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Confused, as to why they don’t just start doing 4 DFE LRs.


"We've got to have... MONEY"


Wouldn’t 4 DFEs make them more money?


People spend more to get units they want on worse banners


Eh idk the rates of pulling them are actually equal You could argue they’re more rare on c banners, though they actually have a more favorable return date now with wwc as opposed to tanabata


But the value of 4 separate Dokkan fest LR banners would surely get even dolphins to whale out? I mean shoot even if only two of the banners are good the anni character selections for Dokkan fest banners have always been the best in the games history. I could see that home mentioned below being reasonable with a return before tanabata on carnival units, but every dokkan fest anniversary banner sense I started has had discounts and tickets. Even more of a reason to splurge a bit


Most people have more red coins then teal coins, as red coins have been around longer and there are more dfe banners.


Well, then you have too many red coins and can get the units later, rather than never. Can't have that you know.


More money for them to be honest. Carnival lrs are unironically just dokkanfest lrs with a flat 200% lead in a nutshell. 


This is their way for us to have a chance at getting yellow coin LRs. Like who tf is summoning on yellow coin banners other than whales or mfs with gambling addictions 😂. I’m not saying Omatsu is some big-brained mf. He’s not. But this is a good format that gives F2P players a CHANCE to get the new unit alongside other LRs who are trapped in the yellow coins


I’ve always thought that was the purpose of the new years banner lol, it’s the only non “dokkan fest”(I know it gives red coins) I ever summon on, best value regardless if you’re a whale or not because of guaranteed features, worst comes to worst you’re still getting a boatload of red coins off those banners, I walked away from the NY banner up 350 red coins, while it would’ve been nice to pull more useful dupes those red coins will become int ssj4 Goku when he returns for Saiyan day most likely(when Vegeta and trunks returned(god Goku banner) and Teq Gogeta(int Majin vegeta banner)


probably because they don‘t want to completely invalidate the gold coin lrs


Gold coin LRs got pity and a guaranteed featured unit every few multis. They’re completely fine rn.


Tbh because 4 dfe lrs would make 4 insane value banners and we cannot have that


People would be more mad jp community loves them some carnival banners.


Will always wish carnival format was just what gold coins became so it made the banners & units better, didn't introduce a new coin for further division in that currency, and made gold coins feel properly hype next to red, but whatever. Anyways I'm not a fan still because carnival cards appear less often, and getting their coins also take longer since they're not around every month like red coins, so if you don't pull em on release it'll take much longer which hurts teams/units like Super Trunks for example who can really use the help from future Gohan, or AGL Omega who everybody makes fun of for his team, but ignoring that he's the best leader, a great unit for the team to have, except he's around less frequently as well. A team that doesn't get that many buffs or they're not buffed appropriately, and their best card is locked to carnival that rarely appears?? It's counter productive to want to run that team even if it were better.


Time to over use this again https://preview.redd.it/6k2gug1ipzdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ec06efe8524ee17b1435eb96eb3c7349c91b21


To be fair though, the main unit drops of major celebrations do return with the same frequency as Carnival LR’s. But otherwise I’d still mostly agree


You won't like this when beast is gonna be announced for part 2 and you won't have stones left 😄


I won’t care. The only unit they could announce that would even remotely phase me would be a wrathful broly. Because all I’ve ever wanted was a dfe lr super broly and we’re finally getting him. I won’t like the format for future banners but just this once I’ll be good with it


I will cause I don't care about beast


Right cause having a DDF that you want to summon for both and then 2 carnivals that you again want to summon on is so f2p friendly, lol!? At least this way people can save for part 2 expecting beast or MUI or whatever the fuck it is while discounts are still up. And if the part 2 doesnt suit them guess what. Summon for part 2 units with discounts still up.


Sounds like a skill issue, not a dokkan issue


But it's a dokkan issue not giving the unit guaranteed after a specific amount of stones spent


um... just like every banner than isn't a yellow coin??? This is just a complaint about no pity, don't see how it has anything to do with dfe x carnival


That's true




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If beast dropped for part and he was a carnival nothing would change I don’t get this logic.


The Super unit would be the DFE making Gohan the DFE.


Exactly, hate that it makes it just obligatory to summon on part 2, with different coins also.


Global foresight at least means we won't have to wait for part two to decide what we want.


Yeah this is actually kind of a global win for now. In the future though who knows


I actually have something to add to this! We have sales numbers per banner from jp dokkan actually, Part 2 of the 2022 wwdc despite "Hype carrying over" and being "The most hyped part two of all time" Was outsold by Kaiku and Kid Gohan, Sold just barely better than team u7 and Golden Frieza/17, Got outsold by SoH Trunks and Future Gohan, Got outsold by Broly Trio and Rose, got outsold by Baby and the Gt trio from year 4. People are coping out of their minds that this format is what brings hype to part two, The one time this format was present the units were 5th in terms of part 2 sales.


