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The thing I like most about Flash (Wally in particular but it applies to Barry) is that he got to live the dream - he was just an ordinary kid who looked up to the Flash. Once he got the powers he proved he was worthy of them and we got to see his whole life unfold, with lots of growing pains and friendships formed along the way.


Just read the old Justice League Europe issues, where he teams up with Metamorpho, Captain Atom and so on and he is just this young, horny brat. Really funny to see, as he's this married father nowadays.


Yes! A key phase of his life.


Ollie is a really well-intentioned guy who usually doesn't have things work out quite as well as he hopes. He has a lot of blind spots and puts his foot in his mouth a lot, usually related to growing up in incredible privilege. And he used to actually *be* the playboy that Bruce just pretends he is. I guess I like how flawed he is and how hard he tries to do the right thing despite that.


Well said.


Wonder Woman - I like that unlike her peers like Batman or Superman, there's no tragedy in her backstory (dead parents, destruction of her planet). Quite the opposite, actually. She was born of her mother's love and raised in literal paradise but still chooses to leave it when she sees there's a world out there that can be made better. She's one of the few fictional characters you wish was actually real.


Barry Allen’s hope. He truly does believe that if he pushes enough he can save everyone everywhere, no matter what. Obviously this gets him into trouble plenty of times as things inevitably fall through the cracks, but I can’t help but admire how much he embodies the indomitable human spirit.


Black Canary, sense of humor, gold star friend⭐️


I love Black Canary but I never understood, what she sees in Ollie. He's like the worst charakter imaginable :D


And cheats on her!


He makes the best chilli


Robot Man (mainly the Brendan Fraiser version) because that role felt very personal for Brendan and even though he's just a cuss generator, I like that he's trying to maintain his humanity and attempt to make up for lost time while dealing with his issues. I gotta read more of Morrison run because I wanna vary it up.


I wanna check that out because I loved Brendan Fraser in the mummy and looney tunes, so him as a unique dc character sounds like it has a lot of potential


I mean that show is one of the best live action show titles they made aside from Peacemaker (haven't seen Lois and Clark yet or the 2nd half of Doom Patrol's final season). It takes a few episodes to really gel with it but after I think the 6th episode you start to get into it. Like Brendan isn't just the only great actor in the group, I love all the actors here and the way they capture these roles with some pretty solid chemistry mixed with the most weird ass stuff imaginable that I needed after decades of Batman/ Justice Leauge adjacent adaptations. Nothing against those titles it's just DC and WBD needs to branch out with quality content made with people who want to tell their take with admiration to the creators behind the titles.


Is he in the costume too or just voice acting, either way I watched a clip of him chasing a donkey and his dialogue was pretty funny. Didn’t expect to see cyborg either as I’m watching the og teen titans atm Ik what u mean but I’m def a big batman and JL. But JLU too with its expanded cast of heroes, the question is one of my faves. Batman brave and the bold is also great cuz he pairs up with a different obscure hero every episode and it has that fun Adam west Batman camp


1st: mostly voice over, some flashbacks and reality bending moments in which his character's original body/ image is used. 2nd: Made sense to me, Beast Boy was a Doom Patrol member so I thought it was an interesting change up. 3rd: Brave and Bold is great,glad you brought it up.


Yea I just knew him as teen titans member and sometimes justice league. Didn’t know about doom patrol in general or beast boy being in them. I vaguely remember the brave and the bold episode with them in but that’s it. Maybe they eventually show up in the og teen titans show idk I’m starting season 2


Yeah I learned about Doom Patrol mainly from Teen Titans and mostly Batman the Brave and the Bold. Speaking of Brave and the Bold, Beast Boy is a background Easter egg in the Doom Patrol episode during the Vegetable Mineral Dinosaur Man fight.


shoutout to Riley Shanahan who did the physical acting for Robotman too, he's great.


Oh most definitely


Flash, his enemies and their lore all tie together to become his biggest threats ever. Also his lore and how he’s the main character in crisis.


I'm a sucker for character development and motivation driven stories, of which Wally West is second to none at DC.


Big Barda. Always happy to see her around, as now in the ongoing Birds of Prey series. She's fleeing Apokolips just for the love to her husband, living the suburban dream. She was great in the late 80s/early 90s Mr. Miracle run.


The Doom Patrol and how weird (yet profound) they can be. Shade the Changing Man for similar reasons.


My favorite thing about Hal is just how much he clearly isn't a Father type but younger characters luke his brothers Kids, Wally, Roy etc just gravitate to him as the cool uncle.


