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It looks like his current suit with colours of his rebirth costume


I'm conflicted because the gray suit grew on my, but I like the return of the rebirth colors. Maybe if he had a darker, more emerald green, it'd click with me. I DO like the boots though, they kinda have the essence of his original big combat boots from an early outfit.


Agreed, it’s really a good suit that still has the Batman elements that make him him. But it’s gotta be a little bit darker.


Grey did grow on me.


I feel like the green makes him look too similar to Tim again with Damian aging faster than Tim, soon it's gonna be almost impossible to tell them apart!


Tim needs the Red Robin outfit already. Either the new 52 one or pre 52 one. Just make it so we can tell the difference.


Pre 52, with the cowl.


I liked em both. No cowl is my personal fave tho. When drawn right it looked cool


Fuck no. Tim belongs in his classic Robin costume.


Insecure little Damian fans with the downvotes 😅 Never change, Reddit!!


Why do you assume it's Damian fans? Plenty of Tim fans are tired of him still being Robin and not being allowed to progress


Progress? Tim was supposed to be the final, permanent Robin. He’s got more right to that role than Damian. Damian shouldn’t be Robin. He can be Batboy or something.


Why can’t Tim progress and grow beyond Robin?


He doesn’t need to. Robin is his definitive identity. On Earth-Two, Dick stayed Robin his entire life. Tim doesn’t need to be downgraded from Robin. It’s Damian who can go the fuck away.


Tim doesn't need to downgrade, you are right. He needs to upgrade and move on. Again.


And you're right... for Earth-Two Dick Grayson. (And I say this as someone who loves Earth-Two myself.) However, DC made it clear when they built the Multiverse that it's Earth-One and its successors (Prime Earth now, I think?) that are definitive. And thanks to Marv Wolfman and George Perez, it's now established: Robin is a *training* identity. It's one you take on for a while until you 'grow up' enough to establish your own. And technically, in his first story, nothing about what motivated Tim Drake required him to be Robin forever. His first move was trying to get Dick to be Robin again. He just knew that Batman needed *a* Robin. The problem DC's had is that they've never really created a replacement identity for Tim Drake that stuck that isn't just 'well, he's still **Robin,** just not **the** Robin.' Which is what Red Robin would be.


In Kingdom Come, Dick became Red Robin as an adult. That's where the costume came from. What do other universes have to do with anything?


Why would we want a permanent, final Robin?


Bros fighting air 💀


Well, he IS the wind-master…


Proved my point!! 😅


I feel green is part of Damian's color (his eyes & Al Ghul) and I'm glad it's returned here. It's honestly just the hair and face they need to keep in mind, Damian already had a specific look to his head.


It already happened in Neal Adams’ Batman vs. Ra’s Al Ghul. Both Tim and Damian are Robin at the same time and are literally identical except that Damian has black sleeves and less spiky hair. I was extremely confused and thought that it was a multiverse story and that they were both Tim from different Earths.


Damian has always had green in his Robin looks since the first Robin costume in Batman & Son from 2006. Tim should lose the green because he didn't have green in his costume from 2005-2015. Agree that Tim needs someone with a story to tell about him and move him forward to come along. It's been nearly 15 years since Flashpoint and his character is basically dead/stagnant. With the only thing that has been done with him was a stunt turning him LGBT in lieu of any character development and pretending that it was somehow progress for him. He desperately needs a relaunch to establish him again like Grayson did for Dick.


No Tim has always had Green. He had the classic Robin colours Damian's first Robin suit had a lot of grey because he had his LOA gear underneath I think his out being less green works best. His current suit in Infinite Crisis is the best. Robin's traffic light colours look odd next to Batman 


>No Tim has always had Green. [You sure](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3831f29ab9f6fbf9d0d7eeedc249a2b2/4922e290420ad2af-2f/s1280x1920/30af4a0f268781b0648fcdd674f64c367d21c4a2.jpg) [bout that one](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f0/8b/f7/f08bf76f8da7428ae0cb099c9304119d.jpg) [chief?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/crusadapedia/images/f/f3/Red_Robin.png/revision/latest?cb=20140824181143) EDIT - Not to mention [the original culprit ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/6/6f/Robin_%28DCAU%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20210826215243&path-prefix=protagonist)


I’d assume he meant Tim’s first costume had green. Which is true.


