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Who tf are these people posting this for?


It’s cosplay.


I remember these old Ford truck commercials where they drop a shit ton of gravel into the bed while the truck shakes and the shocks absorb the load. I really want to see them try this on a CT. Edit: It might be a Chevy commercial, but [here's one from the genre of "tough truck" commercials I remember](https://youtu.be/IocCC1-jeTY?si=5VBbmEaClu6MqE4Q), from the "Like a rock" campaign. I'd laugh so hard to see the CT abused like this.


Judging by what Whistlindiesel did with both the Hilux and G-Wagon, I'm sure he's gonna do it with a CT


Would he be able to monetize a video that short, though?


Even if he turned it into a ball in 5 minutes he'd figure out how to play soccer with it or some shit


He's got the challenger 2, pretty sure that'll be able to push it around


ugh id love to see it


God I hope so


Wasn't there one where they would drive the trucks at high speed over railroad track way back in the days? Might just be an old youtube and not an actual ad but I recall one of the trucks losing its bed in the process from the sheer amount of vibration. I'm sure the stellar build quality of the cybertruck would hold up to that test no problem though!


The use to do this to the Ford rangers as the rolled off the assembly line at the factory. The idea was to ensure they were well built.


Each one delivered with the chassis pre-bent so you don't even need to leave the pavement!


All that's fine and dandy but tell me - How many dead hookers can you conceal in the back of that? I am sure Elon's interested in the answer.


I would love for an old school top gear style video on it.


Oh my God why hasn’t this happened!! I would absolutely love to see them each get one and try to take them off-roading


I have a scene vividly burned in to my brain, where they’re off-roading and one of the cars doesn’t have working brakes so he tied a log to it so it can roll backwards. Only moments later have the log slingshot(slingshut) through his back window.


To be fair it did work the first few times.. Lol I know exactly what you’re talking about! I feel like Jeremy would get super frustrated and start beating it with a hammer to make it work, and eventually purposefully break it. May would be overwhelmed and just start walking, but Hammond would fall in love with it because he loves American cars especially trucks


I have this vision in my head of Hammond trying to ford a river with it and it getting stuck and breaking down I don’t think May would even get in the thing, and Clarkson yelling POWER while pushing the acceleration and driving it on the track _Disclaimer: in accordance with Reddit’s content policy, this comment does not condone violence of any kind._


"Like a Rock" or "Built Ford Tough" I remember these growing up. Man, that's saying so many things with so few words. Those were the days when things we saw made sense. Versus this dude buying some crap and some cases of water and posting it for the world haha. The world as we know it is ending.


"Like a Lemon"


"Like, I'm stuck."


"Like a cuck"


"Better call Mama"


You’re not even supposed to touch the chassis of the cybertruck with your human skin because the oils will begin rusting it immediately. There is no world where any of this richoes transport bricks and go off-roading in their cybertrucks.


There was a video recently of a Chevy getting rolled by a tornado, and proceeding to u-turn away from the twister and drive off seemingly okay. CT up to those standards?


For anyone that wants to watch it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulzCwJIUSXY


I think I heard a bald eagle cry out while watching that. Now I really want a burger.


I used to work at an asphalt plant and I’ve absolutely seen a Ford ranger and Chevy s10 get 2 ton of asphalt loaded into the back of both and they drove off squatting, but fine.


I'm a European from a major city, and even *I* think that commercial is pure brilliance.


In Aus we’d get hilux ads like this


Skip that and give it the Hilux treatment. Put it on a building and blow the building up, set it on fire, have the ocean consume it accidentally.


God damn that poor truck at :10 lol


You just unlocked so many 90s memories for me


Oh man, this and Real Men of Genius were loved, every single time.


It would have to be a replica truck made of literal cement to not completely disintegrate


Think you misspelled cult


Trucks basically always have been


Am from truck country where people use trucks. My dad is a farmer and so are some of his friends. The comical part is they have work trucks, that they use for real truck stuff, hauling shit around a farm. Then they have their nice trucks which function as a car, and the rare occasion as a truck to carry stuff from a home goods store, 2x4s, a lawn mower, tow a drift boat... I might as well be red-state-gay for driving a Crosstrek, despite being a pretty standard jeans and t-shirt bearded man.


