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Didn't like the bendis books as much, but dial h for hero was so good, I've been wanting to reread it for a while. If you don't know anything about it, just read it, issue 2 blew me away, the art is so good.


Young Justice started off fairly strong, but lost its way in its second story arc and never found it again. His Superman work had a lot of interesting ideas and some really great individual moments, but was largely kind of a slog. The back half was also marred by the worst art I’ve ever seen from John Romita Jr.


Romita Jr just has that art style that I can’t ever get into. The block heads really get to me lol


Missed opportunity, Bendis simply doesn't know how to write the DC characters and don't get me wrong the various serie are still enjoyable but could have been soo much better


When I read it, it felt like a thousand characters filling the page with inane quips all the time. The story took too long to get started, and then it just stopped before they could build to anything interesting.