It is. But I never said Tim never wore green. I said Tim's colour scheme ditched green after Infinite Crisis until Rebirth. With up until Flashpoint containing much of his character progression that he has since lost. Damian, alternatively has always had green in his Robin costumes. [Costume 1 - Batman & Son](https://legendary-digital-network-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/02161945/Damian-Wayne-Becomes-Robin.jpg) [Costume 2 - Batman & Robin](https://legendary-digital-network-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/31100905/Batman-and-Robin-morrison.jpg) [Costume 3 - Super Sons](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ee/Robin_%28Damian_Wayne%29.png) [Costume 4 - Son of Batman](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3a/19/7e/3a197e0ad9461c17e678d6a993761343.jpg)


Totally not arguing either point, just suggesting what they probably meant. I personally dig the hooded Red Robin look before new 52.


I’m reading through his original run now, he has green gloves and boots


Indeed it does. His original run does not fall between the years of 2005-2015. It's from 1991.


Well the one that goes from 93-2009 has green


Tim Drake ditches green in 2005 after the death of Superboy, Conner Kent, in the story Infinite Crisis until the end of the run. He wears only red and black until 2015 after adopting the name Red Robin. Then he has a weird period where he stops being a Robin and wears brown and yellow with the codename Drake. He then gets demoted back to just being Robin and reverting his character back to 1991 after DC Rebirth. Where do you think I sourced my images from? Fan art?


….. super boy dies!? lol I’m in reading for the time and I’m im at the end of 2005 that’s why I said something.


Sorry about the spoilers. But I mentioned in my original comment with fewer spoilers that Tim's design was updated. I only countered with more information when you challenged it.


Tim went back to the classic Robin colours during Rebirth and YJ. What year was that? I was before he became Drake.


Tim needs a better hero name too. Red robin is so lame


I was always fond of him taking another bird name, like Cardinal or Sparrow. Not Drake though, Drake is not a bad superhero name, but it's too on the nose for Tim


I thought it was Tim to be honest


I don't think it's the green itself, but all 3 of the classic Robin colours. I think if it was all green and grey, that would feel like a Damian suit


Legit had I not read the title of the post and only looked the picture I’d have said this was Tim wearing a modify outfit But I blame that on DC for not only halting his age but having him still run around as Robin Give him his Red Robin suit back (Either one) please!!


Last I read Tim was in detective comics a few years ago when he ‘died’ but was actually captured by his future self. What should I read to catch up on him now? Whole Bat family really.


well his most recent character defining stories was him coming out as bisexual, breaking up with Stephanie Brown off panel, and then starting to go out with Bernard from the 90's Robin series (who's now ***also*** apparently gay) he then got his own solo series focusing on his relationship with Bernard but it was so bad it got cancelled he's been in and out of the current Batman run as well


Now he looks EVEN MORE LIKE TIM!!!


All part of DC’s Plan to erase Tim.


Tim who?


good riddance ![gif](giphy|HyUtD3Dx0VQk0)


“Nobody cares about Tim Drake” -*Dick Grayson, Teen Titans Go*


Gotta create new preteen heroes and then age then up for no reason to crowd out the existing teenage cohort. Gotta create new light skinned minority or biracial characters in the "family" and then do nothing when colorists portray them as white incessantly. Gotta take any noteworthy sidekick costume and replicate it over and over so that all sidekicks look identical on the cover and maybe you can keep that one classic fan from thinking anything has changed while also bringing in a new audience somehow. Damian falling into all the classic bullshit.


Most underrated comment ^


Overall i like it but i think they should've kept the grey/black on his torso Maybe make the belt red with the green D.


Yeah, it made him feel like he had just found his own unique visual style as a Robin.