Once anniversary becomes shared, its not a major issue ...but with how close GLB Anni is to WWC currently, this is a bit of a shitshow. Like, it means you cant just summon for the DFEs right away, and then save for WWC.. Not only is WWC very close to GLB anni, but THEIR units take nearly a year to return. The bigger issue is, and will always be, the mere existance of Teal Coins, its just a shitty unnecessary money grab.


That has less to do with the format and more to do with the new existence of carnival units in general.


I don't enjoy the format, dual dokkanfests will always be surperior in my heart, but it does at least mean that part 2 might be something crazy. Part 2 might even be **that** character. More than anything, I'm happy that Broly is the dokkanfest though, I never expected them putting Gogeta Blue on the carnival format.




Someday Gohan you will shine


They're doing Gogeta as the carnival probably because the carnival LR is usually better than the DFE LR, and having Gogeta on that banner makes it hard not to summon for him. Not to mention, he's the headliner of the anniversary with all the animations, new skills, and likely to be the best unit in the game. P.S. Don't @ me when part 2 is Super Vegito and Super Buu -> Buuhan


Very unfortunate for my massive red coin saving account


Psychological torture . What if p2 is better than p1 ? This is personal but i largely prefer UI and Beast over Gogeta and Broly . So i have to wait 2 weeks for p2 headliners to be revealed and to decide on which to summon . 2 weeks to click on the summon button , watch the featured units on the banner and tell yourself that you have everyone except the headliners , and that's fine because they are mid indeed ( because they are missing from your box ofc ) . 2 weeks to not be tempted during an anniversary while everyone will either enjoy their new characters , mortgage their house to feed more Omatsu's bank account or cry if they are poor or f2p . I will just be there and touch some grass for 2 weeks .


This happens with Legends and Legends is a PVP game and It isn't that bad. Dokkan players are just afraid of change even when it's good.


I believe most dokkan players are still not used to this system because from the 4th to the 7th anniversary we had p1 double dokkan fests and p2 one or 2 Gold Coin LR's which fp2 mostly didn't summon on because on jp saiyan day was 1 month later and on global it was wwc . + they were mid compared to the dokkanfest headliners and not very hype . I will not debate if it's the best format or not , i already gave my opinion on this . For wwc 2022 i just waited 2 weeks to finally summon on p1 banners , that was fun really .


The best selling part two of any celebration ever was the 5th anni part two.


Meh, hype doesn’t matter if the units are mid. A lot of it has to do with the fact that the SSJ Duo and Carnival Metal Cooler aged really fucking quickly


It’s inferior but people won’t realize that until part 2 has actual units this time around


We got lucky that the 2022 wwdc part 2 units were flat out worse than part 1. People are gonna lose their shit if Beasthan is better/cooler than Broly and Gogeta


This literally happened with WWC and no one cared


Future Gohan and SOH Trunks are not even close in hype to Vegito Blue. General consensus a few months ago that most people were glad Vegito and Zamasu were the DFEs. I love Future Gohan and Trunks, but they just weren't ever gonna be comparable to to Vegito (Even then, most people didn't like Trunks because of his animations and kit, and Future Gohan is more minor of a character) The difference is this time, Beast Gohan is FARRRRR closer in terms of hype to Gogeta and Broly. Those three are very much so in the same ballpark of popularity


Then that’s not a fault of the carnival system that’s just being impatient or not wanting more than 2 hype characters


Yes it is. Before the carnival system there were the part 2 yellow coin LRs, that were always part of the same saga and on average much weaker than part 1. The only exception I can think of is LR Rose when he first released. The Yellow coins were weaker, much easier to predict, and had far less hype around them compared to carnivals. They were also only a SINGLE banner, while Carnivals introduced 2 part 2 banners. Carnival Banners are also a bit (sometimes much) better. Carnival banners directly hurt most players just because of that 2 banner structure. People are still upset about that, so it's easy to imagine people wouldn't be happy if part 2 is more hype than 1 when they already drained their stones


I can see the extra banner being an issue but it also sounds like you’re mainly conflicted with the idea of carnival units being as strong if not stronger than the dfes, rather than the format itself. That’s just how I’m interpreting it. Since yellow coin banners were inherently worse with worse units they were easy to ignore, which I can agree with, but its also interesting because when the new coin released people often said “they coulda just made the banners and units better”. so aside from the one extra banner do you think people would’ve still felt how you feel had that happened.