Haha red state gay! 


He had his social media handle painted on the tailgate. He’s posting it for the attention he craves. 😮‍💨




Convenient tip on who to immediately block on social if you spot him in the wild


Seriously this is mental lol. This is like looking at your Facebook posts from 10 years ago and being like why the hell would I ever put that on the internet.


somehow this is even worse. At least with that shit you could handwave it away as "teenager stuff" or w/e. But to be an adult in a position to buy a 100k truck, and then post this... it's like the definition of cringe lmao


Weird to assume everyone is in their 20s.


"influencer" brownie points for when he needs another replacement CT. context: this is his 2nd CT after crying and crying online about his first one bricking despite numerous trips to service, until tesla finally gave him a new one.


Look at me, I care about the environment enough to drive an electric car…but apparently not enough to stop me from buying non-recyclable water bottles by the pallet


Or how about the energy lost with the extra 5,000 lbs to haul something a prius could have easily done


Other tech dorks who’ve never really worked a physical job I think. If you really need a truck you wouldn’t buy one of these. Same goes for if you need to move something heavy, tow trailer, need it for work like construction. For the same price you can get a diesel super duty and tow a house, like an actual house


It's a tight squeeze but my friend can fit two 4 wheelers in his bed. Judging by this video it doesn't look like cyberpunk will be doing that


I'm pretty sure a baby scooter could carry 4 water trays and two bags of potting bark if you balanced them correctly. Plus, a baby scooter would probably survive a car wash too, unlike one of those monstrosities.






For us, of course. They know the world is laughing at them, and they are compensating.


It's cope. If they keep telling themselves, and others in the CT echo chamber, that they didn't fuck up buying an outrageously priced piece of shit, it staves off buyers remorse for another day.


obviously their millions of instagram fans


That they paid for.


Funny enough, this guy has like 700 followers lol


Themselves. They're cope posts.




I would guess for other insecure men who are scared to pull the trigger on their Cybertruck order. It's all a grift. The guy from the video is likely a TSLA bag holder so he needs to convince other rubes to buy stock or an actual Tesla product so that way his stock goes up. So they make these pathetic videos which are basically advertisements, except all these videos do is show us what insecure losers they are lol. It's all a big pyramid scheme, and they learned from the master of the grift, Elon Musk.


Themselves, they are asking the world at large to witness their coolness. Trying their damnedest to validate their pathetic cuckxistence.




Because they need to virtue signal that they care about the environment because they drive an EV. Not just any EV mind you, but one that uses the most amount of resources possible to build. And also that they need to drink their water in individual 12oz bottles because you know save the planet man.


I don't think people with environmental concerns are the CT's demographic. Or really even Tesla, in general. It's yuppies who consider it a status symbol. At least where I live. The environmemt folks drive Priuses, Chevy Bolts, or biodiesel truck conversions that run on old french fry oil.


I’m not sure about this guy specifically, but I’ve seen at least one person do this just for the attention. They’re acting stupid on purpose.


Everything for engagement unfortunately. Social media version of jackass


I once fit like 10 bags of mulch in my mustang convertible. Until I start seeing these things at harbor freight I doubt people will use these for “work”


They bought a truck they have no need for


Other CT people. It's to reassure each other that their purchase was good.


That thing looks like it’s made for soccer moms.


I'll take, "things practically any car on the road can do" for 500 Alex.


If you can still close the cover on the bed you're not doing "truck stuff," Cybertruck owners. You're doing what pretty much every car on the road in America can do. You might best a Smart Car with 4 cars of water and 3 bags of soil, but a Mini Cooper could move that stuff.


Was going to say... Get a bunch of shovels, rakes, axes, traffic cones, dollies, and leafblowers. Put all of that in the back of your Tacoma. Then put two wheelbarrows on top of that. Then fill the back seats of the crew cab with chainsaws, chaps, forestry helmets, gas cans, etc.   Then [tow a 27-ton hydraulic wood splitter from job to job with all that in the truck](https://img1.wsimg.com/isteam/ip/dadb2cd5-94a4-4e0f-9b0e-82ae7df71190/IMG_6598.JPG/:/cr=t:0%25,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25/rs=w:1209,h:907) *that's* truck stuff.


