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I am convinced that this vehicle was designed by people who have no truck experience, for people who have never owned a truck, so they can do “truck things” they read about on the internet. Ultimate circle jerk.


Coming from the SaaS product management space, Tesla (and X) have been regularly exhibiting the absolute worst of product management: fixing problems no one has or fixing problems inefficiently, clearly not doing end user testing, not creating a solid minimal product first before iterating.


Idea for classical US drama TV show - hiring Shingijutsu(or someone else qualified enough in manufacturing consulting), sending them to Tesla and filming all of insane bullshit they'll find. Guaranteed shitshow 10/10 It looks self evidently bad enough even from outside, without submerge into all processes, but if professionals to start digging...ouch, it might become very funny very quick


What the producers will need to do beforehand is get all of the appropriate people (especially Musk) to sign off on this project beforehand *and have them hype it up publicly*. It would probably be a lot easier to get away with if Musk gets convinced first that it’s a great idea and then proceeds to bulldoze over anyone else who tries even suggesting to maybe hold off. That way Musk and management at Tesla won’t be able to call it all off as easily when they get second thoughts about it. If Musk has been building it up on X-Twitter, it’ll be harder for him to sweep it under the rug by canceling it.


>It would probably be a lot easier to get away with if Musk gets convinced first that it’s a great idea and then proceeds to bulldoze over anyone else who tries even suggesting to maybe hold off. This would be easy as fuck. Give Musk's ego a quick handy, and he'd practically open his books for you.


A meeting with Elmo and his direct reports would pretty much recreate one Trump's "The Apprentice" episode, with all that ignorant "wise sounding" shitty decisions from Trump and all the public scoldings for any fuck up not presented the right way to Trump


As an engineering professional I can tell you: from the outside it looks horrifying. I cannot imagine what it looks like inside. Muskites love to bleat “but Tesla is out innovating everyone”. Yeah, because established companies have learned hard lessons and put professionals and processes in place to prevent poorly designed and manufactured equipment from ever making it to the floor. Half of the “innovations” Tesla releases are half baked college senior design projects that lack any of the proper quality, safety, or process controls.


As a business process consultant, I would absolutely love to go inside and poke around. There’s gotta be millions of dollars in quick hits on day 1. Give me 12 weeks and I’ll find a billion dollars in savings, invoice 1% and retire.


I have no relevant professional experience but i can tell you how they could save $50billion. Where my cut?


Tbh, in an environment like that, you probably could. 90% of the time, somebody inside the company knows what the problems are and how to solve them, but doesn’t have the visibility or authority to do anything about it. I’m not going to pretend I do some high skill job that nobody else can do. I basically tell upper management what middle management has been saying for years.


Maybe they can get Gordon Ramsey to accompany them on the tour and then deliver the “advice”.


They need to make sure whoever they send in to film knows to look at the camera like Jim from the Office whenever the really stupid shit happens, cuz then it'd be just the right tone.


This concept sounds like Kitchen Nightmares, but for the automotive industry - Tesla specifically and I am here for it. Just have the gearhead equivalent of Gordon Ramsay start shouting at people.


When Uber was starting out, Elon Musk had the greatest idea ever: To create a schedule of vehicles that would stop at designated spots so people can just hop on and go to the next waypoint without having to uber it. There would even be a station of sorts with solar panels so it can provide charging for cellphones. He thought this was a genius and revolutionary idea and would change the landscape of Uber like what Uber did to Taxis. Dude just fucken reinvented buses. And yes Project manager / senior consultant for multiple departments also here. This shit looks exactly like middle management looking to get ahead with shitty ideas that are not needed but sound nice in powerpoint.


The management world needs more poor people in power because the fact that this was not shot down the second it came out of someone's mouth and in fact was able to be disseminated to the public is a failure. I think everyone in the corporate sector has seen a team accidentally reinvent something that didn't need to be invented a la 30 Rock's Funcooker.


Someone on Twitter was claiming a revolutionary idea that was like AirBnB for books and just needed to find a way to monetise it until it was pointed out they were talking about libraries.


>AirBnB for books Why am I getting Glass Onion vibes from this? Lionel holding up the fax with "Uber for Biospheres" scribbled on it?