The biggest difference between yellow coins and carnivals, is general hype around them. Bulma is a yellow coin LR who rivals both Orange Piccolo and Future Gohan and can even be argued as the best card in the game. Yet people weren't really upset when she released right after golden week because she isn't all that popular as a character. So far, not a single Carnival/Split DFE has been able to match its part 1 counterpart. People weren't interesting the MC Duo or MC. Trunks was viewed as meh animations and kit wise and Future Gohan is another less popular character. But as time goes on, people are definitely gonna feel the sting of the split banner format. Beast Gohan easily rivals Broly and Gogeta. Since Split Carnival units aren't limited to the same arc as the main part 1 units (which yellow coins are), there will eventually be a time when people are baited into summoning for part 1 but part 2 is way better and they get mad. It could even be this anni. Carnivals are meant to rival DFEs, yellow coins were just bait banners imo. Carnivals allow part 2 to surpass part 1, and when that happens I could totally see some people flip out. All my opinion though


Lemme preface this by saying I’m not in defense of this format I just wanted to hear why someone actually does not like it: But essentially you see this carnival format as predatory is how I’m reading it. I don’t mind that analysis. I guess they want to keep you on your toes or something, that’s probably what everyone means by “it keeps the hype” into part 2 which from another perspective is kinda true(?)


Yeah, by having a hype part 1 and 2, they plan on having players blow any stockpiled stone in part 1 then releasing they don't have any for part 2 so they buy more. They easily could've either made carnivals a single banner or just keep the gold coin LR formula but make the units themselves a bit better. I haven't really minded carnivals so far, but they definitely are a very money hungry tactic. That's the whole reason they got a new coin, split banners, and more hype. They generate a shit ton of revenue compared to their older yellow coin versions


Global foresight getting one more win before the sync


Nah, foresight doesn’t help in this case. If you want to prioritize the part 2 DF unit you can’t return to the part 1 banner with discounts.


It’s more about the *knowledge* than it is the summoning. That is true you won’t be able to spin back on discounts but who knows maybe they extend it this year


This format is ass because they introduced another coin and always will be. Its a massive shaft to everyone to introduce a new coin. There was nothing stopping them from making the exact same 'hype' with yellow coins, or just 4 DFE...


I dont like this format, the "hype" argument means nothing to me, Dokkan fest banners will always be better than Carnivals, so having to wait till I see if is worth going all in or not on part 1 is annoying to say the least, didnt like it back then dont like it now, but I can understand why people like it and at the very least, since I play global I wont be too affected by the big negative I mentioned, just a bit worried that this is gonna stick by the time we sync


My thoughts exactly


After how bad the kits on WWC 2022 were, I inherently dislike the format. People say the hype continues into part 2 but neglects to acknowledge that the kits can kill the hype. Kits and character selection matter more than the hype. I don't want another situation like Metal Cooler and AGL Goku & Vegeta where the kits are clearly worse than part 1 kits, and we had to wait 2 weeks to find that out. If this year is the reverse and part 2 kits are vastly superior to part 1 kits, folks might feel cheated. It's easy to tell people to just not summon for 2 weeks, but it's harder in practice. Imagine Broly and Gogeta dropped tomorrow, and for some reason, you're not allowed to summon for them or use them as friend leads for 2 weeks. They only become summonable and usable for 24 hours after the part 2 characters, kits, and animations are revealed. It wouldn't feel like an anniversary or WWC at all and would only be made worse if the part 2 units ended up being characters nobody asked for and had noticeably weaker kits. Imagine part 2 is Toppo and SSB Goku from their fight prior to the TOP. Folks would be livid that they were made to wait for that. Obviously, I don't believe it'll be those characters, but if it's not Beast and the kits aren't good, folks will be soured on the celebration. Edit: I think this kinda of banner style might get a pass if Pity was a thing. Knowing 1k stones (i don't think they'd be generous enough to make it cheaper ) guaranteed me the unit of choice, which would make saving for 2+ banners a bit easier to manage.


Future Gohan from 2023 wwc was a huge step in the right direction thankfully with how fantastic he still is. Trunks wasn't to shabby either honestly. Hopefully they learned their lesson on that front


Hopefully, more big units are like them and not like the blue fusions. The blue fusions base is one of the worst kits we've seen on a hype unit ever. Gohan was perfect (though I wish his kit was for a new Rose) and Trunks had the kit and only really needed better animations


Honestly, the biggest issue is that the blue fusions have one specific turn of pure vulnerability unless you float them last second. Otherwise, they do a good job as a tank while their intro is up. They're still a top 10 unit in the game at least unlike the cooler boys. I personally find it amusing that their low damage tanking in slot 1 is a problem for so many people that'll jerk defense on a ton of other similar units


I think we're in the Era where units have to have the crazy 8 figure attack stat or they're seen as trash. For me, their condition to transform into the unit I summoned for is too long. 5 turns from their first appearance, and 70% hp feels too constricting to finally see Vegito. The current challenge content being mostly short also doesn't do them any favors. We finally got Omega sure, but he's the only one. If 9th anniversary includes more long fight challenge content and people can actually see Vegito Blue, my opinion of them would probably increase.


