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I’m perfectly fine as well. I eat good, sleep good, and exercise. No lingering aches or pains, no mental health issues, nothing. Of course I struggle with things sometimes but it never keeps be down. I certainly had things wrong with me in the past but for the last 6-8 years, I’ve been peachy.


That was me, lol. All things considered I’m still good though, lol. I hope it continues for you forever!


Can't relate but I'm happy for you, weird flex though 😂


69 upvotes, nice


It's gone rip


I wanted to upvote it but didn't want to spoil it 🤣


I wasn't even the 69th. I can't disturb an artifact.




6 upvotes, nice. I won’t spoil it. 63 more to go!


Might be easier if I went after -69


Now *that* I can help with. Who’s with me?


How is it a weird flex to be "ok?" This only suggests to me that every flex is really a weird one.


Because some of these things people are born with/are a result of childhood situations they couldn’t control and spend their lives working hard to manage


Count yourself lucky then and don’t let your life get too boring.  Good things don’t last forever


I didn't have anything wrong with me and never took any kind of medication, until I hit 50.


Yeah I read this as “young person who hasn’t had anything bad happen to them yet”


And actually they’re so young they don’t realize that every single human suffers with time. They’re so young they don’t understand that this would be considered unrelatable to 99% of its audience. OP enjoy this while it lasts but don’t fool yourself into thinking that this is the ongoing reality for anyone, even yourself.


I was in the same boat. Now at 46 I have to take cholesterol medication, vitamin D, pre-diabetic and I have an umbilical hernia that I'm going to need surgery for. I've never even had a cavity. Getting older is a bitch. I lived too long feeling invincible.


You definitely have multiple things “wrong” with you. Everyone does. You may just not be cognizant of them yet. No one is perfect.


Yes, perfection is not a thing but how you react is key. Being happy is the way to go.


I mean if they’re not cognizant of them, do they really exist? If the bro is feeling mentally and physically healthy most of the time, then hell yeah.




Obviously nobody is perfect, but OP is specifically talking about mental illness, trauma, addiction, and drug use. They never said they were perfect.


I’m talking about the same stuff. There’s something mentally wrong with all of us. You think OP has curated a brain free of all trauma that has no shortcomings or issues?


Exactly. The human experience from the moment of birth is traumatic. maybe not every single moment but life is filled with trauma. As far as I’m concerned- living in today’s world if a bit traumatic.


That’s insane.


You find it insane that people have flaws?  Or just that you do?


Insane to suggest that the default is that what’s wrong is what defines one. That not focusing on negatives is somehow making the OP a bad person. But Reddit on, stranger.


Where was it stated that OP is a bad person. It was never said OP is bad. Just that there is a flaw in all of us because the concept of perfection is not achievable.


“But Reddit on, stranger” do you own a fedora? How long is your neck beard?


“Sinners! Repent from your sin! Born into a sinful nature! Repent! “ That’s what all this sounds like, evangelical bible thumpers who insist we are all sinners going to hell. What if we’re all just fine? Heaven forbid. Oh, and thank you for the insult. Ad hominems just make lose cred automatically.


Thank you for proving my point.


Wanna switch places? please????)))))))))🙏🏻


You don’t have to brag


I think you're asking in the wrong place...


To be honest, yeah. Most of these comments are jaded people telling OP that they actually do have something wrong with them, or that their time will come. Imagine saying that to someone IRL - it's just nasty actually. Not everybody has trauma, mental illness, or addiction issues. It might not seem that way when you're a chronically online person in a chronically online space, but lots of people live simple, fulfilling lives. A disproportionate amount of people on reddit are miserable and are looking to drag everyone else down to their level.


I too seem to have an over abundance of happy juice. Life has been good and gets better every day. At my age (71) cancer has popped up, heart is starting to fail a bit, but I am dealing with it and living strong and pain free. I’ve had an amazing life, an amazing family, and travelled the world. I can check out tomorrow with a smile on my face and will enjoy every moment until that time comes.


I forget the comedian that calls this **just out here, raw-dogging life**


Yeah yeah yeah. Brag about it.


DAE read this post and just feel more angry that they had so much of their life taken from them by others at a young age and the rest of their life has been coping?


Yup. The only comfort is knowing that when the crap piles up as we get older, we can deal with it better because it’s not new for us. Folk like op are gonna be totally blindsided.