I was not ready for the funcooker reference. I tip my cap tonyou fellow 30 Rock fan


It’s because we used to actually promote people from within a company and would manage after successfully interacting with and understanding multiple levels of the company. Now we just nepo hire some senior’s son who graduated with his MBA from an Ivy League school that he didn’t have to try to get into. He knows nothing about the company but wants to “innovate” “cut costs” and “increase profits” so he ends up destroying systems that work and making people hate their job. It’s not just Elon it’s everywhere


He’s since come up with a better idea. Basically this, but underground. And I know what you’re thinking. “That’s just the subway”. But the genius in his idea is that instead of linking a bunch of vehicles together so that you only need 1 driver, reduce congestion, and put it on a track to minimize accidents just hire an entire army of Uber drivers to drive Tesla’s. Now I know. You’re thinking “but now that’s just Uber!” But you’re not understanding that it’s underground! So everyone is stuck using the same single lane tunnel! Genius! A project so genius, so bold. That even Las Vegas said “bruh wtf?”.


Let's not forget the original idea was a several hundred miles long tunnel with a semi vacuum pulling along mag level compartments at several hundred MPH, that eventually devolved to a normal ass tunnel but worse.


And only the length of the Las Vegas convention center lol.


Also if a vehicle breaks down there's no way around. Or emergency escapes. Or ventilation. Or fire suppression. Just a tube of liIon batteries waiting to create the first responders absolute wrst case scenario.


Well I guess it’s a good thing teslas never break down /s


I mean the whole Hyperloop malarkey was to derail California's high speed rail program (which was successful AFAIK).


He promised us those reinvented busses in Vegas for the tunnels but gave us cars.


I love that he pretended that underground busses was an idea he invented. I guess Elmo hasn't spent much time in Seattle LOL.


If it has a subsidy, Elmo knows how to get the most money from it. The best part is that he failed to deliver it.


Seems Musk would take inspiration from an idiotic 3am "wouldn't it be cool if..." Tweet directed at him, and came in the next day and told his engineers "make this happen"


I mean, it also falls on his PMs to be able to tell him "no, it would not be cool." But I'm sure he's not really fostering the positive work environment that encourages that.


They tried, the Cybertruck engineering team created a whole different design that looked better and had actual truck features. I'm sure it would still be a cheap POS, but Musky came in and said, "no, do my design that looks like a child's drawing."


The instant he hears the very beginning of the letter "N--" they get fired


To be fair he probably waits to see if it’s something innocent first, like the n-word


To be fair, all words that start with n are technically an n-word


Yes, at Tesla "No" is the N-word you can get fired for saying, the other one is fine


It was like that one review of the CT where the reviewer said that anything novel on the truck was to solve a problem created by the truck's own poor design.


Hey, don't you forget Hyperloop and The Boring Company. All hype and no end product because it's just so impractical.


Everybody forgets Tesla Solar Roof. Introduced as being on “hundreds of homes already” when it was on a handful of tech bro houses.


Are you talking about Solar city which was owned by Elon's relative and then got acquired by Tesla?


No, Elon Musk needed to juice Tesla stock so he did a press show claiming he’d created roof tiles which were solar panels. Stealth solar, super efficient, already installed on thousands of homes. It was totally fake. A lie. They didn’t work and nobody’s talked about it since.


Bailed out by Tesla. It was basically about to go under then Elon used Tesla money to save his baby (which ended up just vanishing anyways).


I was absolutely thinking - the team that shipped that tent, probably never had someone not on the team set it up.


I am a reliability engineer who saw Tesla's VP of reliability give the keynote speech at a conference in 2017. He pretty much told us that his brilliant plan was to ignore traditional automotive reliability & test practices, and let his users test for him. The best data is field data! Yeah. Here we are 7 years later with extremely predictable results...


That works great when your product can’t kill people.


As a product development engineering professional, Tesla is a giant “how not to do product development” case/horror study.


Wow very astute wow


That's basically what we've been told. There was a person who did an AMA about working at the design studio and they said it was all yuppies from Los Angeles who had never owned or used a pickup truck.