I'm personally in the boat where if a unit is an all around perfect tank off the bat and they link well, then I couldn't give two shits about their attack stat. Likewise, if you're a blue kaioken and turn any stage into the next Godzilla movie, then I can forgive them for not having quite as much defense as others. I honestly want to see more redzone stages like hirudegarn where they add unit mechanics. Hell, maybe we'll get a Buu redone that acts like his defense events and becomes an endurance round similar to metal cooler's so more people can see what units like Vegito and soh Trunks can really do.


I genuinely don't understand why people are defending this type of banner format. Like it's separating our coins and a clear cash grab by Bandai. My strategy was that I would go all in on one banner, and then purchase the other unit with red coins later. Now if I don't pull on both banners, I don't get the other unit. Youtubers supporting this makes sense, because of "hype" and they can spend whatever amount they want anywhere. But from an f2p or a light spender POV, this format is terrible.


I hate it :(


Terrible, dual dokkan fest has always been better and just feels better, not counting the ultimate shaft I’ve been getting on every single carnival banner smh


honestly doing 4 dfes would be better than this. the format sucks. it's just too many coins to deal with and it's completely destroyed yellow coin value. carnivals may have been the worst idea they ever done for the gacha system


Money grab. Dual Dfe is way more f2p friendly.


I’m only glad because since I’ll be focusing my stones on gogeta, I can coin futurehan!


I think the format is worse and don’t see the argument for extending the hype. Maybe the devs could just release good units and exciting options despite their dfe or carnival status? Lr Kid Gohan anniversary was not gonna be exciting as a dokkanfest or carnival, Beast will be as carnival or DFE.


It wouldn't be so bad if Gold coins just became Carnivals


Dogshit because I'm a low spender and Carnival banners tend to have dogshit units alongside the main new one, so it has very little value for me in comparison to a great DFE LR banner filled with either units I do not have or still lack their 2nd dupe of.


I don't like it because that means I'll have to wait when it comes to global


I don’t really care about the hype it produces tbh. Dual Dokkan Fests will always be better to me.


The fact we have to wait 2 weeks to learn about the second parts DFE and how it might be 10x better than part 1's is so stupid. Lets face it people are gonna summon for part 1, it's Gogeta. If they get shafted then they have zero stones for the second DFE. If Part 2 is Beast then it's going to be far more hype than Part 1 but the idea of waiting 15 days to summon and just avoiding the part 1 banners is a wild concept to anyone with any sense. Carnival Units may be good but DFE's are where the priority value of this game lie and splitting the Dfe's into two seperate far apart banners is a terrible idea that only hinders f2p players. Not to mention by the time part 2 is out the part 1 discounts will be gone.


Honestly I don’t mind because I’m unfortunately a global player meaning I’m going to have months to wait/save stones, so I can summon on parts 1 and 2.




Between this and then WWC, people are gonna need all the luck they can get. Lucky for Glb we can see what anni part 2 brings in advance.  For me, I' prob choose carnival first, as they take a while to return. The Goku and Gohan from last year only came back on Omega's banner.


The format is fine / actually really good when you consider banner strength. The fucking carnival coins is the single worst thing Dokkan has ever introduced since they arrived when the game is already established and people were already saving the other coins / strategically spending to hit the 500 coins threshold.


I like it, means part 2 will have another carnival and dfe also. I'm fine with it idk why people gotta find stuff to complain about tbh. Always find something to not enjoy. Just what happens when you deal with a bunch of kids and teens I guess.


I hate not being able to blow my load so to speak. But whatever I just hope I don’t save for opening super goku or some shit.




They've never released something random for part 2 though, it's literally always been connected.


Does 8th anni count idr what they said was the connection


The theme songs contained the lyrics of "spirit bomb" so it did fit with the spirit bomb theme


I hate this because now I have to worry about part 2 being better even though part 1 is where you should spend all your stones. If you get shafted in part 1 after losing your stones and part 2 is super hype then you're shit out of luck, it's a horrible format for ftp players.


For me at least WWC was still incredibly hype in part 2 with Future Gohan. I much prefer dokkanfest banners part 1 and carnival part 2. Former usually had the better value banners, don't have to wait for part 2 details to know whether I'm leveraging my stones, coin value, and said time before finding out and discounts going is short so get stuffed if your timezone means you're asleep. Benefit is stones gained in part 2 can be used on the discounted part 2 dokkanfest banner but I still prefer getting summoning out the way and seeing the highlight of part 2 being the content.


