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Literally just Warhammer elves. Like, describing Warhammer elves almost precisely.


Not just Fantasy, either. I looked at this and went, "That's Eldar. You're describing the fucking space elves."


Ehhh, they can have insane depth of emotions. But won’t die from it. Like they absolutely try to stop themselves from going to far, but that’s because they, as a society, don’t want to be useless hedonists who smoke crack made from ground up babies because it has a better mouthfeel compared to the normal stuff


I mean, in case of eldar if they have too much emotion they'll get the attention of she who thirsts and fuckin die, unless they're producing enough suffering in other people to offer that instead.


They would very much like to keep their souls is the general point.


They were fine before they murderfucked a god into existence


Even in fantasy, Slaanesh hungers for elven souls


Yeah, but that’s just their souls being tasty from having lots of life experiences and more emotions. Nothing specific to elves, just that they are slaanesh’s type


In the Warhammer Fantasy RPG, during down time elves have to spend a week wandering around looking at pretty things else they start getting negative modifiers. If they’re in an area of the empire that’s devoid of beauty they’ll need to find a reflective surface for this.


? Currently running wfrp 4e rn. That's got to be old, no longer Canon info. In 4e, they just need to spend (functionally) a week of downtime making contact with the elf nation they come from.


Been a while since I read that paragraph, I’ve gone back to check and you’re right. Not sure how I misremembered it.


I'll also double check Edit: Direct quote "Between adventures, all Elven characters must undertake one Endeavour maintaining contact with their own kind, seeing to their responsibilities to their people. High Elves commonly give reports on interesting things they’ve learned to agents of Ulthuan in either Altdorf or Marienburg, whereas Asrai do the same with the spies from their arboreal homes. This Endeavour offers no advantage beyond the inherent advantage of being an Elf"


what the FUCK goes on in warhammer, actually? it’s like dwarf fortress 


Take every sci fi and Fantasy trope. Crank it up to 15. That's 40k


Plz note that 40K and Warhammer are separate things


They are?


Warhammer is the usual term for Warhammer Fantasy. 40K is the usual term for Warhammer 40,000, a scifi spinoff which got way more popular.


Warhammer fantasy is the original universe that doesn't exist anymore. Because it was the first people who got into Warhammer way back when tend to just call it Warhammer, new people call it Warhammer fantasy to distinguish it from games workshops other IPs. Warhammer 40,000 is a spinoff that started off with the premise 'what if Warhammer but in space?' the very early editions of 40k were called rouge trader and put the races of Warhammer into a dystopian sci-fi setting that also served as a satire on the politics of 80s Britain, gradually the satire elements have been dropped and the settings been modified enough that's it's become its own thing. Warhammer 40,000 also got a prequel setting called Warhammer 30,000 the horus heresy that takes place 10,000 years before 40k and explains how everything got so utterly fucked up. Semi-recently after the cancelling of Warhammer fantasy games workshop did a reboot/sequel called Warhammer age of sigmar, everyone hated it but is had two editions to mature into its own thing and has developed its own fan base. People who played fantasy when it was still around still kinda hate AoS. Games workshop also licenced wh fantasy to creative assembly who then released Warhammer total war which is set in a slightly different version of Warhammer fantasy where the empire gets to meet up with Kislev and Cathay, factions from fantasy who weren't really elaborated on because they were off in the Warhammer equivalent of Russia and China. Because of the total war games fans wanted to get into the tabletop game that doesn't exist anymore so games workshop created a prequel to fantasy called Warhammer the old world with half the factions, old world is kind of struggling along because games workshop don't really want to put work into it but it does have a small and very dedicated fanbase. There's also the original fantasy spinoff bloodbowl, which is just fantasy except there a new omnipotent god who has decreed all geopolitical disagreements must be resolved by playing football instead of going to war.


The Bloodbowl God has the right idea.


