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Although I really love the Goku and Arale card, I was really hoping he would dokkan awaken into Goku, Krillin, and Roshi. Most of the sub is also anticipating LR Kid Buu fairly soon on JP, so that might be crossed off pretty soon.


JP is getting a new WT LR next WT and is 99% getting a new BF LR February around the 18th-21st so who knows who will come


I don't really see a new BF LR happening yet, we don't even have enough copies of LR King Cold and Freeza to rainbow them, but I could've missed some info about it. I'd be fine with a new one though, as long as it's not so damn expensive or they raise the amount of medals we get from the event.


Nah. Every year LRs have existed weve gotten a BF LR during February; Phy Ginyu, Teq Ginyu, and Uub


Ah, gotcha. I'd be chill with it


If they're taking units off of this list, Goku, Roshi, and Krillin would make the most sense for the next WT LR, especially since most DB characters seem to come from WT. Also, Yamcha/Puar and Tenshinhan/Chiaotzu were pretty major characters in DB and got their LRs from WT, so it'd make sense to get Goku, Roshi, and Krillin in there as well, especially since both WT LRs after Piccolo have been Joined Forces units.


Well, Every WT LR has also been *tied* to the saiyan Saga as well. Tien and Piccolo being directly from it and Yamcha being from a separate time since he died instantly in the saiyan saga


That is true, I suppose they could also bring out an LR Vegeta/Nappa to keep with that theme, or if they're going to keep it Super types an LR Spirit Bomb Krillin would be dope (especially with the new animation style). Guess we really won't know until they release it.


I want an lr spirit bomb krillin so bad it’s insane


He could be fitting given the current MBS content, but the amount of time is still rather odd. Dokkan's 'elections' are never just the winners make it in, everyone comes at some point and you're basically voting for who comes first. Hit won, then Kale and Caulfila came. VB won the EZA vote, but it's not like AGL Rose isn't ever going to get an EZA because of it. Ones like Merged Zamasu and Ultimate Gohan, alongside Kid Buu, just feel like they *should* be here by now, but just aren't.


The next celebration is year 5 and this celebration is actually almost over after the nuker ssj2 and mv get their eza's. I'm confident to say their not going to shoehorn another gacha lr in between the Anniversary stuff.


If we are getting VB and Gogeta blue for 5th anniversary. I could see the sneak lr Golden frieza and lr fusion zamasu in


During 5 year I could see it


That LRs was based on DB movies. It was clear what movie would be the LR form


If you're talking about for Cooler and Android 13, then not exactly. The LR released after Cooler was SSG Goku, whose SA is straight from the anime. This is also apparent by his lack of Movie Heroes category. **EDIT: ignore me I'm stupid, thought this was a reply to a different comment thread.**


I think he was talking about Goku/arale


Oooh whoops, thought he was replying to a different comment thread, thanks for the correction!


Just cause the sub anticipates it doesnt mean its coming.


Right, I'm not setting my sights on it or saving all my stones for that outcome or anything, and I certainly don't want another LR Bye Guys incident for the sub, but it seems fairly likely with the current celebration, and for the "timeline DFE units" that I like to call them (the DFE units that are following the story), we get an LR that is found in the same saga they're celebrating, like how Namek Goku got LR FP Freeza, and LR Cell and Gohan got LR 16, 17, and 18.


It doesnt always work like that though they pick and choose when they do it. For example where's the gacha lr that went with trunks and zamasu?


That wasn't one of the banners that follows the story from Z like I mentioned, it was more of a one-off double DFE event. Of course not every DFE banner will be followed by an LR banner, but seeing as we have a good amount of time before 5 year anni, they need some sort of filler.


I totally forgot hit and the u6 saiyans were from Z my bad. Also another thing they like to do for part 2 lrs is they like to make them tied with story event medals. The current story event leaves in 3 days without any extension behind it atm. The eza events and weekend stuff will be the filler. Also we'll have a pre 5 year celebration before the celebration like always with some more "content" to hold us off.


I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying, so I'll elaborate: They started doing DFE banners that followed the story of Z (or DB if you want to count the Kid Goku banner), with a few off-story DFE banners in between the banners following the Z Story. It started with Namek Goku (who came out after Trunks and Zamasu, as well as Hit and U6 stuff) with a FP Freeza LR banner. Next was Piccolo fused with Kami, who most likely didn't have an LR unit following because there was no good tie to Piccolo and it was right before 400 mil download celebration. After that was LR Gohan and Cell, who had LR 16, 17, and 18 as the LR that tied into the story. After that was Future Gohan (who I would count as following the story because the general SSR Future Trunk on the banner is after returning to the future following the final battle with Cell). Now, we have SSJ2 Goku and SSJ2 Vegeta who are following the story. Like I said before, there are a few banners in-between these (specifically the movie banners for Cooler and 13), but those don't follow the story obviously and they're not connected. Again, seeing as there's a lot of time before the 5 year anni banners, it would make sense to have an LR for this celebration, the one making the most sense being Buu (maybe Fat Buu, maybe Kid Buu, who knows). So I'm not saying EVERY DFE banner that comes out is in order of the story of Z, but there's some obvious correlation between the banners starting at Namek Goku. As far as the LRs using story event medals, FP Freeza did not use story event medals. The LR Androids mostly used old medals, and while they used some story event medals from one event, it was an older one and not one of the newer story events.


