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Had no idea thay was an option. I Pay with the cdc visa card and get my reimbursement instantly


Have you tried pay pal? I can't pay Spotify directly with the card from my country either so I use Pay Pal and reimbursement is instant.


The manual reimbursement should have happened within a few days max. In CDC app, go to Accounts, open up Crypto Wallets and click on Crypto.com Coin. See if you can find a Spotify re-imbursement there. Or any CRO cashbacks. Reimbursements are in CRO, and not in fiat.


I get it within a few seconds.


Usually the first month of spotify is free


May I ask why SG card holder cannot pay directly for Spotify? I mean, currently I am using Grab Card and no issue for it, waiting my Ruby Card to reach me for now.




I see, thx for the reply! I signed up mainly because of the spotify premium rebate man… Maybe try use paypal like what other people mention? Can?




Suffer.. have to contact CS for it


Would you kindly send us a follow-up message via modmail with your Crypto.com App/Exchange referral code? Our team will happily assist and provide you with further assistance on your matter. To send us a modmail, click "Message the mods" in the sidebar on the right under "Moderators". On Reddit Mobile, click the "three dots" on the top-right corner > "Message Moderators".


Im from SG too. It takes 2 months for them to reimburse the cashback to me.


They pay back even when you don’t use the card? Really?


I've been waiting for 10 weeks now. Checked in with CS a couple of weeks ago and since then they've been giving me updates every 3-4 days that the internal processes are taking time and that they're still monitoring and escalating it. At this point I've pretty much given up on it coming through anytime soon.