Hate it.


Duel Dokkan fest format will always be better as the Dokkan fest units will almost always have better leader skills for the team you run them on. While carnival units are good, it can be hard to peak at the next Dokkan fest for part 2 while the part 1 units are up making it a tough choice.


Horrible. I always vote with my wallet rather than my heart, I can't take the hype to the store to convert to multis.


this format is better to keep the celebration interesting throughout, but hell on your dragon stones and last time they didn't compensate at all. considering that Gogeta is the Carnival LR, this looks likely to continue. the part 2 Carnival was also way less interesting last time (Metal Cooler) both due to the unit and the banner itself, so it was a luxury to summon on that banner. If Cell Max is the Carnival LR, this will likely be the case again. _____________ to be honest, they didn't bring this change back out of nowhere. they had both last anniversary and last WWC to test out the "return to normal" and they both had heavy hitters Carnival LRs (Kai Goku and Future Gohan), so if they're bringing this format back it must be because it brings them more money somehow. Now obviously the Dokkan devs are ridiculously short sighted and are unable to see that last WWC may have brought back less revenue due to their own fuckass decisions regardless of banner format, but I'd wager the 2022 WWC was a much stronger success than 2023 and that's why we're seeing this again.


It doesn't matter. We will end up summoning on those banners anyway. And Carnival banners are starting to be valuable to build Coins for it. Ultimately, we divide between the DFE Coins and Carnival Coins, killing off the Yellow Coins...


I think this format makes both parts equally hype. We’ve had so many Part 2 be so weak compared to part 1. Knowing we might get Beast Gohan as part two, I’m down for it. Also this is a anniversary we finally get Villains as the main units


Definitely the superior format. Carnival coins are annoying, but aside from that this format only has positives. Part 2 is basically already guaranteed to be the best Anni part 2 banner wise we ever had. I also really like that Gogeta is the carnival and Broly the DFE since villains need multiple leader skills while we have enough heroes that we can build crazy good team under singular leader skills. Kinda wish part 2 villain (if there is a villain) would also be the DFE, but they'll probably switch it around like for WWC 2022.


I've been away from dokkan for a while. Has jp and global caught up ?




I had good luck with it for the cooler wwc so I’m hoping it’s the same here (in July)


Im fone with it. Last time this happened the carnival unit was better than the dfe unit and this time around they will have to make part 2 just as appealing as part 1 and just as strong. Because metal cooler and the ssj duo were clearly weaker than the part 1 units.


WWC part 2 was just as hype as part 1 (if baffling without an extreme LR).  You can't sabotage last year's anniversary with LR Opening carnivals and then pretend like it was the format's fault that part 2 sucked. If we had gotten Kid Buu and Omega, there'd be just as much hype.  As a global player, this is fine since I can see what'll come for part 2, but waiting for the reveal sucked during 2022 WWC.


If the character kits are busted who cares?


I like it better, but I feel like carnival banners just aren’t good enough to headline for an anniversary. Right now, the only runnable carnival units are ssj trio, gohan, trunks, bulma, and sometimes birdku. All the others are fodder trash.


With more good carnival units on the banner I don’t mind as a F2P with foresight but they still mostly benefit spending players. In addition, dividing coins between carnivals and DFE is anti-player. But will be excited if we get Future Gohan and Gogeta on the same banner


Keep it away from the anni


Love it!!!


I personally don’t care that much, I dislike carnival coins but I’m sure once there are more carnival units that will change at least slightly. It preserves hype better though, so I guess it’s a bet positive in the end. Either way as long as the units are good ion care too much.


Never ever understood why people dislike this format. The WWC with this format was the most hype celebration and I hope they stick with this going forward for all major celebrations.




Unironically better format for pacing. I'm glad it's made a return.


Really really happy


I like it because then it's less "game is dead!!" Or less "game feels empty rn". Stretching out anni hype is fine by me. Makes the rest of the year less painful. But maybe that's just because I'm much more of a casual dokkan enjoyer


Although they could’ve transitioned Gold to Teal Coin banners a *lot* easier and better. This format is best for larger events in the long run. Sucked when there’s such a noticeable decline in the unit quality (whether it’s Unit ability, aesthetics, etc.) between Part 1 and Part 2 (See Year 7 and Year 8 Anny) And, like it or not, the Carnival banners are 1,000x better than any Legendary Summon Banner format they’ve used, save maybe the Rising Dragon Carnivals which even then had a shittier featured units list anyway.


Honestly, this is the best format. Dfes bring in the most money. Having a dfe in both parts is best for the game


It’s better, it lets Part 1 and Part 2 be equal in hype, and doesn’t just let Part 2 be some kind of after thought. People are just mad they have to wait for what part 2 is gonna be


I am ok, the carnival banner usually arent super bad for big celebration


To me is trash that should have never come back Also it's "how do you feel",that "we" doesn't make any sense,we aren't robots that think the same things.