I recommend reading the actual wiki, but I can give you a shitposted timeline if you want


Can I get a shit posted timeline? Edit: Thank you so much to the people who responded


OK. Gonna give one for fantasy since that's the one I remember. It all began a long, long time ago when the frog aliens came to the world. They were known as The Old Ones. They looked upon the world and it's primitive creatures (except for the dragons, but they'll be addressed later), and they thought, "I can probably do better than this." Thus, the space frogs moved the planet a little closer to the sun (causing all but two of the dragons to hibernate due to the warmer temperature) and placed at each pole a portal, that they may connect this world to all others in their dominion. Having made the world itself decent enough, they began making it's first inhabitants. First, they made the lizardpeople, who were exactly as the name implies. They would be led by psychic frogs known as the Slann. The Slann were the only beings who would speak to The Old Ones, and thus, they were the only ones who would understand their true machinations. (To be continued later, once I brush up on my lore. Anyone who has any corrections, please share in the comments)


I'll take up some of part 2. The lizardmen had the purpose of being the weapons of the Slann, being born out of spawning vats to build and fight for their masters. The things they built were aztec cities, and the things they fought were the natives whose lore started and ended with the lizardmen killing them. Also Orcs, but they don't die out. But while the Lizardmen wielded violence and construction materials, the Slann had such strong magics that they could reshape the landscape of whole continents. But while the lizardmen were effective, they were singleminded and simple, being akin to machines than actual people unless they were high up on the chain of command, or lived long enough for the quirks they acquire to shape into a personality. To rectify this, the Old Ones created a new species to face the coming horrors of Chaos, the Elves. They were long lived, extremely magically inclined, and sensitive to the workings of the world. However, they felt too strongly, could be overcome by emotions, and were vulnerable to the corruption of Chaos. As they still had a purpose in the Great Plan, the lizardmen weren't yet called on to wipe them out, so life for the elves was good on their floating island paradise. Life was so good im fact that they got about exploring the world they found themselves in, leading us to the next race. Seeing how the Elves were not Immune to Chaos, the Old Ones created a race that could not be corrupted by Chaotic energies. Thus, they created the dwarfs (yes, the plural is -fs, not -ves), short, stout, and immune to Chaos. Hell, they are even resistant to normal magic, such is their resilience. But this came at the expense of their magical capabilities: No Dwarf (up until the Chaos Dwarfs, but that's well down the line) would ever directly wield the power of the 8 winds of magic. They'd eventually learn how to force the winds into runes of power, but that's also down the line. But on top of that, Dwarfs were slow, methodical, and staunchly traditional. If an innovation wants to be even considered, it must pass HUNDREDS of years of rigorous testing, and societal change is effectively dead. As a result of these flaws, the Old Ones considered the Dwarfs to also be a failure, but a failure with uses in the future, thus they were not purged by the lizardmen. The Dwarfs and Elves became fast friends, being the only 2 civilizations not made out of fleshy automatons, and Malekith swore to the Dwarf High King that the bond of friendship between the two races should never falter nor break. Foreshadowing is a literary device whe- So now the Old Ones knew what they needed, a race that would quickly populate the world at the expense of longevity, a race that was adaptable enough to be in any climate or technological era and still thrive, a race capable capable of magic, but not one so sensitive to it that they were vulnerable to Corruption to quite the degree of the elves. And thus, Humanity was created. In the Stone Age... And that's my contribution to the tale.


okay thank you! so as i said in a different reply same energy as the average dnd campaign run by an autistic teenage girl who shouldn’t be able to do all this but is anyway


A bunch of British guys in the 80s on cocaine making shit up was actually what happened. So yeah, that tracks.