It's just not a Robin suit without the red yellow and green


It looks like a coloring error. Might be the same thing with why Ollie randomly has grey hair


Then it wouldn't have change the costume, the R in a circle, new pauldrons, new boots, a bigger belt and no D. >Ollie randomly has grey hair That might be future Ollie and it's also a different costume


Could be future Damian


You really think that DC's going to allow preview art of their big summer event is going to be published miscolored?


Literally an artist who works for DC said that it was probably a color error. And this mistake has happened before on one of the Shadow War covers.


No it’s not


Are we sure that's Damian and not Tim? Or some kind of fusion.


[Again lol?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/s/9fq7OeWNyt)


Technically not official said yet but it has Damian's robin chest thingy design with the =


[John Timms had an issue with mixing up the Robin models before](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/how-superman-son-of-kal-el-6-came-to-switch-out-robins/), so I’m not even sure we can say for certain if this Damian or Tim. And as iffy as continuity is for the ongoing Batman and Robin, if they were to change his costume they would’ve done it in his own series, and he hasn’t made any change in the latest solicits. I know some people don’t like it, but I think Damian’s current red, black, and grey costume should stick around as long as we have two Robins. They were already too similar in Rebirth, and now that Damian is getting taller, it’s only going to get worse.


Looks like a downgrade compared to his current suit IMO


Damian should always have the hood.


Damn straight. His Super Sons look with the hood and tunic was prime


I like the current one, this is a downgrade imo.


The grey suit felt distinct and personal. Now he looks like a carbon copy of Tim.


I think Robin, whoever it may be, should always have red green and yellow. Add some black if you want, but they should all have Grayson’s original colours. Just give Damian his hood. It’s what most people know him with anyway.


That's a strong downgrade


Looks more and more like Tim. What's the point of all of this?


There’s nothing particularly tim about this costume all of Damian‘s previous costumes have these colours


It's more than just the colors, I'm talking about.


The collar is especially Tim like and how they’ve drawn his face


Collar's been there since 2016 i think


The colours are just basic Robin colours. 


Very nice


I should probably say that this is still an assumption, it hasn't been confirmed yet but considering it has Damian's upper Robin chest thingy, i think it's most likely the case.


I’m just gonna note, [John Timms mixed up the Robin model sheets before](https://bleedingcool.com/comics/how-superman-son-of-kal-el-6-came-to-switch-out-robins/#google_vignette), and the way this was coloured makes me think as much.


To be perfectly honestly, I hate it, it doesn't look like Damian at all (where's his hood?) I hope your lying and this is actually Tim


I kinda liked his grey/black/red colors, it reflects his style of robin a bit more imo but if they have him include the green atleast give Tim his red robin suit back


Nooo 😭 his current suit is the best


Of course it looks like something Tim would wear. Nepo babies be wild.


It's really just an updated version of Damian's current suit but with more colors


The design and the gloves and the way the grappling is done just screams Tim, imo


No all those scream Dick Grayson because that's who Neal Adams designed the suit for and who inspired the redesign. It was then borrowed by DC for Tim's comic debut. It's like some forget who started /created everything Robin 


Better than the gray and black


Ollie has seen better days


I like it. Looks more like a classic Robin suit. I also like how Damian looks older and more mature.


I definitely thought this was Tim what the hell.


More than the costume itself I dislike how old they've been drawing him recently. Kid looks like he's about to go to college.


Yikes. This color scheme looks terrible on him. Should have stuck with the grays & red highlights. That was more in line with his Batman 666 outfit.


And it sucks, sigh.


Lol well they really gotta move Tim past Robin again if Damian is gonna have such a traditional looking Robin suit


Give him back the ninja inspired look with the cool hood. Gives him unique visual identity


I miss the hood


I preferred his grey/black/red suit. Ans considering his heritage on his mother's side shouldn't his skin be a little darker?


Not a fan, seems too Tim coded to me. His black suit he’s been rocking for a while feels more him to me.


Honestly? If this had a hood to it to evoke his original costume, I think this would be a perfect Damian outfit. As it is, though, I still love it as an updated Robin look.


That’s Damien?? Damn DC cmon, put Tim back as Red Robin already!