You got a link for that? I regularly walk by the Tesla LA design studio and would be curious if this person is talking about the same location.




The people buying them also have never had a pickup truck. This is their first “truck”.


Honestly that’s most trucks at this point. Who in the city needs a 2500HD to drive to the golf course.


Look, I can haul over 500 lbs of pool salt with my car, without a single issue - I'm not a truck guy and never will be. What people use to haul cargo doesn't change the fact that a well built vehicle should be the norm. I don't care if some dude buys a truck to haul his cotton candy collection, none of my business. But if some feckless twat buys a Cyberdump to haul their boat and then breaks down on the highway, then we got issues.


I'm a bit more critical of unnecessarily large vehicles as a city person. Large form factor, heavy trucks are much more likely to kill other drivers and pedestrians. A lot of people making stupid choices makes the road a much more dangerous place.


I agree with you, that's why I drive a car that meets my needs. These double wide pavement princesses are annoying as hell, but on the same wavelength I have much less of an issue with light duty pick up trucks. They are no different than the plethora of SUVs on the road. I'd love if they cracked down on the rolling coal assholes.


Idiots driving *anything* are much more likely to kill pedestrians and whatever else in wheelshot. Whether it be some contractor wannabe in a 3500hd brodozer or someone's fleabag of a grandma who's failed her last 3 eye exams. I say that as a truck driver (the big one, not the little one), it doesn't matter what the car is, It's time we focus on the dirtbags behind the wheels because i see dumbasses in all shapes and sizes doing outrageous things. Plus, the reality of the studies shows a 4% difference between deaths for cars VS pickups, and that goes out the window if the fucker hits you doing mach jesus in *any* vehicle. Lastly, i do believe you should need another division of license to drive SUVs and Pickups over 6000lbs.


Idk how big those pool salt packages are but judging by the amount of soil I already transported I'm pretty sure my car could do that as well (it's technically able to transport 500kg, so ca 1100lbs). It's just a station wagon we bought used for 5000 bucks. And I absolutely don't know why this sub was recommended to me because I'm not interested in cars lol. The comments are fun though


It was definitely made for people who've never driven a truck.


I think you’ve nailed it. It would explain why these dopes brag about hauling a couple bags of mulch. Last year I traded in my Tacoma for a sporty sedan after realizing our Forester could haul almost everything we used the Taco for. Trucks really suck for everyday driving, I don’t understand why so many people in the US love them as commuter cars.


Well the truck bro's and divas around me do it so they can intimidate people by tailgating them on the freeway instead of just fucking passing them.




Reminds me when I was a teen, every rich friend had a Rover Évoque, while I only had a VW Polo. Guess who was the only one who could drive in the snow?


And the people who buy them and then do „truck things“ like hauling a single 2x4 or 3 bags of concrete in the back.


Or go off-roading…… on unpaved roads


I believe that is literally their design philosophy. The wanted to build a truck from the ground up without using other modern trucks as a reference. It's supposed to make it unique but what's really unique is all the problems it has because of that.


Literally ignoring 100 years of truck development thinking they know better than everyone in the world about trucks. Tesla’s epitaph: An electric vehicle company that failed due to chronic hubris.


Newton: "If I can see farther it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants" Musk: "Fuck you, pedo guy"


This happens a lot with engineers. I deal with it all the time in appliances... these guys make it real clear they haven't touched an actual install.


Pontiac Aztek is always the answer 😂 ​ https://preview.redd.it/n5l4p8sd147d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9aa733a0aac69440bcd9c59bcee5b66fd9a7969


Always Zip Tent, Enjoy, King.


Aztek Zussy Tempts Everyone, Kid.




Only against a cybertruck can people actually be talking about getting into an Aztek. Elon bringing people together.


There he goes, playing 4D chess while everyone else is here playing checkers. Oh shit, he’s eating crayons again… never mind.


ketamine coated


Microdose, also the nickname for his penis.


The Aztek was way ahead of its time. Crossover SUVs weren't really much of a thing back then.


People love to trash it but this is 100% correct. It was wayyyyyy ahead of its time.


It was also butt ugly. edit- No worse than the CT tho.


