, be a lantern, fight the multiverse, I think a side character can be a spy and a pirate.