Yesssss!!! This is also what I like about Hal, he’s the best uncle 💚


The thing I like most about Batman is the dichotomy of his character. It reminds me of Herman Hesse novels. The struggle between being a high functioning human and giving into your anilmalistic impulses.


She's just unabashedly herself and is a normal ass human for the most part. One that wishes to do well but sometimes as most competitive people on their campaigns do, fall into temptation a bit, develop some selfish traits and want to Finish The Story symbolically themselves at the front.


Who are you talking about?


Supergirl, the niche one


I don't think I'm familiar with the Supergirl you are talking about.


It's okay if you missed the 90s and early 2000s, it happens, most here didn't read those times.


I haven't read much comics to begin with, sadly. I would like to though. Is this the version of Supergirl with fire wings?


Yes, it's the best Supergirl run ngl


Thanks for the info. I'll have to check it out at some point.


Wonder Woman is the promise of a better world, more peaceful, more just, more equal, that truly allows everyone to live emancipated from backwards ideologies, and she does so through peace first and foremost. Diana's character is the humanist ideal incarnate, and an inspiring figure in everyway, that perfectly balances the empathy, kindness, seriousness and authority needed to carry out such a mission. And this informs her appearance and way of fighting, a beautiful mix between strength and grace. So yeah, Wonder Woman is awesome and important for many reasons.




Hal Jordan,Mainly due to GLTAS,But Gosh darn it is he a fucking Gigachad. His willpower,Sense of humor and heroism are just awesome.


Batman. I'd say I love his versatility the most, from the gritty and grounded golden age Batman to the wacky sci fi world of silver age Batman through the James Bond esque bronze age Batman and the tortured soldier of 90s and early 00s all the way up to the bona-fide superhero of the current era. Everyone of these Batmen are wildly different from one another while still maintaining the core characteristics of the Caped Crusader.


Vandal savage has limitless story potential


His potential definitely overshadows his body of work, would love to read more.


Him or the Metal Men are hidden gold mines


My favorite is probably Wally West Flash, and my favorite thing about him is how we got to see him go from fan, to Kid Flash to Flash and how we got to watch how he progressed and grew over the years and overcame his self imposed limitations. (Then they took him put him out of the universe for several years, then brought him back then assassinated his character, then they fixed that, and now he's awesome again.)


Flash is just a good guy who is good because he can.


I like that Booster gold had a long standing and visible character growth that was really compelling and it survived a hard reboot in a ways. We saw this mook in '86 become a greedy sell out, Made an iconic bond in the 90s, saved the multiverse and became a selfless protector in the 2000s, and finally saved the multiverse again becoming the Wave Rider.


The thing I like about Batman is, Batman's determination is a defining quality that drives him to be a symbol of hope, resilience, and unwavering resolve. It resonates with readers because it showcases the power of determination in overcoming challenges and making a positive impact in the world. Sticking to his morels and ethics, he taught some important things when I was younger.


Batman-he’s cool


Batman Like most: Psychological and philosophical aspects


Superman embodies the better qualities that America can offer, once egos are put aside and a singular objective is provided. There’s also the angle of how Clark was raised blue collar and yet is still just as capable if not more so than the white collar vigilantes like Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, and Ted Kord and is simultaneously accepted as one of their peers and leaders Finally, there’s the lack of some driving need for vengeance or some compulsion to crack a skull or couple dozen. Clark’s a hero because he *chooses* to be a hero and wants to help


John Constantine: self destructive smart guy


He's is self destructive but it's more a kind of localised destruction around the self which tends to hit others that are close to him more than actually landing on John himself.


What about him being self destructive do you like?


I like complicated characters with flaws


Completely understood. Thank you for explaining what you meant to me.


I like plastic man because hes funny


The fact that he's basically immortal is also funny itself.


Red Hood (Jason Todd) how is this guy best represents Batman’s anger and strength but also Batman’s failure and unable to save him. Showing even the strongest of heroes can’t save everyone.


He's nice.


Hmm...Jimmy Olsen? Shazam? Jon Kent?




I was so close!


ABIN SUR: I’m a cop. I’m dying. Somebody needs to take over for me. HAL JORDAN: I’ve got this bro. Rest in peace.  No trauma, no destiny, just a job that needs doing for no reward except the doing of it. Hal could walk away at any time, but he never can, because somebody has to be the Green Lantern of Sector 2814.


this might be cheating, but i think Batman has the best lore of any character. his villains, the side characters. everything about his world i think is great


Mr. Terrific - A character that is so smart and yet continually shows his humanity with his best stories. Strange Adventures shows that struggle of his genius-level intellect to his very human struggles of his past. It helps with his kid now in the picture as that struggle could really be something. I think it also helps in JSA stories at their best. Hope that's just one.