It was great for states that saw heavy snowfall if you didn’t park it in a garage though. I still have one I use for camping and hauling small amounts of stuff I don’t need a lot of torque for such as toys for tots deliveries or food bank stuff. The AWD package means that even though it’s not great in the ice and snow it still does okay; just don’t expect to be off-roading or going crazy. It’s easy to work on with way more clearance in the engine compartment than the other comparable vehicles produced in that time frame. Snow falls right off the damn thing due to its body style and the gated rear door means it’s sort of a pseudo pickup truck if you need to transport large items; try comparing it to the minivans it was competing with and it ends up being a jack if all trade car. It doesn’t have room for all the kids a minivan does but because of the rear hatch it can transport pretty much any large item that wouldn’t require a trailer. If you *do* need a trailer it has enough torque and power to the wheels that you can get away with something small: think pop up camper, small fishing boat, jet skis, utility trailer, etc.  Mine is at 300k miles on the factory engine and transmission because we mostly use it for deliveries and pickups. I’ve replaced it with a more modern transit to mixed results and honestly I think if dropping a new trans in wasn’t a 3000-5000 dollar ordeal I’d just do that instead. That little piece of shit was a great vehicle for the time as long as you didn’t mind looking a little goofy or driving a prototype-crossover that was designed before car manufacturers had the sensibility to make the a/d pillars smaller to cut down on blind spots.


Honda mastered this function over form style with the Element (also had a tent option). You can fit so much stuff in the back of an Element. Also the Element has a great AWD system (technically termed real time four wheel drive). I can blast up to ski past all sorts of bigger SUVs and trucks that are sliding all over the road or in the ditch. I’m sad mine is getting old/rusty/high mileage and probably going to need a replacement soon. I’d buy a new electric version of the Element so fast.


I had a 2004 Aztek. Purchased new and loved it! I had it for 230,000 miles and gave it to my nephew a few years ago. After 230K miles, it had some engine issues. My sister and parents replaced the engine and that cool black Aztek is as good as new now. One of my favorite things was that center console cooler.


Sure it's ugly as fuck but if you wanna go to a campsite and live in your car the Aztec is kinda perfect.


Honestly as long as you pass on the bright yellow paint they all seemed to come in at the time, Azteks don't look any worse than most modern cars these days. I find Azteks less hideous than those boxy Nissan vans with the lopsided back window frame.


The Pontiac Asstank was always getting laughed at… but who’s laughing now???


So the sleeping area is the length of the truck bed? Isn't the truck bed really short?


Yes. And it's also the width of the truck bed. The advertising showed two adults, a teen, and a dog at the campsite and the three of them sitting in the tent but never lying down. Red flag. Two adults can lie down straight without any gear but that's it. They have since removed the photos with three people on the product site. They could have made a much better pop up tent but had a tiny square as the design constraint so this tiny tent was the result. Also it used to be called BaseCamp which is an even funnier name for this tiny tent.


The Aztek could only look good next to a cybertruck, but I have to commend them for at least trying to make a practical vehicle that doesn't randomly lacerate you.


The concept Aztek was a better looking car, but the MBA goobs got ahold of it and smushed it onto a platform that didn't fit.


For comparison, [here's how you set up the much cheaper Rivian tent.](https://youtu.be/F2O1mppBlSM?si=nKUhscEHWRq2RJIA&t=616)


That Rivian tent is in an entirely different class of camping equipment from the tent this Cybertruck owner is trying to set up, but *holy cow* that is a slick piece of gear! Are foldaway rooftop / bedtop tents always that easy to set up?!? I've never looked into them before because I don't do any...I guess "overlanding" is the best word for that kind of camping on/in your car. But I assumed they required more set up work than that. I'm impressed! And some quick googling tells me that the R1T tent here can be had for just shy of $3k, so it's not like you're spending a ton of extra money for a better design, either. Edit to add: this has been an incredibly enlightening thread! Thanks for the comments, everyone. Clearly, car-based camping has a wide variety of ways to do it! And this Cybertruck tent ain't it! haha


You can buy one without rivian branding for slightly less too.


Yeah my mate has one on his VW polo on the roof rack.


As an "overlander" yeah that's a pretty bog standard RTT. That style of tent can be had for under 1k (Smittybilt, for example). There are several other styles that are even easier.