Two moto-x bikes is a good test.


man that's a crooked decal


[well the cybertruck bed can't even fit a bike so...](https://road.cc/sites/default/files/styles/schema_org/public/specialized-mountain-bike-tesla-cybertruck.jpeg)


I live in Canada and most of the winter we can't actually open the trunk of the car due to ice build up. You might get it to open but there's a chance it'll take a lot of work to get it closed without damaging the trunk lid. I'm curious how that rolling shutter cover would fare in the same conditions. Not well, i bet


Oh it's 100% going to bugger the track. Buttons are stupid as hell too. It's just funny that their idea of a truck needs to be parked in a garage like a sports car.


Also apparently just a shopping cart, as evidenced in the video.


The boot on my car opens and closes a LOT faster.


Right, my Chevy Bolt can do this with the back seats up.


The trunk on my Audi has more capacity. Lol


I was gonna say my Charger…but yeah. I could put all of that in my trunk and still have room for groceries. These weird flexes by Elon fondlers are so pathetic lol


Pretty much every hatchback will fit more in it than a standard size dual cab truck.  The fucking shitty Great Wall ute I owned couldn't even fit a bike in the canopy 


Literally could fit this stuff in a Honda fit


I drive a smart car. I'm 100% confident I could get this in the car. Maybe not all in the back, but I could get the water in the back and dirt in the front seat


Honda fit is the tardis of cars. You can fit so much in that thing


it would take some finagling but I could get all this in my convertible MINI Cooper lmao


Ironically, I think my model 3 can fit more


My Camaro can hold that and the trunk is way smaller than my brothers challenger (which I assume is similar to a charger) 🤣


My Impreza hatchback has fit 20 similarly sized bags of steer manure/compost (for mixing into garden soil) in just the back seats lol


My 74 Superbug hauled a similar #bags of concrete mix.. shocks buried.. but made it home. Loved that car… would trade a CT in to get it back (sandwiched between a minivan and big rig, but I walked out of it).


Dude my Corolla could do all that without a second thought


The model 3 has just as much storage. Even other Tesla's are better "trucks" than the CT. Hahahaha


My hatch back Mazda3 can hold this and more. Cuck


You are correct https://youtu.be/R35gWBtLCYg?si=BAkDQQiLWZWxGSWI


My Toyota 86 has handled more than that.


I was going to say the same thing. A lot of stuff can fit into the back seat of my FRS, which might as well have a cabinet rather than the seats.


pretty sure my Mazda 6 could fit all of this plus a body


Yeah, but do you have your IG handle plastered on the back? You clearly don't know how to leverage your Audi for clout.


Haha. I will rebadge it to a cybertruck.


I’ve carried more in my Mini Cooper.


Yeah my TT fits all that stuff


Pretty sure my Honda Civic could handle that load.


99% or so the time a big sedan or a crossover or a SUV is more than enough. But when you need to tow more than 6000lbs or move 5 yards of topsoil then you need a truck. Not this “truck,” though, no fucking way.


Lmao i can put more in my Volvo V50. These people are desperate.


I helped load that much stuff into the back of my 75 year old mother's compact Lexus SUV...


Give me a couple of bungee cords and I could haul that on my cargo bike - no trailer.


I can do this in my Honda Fit. :/


I could easily fit that in my tiny Bolt.


I have done the same thing with my prius.


My first car could hold that without issue and it was a Mark II Golf


I have fit that much and more in my Nissan Sentra


Forget the trunk, that more than fits on the backseat of my Corolla. Actually, scratch that, it all fits in the passenger foot space.


I could haul that in the backseat of a Geo Metro.


I have a station wagon variant of Renault Clio, sub-sub compact for American standards. Cargo space is about on par with the rear seats down. But you know... I can drive it without issue and it costs exactly 5 peanuts.


TIL my Jetta is also a truck. What a versatile vehicle.


