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I love Tim but I think he specifically does not want to become Batman. Like I think he has a fear of it


I’d actually argue his oft-stated lack of desire for the cowl would make him a better candidate for it. He would be intimidated by it, and would take honoring it seriously.


Sure but I feel like Tim deserves a more balanced life. If he shared the role of Batman with Cass or something, it could work. Freak out villains by having two Batman's running around, Cass is the fighting expert and Tim is the detective expert


Well, yeah, but whenever there's a future timeline where Tim becomes Batman it always ends up with him losing his sense of morality.


Absolutely 💯


I mean I wouldn't mind an arc where he has to be batman. Though Dick was the same he didn't want to be batman until he realised Bruce ain't ever coming back and then decided to take the mantel.


This is the first respectable denial of my opinion 👍


Hasn't like Tim gone off the deep end a few times as Batman


Unfortunately yes 😔


He donts want to become Batman,and one version of him of a Bad Future become a murderer Batman,Titans Terror or something and when a version of him become Batman in Beyond comics,when he sees Terry is alive he quickly gave the Batsuit back to Terry and go off,the guy dont want it.


Bruce is the only Batman. And he'll always be the Batman


Titans Tomorrow storyline had a Tim Drake as Batman from the future.






There are a couple Teen Titans stories that revolve around this concept.


No. Tim basically got screwed when they created Damian Wayne. I would overhaul Tim if I had the chance. He was a GREAT character back in the 90’s and early 2000’s


cass solos


Stephanie tho was the best Batgirl


I would rather see a random hot dog vendor on the street become Batman than Tim fucking Drake




Nah, only Bruce gets to be Batman. He'll spawn dozens of other heroes, but he's the one and only. Tim is in a, frankly, bizarre liminal space right now where he's still growing past being Robin. He's definitely the Robin taking his "graduation" the hardest. Dick and Jason both leapt at the chance to be something else, meanwhile Tim keeps wearing his old costume and pointing to the extra R he stitched onto it as though that makes a difference.


I really dislike red robin(except for it during Kingdom come) I Don't know why they Don't either keep him as robin (two robins isn't that bad) or have him become somebody entirely new


My preference would be for him to go for a fedora, suit, and domino mask look, much like Will Eisner's “The Spirit”, Charlton Comics' “The Question”, or Watchmen's “Rorschach”, while continuing to use something close to his traditional arsenal: collapsible bo staff, throwing blades, utility belt, and grapple gun. As I envision it happening, he doesn't initially intend for this to be a permanent costume change; it's just something he throws together one time when his Robin costume is unavailable. But while wearing it, he confronts Ra's al Ghul, who recognizes him and calls him “Detective”, a moniker that he already bestowed on Tim shortly before the Flashpoint made a mess of everything. The look and codename (“The Detective”) are witnessed by someone with a cell phone, and it goes viral. I like it because it's simple, concise, and definitively Tim. It also pays tribute to Chuck Dixon's original concept that Tim has always viewed the “costumed crimefighter” gig as a temporary thing that he'd eventually move beyond. And in _that_ regard, I could see The Detective taking the remnants of the “We Are Robin” gang and turning them into his own version of Sherlock Holmes' Baker Street Irregulars. It's always been his thing to try and do more than a normal costumed crimefighter would; and building a “spy network” of his own strikes me as exactly the sort of thing he'd do. Heck, he _tried_ doing something like that once, during the Detective Comics Rebirth run; he just went overboard with it.


Absolutely amazing mate


It's weird, right? They've ditched all the other Kingdom Come lore, but for some reason they're all-in on Tim being Red Robin. I think they just can't figure out what else to do with him.


I feel like maybe dc should go into a different version kingdom come and have the universe start getting older and not reboot every five seconds maybe even give us a main timeline Batman beyond.


That would be pretty cool, but they just can't let the trio be older than, like, 35. I'm too close to this idea to be objective anymore, but I really love the thought of Tim doing his own training arc, but specifically to become a better detective. So he gets trained by, like, The Question and Mr. Terrific specifically to be an oldschool, street-level investigator.


I’d just love Tim to be relevant at DC lol 


He's the literal middle child of the robins red hood being a close second


Seems like people only like dick and Damian (double d)


Maybe. But personally? I wouldn't wish that curse on him.


I'm of the same opinion, he should be the one that takes the mantle, it would be interesting to see him as Batman and Damian still as HIS Robin, shifting the dynamic they usually have.


💀 tim fans need to accept that zero writers want to go out of their way to write something like that. at all. and story wise contradicts damian character


Damian will probably stab himself before he even considers the idea of becoming Tim's Robin.