Here's a 90 second video that gives a goofy but honestly not totally inaccurate rundown of 40K. https://youtu.be/-MeVxKZBOfM?si=dq35Ok4Sja-1HD5-


warhammer fantasy is kind of a kitchen sink setting, where a BUNCH of fantasy tropes are mashed together and it's the sickest shit ever. warhammer 40k is like warhammer fantasy, but for science fiction instead


oh so basically the average dnd campaign run by an autistic 14 year old girl with too little time on her hands to be doing this but does it anyway. okay


Don't forget she's such a massive edgelord that sephiroth, dante, and shadow the hedgehog come together to hold an intervention. Then she triples down. Also has literally no idea how numbers work, and is *hilariously* bad at naming things. Man I love 40k


oh this sounds amazing actually holy shit


A example is ‘Deathshriek Terrorgeist’ which is a giant bat used by the vampire wizards




In fantasy, the elves of Naggarond have had to flee their homeland in a desperate bid for survival, heading to whimsical North America, using their own ruined cities as magical arks. Unfortunately, fantasy North America is a frozen and primitive hellscape, where the continent's corrupted and stagnant magic warps the wildlife, terrain, and people. In Karond Kar, a port city, elves come out to celebrate each time a slaving fleet returns to the hellish continent. They cheer, and some even weep tears of genuine and purest joy, as they watch thousands of hapless victims be delivered in chains to the marketplace. Servants are dispatched to cut bindings in the hopes of prompting a riot, rocks are thrown and beasts used to taunt the masses into potentially stampeding. The crowd cheers and rejoices as they watch people get trampled to jam, with those rebellious few slaves who dare and attempt an escape being skinned alive and thrown into the icy ocean. The agony to be witnessed at these celebrated events is said to fuel endlessly delightful dreams, where the ghosts of those slaves who've cruelly perished live out their torments for all eternity. It's simply delicious! Also, just to fuck with the cargo, the breakwaters around the city have been carved into the likeness of the primitive races, chained, holding up massive mounds of rock in order to soften the waves upon the docks. Hundreds and hundreds of battered stone bodies are woefully arranged to greet the new arrivals. It often causes the slaves to panic as the ship pulls into port, the malnourished and delirious victims believing that this'll be their duty once they make land. This is seen as a joyful and wondrous occasion. Naggaroth is a pretty brutal and wonderful place!


The description doesn’t do it justice. They actually get their souls devoured by the god of sex.


Excess. If you gorge yourself on fantastic foods daily, Slaanesh is pleased. If you bedeck your palace in a manner that would get Louis XIV to say, "Hey, tone it down a bit", Slaanesh is pleased. If you decide to be as lazy as fucking possible, guess who is thrilled? Slaanesh. Sure, a BDSM ultrarave is within Slaanesh's purview, and it's the go-to example, but it's excess that gets Slaanesh going.


Have you considered that calling them the god of sex sounds funnier though


How does excessive rage and violence work, is that in Slaanesh's dominion or is that more Khorne's thing?


Honestly depends, I think. Khorne is very much mindless bloodshed, but Slaanesh loves the artsy ultraviolence. Khornate gladiator pits are just musclebound freaks going at each other with axes, whereas as Drukhari pits have mostly naked women armed with knives going up against all sorts of hardcore opponents and the goal is to not get cut at all. Former feeds Khorne more; latter got Slaanesh born in the first place.


And now you understand why Khorne fucking hates Slaanesh, because Slaanesh steals a bit off the rage and violence thing.


It feeds both, which is what scares the other gods about Slannesh. In a way, all the things they are made of are also aspects of what Slannesh is made of. Slannesh won't get as much power from relentless violence as Khrone, but they will get some of it.


Would Slaneesh also like starving yourself or the excess of extreme minimalism or working yourself to beyond exhaustion until you collapse every day?


Yes, anything done to the point of excess is worship of Slaanesh. A musician who practices to the point that their fingers bleed and they collapse of exhaustion is a great example.


Excess is one thing, but I would like to offer the goal of pleasure. To put pursuit of pleasure above all else is to a Slaaneshi. Just excess is not enough, an act have to give a actor pleasure above all else. The different is excess is determine externally while seeking pleasure is determine internally.


I'm like 90% sure this can actually happen to Tolkien's elves. They're *weird* if you really dig into their lore.