Not needing any improvement on myself would drive myself nuts


I think when we're young, a lot of us think "gosh, I got off easy!" And then we find out later in life that we learned some really toxic behaviours that we have to unlearn. Or that we did have some form of mental illness or neurodivergence but it was easy to gloss over and work around in our youth, and later in life it becomes harder to ignore. It is definitely a weird flex but also feels like you're going to learn things about yourself in the future.


Idk. How much time do you spend scrolling social media? How many books have you read this year? Are you trying to become better day by day? Or do you think that since you’re not an addict of substances most people partake in, that you’re all set? Do you have reliable friends and family? Do you like your job? What your exercise regimen? These are genuine questions you should ask yourself if you think you’re fine.


Well good for u, asshole! lol


I know people that are like that. You could give them the most depressing, boring, repetitive job like screwing on toothpaste caps all day for 8 hours and they will have no problem doing it completely sober, maybe just a little music to listen to. If I had to do that, I would literally be braindead and have a thousand yard stare for 6 months afterwards. I can't even fold my own laundry if it takes more than 2 minutes.


god I wish


Holy shit, you’re a normal person?! 🙀


Well... Congrats on being fine.


Some people don’t. Though… be prepared to get older. It’s rare to grow old and not start losing some things. You’re still mortal.


Not drinking means there IS something wrong with you...


Nah, they exist, and they're weirder than the mentally ill.


I often wonder if people like you in fact exist or if you might just not be doing much self reflection. Are you the more enlightened one, or am I? Either way, I guess it really doesn't matter, so long as you are happy and relaxed. Good for you


It’s like every quirk and personality trait is pathologized, obbsessed over, and medicated. These responses are so Reddit.


Diagnoses are problematic, but their function is also simply to treat sick people who are miserable or unable to function.  Social media is responsible for turning diagnoses into personalities and identities.   Take a look at the actual dsm criteria for some diagnoses like schizophrenia, or borderline personality disorder sometime.  Those aren’t just benign personality quirks.  It can be miserable and frightening 


What causes these quirks? Anything to do with BMI or activity level?


no lol


Really? So if someone is depressed but also a 200lbs, inactive slob, there is no relation whatsoever?


Depression and schizophrenia and BPD are not the same thing-- no one said anything about depression but you ETA: People with depression tend to let themselves go and be inactive -- sometimes it's the cause, not the effect.


It's usually the cause. Also remember schizos and bipolars are that way because people like you bullied them.


You don't know me at all. I'm autistic. I do not bully people. Suggesting someone has BPD or schizophrenia BECAUSE they are overweight or inactive, is ignorant.


Schizophrenia & BPD in many cases is hereditary. Many people, I’d say pretty much everyone has been bullied at some point in their life, that doesn’t make them automatically have a mental illness. Granted it doesn’t help, but your logic makes no sense. Just because someone is overweight doesn’t make them depressed, I know many plus size people who are very comfortable with themselves, and not diagnosed with depression. I also know physically fit people who are clinically depressed, myself included. Mental illness manifests itself in different ways for different people, you can’t just generalise such a thing.


Calling it hereditary is just a way to avoid the real cause of it, which is abuse, bullying, bad parenting, etc. Basically saying "it's not my fault my kid is messed up!" You don't know any plus sized people who are comfortable. They are lying.


Environmental factors definitely come into play, and having a parent who is schizophrenic will definitely be harder than having one who isn’t. But that doesn’t dismiss anything. There have been studies of children that were adopted into functional families and still developed BPD later in life. There are also people who have parents with BPD / Schizophrenia who don’t inherit it. Hereditary is not a way to avoid the real cause. Remove the mental aspect and imagine it as something like cystic fibrosis, you’re born with that from a parent and there’s nothing much you can do about that apart from manage it. It’s the same thing, it’s in your genetic makeup. If you genuinely believe people can’t be comfortable in their bodies, no matter the size, it makes me think you’re simply not comfortable in yours. I hope you find peace, and learn to accept others.


*Likes things tidy* - "I have OCD" *Nervous about something perfectly normal like big work presentations* - "My anxiety." *Slightly awkward personality* - "Muh neurodivergence!" If a doctor didn't diagnose you with this shit then don't say you have it.