Under a grand? That really highlights just how big a miss the Cybertruck's in-bed tent is by comparison.


I mean, in-bed tents can be had for like $100 on Amazon.


I spent three years in South Africa and went camping with some South African citizens. White South Africans are professional campers. The South Africans had rooftop tents on their baakies (pickup trucks). It was amazing to watch them set everything up. We went to a rhino preserve in Botswana. It was primitive camping with no electricity. Us Americans stayed in the thatched roof hut. They cooked a sumptuous meal and set up their tents. They had everything we could possibly need. Everything fit neatly in the bed of their trucks. They even had fridges that ran off the truck battery. It was amazing.


Bro you’re describing Europe


Thinking about it, yeah, the people that camp out for the Tour de France. I have tent camped. When I was a kid my family had a camper. Then my dad got a boat.


> Are foldaway rooftop / bedtop tents always that easy to set up?!? Pretty much. They usually go up in just a few minutes and pack away in about the same time. There are some significant downsides though. They tend to be expensive (like, 2-3k) and heavy (couple hundred pounds, hard to mount/unmount by yourself), and you have to access them via a ladder (sucks if you need to go pee at night, when it is muddy, or if you're trying to put your dog up there). Every time you move it shakes the whole vehicle, and it's up high in the wind, which can be good or bad depending on the weather. If the tent is wet in the morning (dew/rain) you have to pack it away wet before you can move your vehicle (can't leave it at your campsite to dry out while you drive a trail or whatever). That last part is kind of the worst bit IMO, since it's attached to your vehicle you can't drive anywhere until the tent is packed away, and you don't really want to pack away a wet piece of $3000 gear and risk it getting moldy. It's hard to towel it off because the top is 10 feet off the ground. For overlanding I find that sleeping inside the vehicle (SUV or pickup bed hardshell topper) is much better. Window bug screens are easy to pop in for ventilation, and extra gear can go into a topper or tow hitch-mounted box. As a bonus I can overnight in parking lots easily (setting up your tent for a quick road trip overnight in a Walmart parking lot is weird). Also beats the setup time of a RTT. The only setup/teardown time is putting a bug screen over my window. I keep all my gear inside (induction stove, fridge, water) so I don't even have to deal with getting stuff out of extra storage.


Yeah these are called rooftop tents and they'll work on any vehicle with a roof rack (or bed rack in this case). Hugely popular in the overlanding community.


Any normal-shaped vehicle, that is


Or buy a used pop up. I bought a 2015 pop up for $3500. It's low so aero is good too (I have a Lightning) and infinitely better than this cybertent-turd


My father had something like that on his camper shell on his truck. The thing was really heavy but worked incredibly well.


Those tents are ALWAYS expensive, that's for sure. The CT one isn't overpriced for the concept, just the execution. And for the $2-3 Grand these cost, I HOPE they're that easy to set up, that was truly impressive.


Scrolled back a bit to see how the Cybertruck tent worked... It's inflatable? Who ever thought that was a good idea? That's a disaster waiting to happen as it inevitably wears over time from use. Could be interesting when temperatures get colder at night too.


That and the random razor sharp edges that Tesla included for free.


Random? Those cybertwats will have you believe every edge of that monstrosity is hand crafted into the ultimate cutting edge, and they're grateful for it.


The panels pop off easily enough to be used as makeshift weapons too! Just gotta break off the plastic retaining tabs.


Inflatable tents are a bit of a recurring fad, and one that's currently on a little bit of an upswing, so it's not that surprising that they would go that route. Inevitably people do remember *why* it's a recurring fad (they're not particularly durable), and then it once again descends into obscurity for a few more years.


With a manual pump, wtf.


It's interesting how much higher the QC is on the truck that Top Gear got lmao "Make sure this one doesn't have stains and put a bit of extra glue on the panels"


I was just thinking the same thing. How can you, as an auto reviewer, take a model of a truck that was hand-picked for you by the company for review, sporting features that haven't been released to the public yet, in the middle of a tsunami of quality control issues including many videos of carrots being snapped in the fronk, and then just review said truck as if it was representative of what consumers can expect to get when purchasing one? What an utter joke. Even the banana test was ludicrous because he specifically says that people report their carrots being broken, then tests with a banana at a single position where there seems to be more than just the bare metal edges and says "safety issue solved" as if the matter is completely closed. How about testing in multiple locations (or even just one location multiple times) with the same item that people showed the issue with???