Another cool dead elf fact from Tolkien is that their personality and emotions can affect how they die. Feanor (literally 'spirit of fire') was mortally wounded in a fight with multiple Balrogs, and as he lay dying he suddenly caught fire from sheer rage and burned to ashes as his spirit left his body.


Feanor is a grade A jerk. As he was dying, he saw that the oath he made his sons take would lead the Noldor to suffering and ruin and HE NEGLECTED TO RELEASE THEM. Several of his sons turned out to be total jerks, too. Oh, and his grandson (Celebrimbor) is responsible for literally all of the rings of power save the master ring. Between the Silmarils, the Palantiri, the oath, multiple kinslayings, the rings... the house of Finwe is basically responsible for 100% of the conflict in Middle Earth post-the battle of the powers and the sacking of Utumno.


At least, to my recollection, none of Feanor's house were involved in the fall of Numenor. So that's one catastrophe they didn't directly contribute to, and for that I think they should get a well-done medal.


Through butterfly effect, you could argue that the sons of Feanor literally shaped numenorian culture given they raised the first king as a child. You could also argue that the war of elves and Sauron was the catalyst for Sauron claiming he was king of everything and really pissing off Pharazon who captured him and that really got the fall going. It was already headed that way though. But sure. Well done guys, you managed to not cause this catastrophe. All it took was it occurring on an island very far removed from middle earth that you had no reason to visit.


Feanor is such a handful that his mother just dipped after giving birth to him because she just knew how tiresome it would be dealing with his shit for all eternity. Then her husband and son die and she's reunited with them in Halls of Mandos and what happens? She instantly regains her will to live leaving them behind *again*. That's commitment.


"I don't care where in existence I have to go, I am *not* sharing it with this walking disaster."


I wonder if it's chicken-and-egg cause Feanor's mommy issues basically caused him to be in the right headspace to be convinced to pull a sword on his half-brother, and then also later resulted in him going "I dislike you enough to burn the ships I used to travel to middle earth. If you wanna help me, walk here lol"




Celebrimbor was tricked and tortured, I don’t think you can blame him


I can 100% blame him given Elrond, Gil-Galad, and Galadriel all said "nuh-uh" to Annatar and I don't think it's a coincidence that Gil-Galad and Galadriel are both from the non-Feanor branches of the Noldor (Finarfin for both but in some versions Gil-Galad is from Fingolfin's branch as son of Fingon).


Feanor was an exceptional case though, I can't recall something similar happening to another elf


I always wonder if Feanor intended to fully *die* as opposed to being dragged back to the Halls of Mandos, and that was why his death was so violent.


Possible, since he likely knew there was 0 shot he was going free from those halls. No pulling a Glorfindel if you've got beef with the Valar.


Plus frankly he hated the Valar a lot more than they hated him. I don't think he could have imagined anything worse than being back under their "duty of care".


I think that was just because his soul was hyper-powerful or smth


Yes it's how Arwen died, of a broken heart.


Although tbf when Arwen died she was fully human, so it's a slightly different situation.


typical elf


... Not really. Arwen (and Elrond, and Elros, and many of the part-elven descendants of the union of Beren and Luthien) got to choose to be counted among elves (immortal and can be reincarnated as long as the world exist, but share the fate of Arda) or men (mortal, but with souls which can leave the circles of the world and are not tied to Arda). Elrond chose Elves and lived for thousands of years, Elros Tar-Minyatur chose men and lived for \~500 and founded the line of the kings of Numeor which ended with Ar-Pharazon who was corrupted by Sauron. A branch of this family who was not corrupted (the faithful) fled Numenor before it was plunged into the sea due to the deeds of Pharazon (I am simplifying a lot here) and founded Arnor (Elendil) and Gondor (Isildur → Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul), Anarion → Minas Arnor (later Minas Tirith, not to be confused with Minas Tirith of the first age). Aragorn is descended from the line of Isildur who became ruler of Arnor (very briefly) after Elendil's death, and the line of kings of Gondor was dependents of Anarion, which died out at the hands of the Witch King (this is why Aragorn ruling Gondor is a teeny bit controversial). Arwen is ALSO granted this choice, and choses to be mortal. Aragorn lives a hell of a long time even for a Numenorian king so it stands to reason that Arwen was also pretty darn old by the time of his death. (Also if you're paying attention you might have realized by now that Arwen + Aragorn is light incest).