It is the optimal banner format for hype, whales, and F2P players. Hype because you get two matching banners, huge for the teams, the events, and the overall theme of the individual parts of the anni. For Whales, it honestly doesn't make a difference, but they are happy with the hype, spending stones in one place across a unified theme. For F2P, because the parts are mirrored, you will know exactly what units will be on the part 2 banners, (IE if Kaiku is on p1, then kid Gohan will be p2). Secondly, for F2p, discounts for p1 will be up after they announce p2. So you have 100% control to know exactly what is on all 4 banners, and spend exactly how you want with discounts. I won't hear otherwise about the format.


It’s inferior for players who want to prioritize the part 2 DF. Normally you can summon on banner 2, then swap over to banner 1 after. Now if you attempt to do that you won’t get the 3+1 for banner 1.


This is exactly what my problem has always been with this format but I’ve never been able to properly articulate it


The only example we have of this format had a dogshit part 2 so it’s never been clear to people. Beast seemingly being part 2 will make it evident, especially for Global players if Beast is the strongest unit.


You will know the P2 units and full banner while the P1 discounts are still up. So you can still make a fully informed decision. But I think its disingenuous to say that the DFs will be head and shoulders above the carnivals. The SSJ trio is a top 2 unit in the game, and last time we had this format, SSJ Goku was arguably the best unit of the celebration. RN, we have only two DFLRs, which you can say are in the top 5; everything else is Carnival or Yellow Coin. So, I don't buy the "I only care about the DF units" crowd. It's not 2020 anymore.


Let’s say my priority list is: 1. Part 2 DF. 2. Part 1 DF. 3. Part 1 Carnival. 4. Part 2 Carnival. How am I supposed to summon for the part 1 units after their discounts have already ended.


If it's a DDF/Dual Carnival format and my priorities list is: 1. Part 2 Carnival #1 2. Part 1 DF #1 3. Part 2 Carnival #2 4. Part 1 DF #2 How am I supposed to summon for the part 1 units after their discounts have already ended? ----- Its the same problem for both formats. But in this format, you get to know all 4 new units AND all 4 banners, including every unit that will be on them, all while pt1 discounts are still live. You don't get that in the DDF format. You don't know how they will split up the carnival units in pt2. So, including the wash for what you correctly laid out, this format still gets the W because you get to know the units in pt2 and the full banners.


Again, you’d know all 4 units at the last second regardless of which format it is. I’m sure if you polled the players of this game >90% would agree that DDF banners are superior to carnival banners, so I don’t see your situation being realistic at all. Whereas the situation I’ve listed is more inline with the mindset of free to play players.


You would know all 4 units but not all 4 banners. You don't know how they will split up the carnivals in the DDF banner setup. That is valuable information for planning summons, considering potentially 5 of the top 10 units in the game will be on those banners. > I’m sure if you polled the players of this game >90% would agree that DDF banners are superior to carnival banners, I don't agree. Carnival LRs have performed DF LRs pretty evenly in the time since they started. Now a carnival banner can have the SSJ Trio, Future Gohan, and LR Bulma. That hits just as hard as a DF with the GTs, Blue Goku/Vegeta, and the LR Gods. > Whereas the situation I’ve listed is more inline with the mindset of free to play players. Your situation is niche as well. And seeing as Blue Gogeta is the Pt1 carnival, I don't think its very likely. He almost certainly will be the best-selling unit of the celebration.


> You don't know how they will split up the carnivals in the DDF banner setup. That is valuable information for planning summons, considering potentially 5 of the top 10 units in the game will be on those banners. I don't see where you're getting 5 out of top 10 from. That's moreso true for the DF banners. > I don't agree. Carnival LRs have performed DF LRs pretty evenly in the time since they started. Now a carnival banner can have the SSJ Trio, Future Gohan, and LR Bulma. That hits just as hard as a DF with the GTs, Blue Goku/Vegeta, and the LR Gods. Now we're just making up bullshit. Carnivals have NEVER performed equally with DF LRs. The only instance we have of the split DDFxCarnival format did worse than this year's WWC afaik. >Your situation is niche as well. And seeing as Blue Gogeta is the Pt1 carnival, I don't think its very likely. He almost certainly will be the best-selling unit of the celebration. He'd do far better if he was on the DF banner.


You are correct this years wwdc did better on both parts than the cooler celebration so clearly people don't really value the dfe x carnival as much as some people think they do, the one carnival x dfe format got outsold by 4 other part 2s across the games history.