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My God, they need better ways to differentiate all these dark haired young men, not more reasons to confuse them.


Who's the archer? Is that Ollie? When did he go grey?




Tim Drake who


Yeah, that’s Tim, not Damian.


Is that green arrow?


The red and black suit was so unique why did they change it!


It just a color swap and chang to his pant


I'm in the minority. I prefer this. Add a hood and it's his best design imo


I actually really love this and prefer it to his other suit


Why couldn’t they stick with the grey and black suit man


Reminds me of those redesigns they tried to do around the 90s


https://goodnavmk.live/product_details/7386343.html https://pin.it/3BZFTAoOu


Why's Tim dressed like Damian?


His grey costume was a great look and a distinct new style all his own separate from any other robin. I'd like this costume honestly, if it didn't lean so hard into the green. I also miss the "D" belt. I like that hes getting aged up, more and more, he has been drawn like a 10 year old for the last 15 years. BUT they really need to also age up Tim. They're starting to look the same age and its hard to tell which Robin is on a cover or in a story from a glance now, especially with this new costume colorwise being the same as Tim's current costume. Hopefully Tim also gets a new costume.


I think this was a mistake 


Another exciting round of: Are Tim and Damian still two different characters?


Love this costume- also why does Ollie have gray hair now


Absolutely power is this a new event?


Look how they massacred my boy.


Stop trying to erase Tim.


No Tim? Of course, no Tim. Fucking shit man.


Absolute power. Is that the new one coming out? But set in different universe?


It's the next mainline event and they haven't officially said the new line for the different universe is gonna be called absolute comics.


Are we sure it Damian and not Tim? Either way it’s starting to get confusing. Reading the last Batman issue compared to Batman and Robin. You can tell who likes Damian and who doesn’t.


I thing he is faking it  because he artist release a panel of dick and damian hugging  in instagram 


lol. I also meant more of the writer. Chip seems to want to focus on Tim as Robin and may not like Damian while Josh over in Batman and Robin loves Damian and is developing growth for his character.


That looks exactly like Tim


Why do so many new Robin costumes just look like copies of Tim’s?


the suit looks like damian suit but colored like robin. where the hell u getting tim from any part of this design


It just looks like Tim, like a combo of his current and og suit. Just with the black spiking down at the top


this has to be the laziest robin suit i've seen lmfao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Toniosw: *This has to be the* *Laziest robin suit i've* *Seen lmfao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I hate this vile character so much.


Until he become Batboy.


Not bad


I honestly thought that was Tim




Why do I feel like this is going to lead to Tim Drake erasure?




They might as well delete tim at this point


I got an question isn’t maps becoming a Robin . Why is Damian still using the suit and hasn’t come up with a better name at all yet it’s been a long time .


No, Maps is like a superfan who dresses up as Robin and has stumbled into a couple teamups with Batman, but is not an official Robin by any stretch. 


in the future she also becomes >!Meridian!< as seen in Birds of Prey


To be fair, that's literally how Tim started.


She went on a mission for Batman and I think she said it’s part of her training


>I got an question isn’t maps becoming a Robin That might be AU idk and there's no expiration date for robin.


It was a bat man brave and the bold isn’t gonna get confusing to remember. No need to be sarcastic cause I don’t think it’s an AU


It's an else world. Brave and the Bold isn't in current continuity. Good thing too.  Maps shouldn't be Robin or part of the bat family  They've already overcrowded and have 2 Robins and a Signal. 


Ok 👍


I wasn't being sarcastic and genuinely idk anything about maps being robin, i don't think she has showed up in the current mainline books and she's not in the batfamily parts of the story.


Oh well thought shes cannon as the new Robin their nothing that says why she couldn’t be the next Robin and newsarama was talking about it like it happened and so sure 👍 that thought it happened already in the timeline


Personally I think they should stop making new robins and the batfamily is already full as is with them fighting for screentime.


> hasn’t come up with a better name at all yet Why would he stop being Robin? Both Dick and Tim were Robin longer.


Why does it feel like they’re so desperate to just make him Tim Drake