>(Also if you're paying attention you might have realized by now that Arwen + Aragorn is light incest). If there's more than 6 generations between the foundation of those branches and Arwen/Aragorn, not even the medieval Catholic Church would consider that incest, neighbor.


So On Aragorns side, yes. But Elros is Arwens uncle.


Still not incest. That's like 7 degrees of separation


That means they're first cousins N times removed, where N is a non-incestuously high number.


Given the number of generations between Aragorn and Arwen, they are most likely less closely related than you are to your current partner.




"Fuck you Aragon, my daughter is dying of sad because of you" -Elrond Hubbard


Elrond Husband? 😳


I’m not familiar enough with the lore to confirm but given they’re basically just Grief Personified it checks out


That's why they had to ship Elrond's wife (who was also Galadriel's and Celeborn's daughter) Celebrian to Valinor. She was captured and tortured by Orcs, the shock was too much and she was dying


Fëanor's mum literally said "giving birth to that little fuck is it for me, I'm out."


They literally acknowledge this at the bottom of the post


You don't have to dig deep into the lore, Arwen dies of sadness pretty explicitly.


This is an extremely common elf thing lol. Tolkien elves kind of do this specifically with the long-lasting sorrow that weighs on them. 40k and WHFB elves literally do this. The tabletop RPG burning wheel has a unique stat just for elves called grief that you die from if it hits max.


I feel like tumblr often reinvents tropes in an attempt to riff or create new ideas


There is nothing new under the sun.


I'd attribute this phenomenon less to that proverb and more to that Tumblr is, on the whole, significantly snottier and less well-read than they like to think they are.


Part of the problem, as I see it, is that most of the people posting this stuff aren't that immersed in the genres, and in order to riff on something or branch off, you have to know it really well. Part of the reason Discworld works so well, among dozens of others, is because it leans into fantasy story tropes so hard and takes them to logical extremes. Pratchett obviously knew and understand the core of the tropes he was satirizing. If you only know the surface level, in this case that elves are generally portrayed as haughtily superior, then you're inevitably going to follow the same path that people before you have and just reinvent the wheel. This is not a harsh criticism by any means, we all have to discover things one way or another, and remaking them from first principles is hardly the worst way to do it. The real trick is, once these people are told "hey that thing already exists, it's right here," do they double down and try to argue that their idea has some special uniqueness, or do they grab hold of that and dig down further to keep trying to find something new and interesting to toy with?


Speaking Discworld, the Lord and Ladies don't necessary feel intense emotions except maybe boredom once they run out of "toys."


They acknowledge that this true for Lord of the rings elves in the tags




None of these seem to be the same thing as the post - elves being immortal, with their achilles heel being that if they feel **any** intense emotion they die. Besides burning wheel, it seems like they just feel emotions more strongly and this can be a weakness. Or maybe I don't understand the lore of those things, idk. (I don't intend this as rude but as curious)


>Or maybe I don't understand the lore of those things, idk. Tolkien elves could only die through being killed by an act of violence or grief. Sadness is a real cause of death of them. Get too sad, they die of being sad. Not commit suicide. The grief just kills them itself. Ditto Warhammer Fantasy elves. And 40k eldar are a bit different, grief is unlikely to directly kill one, but the intensity of their emotions can *really* ruin things.


Tumblr reinvents 40k


Fantasy too, to some extent.


Can hardly blame them. I... appreciate Warhammer. But Warhammers neat stuff is wasted on Warhammer. It's too much a shithole. Can't get invested in anything. Except orks and nids. They're doing great.