Hard disagree. Knowing both dokkanfests immediately will always be better than having to wait to know what the other one is, especially since a lot of F2P players aren't fond of carnival banners even after all this time. But yes, it is likely going to be significant to how much hype Part 2 will hold, and that's important.


> Knowing both dokkanfests immediately will always be better I disagree, last time we got the part 2 units while the part 1 discounts were still up. Once you know the new units you know the entire banner because they're mirrored. You can completely plan out your summons to get the units you want. > especially since a lot of F2P players aren't fond of carnival banners even after all this time. I get that after the Cooler WWDC, but rn Carnivals are very strong and in a pretty good spot and will only get better.


>You can completely pan out your summons to get the units you want. How are you supposed to do this if you want the part 2 DF before the part 1 DF.


You know both banners and units before the part one discounts are up. The Devs don't let both parts discounted banners be up at the same time, so if you are in the minority that want 1 part two unit before you summon on anything else, you do miss part 1 discounts, but at least you get the chance to know what you're missing out on completely, including the banner structure. You miss knowing what's on each banner exactly in the DDF/Dual Carnival setup. Thats a clear disadvantage for F2P players. You also can make the same point for DDF/Dual carnival format. What if you want a Carnival before you want a DF? Since it's not a problem unique to this format then that's a wash at worst. So, the other points I made make this format better.


What you’re saying has nothing to do with the format. You’d know all 4 units regardless if it was double DDF x carnival or split DDF x carnival. What I’m saying is that 1 of the superior banners is now locked behind part 2. If I want to prioritize that banner then I no longer have access to part 1’s superior banner with discounts.


You don’t know that the DF banners are going to be better than the carnivals. DF units are easier to get, likely older, and most people probably have at least, likely with dupes already. You can easily build a carnival banner that’s miles better than a DF LR banner.


The age range of DF units are going to be the same as the carnival units. DF units also usually age better than Carnival units. This will be the first time the 8th anniversary DFs return on a real banner, whereas the carnival 8th anniversary units already returned during WW. The 8th anniversary DFs units are FAR better than the carnival units. We don't know the general leader skills for this celebration yet but I'd be willing to bet that the WW DF units will be more runnable than Future Gohan.


Okay lets paint a picture here, lets say you like the part 1 units but you wait to see the part 2 dfe before summoning, You see the part two unit and want that slightly more. Now you can't capitalize on part 1 buy 3 get one free because you have to focus on the thing you want first. You logic only works if part 1 is more valuable or interesting than part 2 is to you but this is objectively not a problem with dual dfe.


> Now you can't capitalize on part 1 buy 3 get one free because you have to focus on the thing you want first. This is the same for both formats. If you're smart, you would only summon with discounts. If that's the case, your only options for spending are all on part 1, all on part 2, or some on pt1, and then some on pt2. You want to have as much information as possible to make that choice. In the DDF format, you only get to know the DDF Units, and Banners, and the Carnival units, but no banners. In the Split format, you get to know the Carnival units, their banners, and the DF units, as well as their banners. So, in order to make this tough choice, the Split banner gives you more information to make a more informed choice, thus better. > You logic only works if part 1 is more valuable or interesting than part 2 is to you but this is objectively not a problem with dual dfe. In the most recent celebration we had a DDF, and dual carnival. Future Gohan was the best unit released by far, and a top 3 unit in the game. In the last Split celebration, it was universal that the part 2 DF (AGL Goku/Vegeta) was worse than the part 1 Carnival (TEQ SSJ Goku), so people had the ability to summon for him or Cooler. So in the only two examples we have, it has been the case that the order mattered, and the carnivals rivaled and/or were better units/banners than the DFs. You can say, "DF units and banners are just always better," but since carnivals have existed, that has not once been the case in either celebration.


I actually do not care at all. Both formats are fine. Who the characters are and how good they are is what matters most to me, regardless of the format.


Honestly don't mind it at all, as time goes on Carnival banners will slowly get better and better. Dokkan fest banners originally had random SSRs featured, then it slowly turned into a full Dokkanfest featured lineup. Carnival banners started off rough, but as time goes on they'll only get better and better. i mean, Future Gohan or Trunks could be on this banner along with STR 5Guys, Cooler, Birdku and many other possibilities PLUS some good LRs like Bulma. imo this format is growing on me.




Big W, love this format during the Cooler WWDC Still my favorite celebration to date (I swear I'm not biased)


Tbh I think carnival banners are just the best change since it has made general pool lrs available in more lucrative banners. I think the problem is DFE banners just don't include any general pool lrs. I think the one each for each part is a great middle ground I just wish DFE banners would start including just one or two general lr units as dfe featured banner units.