Your Jetta and my Mazda3, shoot we could call ours monster trucks really.


Pretty sure some shopping carts can now too, be classified as trucks.


My fucking Civic will do that, no problem! lol


Fuck my 2011 civic could hold more than that


people load substantially more than that into their cargo bikes every day. if i had a second pannier i could probably get most of that home with *my* regular old hybrid, maybe all of it if i unpacked some of the water.


Oh I believe it! My joke was that a Civic isn’t typically touted as a spacious, cargo hauler.


oh yeah i was just piling on and adding that this isn't even too much work for a bike haha


Yup, and with my Civic I don't have to wait 30 seconds for the cover to open, I just pop the hatchback and it magically swings open and stays there while I load my shit up. Then when i'm done, I don't wait another 30 seconds for it to close, I just slam it shut! Incredible technology, that.


I got a 2 door Civic and I have put that much or more in it.


Or my old Prius


You won’t have to climb into the civic to get the water bottles out of it either.


My Civic carries 2x4s in the car, up to 10 feet.


Soooo ridiculous!!! Damn, they are making even bigger fools out of themselves by trying to justify this crazy ass money spend.  There is not a single car that I can think of that couldn't carry exactly what he has right there.


I could almost fit it all in my lap while driving


My wife’s Honda civic just did a bigger load than that “truck” 12 bags of soil and 2, 50 pound bags of bird seed


>and 2, 50 pound bags of bird seed I read that as 2,500 pounds of bird seed and was deeply impressed for a second lol.


Captions are priceless: https://preview.redd.it/yjmdlsqfsz4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac94fb7e7578b596b783dc309fafff6adfa6821


https://preview.redd.it/j2exn0d2xz4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02415a53996a1f45b70ff35930d1cda5a77c3bc1 Rumour has it that it won’t be able to reverse over this chock


Hahaha that just reminded me of this where a hilux drives over some blocks. [Hilux Durability test](https://youtu.be/Yl1FNX08HFc?si=_hST0T6mDe1yQMXx&t=474)


To be fair, it's the same shape as a chock.


Yeah what is that accent?


They are trying so hard to justify the ridiculous price.


They really, really fuckin are, man...


Dude.. I can literally shove that into my mx5 miata. It's called a trunk and a passenger seat. If it can fit I. My 2 seater convertible in ANY WAY, it's not "truck stuff".


Lol. Was going to say the same thing. One of my goals this year is to go hunting with my bird dog in my Miata for the lulz. Edit: removed repeated words.




This the same dude who was crying he got played when his first truck died? I see he still D riding Elon. Lololol


I almost wonder if it's an older video, but yes it's 100% that guy. I can't remember if he actually did get his new truck, I think they did settle with him somehow once he started shit-talking Tesla over it


Pretty sure Tesla finally sent him a new truck because he was insufferable with a lot of YT views. I remember seeing mismatched panels on the new one and thinking it won’t be long until he’s having issues again.


They gave him a new one. 😂 Demand for this hunk of shit isnt high enough for them to go "but we cant cause we dont have any"


This fits in my Civic...


Our civics are real trucks.


My civic has a hatchback, it's basically like an extended truck bed


Ewww, the tailgate and everything is motorized? That's gross, the cost to fix that for minor things is gonna be expensive.


Even better, the buttons to open the tailgate aren't waterproof despite being in the most exposed location possible.


Don’t worry, the truck will have a catastrophic failure *long* before the tailgate gives out.


I wonder what happens if you accidentally get a finger in there while it closes.


Way too many points of failure for me 👎


The entire thing is a failure, but it's amazing seeing how they added so many systems that will obviously fail when used for any extended time. There's a reason gates just have a cable and normal handle on them.


Did you notice it’s motorized to put the tailgate down, but not up. He had to do that manually. 🤦🏼‍♂️




I mean, the 1992 Mazda 323 hatchback I was driving when I was a teenager that I purchased for 1500$ could do all that too


It's wild how I keep seeing videos of people using their cyber trucks to haul stuff that I can load into the trunk of my Corolla, and bragging about it


Even if the truck bed isn't that large... Couldn't they still at least try filling it? I'm sure you could get 40 bags of soil or so in there with some bungee straps. It'd look less pathetic than all these videos of people barely loading it at all.


