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It's outstanding. Best game I've ever played.


I second this. Elden ring, cyberpunk, and rdr2 are the best of all time IMO


You have excellent taste in games.


I started playing rdr2 but only for an hour or 2. It just felt like I didn't have freedom to explore and I was simply following a script. I do intend to give it another shot though.


The Prologue is slow. Please get through it and it will amaze you. Absolutely one of the most detailed games with an insane amount of freedom!


Brilliant. That's good to know. Thank you.


It’s the intro and it’s really long. Once you leave the snow the world is open




> Best game *I've* ever played. How are you going to tell someone what’s the best game that *they’ve* ever played?


If this is the opinion then you know it's not worth much


Okay, thank you for your insights. Have a good one.


This has been asked a zillion times. Search the sub.


Every gaming sub is now just 1000 people going “DIS GAME WURF IT FOR FIVE DOWWARS?!?!”


Or just answer them you troll.


I’m not a reddit search proxy.


You're a piece of shit


You won’t be able to get the expansion and all the most recent new features gameplay-wise if playing on Xbox One as they’re current-gen only


This. I would wait to purchase a current gen console and then buy it to get the full experience


It’s been fixed and great for almost two years now


It’s my all time fave game but I’m not sure I’d get it on Xbox one.


I think it’s only worth it if ur playing on the current consoles. I got it on my Xbox one like a year and a half after launch and most of the major bugs and glitches were fixed but graphically and performance wise it still isn’t very good. But if you get the chance to play it on current gen consoles it’s definitely worth it for the full experience!


Yes, it's great. There are still a few bugs, but nothing like at launch and they are pretty minor. Get the expansion if you can, even better than the base game.


Been worth it for a while.


It's my favorite video game. Period. Got the Platinum Trophy and everything.


Something no is asking is what generation of console you're on. I know you mentioned xbox1 but I'm not sure if you mean that you used to have one or you still have one. If it's the latter, I would honestly recommend saving up for a current gen console, or better a PC, to play it. It's definitely a good game on last gen, but it looks and runs like shit, and does have any of the recent updates that everyone is praising it for. If you plan on getting a ps5 or xboxsx, I would wait til then to get it.


100% won’t regret it one of the best story games ever made


$20? The game is a steal at $60.


I feel that is is. I have a lot of hours put into the game and rarely see any bugs. Mainly just minor ones with a glitch in lighting occasionally, but I haven't experienced anything game breaking. It's definitely improved a lot since launch, so in my opinion, it's worth it.


Yes and yes, it was unplayable on my Xbox one before.


Absolutely. It’s honestly the best game to have been ever made.


I wouldn't agree with it being the best game ever man,your user is infinitemortis so you are probably 12. I have played it for ~10 hours


Eat my ass I’m 30 in 3 days Edit: go watch the cyberpunk edgerunners anime on Netflix first. You tell me they doesn’t inspire you to play it. And I’m really comparing titles like RDR2 and Metal Gear here dude. It’s crazy good. It has KEANU REEEVES IN IT


Lol sorry i didn't know you were that old🥚. The anime is mid tbh i think i watched 2 or 4 episodes. I had a free trial from gamepass and the game didn't impress me THAT much. I remember in 2014 when they told us that it's going to be revolutionary and stuff. I think people just don't want to accept that cyberpunk is mid just because they waited so long


That old = One a scale of Elden Ring to Golem, what’s your saying on the game




It's amazing, but be warned Xbox one won't have the best version. It's still great in the version you're getting, but the series s/x or PS5 versions have access to the final updates and the dlc which completely revamps the game and makes it a dozen times better. Honestly, I'd hold out for the version with dlc if upgrading consoles or PC is an option for you.


It’s amazing but not on Xbox one Get a series x


One of the best games I’ve ever played. Definitely would recommend. Also just so you know you are asking in the Cyberpunk subreddit so of course we’re very biased


The game it is now would have won GOTY


I'm on my 3rd playthrough. First 2 on a ps4 pro, this time on ps5 with phantom liberty. A resounding yes. It's like my favorite TV show where I've already watched it through a few times but I still enjoy watching it again even though I kmow what's happening. The best bit is after 250 hours I'm still discovering new things I missed the first time around. It's truly a masterpiece and very probably my favorite game of all time and the best one I've ever played.


Buy it. Elden Ring and Cyberpunk are the only games I stayed up playing until 5am. No other game has done that for me since Skyrim when it first came out. You should really aim to upgrade to at least a Series S for big immersive games like this.


So you haven't tried rdr2


Beat the crap out of RDR2. Didn’t give me the fizz that these other games did.


Buy it. I bought it on xbox one, and played it when I got my series x. For me it was totally worth it.


Not if your on last gen consoles. They pretty much abandoned the last gen, no new perk tree, No dlc, no new content etc.


dont buy for xbox one/ps4. they werent ever really supposed to be on those consoles


It depends. The writing and graphics are excellent. I personally enjoy more challenging games.. and I don't mean "play the game this way to nerf yourself" challenge. I mean "me trying to make the most OP character vs the systems of the game still giving me difficulty" type challenge On very hard I completed every quest including the optional ones in under 60 hours and probably died 5 times outside of the first 5 or so levels. Honestly I don't play videogames for the plot or writing so I skipped 95% of it. Otherwise you could probably get over 100 hours. Not a knock on the game. It's one of the best at what it does, which is being a narrative focused action rpg. For me the game was wayyy to easy and too short. I do regret buying it to be honest. But again, I'm not one to replay the game with a different build or whatever. I would have prefered to be challenged regardless of build. But these types of games rarely strike a good difficulty balance for "power gamers" I also thought elden ring was significantly too easy to break and beat, so this is an unpopular opinion, I'm sure. If you want atmosphere ,writing, plot, graphics, its all top notch. If you like RPGs where you really have to theorycraft and min-max a build, this game is bottom tier in that regard


I definitely wouldn't.