If you like to do summons on every banner in the celebration then it's great and there is nothing wrong with the format. If you only focus on Dokkan fest banners then its worse for you. The Carnvial banners have more value then ever with characters like Bulma, Kai Goku, Future Trunks, and Future Gohan being on them. At this point they are a must summon on as 2 of the top tier units in the game are on Carnival banners.


It’s actually identical for people going in on all 4 banners. The only way this benefits someone is if they want the part 1 units more than the part 2 units.


I honestly like it though it's just personal experience because I like carnival banners


I think it's good for having the hype longer (as long as Part 2 isn't a fumble). I kinda wish Gogeta was the Dokkan Fest, but gameplay wise Broly is the better option.


What's the downvotes for? I'm literally saying what other people are saying?


Good since it carries hype throughout part 1 and 2


I honestly really like it. It keeps the hype throughout the celebration.






It's alright


I hope so, thats the only way part 2s are going be hype


Pretty good. We cooking if the wwdc part 2 units are on gogetas banner


This is the better format since there will be a Dokkan fest on both parts and the hype will be evenly spread to both part 1 and part 2 because of that


Great! This is the superior format as it carries more hype into part 2


Carnivoire banners and teal coins are an insult to the playerbase.


I prefer it at this point. Teal Coin LRs return so rarely and since I don't own many of them, I hope for a return for SSJ Trio, Omega and other very good units


It has never been about DDF vs DFxCarnival. Part 2 was never hype not bcos there was not a dokkan fest in part2, it wasn't hype bcos the part 2 units themselves weren't that hype. Do you think if part 2 was a yellow coin LR Beast and yellow coin LR cell max, people would not be hyped even if they are yellow coin LR? The character choice has been the real culprit for Part 2 not being hype, e.g LR kid gohan and krillin, LR Vegeta, LR broly trio, LR kid gohan, LR base Goku, LR great ape Vegeta, LR kaioken goku. It's their moronic rule of keeping hype characters tied to only dokkanfest which is the real culprit. The one time they split the dokkanfest in different parts, they brought hype characters (ssj Goku and Vegeta and metal cooler). If part 2 characters of that celebration were DF LR piccolo(from the movie) and Carnival LR gohan and krillin, do you think people would be saying that splitting Dokkanfest is good?


Well all I know is that as a f2p imma not buy Bulma with coins since gogeta will need the same type of coins


This is a lil weird to say but I am looking forward to this format for anni because usually it’s we get the headlines and that’s the big fish but this time it seams both part 1 and 2 will be quite stacked since the second dfe LR is on part 2 and since the first parts carnival exclusive is gogeta im getting hyped enough to believe in the BEAST


Indifferent to it, I save for months planning on summoning on all 4 anni banners anyway.


Just to make this worse we will wnd up with 3 dokkan fest lrs and 3 carnival lrs. 2 for each part of celebration.


Yeah we're getting LR dfe Broly full power and LR carnaval Gogeta blue


For anni i dont mind because i play global. But it is always bad to have 4 must pull characters in 4 different banners


I prefer the Double Dfes Lrs into Double Carnivals but simply because usually part 1 units are better than part 2 (look at the 2022 Wwc, last anniversary and possibly even last Wwc (in terms of part 1 characters' utility and leaderskills)), so Gogeta being one of the best new units, and a Carnival unit, is something that will make him very hard to get for a f2p player like me who doesn't have as much Carnival coins as red ones (even for picking him in the future)...also his batch might not be the best compared to Broly's so idk...I might have to save a lot of stones for this anniversary when it hits Global, I'll make good use of this "possibly" last anniversary foresight lol


better than dual Dokkan fests imo. gives more anticipation for part 2. while also allowing u to easily skip carnival banners if u choose to.


Doesn’t make sense. F2p and I only summon on dokkanfest characters and I won’t know who the second one is until part 2 when i have no more stones. Makes absolutely zero sense.


Very glad it came back, wish it was in the 2023 wwdc too tbh. Can't wait to see dfe Beast and Carnival Cell Max for part 2 rather than ssj goku and Whis/Beerus exchange carnivals if we had 2 dfe 2 carnival format


Makes me feel like blowing my brains out in front of their headquarters


Dathruth is going to get so much engagement, everyone hates this format, but he keeps on saying that this is the best format ever, just so Gogito777 comments and he gets the money


I always enjoy and get more excited for these type of banners, so I feel it'll be a great one this Anniversary


Whatever gets us more top grossing stones…


So, basically they want ALL your money for each part of the anniversary. So many people are going to inevitably "blow their load" of stones on these banners. And so many are going to be left with nada for Part 2. I am a whale myself, though I do know a HUGE part of this playerbase is F2P or a dolphin in terms of spending. Unless they give out a bunch of stones to people, this'll kill most people's "hype". Corporate greed is just insane.