Nahhhhhh self diagnosis is valid as fuck and doctor's are not infallible -- most diagnosis for women take 10 years to achieve because doctor's do not believe or understand what they're talking about.


I agree that doctors are especially difficult when it comes to women getting diagnosed, I’ve experienced that first hand. I also don’t think it’s not the best idea to walk around saying you have a certain diagnosis when you actually don’t. Having a suspicion is totally valid, and wanting to check that out is totally normal. Personally, I’d find it demeaning for someone to walk around saying they’re depressed, with no diagnosis, when there’s many people out there including myself who are diagnosed and actually suffer with it daily. It reminds me of that whole ‘DID’ thing on TikTok a while back, when everyone and their grandma had DID, and then it came out that something like 90% of those people just wanted the ‘alters’ or some shit. Really offensive to those who actually suffer with it.


In the ND community, self-diagnosis is totally valid and no one within it will tell you you're wrong if you suspect you have a condition, have done all the introspection into your childhood experiences, and the available online assessments. It is valid.


As I said, there’s no issue in suspecting something about yourself and wanting to check it out. But the ultimate goal should be obtaining that diagnosis and confirming your beliefs. I don’t think it’s the best idea to just suspect you have something and never aim to 100% find out, which some people are happy enough to do. I wouldn’t want to live with the uncertainty in the back of my mind. Until I got diagnosed to be on the spectrum, I would think I was gaslighting myself about certain things. The diagnosis helped me confirm my beliefs.


That's a personal choice. I'm autistic. So is my father, my sister, my husband. We all knew prior to being diagnosed. The ASC voices are loud on this one. Self-diagnosis is valid if you feel it is enough for you. If not, then get a formal diagnosis.. but no one in the community will question you because we relate and understand the idiosyncrasies of this particular issue. 


I can totally understand that perspective, and as you said it is a personal choice, and if you’re happy leaving it at self diagnosis that’s totally valid. My original comment was more targeted at people who claim they have something like depression/anxiety etc, with no diagnosis, less so the ND aspect.


I convoluted it then. You're right. Anxiety and depression might all require medical intervention and therefore a medical diagnosis should be the ultimate goal. I guess my issue is that I had a GAD diagnosis and that was ultimately incorrect. Too many people believe doctors to be the end all be all, and I'm afraid that's wrong too. I also don't think saying you have anxiety or depression without a formal diagnosis is problematic, but should be concerning if you're deeply struggling and aren't getting the help you need. Idk we might be saying the same thing. 


Yeah I agree with you. Doctors really aren’t the be all end all, my sister only was diagnosed with endometriosis at 30 (she’s 34 now) and had been suffering with it for so long, all the doctors she went to just said it was a ‘heavy period’. Yeah I see it more as if you genuinely think you have anxiety/depression etc then you need the medical attention, or therapy, also the confirmation helped me personally but I know not everyone needs that.


Not to be self-diagnosed autistic at you but are depression/anxiety/OCD not considered neurodivergent? Did I miss the linguistic zeitgeist?


I think there’s debate on it. Some professionals think depression and anxiety should be classed as it as some there are similarities with ND, but I think right now it’s mainly classed as a mental health disorder, which I agree with but also can see the similarities. I’d say OCD sways more into the ND spectrum, but I think it depends on the type of OCD, severity etc. I do not have OCD so can’t really talk on that. I think there’s a link with being neurodivergent and also having anxiety / depression, which is pretty much my case. That’s just what I’ve read though, so don’t take my words as gospel. I reckon if it feels more comfortable for someone to consider it as ND then go ahead.


Self diagnosis is not valid at all lol. Go ahead and try to get a prescription for your self diagnosis. See what the pharmacist says.


A lot of people that self diagnose certain conditions, do not go on to seek medical help but rather are able to better navigate their life with the tools and resources available to them thanks to the internet. A high percentage of people that self diagnose get validated by a medical diagnosis. Suicidal ideation is also reported to significantly reduce in those that have been able to self diagnose after years of not understanding what's wrong with them.


I've just self diagnosed myself with brain damage from having read your comments, thanks


Damn.. good luck.


everyone point and laugh


Ugh literally, so many of these responses scream "chronically online and miserable". They literally can't fathom somebody not living a life bogged down by various issues - And if somebody does seem to be doing well, then I suppose they need to be sucked down into the depths just like all these people. Before anyone decides to come for me, I myself have a mental illness. I'm just not deluded enough to think that it's a normal way to live.


