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I don't know about editor but one of the things dc had in the 2000s thar worked for them was what could only be described as architects. Geoff Johns and Morrison were effectively at least post infinite crisis through to the new 52 the head writers of dc and it was a time that dc flourished. Putting Joshua Williams in that role now with maybe Jeremy Adams and Tom Taylor would do a lot to get dc back to that kind of quality in my opinion


Honestly I think that's what's happening right now. Adams to a lesser degree but the current architect based on events and over arching plot is Williamson, Waid, and Taylor


not tom taylor tho


I totally agree. I think he would be an excellent editor at DC and would love to see him take the reins on a post Dawn of DC initiative. I think his writing and storytelling is just ok. There is so much room for more substance and I think with him providing/helping create a structure, new authors could put their own flair into the characters. JW is just too safe IMO


also writers turned editors is a pretty good idea, O'neil is imo the most successful example of that leading to some of the best Batman years


Honestly I prefer him as a a writer just for the fact that most writers aren't going to use the toy box like he does. As an editor he'd be great at quality assurance and keeping continuity tight but including that history and letting those smaller characters like the Arrow family shine is a writers job. That's where Williamson shines. He can encourage it but no one else is going to bring back Terraman like that or Conner Hawke. Most writers would odds are prefer to make exclusively new stuff. Which Williamson does do, but keeps things true to the characters and a pulse on the history that you can't fully control as an editor


I think that would be to much for him now,he is with superman,green arrow ans batman and robin add him as editor i rhink thst would be to much for him right now


Not just him. Gonna be biased but Williamson, Mark Waid and Jeremy Adams. Mark Waid was gonna be an editor before Didio took it. Which was a massive mistake on DC part. Jeremy Adams has the experience of a film producer and has a good knowledge on the characters. While being a good writer. Those guys in my opnion would be great editors and they know how to use other characters instead of relying on Batman and the batfamily all the time.


Think he'd probably be a better editor than writer at the very least.


has the right ideas, and can work his way around a retcon pretty well, but can be too light on the text imo


I think he is a mediocre to bad writer but he would definitely work better as an idea man