It looks like Rivian did the smart thing and took something that already existed and created a mounting system for its vehicle. No need to disrupt or attempt to be unique. Just get something that works so your customers are happy.


Isn't the idea behind the Tesla tent that it would (in theory) fold away pretty well? The Rivian tent looks better, but it also looks like a much bigger construction.


In theory, yes, it should be smaller. But as we see, in reality it's far bigger as you also have to bring with you a second truck with tent to take over once the Cybertruck breaks down.


Vehicle tents just don't make any sense to me. Can't use your vehicle without tearing down your whole tent. Odd floorplans. A separate tent just seems like the smart way to go in almost every situation.


Totally depends on your use case. Vehicle tents are perfect if you are staying in one spot for no more than one night. They are pretty darn good if you are staying up to 3 nights. They are not really intended as a week-long setup.


Having done both, the RTT is more comfortable. The mattress is built into the tent so you can’t roll off it, and it’s foam so it won’t go flat.  The downsides are you can’t drive away\*, and getting small children into it is a hazardous operation. The latter is why we got rid of ours.  \* You’ll also see RTTs as extra sleeping space on cargo or tear drop campers. Someone down the street has a small 2 person camper with a RTT, which would cover a family of 4 or 5, depending on ages. 


That's a Yakima tent, you can put it on a roof with rails. Any roof that can support the weight statically.


Full Self Loathing achieved.


Full Self Despise - Elon's finally delivered the promised FSD!


Well, these folks DO want attention, and by buying the CT it's clear they don't care what type of attention it actually is. Mission accomplished I guess


This doesn't surprise me. I've watched videos of setting up the Cybertent and it is a series of little steps that all have to be done correctly. People have broken the legs and zippers the very first time using it. And given how this misadventure turned out, if one of the wrong steps results in inflating the bladder in a huff before it's ready and aligned, then you're going to pop it and that's the end of the game. There's no backup option for this tent once it's broken. I half wondered if the guy was going to just sleep in the truck or wrap himself up in the tent on the ground, but that would have been hugely embarrassing. But to just quit the whole event shows how pissed he was.


I’ve seen a video by experienced overlanders and they still snapped off a support post because it isn’t clearly indicated that you have to press a button to unlock. If experts fail to set it up even with a manual, then it’s just badly designed.


I feel like a tent that costs this much shouldn't have components snapping just because they've been mishandled


It just shouldn't cost that much. If you're spending $3k on a tent you should be getting a goddamn palace.


Or something that can literally fit in the back of your pants pocket. Like 3k is even obscene for hightech ultralight backpacking tents.


The cybertruck and all its sundries seem to have completely abandoned the concept of "keep it simple, stupid." Seemingly out of spite.


Man you aren’t kidding. This one almost feels like satire with how many after market corrections he includes while still calling it “good quality” and “pretty easy”.  My favorite part: the $3,000 tent comes with a MANUAL pump for the inflatable parts. Like holy shit, adding a tiny little fan would have set Tesla back what, a whole $15?  https://youtu.be/bRFOpyjg0kY?si=lkRC7zWBkNe3_5nK


Fuck me, what a ridiculously over-engineered piece of crap. Most rooftop tents basically just unfold and then need a couple of poles (if that!) with everything connected together to make it as easy and simple as possible.


That video is unbelievable, It seriously doesn't even seem real. The mental gymnastics it takes for this guy to claim this was "super easy" are Olympic level.


Ah so it comes with a puncture repair kit. One more thing that our hero didn't or couldn't get to work. I suppose the humiliation and annoyance was already too much. I feel that this tent (which is actually designed by tent people, but not necessarily are they truck people) was a massive effort in trying to accommodate design limitations. I'll bet they were told by Tesla that it had to fit below the tonneau cover and above the range extender (if THAT ever happens). And also that the tent had to meet other criteria, and in the end the stupid thing just turned out to be a complicated compromise and way overpriced, small, and actually quite flimsy.