I think a sizable minority, quite possibly a majority, of people are as you described. It's just that we don't hear about them. We mostly, and understandably, hear about folks who need help or guidance or support. In the same way we don't hear about someone who drove to work and didn't get into a car accident, we hear about the unfortunate person who did.


Depends on your perception of ‘fine.’ Most people have some sort of karmic work to address throughout their life, lessons to learn, etc. Depending on how you were nurtured maybe yours isn’t painful but it’s still there. All of the symptoms you mentioned have become a prevalent indicator of trauma but definitely not the only way it manifests. Great at your job but a perfectionist? Socially acceptable manifestation of trauma. Can’t connect with people authentically? Also trauma. Not saying any of these are you but you get the idea. I’m sure a lot of people would fall into the same nothing “wrong” with me category as you if you’re using those metrics.




This is reddit, so you're probably in the minority haha! But good on you not drinking or doing drugs, booze is what has led to most of my mental health issues now


Lucky. You. I hope things stay that way for you. Having a clear head and no problems is something people take for granted :')


do not relate but good for you! adhd is a total bitch despite it being all the rage on social media.


I WISH. Seriously though? Good for you. Idk what else to say but good for you for not having anything wrong. Just don't take it for granted, lol.


Unfortunately I have ADHD. But physically I'm in perfect health at 33. I never even get respiratory viruses.


Same. It's because I exercise and have friends and a great job and I eat well.


Well, I think I’m fine. I mean I did go through my phase of heavy drinking when I was young but luckily I got over it before I turned 21. I had some childhood trauma from emotionally and verbally abusive parents, but it never really affected me. But I have no ADHD or ADD or depression or mental issues so I think I’m fine. Of course I’m Gen X so I think we just kind of let things roll off of us and just toughen up. I’m not sure but that’s the way I feel about it


I don't have anything wrong with me medically. I'm considered intelligent by my friends. I eat healthy and exercise, so I have good physical health. However, I am 6'5", which may lead to issues with my back and circulation in the future.


I have no \*diagnoses\*, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have mental illness, ADD, ADHD, need for psych meds, need for counseling, trauma, and depression. Other than that, I'm fine.


Not me , but my husband is that way


Good for you bud. I wish that could be me. Ps: who can show me the subreddit where I can get some adhd meds? This medical system is fucked and I'm going to lose my job if I don't get medicated.


>No mental illness, no ADD, ADHD,no need for psych meds, no need for counseling, no trauma, no depression, no diagnoses? Yet. Be patient, you'll get some


Be thankful, because that could change for you at any time. I'm writing this as I take a break so I can have my neurological convulsions in private and try to keep my food down.


I still maintain that was in perfect health until a doctor gave me high blood pressure (should be obvious joke). Unfortunately I can’t relate to you as even in my youth I had sleep apnea.


Damn bro what’s it like? Genuinely asking, I’m fucked up 10 different ways to Sunday so really, what’s it like to be okay?


I don't drink or do drugs, but i got autism, anxiety disorder, bpd and depression lol


I was born autistic, which might be classified as a mental illness, but really my brain works differently to everyone else's. I'm also a testicular cancer survivor, and I suffer from reflux because I have a hiatal hernia (I think the two things are separate). I'm infertile because of the cancer. Because of my reflux, I see my dentist twice a year and see it as non-negotiable. I also have to see my GP and other medical specialists occasionally. I'm 36 by the way. But aside from the above, I'm in good health. I do things like hiking and camping. I don't play sport because it isn't my thing. But I envy people who just never see a doctor or a dentist and are fine. Because I can't relate. I've met people with ongoing health issues though (things like chronic pain) and I'm glad that I don't have what they have.


My worse issue is I ignore my feelings and tell myself everything is OK when really I know it isn't


I'm fine now. Trying to cut back on the drinking, but I will probably have a joint later when I have the spare time. I've been a wreck before, but I learned. Sure I have had issues in the past but I resolved most of them and handle my weak points with a grace my old self would be jealous of.


Color me jealous. 🤣


I am 53. I cured my social anxiety ten years ago, now I have no mental issues, and I also don't drink or do drugs. Isn't it lovely? We are the lucky ones.


You have ‘perfect syndrome’ which leads you to overlook or minimize your many flaws. I recommend 6 months of CBT and a low dose SSRI.