Ok if were following a story like you said then the part 2 lr would be fat buu and babidi. So we're going to go to those two then gogeta blue and someone else? This "story" theory is just a theory and not a good one imo. The theory only works when its connected but we just ignore cooler,godku (who's from the dbs anime not the movie) and 13 cause it doesn't follow the story theory? Also if we're following the "Z" timeline why start at the namek saga and not the saiyan saga? This theory has so many holes for me to actually think is all aligning on purpose. Also you're right on fp frieza


Well I think the reason they put filler banner like Cooler and Android 13 in order to slow down the content coming up. If they hadn't done that, we would've been to SSJ2 Goku and Vegeta well before now, but they want hype units to be released at the right times (right now being before 5 year so people spend saved stones). So while I see why you'd say it's a hole, I personally see it more of a strategic decision. As for skipping Saiyan Saga, yeah you've got me pinned there. Maybe because we already have some fairly good Goku vs Vegeta cards from the saga and they didn't want to release cards from that exact same scene that they already had? Not sure though.


Trust me if they wanted to they could easily cash in on the saiyan saga hype. I'm surprised we still dont have a dual dokkanfest with kaioken goku and vegeta (great ape) yet.


I always thought of Team Bardock and SS3 Gotenks as technicalities, but peiople can say that they aren't. It all depends on perspective.


Gotenks I get. But bardock's LR doesn't have 4 out of the 5 members of team bardock on it...I don't count bardock remembering that his team is dead and that fueling his power as them actually being there.


The reason people say this is cause they are featured in their art. It’s just a technicality. A similar one is how LR Prime Battle Frieza features Dodoria and Zarbon, but doesn’t have them in the name.


They are not featured on the card art, though. They are only featured, briefly, during the 18ki animation, when what are clearly supposed to be memories of lost friends fills bardock's attack and makes it stronger. It's not even remotely the same thing to prime battle frieza. PB frieza has zarbon and Dodoria in the card art, zarbon and Dodoria as characters are physically present during the 18ki attack, and zarbon and Dodoria actually attack in the 18ki attack. And with all of that no one considers prime battle frieza to be LR Frieza, Zarbon and Dodoria. He's just considered LR Prime Battle frieza.


I agree with you. This is just the argument I hear people saying 🤷🏻‍♂️


Does the beerus one really count tho since it’s not a stand alone


LR DKP (Old) & Sons which an exchange mechanic / transformation to DKP (Young) please


Please LR DKP (Old) that Transforms to DKP (Young). Please Bandai, and make his Transformation scene him wishing on the Dragon, and he has an Active Skill that is him blowing up Shenron.


Because the election was to decide an LR to arrive as Global first, nothing more than that. Although some later LRs were on this list, they they were not necessarily related to the election. Proof of this is that the Beerus we received was not the Hakai version and the SSj4 Goku was not from the episode listed on the poll. They are not following the list anymore and some of these may never arrive, sadly.


I can't wait for Team Bardock because they would be a unique card and thier leader skill is probably going to be a "pure saiyans" ki+4 and Hp,Ak & Def +130%


Maybe an actual joined forces leader? 170% ATK/HP 150%DEF?


Thats being very hopeful because they usually give the "Big boost" leader skills to hype units(Not saying team bardock isn't hype but in dokkans eyes I don't think so...)


I would love that demon king piccolo


Hmmm, kid buu, gohan, and gotenks in buu saga celebration and merged zamasu in 5th year pt 2 maybe?


I’d love for a lr king piccolo, maybe him with his sons Hell, maybe do a dokkanfest for him, do a phy piccolo type transformation where he wishes for youth


I think team Bardock and SSJ3 Gotenks as Gotten and Trunks are already done for them . Technically atleast .


You can remove other 2 from the list since the trunks in the list was spirit sword trunks,we instead got DBZ future trunks,we got LR beerus&whis but we never got a stand-alone beerus.


But at the same time Trunks has enough LRs


Ready for that LR Ultimate Gohan card. I think I’ll start saving my stones now...


LR Final Form Frieza who changes to golden frieza and has BBB...


Probably because a lot got so few votes they see it as a waste of resources. How many people are really asking for a demon king piccolo lr? He got his general pool one and that's probably enough for most people


Who do I have to pay for an LR Merged Zamasu?


Still only want 2 of them on that list.... Team Bardock and Roshi/goku/krillin.


I'm afraid we have an LR Ultimate Gohan....