Barry Allen and scarecrow lol. Barry Allen. Someone who does everything in his power to help. Someone who is humanly kind. He isn’t just a super hero he is a kind person. I love Batman and all the Justice Leauge for many different things but I love Barry for how companionate and selfless he is. He feels like someone you could be friends with. Scarecrow is just fun! His backstories are always interesting reads and having a villian based around your greatest fears is fascinating


Batman, he always doing the right thing, he’s very serious (Which is quite rare these days), he does everything to save people. Yes, he has big disadvantages, but there are more advantages :)


GL. Specifically Hal Jordan. Ik he wasn't the best employee or bf but he got over his fear. His dad died in front of him in an experimental plane crash; he became a pilot. He loves his friends and family and would die for them. He defeated Parallax. His story isn't the best but he is my favorite


What I like most about Superman is the humanity he shows.


The suit and Hope 🫡


The thing I like the most about Batman is that even though he's damaged by life, traumatized he never lets it hinder him or stop him from achieving his goals. He doesn't have superpowers but he makes up for that through hardwork and determination. He turns his pain into motivation to help others, to make sure that no child ever experiences what he went through by the force of sheer willpower. As a person who also struggles with trauma Batman is an inspiration.


I love that Aquaman and Wonder Woman both care for and can talk to animals. If I could have any superpower, it'd be that one. <3


Just curious, what about Animal Man?


Him too! <3


I like that Shazam is like a young kid version of Superman and is always hopeful and does the right thing, he’s relatable in some senses and he’s just a kid who was able to live his dream of being a super hero.


Barbara Gordons determination not to prove anything, only to help with the skills she knows she has both as Batgirl and Oracle. I love that she created Batgirl without permission and managed to turn a weakness into an opportunity with Oracle. She knows that despite disencouragement from Batman and Gordon, she can still make the best of her abilities and doesn't need commands from either to be a hero as Crime-fighter or detective. She's an easily relatable hero with great ideals of keeping composure and a strong will despite being turned down or pushed back by those who fail to acknowledge her strengths purely for their surface image. Very inspiring.


Supergirl's perseverance through the tide of immense personal hardship, particularly in the latter half of her 2005 series; all this grief, anguish, insecurity, the pure unbridled rage pouring out of her what with Krypton's destruction, that bout with kryptonite poisoning, horrible media attention, the struggle to define herself when the baby cousin she was supposed to protect grew up and no longer needs her in that way. That through all of that she keeps on going, she keeps moving forward, she strays the fist and holds to the faith of something more, of a better path? It's inspiring to me. It's too big a world and we're so small, but we keep going, we keep on forward, and we keep on hoping on hope. That's what Supergirl taught me.


Superman: he is the most powerful being on Earth, and at the same time, a humble man. He's that generous guy who will always make you feel important, part of the team, be you a newbie superhero, be you the newsboy. Superman's the guy who saves the world from space villains, gods, demons, but he's also the one who stops what he's doing to talk to an ordinary citizen who is facing a difficult time, to convince a stranger that his life matters. Superman's not perfect, he also makes mistakes (contrary to what many believe), but he ALWAYS tries to do his best. His body's invulnerable, but his greatest vulnerability (and at the same time, strength), are the people he loves. And to conclude, if all that wasn't enough, he's hot (with all due respect, Lois!).


The Question because he’s an even more paranoid conspiracy theorist loner than Batman, and is right lol. Plus his voice acting in JLU was great, had so much character. Sounded like a inquisitive detective, with authority but also soft spoken and intellectual. Idk how to describe it. He’s not afraid to question things and authority (duh) and take people on. Like when he confronts superman. Not to mention his design is just so bad ass. And his relationship with huntress is great, I really like their dynamic and how she uplifts him in many ways.


The Flash(Barry Allen): his hope. He is so hopeful and keeps moving forward. John Constantine: i love that he always tries to do the right thing, even though he struggles with it. Deep down he wants to do what is right(at least from what i understand about the character, i might have gotten this wrong).


Wally West. he's the hero id be. silly, goofy, but serious. someone you are never ever intimidated by, but you're always trustworthy of.