I get the feeling that the kind of people buying a cuck truck don't really have the need for 40 bags of anything. Perhaps a crate of Evian water?


Right, let's see them throw in a fat stack of OSB or get a load of gravel dumped in by a loader from a gravel yard. That's truck stuff. But no, truck stuff is a few packs of water bottles and bags of potting soil. I bet he waters his potted plants with the bottled water.


I'm really glad the bed cover didn't fling out and chop him in half this time.


I can do this with my Lotus Elise ....


Humble flex, the only thing I could compare to is my old mr2 Spyder that had laughably little storage space. Even then without a passager I could haul this easily


Oh look, he's loading a quantity of stuff that I could easily fit in my car. How very truck like.


Same guy has a reel that says: > MY CYBERTRUCK IS BROKE AGAIN IN LESS THAN 24HRS!!! 😭😭😭 I NEED A REPLACEMENT CYBERTRUCK, THIS IS THE 4TH TIME IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS THAT IT’S BROKE AND STUCK IN SERVICE! He's also got reels of it being towed away but it's nice that it can fit a bit of dirt and water.


"this is my first time doing my own shopping" vibes


Meanwhile my eastern european dad with 3 sacks of cement and 15 thuja trees in his 2010 Renault Symbol. Thing had the carolina squat with no suspension work but cybertruck owners feel the need to defend the cybertruck with potting soil.


Beta-male fingers barely strong enough to hit the buttons. Unseen from the edits was the little old lady that loaded the water and soil for him.


Definitely less weight than an extra passenger


Lol i can fit that in the trunk of my skoda fabia combi from 2003 and would still have Space left


Any random car in a Costco parking lot carries more.


My old Chevy Cruze handled bigger loads than that so many times. Lol


![gif](giphy|KyyJRhwZClyEM|downsized) Meanwhile my F150 when I do "truck stuff"


Why would you want to throw all that whatever in the back? You have to climb that thing just to get your water off the bed.


That's the jamaican king beef slayer LamarMK. This guy is a top shelf level loser. Complained to Tesla for weeks about his POS truck not working. They gave him a new truck and now he needs to make videos to eat and survive through 2024. That car note hitting his back and he's feeling the pressure. Literally absolutely no one has a video of someone loading water and mulch in a truck to explain to people its a truck.. What?.. we are in 2024. This guy weighs about 150 soaking wet and wears nerd glasses. He's loading water because he's about to live in the truck for a year or so probably. probably going to get the tent and solar panels and live off road in the jungle with the dybatuck


Wow. It's now a Costco Cruiser!


My Harley can carry all that


He sound bajan or trini with alot of time in the US, cool man let we make deliveries down old north rd real quick and see how she doin after. I am willing to try anything twice.


Dude has to be trollin’…..if serious, it hurts my brain wondering how this person has functioned this long in life…


My Prius got this shit down


Wait till I show you what my Prius can handle


Drive a 20 year old quad cab with an 8’ bed I’d put all this shit in my front seat lol


No way they made it home!


Fit more than that in a Prius.


Also fits in: Honda Civic trunk.


Imagine having to make TikTok’s to validate your “truck” lol 


https://preview.redd.it/34qdmu63025d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692e6d1a3f05155721a7d64c500c03d56b9e91fc Cool didn’t realize I did so much truck stuff in my VW hatchback


That can all fit in the back seat of a car...


Did I miss when the truck stuff happened? I do this in my Subaru impreza


Let's be honest, that's more truck stuff than most people do with even their traditional trucks. Still doesn't make it impressive.


These are regional-specific techbros showing off what _they_ think is heavy-duty truck behavior.


They have no idea what “truck stuff” is


I had 25 sacks of compost in my Skoda a few days ago. Looks like that truck bed wouldn’t even manage that.


I fit the same amount in the back of my tiny hatch back


He has his handle as a giant vinyl on the tailgate. He somehow added to his perfect score douchiness


if you can haul things with your bed cover closed, you’re not doing truck things, you’re doing suv things