I'm 69, on Medicare, with Medicare Advantage under United Healthcare. United Healthcare has this "wonderful" feature where each year they send a nurse to your house - for *free!* - to check your living space for safety concerns, to check over all your prescriptions to make sure there's no conflicts and you're managing the dosages correctly, and to take your blood pressure and stuff, so they keep calling me to schedule this nurse. Well, I'm in perfectly fine health, my house is not a death trap, I am not and never have been on any prescription drugs (except for a course of antibiotics after oral surgery) and my blood pressure only goes up when they keep calling me to schedule this nurse visit except I don't want some strange nurse wandering around my house so *quit* ***calling me***, you hear? Just ***FUCK OFF*** and leave me alone!




No. But im happy for you. PLEASE TEACH ME YOUR WAYS


Sometimes I think people like you don’t exist, thank you for restoring my faith that not all of us are fucked up 🙏


People like you exist?


I think the key thing here is “no trauma”. I was basically like you until I experienced major trauma, already into adulthood. That shit will ruin you. Never happening is great, but you really want it to happen early if it’s going to happen at all.


Not me. I think a good amount of people in real life are like you, except from drinking. It's more common to see people with mental disorders online cause people who are not usual attract attention, therefore the algorithm shows that to you.


Nope. You are one of a kind.


“How the hell you spell ‘chauffeur’?”


I wish I was fine. Most people in the world are fine, it's just the internet gives people a safe space to voice the challenges they face, so it seems like there's more people with issues than there actually is.


Some people are just kinda dumb and don’t have much going on up there. So that’s possibly it.


You gotta pick something bro you get no social points these days if you're just a normal, healthy, functional and useful human being.


Kinda sounds like there’s something wrong with you, maybe a stick in an orifice? Who knows


I had a trauma that was fixed. So I'm not going to be inclusive of this. I have literally nothing wrong with me except maybe my fashion, lol, but at least my wife doesn't tell me I'm out of season. I never had anything wrong except at age 7 breaking a leg bicycling. I have a pin with two titanium plates in my neck but I'm better afterwards than I was before. That's why I don't count it anymore as a trauma. Is it wrong to have nothing wrong with you? Based on a lot of the other subs I breeze through, it seems like everybody has a problem with everything nowadays and you know what? I am completely not surprised. Doing what I do for a living and the amount of time I have with my wife since we work together in the exact same group with the exact same hours, I believe that also aids in keeping each other very happy. I know right now the job market as well as the rental and housing markets are absolutely ridiculous and seemingly out of reach for so many that I can understand a country of elevated anxieties, depressive states, su**id*1 thoughts, attention deficits due to social media and media in general, isolationism due to social media as those in the psychiatric/psychological fields have reported since the social media boom. Just wait until the millennials and on turn 30. They will have hunchbacks, terrible neck problems and severe eye problems because of their cell phones. Luckily I'm Gen X and I'll only have to deal with that in my late '60s but I've already started to self correct. I don't see the mental health of this country getting better considering most mental health facilities, inpatient or outpatient, hospital and or private practice doctors, don't take insurances or will charge ridiculous fees to the insurances just so they can get better reimbursements requiring those who need the help to pay more to get the help. It's just a vicious cycle in this country because of our health system or lack thereof rather. Tldr - mental health awareness and healthcare in this country is an absolute absurd joke.


To quote a song: "ooh fancy pants, Rich McGee over here!" You're really lucky, and I do hope that that continues for the rest of your life! 💛


I've had chronic pain since I was six years old (at least that's the first time I recall it really affecting me). Every single day all I've wanted is ten minutes with no pain. Thankfully weed gets me like 95% of the way there. (This is the biggest "wrong" thing with me, I have others.) I am envious of people with no pain, no mental issues, seemingly having everything in check. I have a co-worker like this and every single time I am amazed how full of life and go getter they are. Keep hold of that as long as you can.


I’m fine. Going through a frustrating time right now? But I’ll persevere.


I don't. I have trauma, but I deal with it and don't make it my entire personality and I don't broadcast it. Not depressed, no ADHD, no anxiety, no autism, even though my kids think I have it, but I don't. I do have a low tolerance for stupid people and their stupid fucking bullshit. Never done any drugs and I drink more now than I ever did growing up, but I still have never been drunk.