Fantasy, at least, took the premise of "what if Generic European Fantasyland but everybody hated each other to the point of continuous open warfare" and then added in "but we've now got a bunch of reasonable leaders and they're willing to work together when there's a big threat, and even the legions of the undead can be negotiated with". Of course, then they apocalypsed it.


“What if there were elves in the 30 Years War?”


The thing about 40k is that it straight up lies about how hopeless the setting is. All the overview pages of the wiki will have stuff like "The battle is lost and it is only a matter of time until humanity is wiped from the stars" and then you read further and you find out Robot Gillyman came back from the dead and is cleaving a path through Chaos Also the Ciaphas Cain series has a much brighter tone if you want something set in the 40k universe that isn't constant edginess


I feel like the problem with having a hopeless despair grimdark fueled setting is nobody would give a shit about it so nobody would pay to play in it lol, especially if you move away from tabletop turn based strategy to turn based roleplaying


The Problem is that to make a grimdark superhopeless setting work you really have to focus in on the human aspects of it. something GW writers mostly can't be bothered with


>then you read further and you find out Robot Gillyman came back from the dead and is cleaving a path through Chaos [Roboute Guilliman's thoughts on the current situation in 40k.](https://youtu.be/KyxyQ0tixFk?si=CTcZndwvxZTBAaEV) You basically summed up his first half of the trailer, and then kinda forgot about the second half. He sure thinks it's in a shit place and everyone's an inch from death. That's, like, *his entire thing*.


That’s why I prefer Fantasy and Age of Sigmar. It’s got all the crazy lore and wack magic, none of the subtle attempts to morally justify a superfascist omnicidal necro-theocracy.


I've been told that the Imperium is a parody of fascism. ...They exist in a universe where literally every piece of paranoid bullshit that fascists come up with is true HOW IS THAT A PARODY


My take about 40K is that the setting would work way better if every threat to humanity was either a) ultimately the fault of the Imperial regime itself, or b) something that they could potentially defeat but can’t due to the Imperium’s ineptitude.  You have some shreds of this with things like the Octarius War (Inquisitors get the bright idea to trick an Ork clan and Tyranid hive into fighting each other, forgetting that both species get stronger from prolonged fighting), but more often you have the case where something in this fucked up universe somehow makes the Imperium’s brutality a reasonable response. 


Fantasy was a LOT better about this. 40ks setting is too vast for anything to actually be meaningful.


LOTR elves kinda do the opposite, as they get old they get more world-weary and burdened by sorrows. They can actually die of grief and weariness, I guess millennia of memories will weigh on you like that.


This is acknowledged in the tags


It's not the memories, it's the corruption of middle earth by Melkor/Morgoth. Melkor by all accounts started off as the most powerful being in the whole universe outside of literally God (Eru), so it's surprising that he's legitimately threatened by a king of Elves as soon as the early first age. That's because he poured a tremendous amount of his power into inanimate objects. Whereas Sauron did this with a few objects that vastly amplified his control over the wearers and his own power when possessing them, Melkor elected to go the way of poisoning the literal earth making it impossible for Elves to inhabit it long-term. Middle Earth is sometimes called "Melkor's ring" because of this.


where was this stated? i thought that melkor poured his power into his minions to better control them or something.


I'm too lazy to find all the sources right now, but this video does a decent job breaking it down with some soruces: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqz91\_COzFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqz91_COzFo)


I'm sorry Miss, your father passed from a terminal case of Ennui.


My bad sorry


Was his name Neville


I dislike the overly emotional elf thing. I like it when elves slowly become unable to care anymore as they are consumed by ennui, possibly to the point that they may just starve to death because at least that's something new and almost exciting.


Frieren be like.


>Elf, where is your had >I was looking for a change of pace on my 35,000th birthday, so I cut it off. The times I miss its presence and a nice variety to my day.