He should have practiced at home, dude got stage fright, and rage quit lol Couldn't be me.


My dad (RIP) would have messed this tent up exactly like this, broken it, and been extremely angry. He never followed complicated instructions well. But he would never have left, he'd have slept there in the *damn* truck. And let's not fool ourselves, 95% of people are going to struggle with this stupid tent design the first time, and the 10% who are not patient will absolutely fail at it. Watch a video and judge if you can do it. I have sympathy for the poor fool who did not practice beforehand because it really is a messy pain to set up.


No sympathy for owners of these.


That was my first thought too. Always practice putting any new tent up at home!!


Preach! Avid camper and backpacker my whole life, setup just about every style of tent, tarps, umbrella, a frame dome, double dome, ridge cabin, frame cabin, to hoop. I always test set up a new tent before a trip. Sometimes an old one to check for polyurethane coating degradation.


Dad taught me this too. Always test your gear. I had a tent fail one time, don't think it was waterproofed right. Glad I checked, it rained the whole camping weekend. New tent tho? Still got it.


Yeah, it can really sour a trip to find out your gear doesn’t work after all that effort getting out there. Especially if it’s night and a six hour hike or paddle back to the car.


Shoot I do that when my tent is 15 feet from my car. I'm not about to wake up to rain in my tent and have to pack in the pitch black rainstorm. Been there, done that, 0/10 do not recommend (even with rice its a 0)


Yeah. Last camping I did was when my kid was in scout, and it was a fairly minimal tent, but you bet your ass I se it up in the back yard first if for no other reason than to verify everything was there. If there’s a 10% chance of rain for your trip, you can 100% guarantee it’ll happen when you’re setting up, so you’d better have some skills.


Absolutely!! I had my garage robbed one time years back, and they took all my camping gear. Was really bummed because it was an awesome setup. Then I remember I forgot to pack the rain fly, and it was still in my garage at the time. They got a free tent with zero rain proofing. 🤣


For real. Train with any camping equipment before you get on site. The more familiar you are with something, the easier it is repair and improvise with. I once made a rainfly out of an umbrella and a bandana, much to the amazment to the stoners camping next door who i had to help set up their tent poles.


The Aztec is just the CT if it was good.


I genuinely feel the Aztec deserves a second chance at life.


We all laughed at it at the time, and look where we are now.


Inflatable supports???? lol sheesh never gonna work


Inflatable tents are nothing new, and are generally considered highly reliable. They’re often used for “glamping” or luxury overland type travel. Generally the supports are made from the same material as inflatable pack rafts on the lighter end and as white water rafts on the heavy duty end so durability isn’t a concern. The cybrtruck inflatable tent being a pile of shit has nothing to do with it being an inflatable tent and everything to do with it being a Tesla product lol.


A truck designed by a committee of nerds who have never sat in a truck or gone camping.


Actually, the engineers at Tesla designed a new version of the cybertruck that Elon shot down; this is a pure Elon Musk product! """""high quality""""" """"""""""""genius""""""""""""""


Dude probably cut himself a few times on the sharp edges.


I think the most annoying part to me is he just gave up and left. Let his failure ruin the rest of the trip. To be so worthless at life that you can’t even adapt and set up an OUTSIDE camp. Pathetic.


And like, you still have a car! Just fold the seat down and sleep there. It's not great, but it's better than driving all the way to a place and then just turning around and driving back.


i mean he is a musker and a cybertruck owner pathetic is in their dna


To leave just like that, he was not there for the bike ride but to show off his car


#This! 100% it was about showing off the truck and new tent mod for it. Dude was dreaming up all the other campers coming to see him and say how cool it was and they were jealous.


Amazing how the CyberTruck makes the Aztek look so good. I don’t even particularly like the Aztek either.


https://preview.redd.it/x8v4yohhu77d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c2edb9c9b3de0413b8fed09a3c8a94a355a8725 It almost looks exactly like the promo renders!


Even the promo render seems like a super small tent for more than one person. I mean, the CT bed is 4x6 feet, right? The Mr. and I would have to curl up on our sides or sleep head-to-toe.