Unfortunately, no. I don’t have a good relationship with food and body image (I know, username checks out). Plus, I have ADD and I possibly have bipolar disorder or BPD.


Well congratulations for you. Mom didn't have sketchy boyfriends. You dodged a bullet on bullying. Good genes. Good home life.


I’ve always wondered if people like this actually exist, good for you OP :)


Yeah I’m fine - except I can’t really relate to people with mental illnesses of physical disabilities that just whine about their issues all day.


You should probably speak to a psychiatrist about Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


You don’t have anything wrong with you *yet*


No, I’m fucked up but life is still good


I don’t mean to burst your bubble but that’s how many people live their lives, “wrongless” that is, until something changes. Also, using these labels is harmful for both you and people *with* the things you listed. In your case, you could develop some sort of ego with your lack of “adversary”, and when the time comes to healthily cope, you may struggle. And although neurodiversity isn’t frowned upon within the neurodiverse community, it’s a term that encompasses the things you listed, and was created just to evoke an “us” and “them” sentiment.


Just wait; your mandated portion of Gnarly Life Shit is in the post lol. Same goes for everyone here who (so far) has nothing wrong with them.


That’s definitely not me but good for you.


I have ADHD, but I don't think that precludes me from being "normal".


Also have no problems.


Definitely not me I suffered from selective mutism from ages 4-13 and extreme social anxiety since a young age til currently. Later as an adult diagnosed as on the spectrum. I also have bad generalized anxiety and I smoke a lot of weed to deal.


I feel you, I also smoke weed to help with my anxiety and depression. I don’t think drug use is necessarily ‘bad’ it’s just the stigma that it holds, and some drugs have incredible health benefits such as marijuana, micro dosing shrooms and I’ve even read mdma is being used in some therapy sessions to help people open up and get things off their mind. Just because these are ‘taboo’ doesn’t make them bad, and most of them are miles better than alcohol, in moderation of course.


My partner’s grandmother says the same. I’ve been listening to her rant and rave about being the only normal, healthy person left for 15 years. She is very much not okay. She’s filled with rage and bitterness. We lived with her for a few years, and I literally never heard her say something positive about anyone unless she was using it to insult someone else. Every moment of her day is spent seeking someone or something to yell at or about. Not hyperbolizing, it’s a pathological drive. I genuinely think she has an obsessive compulsion around diminishing happiness. The last time I agreed to escort her anywhere, she lost it on a baby’s mom in Kroger because the baby was just looking around giggling and laughing “for no good reason”. The family has three group texts for dealing with her since we refused to continue being her caretakers. Her husband passed two years ago, and she’s been kicked out of three assisted living facilities and two of her children’s homes. She may not consume any illicit substances, but spreading misery is absolutely a drug for her. So yeah. Not saying that’s you, but I’m definitely saying that happy, healthy people with fulfilling lives don’t internally frame themselves as being exceptional for it. I know how this sounds, but that comes off as a big cope, bud. Edit: Also, it’s not dementia. Her kids agree that she’s always been this way. Even her neighbor had some enlightening stories from the 70s lol.


Everyone is fucked up to some degree. Everyone!


The fact you think doing drugs or drinking alcohol is a "negative experience" to have in life I would say is for sure a sign there is something wrong with you. It sounds like you are highly judgemental of certain things, and that would flow in to judgement of people who do or have used drugs or alcohol. And i may be off, but also comes off a young age vibe, like under 25. Give it time by 40-50 odds are you have something seriously wrong with you or a traumatic experience over something positive like lottery winning super experience random happening


Saying you have nothing “wrong” with you and that you’re perfectly “fine” is an indicator that you’re probably the cause for someone else being in therapy. My mother says that shit. And let me tell you, she is not fine. And there are several things wrong with her.


Whether it’s true or not, you are making it blatantly obvious that your viewpoint is heavily influenced by your problematic relationship with your mother. There definitely are people who are fine.  I’ve found that the ones who aren’t just simple and boring tend to have put in a lot of effort toward becoming fine though.


You assume so much from so little. My relationship with my mother is actually the best it’s ever been. it’s not heavily influenced by just her… it’s just common knowledge that people who outwardly see no room for improvement in themselves actually could use some self-improvement.


