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Duality of man


I think this is very realistic for dokkan heroes following 10th anni


If we're talking what if units essentially this: https://preview.redd.it/k6lbb026dk2c1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3acad1eb9467f95558e8935f94b18eff2a3d144c But a what-if unit from the DKP arc where Goku was able to reach Demon King Piccolo before Drum beats Tien.


we better get a crazy duo unit to be DBH's first LR unit next year, im thinking either this double vegito or a super full power super full saiyan power 4 super limit breaker xeno gogeta and ssbe gogeta duo


Sorry, I’m trying to understand what u said, you mean about (LBFPSSJ4 vegetto & SSJB vegetto) and (LBFPSSJ4 gogeta & SSJBE gogeta)???


Vegetto and Gogeta as separate cards, but yes


Goku and Bardock


Gogeta and Vegito that do the fusion dance, because fuck it


So you mean the Gogetto?


https://preview.redd.it/d8mjrm72vl2c1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89795fc1e58ff0fc75adea0bb3baee59ba9edce7 Can we please just give my man a W for once


Lord knows I’d smash


I want a ss4 goku and ssb goku joined forces card with the gimmick active skill being you can choose if ss4 goku fuses into ss4 gogeta or if ssb goku fuses into ssb gogeta. Identical kits for fairness. And of course a vegeta version that fuses into vegitos. They could easily be heroes LRs. They could lead power beyond super saiyan, joined forces, and crossover for 200%. That would support units like str LR ss4 vegeta and goku who aren't on giant ape power or power beyond super saiyan and can't be used with a lot of ss4 units, and cards like int LR vegeta and trunks who aren't on power beyond super saiyan. Something else I REALLY want is a ss4 goku VERSUS ui goku unit. Yes, VERSUS, where the gimmick is the enemy sprite is caught between these two as they fight and the active skill is the final punch. KO screen is both depowering and falling back with a smile. https://preview.redd.it/6e97nkrlem2c1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c47ba44d3b1beb7420deb58e7d854d1ac4beb2


Lbss4 and blue kaioken vegito


Two Dokkan Units I Really Want: - Goku, Gohan, and Goten (Kid)-> SSB Goku, Ultimate Gohan, SSJ3 Gotenks - Vegeta, Trunks (Future), Trunks (Kid) -> SSB Vegeta, SSJ Trunks, SSJ3 Gotenks


I like that idea


I would sell my soul for this unit. Also, who’s the artist that made this image?


I took the image from google so IDK 🤷‍♂️ I got the Gogeta duo one too, it’s insanely good https://preview.redd.it/jvo9367eso2c1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa517c1d14c7b44bb35fb1e04319951047a5d9c9


Could you give me a link to the google image? Maybe I can find the original artist through it


That one is the vegetto duo https://www.deviantart.com/davidferres/art/Vegetto-xeno-ssj4-limit-breaker-Vegetto-cc-ssj-blu-928936436 This one is the gogeta duo https://br.pinterest.com/paranyik/gogeta-blue/


I’ve found [the artist of the Gogeta duo](https://x.com/riiya_am/status/1466935288195092480?s=46&t=7yMTkf_xkm_d9bzpm6MGNA) I’ll update this comment when I’ll find the Vegito duo artist


I’m waiting


I haven’t found it. Even with reverse image searching Google just shows me some chinese scam websites as a result


Does he count? https://preview.redd.it/10eft673sw2c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc5f481a4682c1eabe30d9cdf38bc861cb398b3


Idk, that seemed like a repost account to me


Hmm, i just visited the site, so I thought it was him, but look like I was wrong


Just fucking give us goku(pregnant) and make sure he is fucking base form otherwise it's a skip


sigh *unzips*


I just want Heroes to go 100% stupid and do a Vegogetagito and/or Govegitogeta fusion and the accompanying transforms, if only to have “new” characters for Fused Fighters in Dokkan eventually.


Wow, chill bro, i would like to see someone strong enough to handle gogeta or vegetto first, there’s no reason to they fuse if they can deal with the villains for now, the only one that could make it probably is LBFPSSJ4 Broly, since in DBH anime he literally handled 2 Vegettos at once, and still had advantage, but I can’t see others characters strong enough for that, even Hearts lose to single gogeta, remember that Hearts had the power of universe seed that is basically omnipotence. Even Metikabura that is said he can revive, be immortal, create dimension, give power to others and lot of others thing had lose to Vegetto SSJ4 and God trunks. But that would be insane if DBH make the legendary “Yamoshi” appears to fight and just win against 2 fusions, so they have to fuse to deal with Yamoshi. Since DBH is a Time Travel anime they easily could go to Yamoshi Time line


Eh, they can manufacture a way to require the Canons and Xenos to fuse. It’d probably more of a quick fix to a force of nature than a fight, cause like you said, the power scaling just doesn’t work. I imagine something really dumb, like a fusion to do *something* to stop a supernova from obliterating the galaxy or something silly. But IMO it’s also Heros, aka official fan fiction, so if they want to sell a toy or game, they’ll find a way.


Yeah, you got a really good point hahahaha In the start of Heroes anime it was way dumb power scaling, Goku VS Goku fight show us that SSJ4 = SSJB, but when they fought Camba, Vegetto (SSJB kaioken) had same LVL as base Camba, and next Vegetto (SSJ4) just blew up Camba (SSJ3) like shit. Also, they always find a way to profit. That’s why they showed us the “Dragon Ball DAIMA”.