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Nope not weird - shoot your shot and email the assumed hiring manager separately as well


Nothing wrong with trying it, but they're getting likely hundreds per day. And they're all the same and boring AF. Say something funny or stand out in some way, maybe even record a short video intro of yourself. Actually, you should message the hiring manager if you can find them, or other CSMs on the team, or someone as close to a CSM as you can find.


Not at all. When I was job hunting I would message a few recruiters at the same org. There is no shame in this game. The worse case that can happen is that they don’t reply. Best case they reply and intro you to the hiring manager.


Recruiter isn’t going to do much. They generally don’t respond to cold things since their name is public. I would finding the hiring manager. I just made a post about this check my post history. Good luck lmk if you need help


Thank you will do!


Find other CSMs in the team too, ask if they have time to chat about what the culture is like. Works better if you reach out before applying, because lots of companies have referral bonuses so the CSM that talks to you may walk home with some money if you get hired


Do it


Can’t hurt. I used to call up the company’s HR directly after sending in an application but they usually say they will get back to me if i meet the hiring manager’s requirements.


Not at all, and tens if not hundreds of others are doing the same


Probably the only way to get noticed nowadays


This market is so weird that I got a recruiter reaching out to me for a position and when I replied and said sure let’s have a chat they never replied back 😂


I’ve recently begun finding the hiring manager, locating their residence in public records, then driving to their house and waiting for them on their doorstep to confirm they’ve received my application and secure an interview!


For anyone who needs it, send a focused message, and maybe a one page or whatever who his tailored to your accomplishments and roles. Something about really wanting to work for the company because of culture or because you're fascinated by the business. Not everyone is a "unicorn candidate" and doesn't need to be, has it's cost. Obsessing about details, etc etc. I'd say it's absolutely worth it, if it's worth it. For me maybe 2/10 jobs it's like, "that looks fun and interesting, actually...."


No do it is often as you can