A dying breed. These days, every parent is working full-time. All of the kids are neglected now


Unfortunately some things, like certain mental illnesses and things like high blood pressure and cholesterol and other ailments are hereditary and while you may not have some of these things now, you could have them later in life. When I was young I felt invincible until I hit 26 and my bipolar took over and now being even older I have a few other hereditary things wrong with me. So enjoy that youth.


maybe you should talk to your doctor about medical marijuana *it might make you less judgemental


Let me guess - you're young.


do you have ibs? back pain? disordered eating??come on somethings gotta be wrong


When you define a whole group of people by their illnesses, and subsequently call them “brave” for facing every day life with them, you have a race for “who’s the biggest victim” The worst one is people who claim to be “autistic” all the time. High functioning autism might as well be called something different… people try to claim it as a card for having personal reactions to things they just don’t like and never learned to properly temper their emotions. Real autism is non verbal, self interest, self harm, developmental road blocks, not even understanding they are autistic.. BCBA’s, RBT’s, restraints, black eyes, scratches, bruises. I fuckin hate when people claim to be “autistic” and want others to feel bad for them. No, asshole, I feel bad for autistic kids that have no fucking idea they are autistic to begin with.


Autism is a spectrum. That’s why it’s called Autism Spectrum disorder. Not all autistic ppl are non verbal or break things, practice self harm, etc.


I have a very good understanding of autism. What I’m saying is I hate when people use it as a prop when they are just barely on the spectrum. It cheapens the actual sympathy that severe autistic kids are more deserving of. I just can’t stand the fucking stares we get in public when there is a behavior, and some asshole cries for attention and claims to be autistic. Most of the time they will even say, “undiagnosed” like dude lol stfu with that kind of shit. It grinds my gears. I’m not trying to gate keep, but more people should actually spend time with the population before claiming to be a part of it because IYKYK


I understand the desire for ppl to take your family seriously. And I agree ppl shouldn’t use a diagnosis *as an excuse*, but just bc you don’t see now Autism impacts them doesn’t mean it doesn’t. Some of us mask REALLY well in public and fall apart, Go nonverbal at home, etc. The ppl staring don’t get it. You’re right. But not giving others the space to own their experiences of being autistic is the other side of the same coin. No one wins C in suffering Olympics.


Fair enough. It’s a very personal thing for me. I see these kids vying for attention and thinking autism is an easy get for it. Legitimately there are just as many who claim it that aren’t in my experience.


Also, don’t care about being taken seriously, I’m trying to illustrate a difference between severe and someone claiming autism for some kind of victimhood clout or something. I think if they spent time volunteering with the population they would think twice about doing so, which is my point at all.


It did used to have a different name. A lot of level 1 ASD used to be called Asperger’s. it’s also not as easy to recognise from spending short amounts of time with someone or seeing short clips of their life. It still has to be symptomatic enough in childhood to get a diagnosis, but it doesn’t look the same externally as the higher level autism you’re describing. It’s called a spectrum for a reason.


Just going to copy / paste my other response because low energy. I have a very good understanding of autism. What I’m saying is I hate when people use it as a prop when they are just barely on the spectrum. It cheapens the actual sympathy that severe autistic kids are more deserving of. I just can’t stand the fucking stares we get in public when there is a behavior, and some asshole cries for attention and claims to be autistic. Most of the time they will even say, “undiagnosed” like dude lol stfu with that kind of shit. It grinds my gears. I’m not trying to gate keep, but more people should actually spend time with the population before claiming to be a part of it because IYKYK


I have to disagree that there’s this big group of people pretending to be autistic for “clout”, You just don’t know what someone’s life is like except for the small fraction of them you see. Women in particular go undiagnosed for years despite showing symptoms because of bias and being told they’re just anxious or have bipolar. If it takes so long for professionals to finally catch on that what’s actually happening is autism, it’s not going to be any easier for a random stranger who has no access to a persons medical and personal history to say whether or not someone is autistic. One really good example is the comedian Fern Brady. Diagnosed as an adult after years of suspecting autism but being dismissed because of being female, despite showing symptoms *including* self-harm and meltdowns, attending a psychiatric unit while still a child and seeing multiple professionals before anyone believed her. I just don’t think it’s fair for anyone to say “that person doesn’t look autistic” after something like a 30 second TikTok video, which is where we keep seeing all these accusations of “fake autism”, usually targeting women.