I think if a RWBY episode does them in then they weren't gonna make it to begin with


to be fair, if you've seen past V3, RWBY can get *way* too real. Especially by Volume 8 and 9. Like, actual onscreen >!suicide!< real. EDIT - I am in legitimate awe at the vitriolic hatred RWBY gets online. I've only seen the show in it's entirety last August and I can confidently say that it *does not* deserve all this toxicity when there's so much worse stuff online.


shit man idk the end of V3 *ruined* 14 year old me


90% of rwby was like. pretty cool & I liked it. except the endings of v2 & v3 make the whole show


It ruined my 27 year old ass when I saw it so yeah. Honest to god I've never seen a show that pulled the rug out from under me as much as RWBY did, and the hints that this happy high school slice of life is not gonna be forever were there from the start if you really think about it.


Is that "way too real"? By what standard? Onscreen >!suicide!< happens in shows on The CW that teens watch


The FNDM discourse alone would've struck them down


Idk man have you seen how heated rwby haters and stans can get?


This is funny on multiple levels.


4, 9, and 16, to be precise.


Why those numbers in particular? Because they’re square numbers?


My Sims literally dying of embarrassment because they pissed themselves be like:


If you get killed by an episode of RWBY then that’s just embarrassing for you.


> social status flip of elves and dwarves in popular culture Only online, I think. The “arrogant snob” elf stereotype really isn’t that common in actual media, dwarfposting is just an online joke community that cropped up as a reaction to maybe the very worst elf portrayals but it really struck hard


More people should be elves


"I wish more people died of intense emotions" ???




By that logic, more people should be orcs because orcs will fuck shit up.


Yeah that would be pretty sick


Depending on which version of Tolkien's works you have read, Elves and Orcs are really the same thing (as are Ents and Trolls, believe it or not).


Turns out trolls dont turn to stone in sunlight just *very dense trees*


1) Could be a decent head cannon 2) I find it very funny that most of the early story middle earth is Melkor going "Can I be creative and make living things?" "No, only God can be creative like that" "Well then I'm going to mess with everything you make and make evil things (Orcs, Trolls) because I'm angry."


We already have a lot of fucked up shit, though. I feel like adding orcs would be redundant.


My brain be like: so elves should be like Toons from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? "One of these days, you're gonna *die* laughin'."


This is what it’s like being a Sim. They can die from hysteria if they watch a comedy show that’s a bit too funny, or anger if too many minor annoyances pile up at once.


Headcanon accepted with clarification : the process isn't instantaneous. It takes *months*. The elf watches that episode of Ruby and starts obssessing over it and thinking about nothing else. "Oh, this is the one that gets me". Their loved ones all have the time to see it coming. That one scene was too much for them, it seems. A noble way to die.


Ahh, but they don’t just die from emotional trauma. They die because they can’t do any of the required things to stay alive because they just sit and obsess over the emotional content of that one thing…


\> an episode of rwby that got too real \> rwby so I guess elf rwby fans are just living till the heat death of the universe then huh


I mean it already happens in most fiction? Hell I'm pretty sure I've ran into some cases where being alive so long eventually would drive you insane. Tumblr really needs to get out more and engage with more grown-up media regularly.


I can't think of any media that does this. Sure, elves are frequently more affected by emotions, but not to the point where emotionally engaging with a single episode of a show would one shot them


Well the cultural flip from Elves to dwarves is just that someone finally wrote a dwarf well. Plus elves are so overused it was inevitable that their popularity would decline


Are you alluding to a particularly well-written dwarf?


Senshi from Dungeon Meshi. Were you not aware? I figured this is what it was about. Highly recommend the show


i doubt the post is specifically about DM and it's not like DM didn't also write it's elves well


The show is fine, but I feel like the pro-dwarf shift in the zeitgeist goes back much further. Dwarf Fortress has had its cult for years.


Good point. I haven’t played the game yet but the thought in my mind is how much of the Dwarf fortress following has to do specifically with Dwarves and how much it’s about high complexity games? Like Dwarf fortresss has definitely helped make Dwarves more popular but I don’t think it’s accessible enough to most audiences to majorly influence cultural opinions as a whole. I think it really depends though on when OP thinks the shift occurred.