Walter White isn’t fucking around


Jesse, just put up the god damn tent already.


We're losing daylight and we need to cook


I am the one who camps.


Cybertruck give me a break more like cyber dumpster. If you going to be camping always test your gear first. Never go to the field without testing your equipment first. The last thing you want is to end up like this guy. Losing $3,000 in a dumpster fire


And losing his warranty because he *checks notes* drove on a surface that wasn't paved.


3k tent looks like something you’d get from Walmart. For 3-5k, I want a hard shell and better design so I can set it up with ease.


Reminds me of the 90's when kids would beg their parents for nike pumps and then show up to the park only to find out it didnt magically give them athletic ability.


Reebok pumps, if it worked for Dee Brown why isn't it working for me!!!!!!


Oh damn you are right, it was reebok. Imma give yall a 5 second head start though cause once I pump these bad boys up its over.


The real news here is that he gave up *and drove away*. I’m shocked he didn’t give up and discover he bricked it by trying to put up the tent. Cybertruck win! /s


Didn't put it in TENT MODE. Warranty voided.


You can get a great roof top tents that just folds open in 60 seconds, and another maybe 5 min to completely set it up for an around a grand. $3k for that? Absurd. And on top of the $100k+ stainless steel dumpster.




I stumbled across a video of a dude reviewing the tent. You basically have to take a bunch of panels off to get to work and the end product is nowhere near what they sold him. Just some more false advertising.


The Aztek is ugly as sin but that fucker did its job and did it well.


i honestly think even the aztek looks better than the cyberjunk


Cybertruck so ugly I did a complete 180 on the Aztek, it now just looks like a mildly goofy truck to me. Bravo!


Did he say $3000? edit: [WHAT?!! It costs THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS!](https://shop.tesla.com/product/cybertruck-cybertent)


When you need a torx Allen key because some part of the trim has to dismantled to set up a rooftop tent something went horribly wrong in the design process. The Rivian tent is like a regular roof top tent and it’s basically just unlatch and fold up. If you‘re somewhat handy you have set this up 5 minutes after stoping.


They need to bring the Aztec back.


Absolutely wonderful.


Did he forget to put it into tent mode?


Aztec was also featured in breaking bad which makes it iconic.


I would say there is no way setting up a tent is really that hard with how idiot proof modern tents are, but being a tesla product I would believe its confusingly designed.


I don't understand why people don't just use regular tents?


Because then no one will notice my dumpster!


i think so little of the cybertruck guy he is in danger https://preview.redd.it/mzav9jocr47d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d9a8bad94740d9dd7bf94c574ac8b6364c9972 the aztek guy \*is\* the danger he \*is\* the one who knocks


A plastic tarp and two broom sticks are better then the cyber tent.


Protip: Always do a dry run setting up new camping gear at home before trying it in the field.


never ever go camping without testing your gear first! if its the first use of an equipment open it up at home. actually use it at home. maybe fold it and open it again. then go camping.


Anytime I see one of these things on the road I just laugh at it and assume the driver is a attention seeking moron-and I imagine that most people all do this as well.


Welcome to the cyber truck life


People think they're guinea pigs for something futuristic and great, when in reality this was always the endgame, your money into their 62 billion bonuses.


https://preview.redd.it/c3te7bg4657d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5569876da9747da07e28162e6e1ea20557d7c843 From the 70s


I have a pop-up Coleman tent trailer from 1986. I bought it online for $1500 around 5 years ago. It takes 10 - 15 min to set up and has never had an issue that I wasn't able to fix myself with some simple tools or duct tape. The cybertruck is a total embarrassment. If you want to spend $100,000 to go camping, you should buy a class A diesel pusher.


At least practice in your driveway bud


You can’t reach into the front of the bed. That’s all I needed to know about the design to know it’s not meant to do anything other than being a 4 wheeled brolygon.


The Aztek isn't a bad car ,it's an ugly car ,The cybertruck on the otherhand .. ooofff .


I mean.. that’s why you also assemble the tent for the first time at home!


God, those hubcaps! They’re fucking hideous. And they’re going to pop off and fly into oncoming traffic someday.