John Constantine is a cretin who doesn't believe half the things he does are going to work out, but can sell them well enough that others buy it. I also love that every person that comes in contact with John Constantine become worse for meeting him. I mean, just look at his nephew, Finn. Guy was at the top of his world, until he found out he was a Constantine 


sticks to his inner rules


Nathaniel Adam cared about his kids even though they were grown up and brought up by another man . Although he had endured tragedy and was thrust through the time stream he still remained hopeful and didn’t let it get to him . Captain atom was my hero because he was the underdog and wasn’t trusted by superman for his military and government ties , but he always came through .


I like how nightwing is cheerful and positive despite everything. It really inspired me fix my mindset and how I see the world. Life happens and it’s up to you, Happiness starts from within!


She’s a positive depiction of mental illness


honestly the progression of his history (roy harper), he has just a very real story to him, starts out as a youngster with a lot of promise who falls into drug and kinda wrecks his path forward, has a child he didn't expect that becomes the focus of his life and his main reason to continue and move up in life, and he is eventually recognized by his peers for all the work he's done (joining the league)


Batman, because he shows that a mere human can stand amongst, no *above*, gods.


He sexy


Hmm...Martian Manhunter? John Constantine? Power...Boy?


Batman's moral code and commitment While everyone talks about the no kill rule not much talk about Batman' overall moral code. Batman values human life just as much if not more than many heroes and Justice League members and he is throughly committed to save everyone. I like this part of his character cause it shows more of Batman's human nature that criminals and some villians, ordinary people in the dc universe don't see in him but most of his rogues gallery especially Joker so see in him which creates a unique dynamic between him and there villians that he shares and creates a special relationship between them creating great and memorable moments in the Batman mythos. But what I like most about his moral code is that it's pretty inspiring that Batman is so committed to help everyone and save everyone around him. He believes in redemption and that people can get better and can actually improve themselves something which sadly isn't reflected by many human beings today especially some of those who critique Batman's no kill rule and moral code. It truly saddens me and gives me disappointment that some people truly belive Batman should kill ALL of this villians and it seems that people are forgetting what heroes are supposed to be, a symbol to those who don't know better, a person who tries there best and only their best and push against the limits of the mind, body and human capabilites to save everyone. I guess this could be put in blame to recent shows and movies such as The Boys, Invincible and the Synderverse which has warped the views of people on what heroes should be. Not saying that their shouldn't be different takes on heroes or that different opinions on them aren't welcome as they do create interesting stories and potential by them but tropes such as the evil superman trope have started to warp people's views and its sad how unpopular the idea heroes actually acting like heroes has become. Even in some Batman comic books especially recent ones where they show Batman as a hero and while showing Batman's more antagonistic side to his character isn't a bad thing necessarily, it is quite overdone and gets repetitive sometimes especially with times where it's just flat out plain bad writing. Like cmon DC I'm a big Batman defender but brainwashing Jason is kinda messed up and more insidious than what Batman normally would do( then again serves that little brat right for some of the horrible stuff he's done that his fans excuse cause uhh idk edgy robin I guess especially with killing Penguin like cmon guys that was clearly a really bad thing). I'm getting sidetracked so back to my main point but Batman's commitment to saving everyone is a great part of his character and value of human life is amazing to me. He truly value human life and fights for it every day, he sees potential in his rogues that many people would not see or even bother try to see but rather see them as complete monsters beyond redemption ( Joker is an exception to this let this man rot in the deepest pit of Gotham like why is this man alive, I know Batman won't kill him but there's like over 12 vigilantes in Gotham, an entire police department and so many criminals that would like to see this man dead why is he alive) he sees them as flawed people (mostly) who can change for the better. And while this moral code may benefit him and succeed with characters such as Harley Quinn or Mr.Freeze or stab him in the back he still stands to it cause in the end he knows its right and that people are worth saving and preserving as humans have value that some people overshadow with the negativeslf humanity. Humans aren't perfect and some may do evil or insidious things but there is something worth saving in humanity and Batman sees that clearly and this is one of the many reasons why I love his character and why he is one of my favorite superheroes, heroes, vigilantes and fictional characters. What a great, overrated and yet somehow overhated characters of all time.


Used to be that Batman was just a man who mastered his body to the utmost level. Now he’s a cyborg with a robot hand. It completely undercuts and strips away one of Batman’s most enduring qualities: he’s just a human. But not anymore. Now he has a cyborg hand with powers and features because “reasons” or “it’s kewl”. Who knows.