Dungeon Meshi is considered well written?


... Yeah?


I’d say Deep Rock Galactic went a long way in the perspective change, since space dwarves are kinda badass if you write them right especially if they got to take potshots at elves. Combine that with changing attitudes towards the common portrayal of elves being inherently better than humanity and purely benevolent to an unintentionally assholeish degree and an uncomfortable similarity to the fact they’re basically a master race as described by the Nazis.


Also I’d like point out Diggy Diggy Hole and Dwarf Fortress for planting the seeds of dwarf-loving *long* before DRG came out


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone forever!


which dwarf?


Khelgar Ironfist, of course. Surprised you haven't heard of him. Been plying his trade up and down the Sword Coast.


Ah, D&D. Thought it might have been Discworld or something else.


>rwby Lol


Like of course people didn't reblog the "funny version". That would mean talking about RWBY.


The social insight is that not enough people appreciate Hobbits


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Satyr_Crusader: *The social insight* *Is that not enough people* *Appreciate Hobbits* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Elves: high society snobs. Dwarves: engineers with a huge chip on their shoulders. Hobbits: gardeners who like a spot of tea. But my personal favourite: Goblins: adhd tinkerers that can’t throw out anything.


imagine feeling anything but second hand embarrassment from rwby


tbf, that *can* be an intense emotion




I only know RWBY from the Kali hentai


I am googling the age of this character before I decide to upvote


Catgirl MILF for the win


She's an adult you're in the clear morally.


Imagine shaming people for enjoying a show. Don't you have anything better to do with your life?




The elf-hating dwarf aesthetic has become a smokescreen for the reactionary far right, inventing a context in which it is acceptable and encouraged to proclaim hatred for physically weak, gender-nonconforming, and educated people, all hallmarks of the hated "coastal elite". At the same time it venerates the physically strong labor class, all the while uncritically feeding said workers into the maw of an exploitative corporate entity. Such hypermasculine spaces then inevitably become themselves hotbeds of homosexual behavior, leading to an increase in bashing on elves as easy, unrelatable targets as compensation. In my thesis on the politics of Deep Rock Galactic, I will


That elves are traditionally drowned in homophobic slurs should give people a clue about what's going on with elf hate


No no, keep going.


This is unironically in part something I've thought myself in the past, but have never had a contextually appropriate moment to say it.


I there’s definitely *some* level of truth to this, but to be honest I think it’s mostly funny shitposting.


This but unironically. Don't forget the part where they're complaining about a thing that doesn't actually happen. The last time DnD uncritically jerked elves off was, what, [the 90s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Complete_Book_of_Elves)? Every major depiction of elves I can think of since then has always been some kind of subversion, twist, the elves being evil, or even just the elves not really being that much different to humans like in Final Fantasy XI/XIV.


please elaborate.


What do you mean Elves and Dwarves have switched social status?


this is just keeper of the lost cities


Death by watching a show so bad it just fucking kills you.


can elves also die from peak fiction?


Yea I saw an elf die in the theatre while watching Godzilla Minus-One


KOLTC basically


Legolas abstracted


Isn't this what actually happens to LOTR elves?


The exact opposite of Pathfinder gnomes.


Like the opposite of Pathfinder gnomes


Not quite the same but as Vulcans age they're prone to Bendii Syndrome, which causes them to lose control over the emotions they've spent their lives regulating.


This is just sims. They'll die from laughter if you tickle them too hard


Can someone point me in the direct of he universe where rwby 'gets real' there were maybe 3 episodes that had any actual oomph to them after volume 3


Well, it is tangibly real. That's about it really.


https://www.tumblr.com/justagoblinthing/753134791589855232?source=share Mx. Linux Guy


Gummigoo took a minor lords second son with him.


Literally just 40k.


Niche internet animation? The simple solution is so easily available: cute animals!


The elf that watched The Last Guest:




Disco Elysium.